2 (s2e4)

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This isn't a Reggie book I swear I am just putting the foundation down don't worry there will be more sweet pea soon.

The next morning I sit with v as our parents talk to us about the video Archie posts. I could see Reggie was wearing a mask in it. I would know his abs anywhere

"To be honest, I had no idea what Archie was thinking" v says

"He didn't say anything to you about this video, either of you?" My mom asks

"Am I my boyfriends keeper" v asks and I smile
"He didn't say anything to me about it" I say

"Basta mijas" my mother says and I roll my eyes
"This isn't something you should be joking about" she says

"It's a video mom-" v tries

"Yes, threatening violence" she says

"To the black hood not to us" I say
"Daddy can you please tell mom she's overreacting?" V asks

"On this matter Veronica I stand with your mother" he says

"Why would you even ask that? You knew what his response would be" I say standing up

"Which means your done dating Archie Andrew's and your done being friends with him" she says and I laugh

"Mother if I wanted your opinion on my friends I would have asked, you don't rule my life. I will be friends with whoever I choose, plus you have no room to talk considering who you married. A con man who sent some hoodlums from prison to destroy Archie's dads things. As far as I'm concerned daddy's worse than anyone in this town." I say "let's go mi hermana" I say and Veronica stands up

"Correct, this isn't Amish country mom, I can date who I want to date and I'm not jumping to conclusions until I hear Archie's side of the story" she says and she grabs her stuff and we head out.

I meet up with Reggie.

"Hey baby" he starts

"What the hell reg" I say

"Whoa what I do" he asks

"That video, don't play dumb I know your abs anywhere no matter what mask you wear. If my parents were to find out you were apart of that, let alone if the black hood found out. My parents are forbidding my sister from dating Archie." I say

"Calm down no one is gonna know I was apart of it" he says

"I don't care reg my parents think your being crazy and that your dangerous and frankly I agree with them" I say

"I'm just trying to protect you" he says

"I don't need your protection if it means you are becoming a target yourself, I want the video gone reg" I say

"How about we talk about how I got told my girlfriend was hangout with serpents a gang in front of south side high a few days ago wanna tell me about that" he asks

"I was seeing jug and they were there I was talking to them, not much to tell" I say

"They are thugs Avery, I don't want you hanging around them again" he says

"Imma tell you what I told my parents, you will not tell me who I can and cannot hangout with, do we understand you are my boyfriend not my keeper. They aren't thugs Reggie they are actually nice people your just being a jerk" I say

"So you can do something dangerous but I can't?" He asks
"I'm hanging out with high school students reg not going directly after a serial killer reg" I say and storm off

I walk into the blue and gold with kev and sit down.

"Betty, okay. So telling my dad about me cruising the woods not cool" kev says

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