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In the morning I speak to my dad about getting Bret moved. He eventually agreed to do it.

I also spoke to v she asked me not to tell Jughead so I didn't even tell sweets knowing sweets would tell Jughead. I was gonna let Betty come clean and if she didn't by graduation then I was gonna tell Jughead.

I went to see Bret with Betty and Jughead but Bret was murdered.

We were getting fitted with our gowns when Betty and Jughead came up to me and sweet pea

"Do you know what's wrong with Archie?" Betty asks me

"No but you two seem very close why don't you don ask him" I say bitterly.

I go to see Bret's body with Betty and Jughead

"Do you always get body's from my dads prison?" I ask

"Indeed I do but mr Weston Wallis is a curious case." Curdle jr says

"Curious how?" Betty asks

"There were multiple stab wounds to his abdomen, but that's not all" he says and takes the sheet off

I gasp and turn away

"His eyes-" just starts

"Were gouged out yes" mr curdle says and covers him back up.

The Malloys came back. Attacked v at s dumpster was about to kill her but thank god our half sister had her legal gun and saved her. Self defense.

But that means problems, if they have more family which I suspect they do. They won't be far behind.

I go with the three to find David and David was hanging

"Looks like you were right Jughead David was tying up loose ends first Bret then himself" Charles says
"So much for answers" I say
"Dead men tell no tales" jug says
"Did David seem suicidal to you?" Betty asks

"Maybe he decided suicide was him only escape" Charles says
"Plausible" jug says
"I don't know it all just feels a little....to....neat" Betty says

"Or David was working for or with someone who Jughead says is tying up loose ends and trying to lead us off their trail" I say

"That's more of what I was thinking" Betty says

At pops Jughead tells me how he got accepted into college I hugged him.

Doan was murdered and Donna thinks she's next.

Jug got a video the person wa in their house they went into jellybeans room and touched her face with a knife. I was beyond pissed.

Betty suspects it's Charles which I was also suspecting. Betty called me and I met her and Jughead at their house.

I was hiding I hear the door open and Charles walk in

"I got your message" Charles says

"Thanks for coming Charles. Found your bug" Betty says me knowing she's holding it up.

"On the phone. Same kind you gave me to use on the stonies. You got sloppy or over confident" Betty says

"Maybe I wanted to be caught. Just waiting for you to catch up to me." Charles says

"You've been listening to our phone conversations since Halloween if not before." Betty says

"Yes but only to protect you Betty." Charles says

"You killed Joan and Bret. Don't lie to me I'll know" Betty says

"I did. Yes." Charles says

"And you tired to kill Donna but she slipped away. Why?" Betty asks

"Donna and her friends committed a heinous crime and got away with it. It didn't sit right with me." Charles says

"Bret didn't get away with it. He was in prison." Betty says

"Bret was odious" Charles says and me and jug walk out

"Yes, he was you know it took us a second to figure out how you did it" Jughead says

"Killing Bret in prison and then it made so much sense your boyfriend chic killed him" I say

"That's what Bret was going to tell us, that you and chic were still in deep." Betty says

"True love knows no boundaries." Charles says

"I'm gonna guess that Joan and Bret aren't the only people you've killed" Betty says

"That's correct. How did you guess?" Charles asks

"Because you taught us everything we know about serial killers chuck" I say

"Because that's what you are, isn't it, Charles?" Betty asks

"You two are so good at identifying us. That was your blind spot and I only kill people who deserve it. Horrible people who hurt those that I love." Charles says and jug scoffs

"Betty I'm putting myself in your hands" he says and Betty pulls out a gun

"You're going to prison for the rest of your life" Betty says

"Tell chic I said hello" I say

"You're coming with us and you are going to confess to all of your crimes including the videotapes" Betty says

"No no I'm not the auteur." Charles says

"Yes you are you killed David" jug says

"You made it look like suicide then tried to convince us that's what it was and then you framed him as the auteur because we were getting to close" I say

"Well, yes, I...I killed David but he was a degenerate who helped scumbags like Bret but I'm not behind the videotapes" Charles says

"Then who is?" Jug asks

"What kind of teacher would I be if I just have you the answer baby brother? You'll figure it out. I have no doubt" Charles says

Our mom is divorcing our dad and she's moving to the city to become a house wife our dad is leaving as well, v and our half sister is taking over the family business. They asked if I want in but I declined I was fine with half of pops still.

Betty was right her brother was a serial killer.

I get a call from Jughead. It was jellybean.

She wanted Jughead to stay and they roped in more kids.

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