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My dad walked into my room
"Veronica and Archie are going away for the weekend with Jughead and Betty at the lake house why don't you invite sweet pea" he says

"No thanks dad it's not really his scene" I say

"Ok we'll I'm hosting a meeting here so i don't want you around here so why don't you go stay with sweetpea for the weekend" he says

"Yeah sure I'll call him and ask him" I say and he nods "I want you protected so stay around with him and the serpents I know they care about you" he says and walks away

I go to school and walk up to sweet pea and Toni and fangs "hey guys" I say
"Hey" they all say and sweetpea kisses my head

"Can I stay with you for the weekend" I ask him

"Um yeah why" he asks

"My dad is doing this meeting here and my sister is being sent off with arch and Betty and Jughead and so he wants me to be safe since I said no to going" I say

"Of course I'll protect you" he says and kisses my head "finally a weekend together" I say

"What are you guys gonna do" Toni asks

"He's taking me out on a date" I say happily I kiss his lips "I gotta get to class but after school I will pack my bags" he says

"Ok I will go with you and we can just go to my place from yours" he says and I nod and I go off.

After school I get on his bike and I take him up to my room

"How this room is almost as big as my trailer" he says sitting on my bed I chuckle and start packing.

"Yeah it's a little much isnt it" I say

"Mija" I hear and I see my dad

"Hello sir" sweet pea says standing up

"Oh yes sweet pea, now I don't want my daughter anywhere near here this weekend. Can I count on you to protect her?" He asks sweet pea

"Of course is never let anything happen to her" sweet pea says

"Ok dad I'm off bye" I say and kiss his cheek

"Come on my sweets" I say and lead him out

We get to his house and I sit on his bed. He comes up and kisses me. I soon get a call and it's Jughead

"Hey" I answer
"Hey" he says
"how's the lake house jug" I ask
"Um it's good hey I have a question did you know that Betty and Archie kissed around Christmas?" He asked
"Whoa they did they no I didn't that's around the time I started hanging out with sweetpea a lot more" I say
"Ok thanks" he says
"Are you ok?" I ask him
"Yeah I'll talk to u about it on Monday" he says
"Ok bye jug" I say and hang up

"What did he want?" Sweet pea asked
"He just wanted to know if I knew something cuz I guess everyone of my friends was keeping it from him and me" I say
"Awe" he says and kisses me I deepen the kiss and pull him on top of me I put my hands under his shirt "we haven't been alone for even an hour and you are already undressing me?" He asked amused

"I can't help it you just so hot" I say kissing him I push him off me a little and take my shirt off

"Now I can't say no to that can I" he says and takes his shirt off and jumps on me

After I lay in his bed "wanna go to the wyrm and play some pool?" He asks me

"Sure" I say I put one of sweet peas shirts on and some pants and my serpent jacket.

We get there and we play some pool with fangs and drink.

"Hog eye hit me" I say and he pours me some whiskey. I down it "ok baby your getting tipsy" sweet pea says taking the empty glass from me. I wrap my arms around his neck having to stand on my tippy toes and him to bend over a bit

"You are so tall" I tell him And he laughs "you know if we had a kid they around be a perfect size since I'm short" I slurr

"Oh yeah do you think about us having kids often?" He asks me
"I've thought about our future, I mean my dad is trying to kick you guys out and I'm paper of the business and I'm rich and your-" I say and he looks at me

"I'm poor" he says "yeah" I say regretting my words
"It's fine ave I've come to terms with that I'm broke and your not I mean how can I not I get my clothes from old navy and you get brand name clothes. Reggie made sure that I knew how much you cost" he says

"I would give away every penny to my name if it means being with you" I whisper to him and he smiles and kisses me "come on it's getting late" he says and grabs our jackets.

The next day I get dressed and we go to the diner to eat.

"So I know you have explained it to me before but why me I'm a northy and your a south sider so what about me struck you?" I ask him

"Well your beautiful, yes I still hate north siders but your different you have proven you aren't a bitch" he says laughing

"You hate all of my friends don't you" I ask him

"I don't hate Jughead I deal with Betty but your sister and Archie I'm ok with them they have tried that's all I can ask for right" he says and I nod my head

Sweet pea gets a call from fangs "hello"
"Yeah, your kidding? We'll be right there" he says and hung up

"What?" I ask him
"We're not losing our homes everything has been paid for" he says Jumping up I stand up and jump on him "oh my god" I say

"Let's go everyone is celebrating" he says we pay our bill and go over to FPS

I stand outside while they all cheer "dad" I say as he answers my call "hello mija"

"What's your agenda" I ask him
"Celebrate with your friends mija we will talk business on Monday" he says and hangs up

I go in and party with everyone I hug Toni and we drink.

I go to the new movie with sweetpea we were supposed to meet fangs and Toni.

I see Toni talking to Cheryl "oh look there's Toni come on" sweet pea says

"No lets go get a seat" I say "huh" he asks

"Let's leave them" I say and go get a seat with sweet pea

After the movie I get missed called from Betty I call her back "hello?" I say "your dad just bought the register" she says

"What?" I say "I'm not allowed to go home I will call him though" I say "ok thanks" Betty says I hang up

"Everything ok?" Sweets asks
"No my dad just bought the register, something is going on and I don't like it" I say
"Come on" he says and we go back to his house.

He takes me back home after I get my things

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