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I woke up to see Jughead in the bed next to me and FP at his feet sleeping in a chair. Jughead shakes groans and turns to see me.

He then looks at his dad "dad" he groans his dad jumps up and sees we are up "jug, Avery"

"What did we miss" Jughead asks

"What you two did brought every serpent I've ever known out of the woodwork and you would've been proud of em boy" he explains to us

"It looked like we were gonna win the day but in the end there were just just to many ghoulies it was like shooting snakes in a barrel" FP says

"Sweet pea" I ask

"He's alive" he says to me "he fought hard for you he was pissed, we all were" FP says

"Why? Why did you go" jug asks

"I wanted to avenge you both" FP says

"I had an agreement with Hiram lodge" Jughead says

"There was no stopping the others they were churned up about you two and fangs even though fangs is. He's alive" FP says and I start crying

"Oh my god" I cry feeling happy

"Fangs is alive?" Jughead asks and FP nods

"But I thought?" Jug says confused as I am "a deputy called you and told you he was dead" jug asks

"Yeah that was a lie" FP says

"A ploy you mean, to goad the serpents into a fight they couldn't win. All of riot night was a hiram lodge orchestrated mousetrap and the serpents followed me right into it" Jughead says

"The sunny side trailer park fell, and while our trailers still standing most of them burned" FP says We both stayed silent

"After the rumble, some of the serpents defected they.. they joined the ghoulies others were Arrested more went into hiding the rest they left town the serpents they don't exist anymore we had our time nothing for you two to do but get better and be there for Betty" FP says

"Betty?" Jughead says

"Is she ok?" I ask

"What happened with Betty" jug asks
And FP told us about her dad

"My dad and mom have they been up to see me?" I ask FP

"Your sister wouldn't let your father anywhere near here, but he's mad. He's mad you were there and that they touched you" FP says

Later Betty comes up to see us and lays with jug and i Fall asleep.

Later that night Archie and v come to see us as well

"We'll be out of here first thing tomorrow" Jughead says

"That's good" Archie says "because we still need your brain and Avery's wrath there's another mystery to solve. Mr cooper was at the town hall when some other black hood took shots at the candidates and he was at home with Betty and mrs cooper when another black hood, probably the same as the one at the town hall, came after me and my dad so" Archie says

"Well a second black hoods attacks at the town hall and on your dad seem to indicate a political motive which to me suggests" Jughead starts

"That my father is behind them" I say finishing his sentence

"I don't disagree with Fred out of the way our mothers path to victory is that much more assured" v says

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