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Betty is making a quiz team to destroy Bret and his team. So of course I joined it. And Jughead and me are going to Yale.

Jughead also told me Bret got into Yale.

Me, Toni, v, Cheryl, and Betty have been quizzing and practicing all the time.

"Welcome back to the regional RIVW quiz shows semi finals seaside high trails riverdale 210 to 240, and now for the final round. Which Venetian island has been famous for glassmaking since the 13th century?" The host asks

V buzzes in "murano"

"Correct" he says "what is the length of the diagonal if the side of the square is 10?" He asks

Toni buzzes "10 square root of 2" she says

"Correct" the host says

"My Brilliant little savant" Cheryl says

"What countries made up the original Axis powers in World War II?" He asks I buzz in

"Germany, Italy and Japan" I say

"Correct" he says

"Nice a" Toni says

"Which of the following is the powerhouse of the cell." He asks

Betty buzzes in "mitochondria" she answers

"Correct which Americans architects house in southwest Pennsylvania-" he starts but Cheryl buzzes before he can finish

"Frank Lloyd wright" Betty answers
"Who also designed thornhill I knew that" Cheryl says

"Well times up riverdale has won they will go on to face stonewall prep in the finals" the host says after the bell rang

Me and Betty were at the drinks

"Hey Betty, Avery you did great out there" Charles says

"Great might not be good enough to beat him" Betty says

"We will crush those stonewall prep jerks" I try to reassure Betty

"Ah that's Bret huh?" Charles asks

"Bret Weston Wallis clearly came here to throw me off my game. Is there anyway you could help me with him?" Betty asks Charles

"As long as it doesn't involve shallow graves and lye" Charles says

"Yeah next thing we know darla knows him and she's threatening us again, can we remind the town not to fuck with people she knows cuz she almost killed me on thanksgiving" I say

"What?" Betty asks

"Oh yeah we didn't tell you I'll fill you in later" I say

"Well ok and no I just wanna make him sweat" Betty says

"He's the son of a diplomat, brags about being untouchable" I say

"But what skeletons are buried in his closet? Any intel you could find that would help me mess with his mind would be much appreciated." Betty says

"Is it because he got into Yale and you didn't?" Charles asks Betty.

I know it's a touchy subject for her so I rarely ever bring up me going

"Alice to me. She also told me you got into Yale Avery so congrats on that" he says

"Thanks Charles" I mumble

"Charles I worked my ass off for four years, I put in extra time at the blue and gold, I maintained a 4.1 GPA and I still didn't get in. Not knowing why is driving me crazy." Betty says

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