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We all sat and talked about riverdale.

That night I went home "where have you been?" He asks drunk
"I was seeing some old friends I might be staying here longer than I planned I need to save my town" I say
"Well tomorrow I'm going home, I was work so you can stay here and do whatever it is you want" he says and he gets up
"Are you mad at me for some reason?" I ask
"Am I mad? I've been stuck here all day waiting for you but guess what you were to busy with your friends who you haven't even spoken to it 7 years" he yells at me
"They are my family Anthony" I yell
"I'm your family" he yells throwing his drinking glass at me and it shattering above my head on the wall.
"I'm going to bed" he grumbles

I go back to pops and catch up with sweet pea.

The next day I see Anthony off and then go with Betty to clean out the fbi place.

"So how did the bughead reunion go?" Kev asks Betty
"As well as it could have, considering not all of us could be happily shacked up with our high school sweethearts kev" Betty says

"Uh two FBI agents and high school drama teacher." Kev says
"I'm technically not an agent yet" Betty says picking up a file I move a box

"Oh my god" Betty says
"What what is it?" Kev asks
"You find something?" I ask Betty
"Charles he kept files of everyone in my family, including me and...tapes of our phone conversations I think" Betty says and then she starts playing it

"Edgar is it really you" we hear Polly says
"No bitch it's your sister" Betty says
"What" Polly asks
"And you're as hood as dead to me now too" Betty says
"What the" Polly starts but Betty turns it off

"Is that?" Kev asks

"Me calling Polly on Halloween years ago" Betty says
"When you were getting weird phone calls" I say

After I go see sweet pea and fangs. I was also pissed at Jughead for mocking the serpents the way he did in his book. So I understood that sweet pea and fangs were pissed.

That night my father came down "toni topaz" my dad says

"You lost old man" sweets says my dad turns and looks at me "mija you didn't tell me you were in town we should catch up, how's the boyfriend?" He asks me

"One no way in hell I'm doing that and two are you stalking me I haven't spoken to you in 7 years and what the hell do you want with toni?" I say

"It's ok guys. I got this" toni says

"Look you can save your breath if your here to bribe me. Or threaten me into giving up the fight to save riverdale high" toni says

I get up and go sit with fangs and sweet pea

"Where's the boyfriend ave" fangs asks me
"He went home" I say
"And you stayed?" Sweets asks me
"Yeah I did sweets I want to help rebuild this place I could easily get an investigation going on my dad. For now though I'm gonna ask toni if I can help around here. This is my home I hate seeing it like this especially because of that monster I share blood with" I say

Sweets rests his hand over mine "good thing your nothing like him" sweet says smiling at me

We watch the conversation with my dad and toni my dad looks at me

"You look hood mija I hope you don't fall back with him." He says and leaves I roll me eyes and scoff at him.

Betty calls me "I wanna help Archie take the town back" she says
"I was just talking to sweet pea and fangs about that. We should open an investigation on my dad Betty. Let's bring our town back one place at a time" I say

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