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Last thing I remember is they were putting me to sleep.

I woke up in a bed. I got up and seen a dress in front of me. It was a black gown dress with a black jacket and heels

'Please wear this to dinner we are awaiting you downstairs'

I put it on and walk in the hall I see Betty I go up to her and hug her

"I should have believed you I'm so sorry" I say

"It's ok let's find out what's happening" she says I nod my head and we get to the stair way and see Penelope blossom. With Archie, Veronica, and Jughead all dressed up.

"Guys" Betty says as we get almost to the bottom of the stairs

"Elizabeth, Avery, pretty. Good evening. Come and join us why don't you" Penelope says

"Penelope. What... what is this place?" Betty asks

"This is the blossom hunting lodge on the grounds of Thornhill" Penelope says

"How did we get here?" I ask

"I bought you two from mr evernever just as he was about to cut you into butchers parts Elizabeth" Penelope says

"Now Agatha here will show you to your place" Penelope says we turn to

"Sister woodhouse" Betty says
"You naughty naughty girl" she says to Betty

"Agatha was one of my mentors she cared for me when I was an orphan at the sisters of quiet mercy" Penelope says as she leads me next to v and Betty next to Jughead

"Taught me everything I know about poisons" Penelope says as we sit

"The murdered nuns" Betty says she turns to Agatha "you did that?" To which she nods

"Oh loose ends, such a bother aren't they?" Penelope says

"Loose ends? Is that what we are" V says

"Oh gosh no not you, you are featured players the sons and daughters of the original midnight club" Penelope says

"Jug what's happening?" Betty whispers to him

"I've almost figured it out" he whispers back

"Oh have you?" Penelope asks "because if anybody could it would be you mr jones but first two more guests" she says and rings a bell

"I believe you know them already" she adds

The black hood and the gargoyle king

"What have I told you no masks at the dinner table take them off" Penelope says

Hal takes his off first "oh my god" Betty whispers
The king is about to

"Wait king before you do, hellcaster care to take a stab" Penelope says

"Sure, Arthur Conan Doyle famously said, once you eliminate the impossible whatever remains however improbable must be the truth. In which case whoever it is underneath that mask must've had a connection to Hal and to you Penelope but it's not Jason because he's dead even though his corpse is missing the one corpse that hasn't been accounted for and who was last seen by the black hood" Jughead starts

"Chic" me Betty and Jughead all say in which he takes it off showing it's actually him. But his hair was dyed red

"What the hell?" Archie asks

"Since when does chic have red hair?" V asks

"I'm guessing since he started working with Penelope doing her bidding but this was after he got the gargoyle symbols tattooed on his back it's why Ethel said the gargoyle king was Jason" Jughead says I look at Penelope

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