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I go home since v and I have to welcome the mafia sons to riverdale.

"Get dressed mi hermana we have guests to meet" v says I get dressed into a mid thigh black dress with my pearls and black heel boots. V covers my cut on my face

"Ready mi hermana" I say she wraps her arm into mine.

"Well we'll well" v says as we enter the dining room

"Aren't you boys a handsome assortment of he-devils" I say walking to the table

"Veronica, Avery these young men have come to pay their respects" our mom says

"Oh we know why they're here mom and while we are dying to hear proposals we are already late for school" v says

"But maybe we can squeeze you in tomorrow?" I ask smirking

My mom grabs us "uh..tomorrow?" She whispers

"You do things your way mom we do it ours" v says

And she walks off one of the boys looks at me "what happened to your hand?" He asks I look down and my bruised and cut up knuckles

"A guy pissed me off when I had him tied up for trying to kill me" I say

"What?" My mom asks

"Oh yeah you didn't know" I say and catch up with v

We get to school and I walk up to sweet pea Who's in the class room with the other serpents I have a black purse on my arm

"Hey guys" I say

"Wow you look expensive" fangs says to me laughing

"Well I had to go home to meet some men that are dying to speak to me about arranging some business" I say

"What?" Sweet pea asks

"Oh don't worry my sweets they are mafia sons" I say and run my hand through his hair

"Mafia?" He asks

"I just have to humor them and pick one to go into business with" I say and kiss his cheek

"Don't worry I only have eyes for one and he's a snake" I say and he smiles

Jughead gets in

"War baby called my father and I from shankshaw her old adversaries the ghoulies had been released word on the street is that they want serpent blood they're gunning for a re match they want war" and Reggie rushes in

"Which one of you reptiles was screening midge klump" Reggie says and I walk up to him

"What the hell is going on this is a private meeting" Jughead says

"I'm guessing it was you, sweet pea you have a reputation of stealing our girls" Reggie says and I push him

"Reggie stop" I growl and sweet pea grabs me

"Reggie that's enough" Archie says "you ass I didn't even know midge, plus I'm good with my girl" he says to Reggie "but yeah I get why she wouldn't want fleas from you mangy bulldogs" sweet pea says and Reggie pushes him

I push Reggie back and Archie and kev grab him

But sweet pea tries to get to him but the serpents hold him back we finally separate them

"What is your problem Reg" I ask him

"Your boyfriend is my problem ave, teach your snakes how to get their own girls instead of stealing them" he says and they all leave I run out and grab Reggie

"Why can't you admit you messed us up not me not sweet pea" I say

"Because I seen your phone you were always texting him why do you think I became distant anyway" he yells

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