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I walked into the gym with Archie and the guys and everything was trashed

"What, Andrews you asked us to be big brothers, not soldiers in a turf war. Who did this?" Reggie asks
"I got a pretty good idea" Archie says we went down to look at the damage and call FP

"It was definitely dodger he's been coming after us for weeks we've been chipping away at his gang, there's more kids getting off the streets, but there's only so much we can do until dodger himself is behind bars." Archie says

"I can add sketch alley to the nightly patrol red" FP says

"That's great but go after dodger he works out of the wipeout arcade" Archie says

"You know FP can arrest dodger without something on him like catching him doing something illegal arch otherwise we'd only have 24 hours to hold him" I say

I then go to school and meet with Betty and kev

"So based on the last few of followings Charles this is what I've logged. 7am he leaves the five seasons where he has a suite and goes to the FBI field office he has all of his meals at pops or our house. And then rounding out his daily routine, he goes to the casa grande gym for a 90 min workout including weekends and then goes back to the five seasons" Betty says

"Well um I'm no expert Betty but... it doesn't sound like Charles is a serial killer" kev says

"Yeah he's just boring and has no friends" I say

"Yeah kinda just sounds like he's a... a lonely gay guy" kev says

"You are really hoping he's gay huh?" I ask kev with an amused look on my face. And he nods his head "yeah" he says

"Or maybe he's both.....Oh my god. Of course" Betty says and me and kev give each other
'Do you know what she's talking about' looks

After school I get called to v's

"Now that the trials are over, I think it's time to let bygones be bygones." Our dad says

Our sister says something but I tuned her out since I hate her

"I want us to move forward. No more secrets no more lies." He says

"Speaking of secrets and lies, how many more secret children should we be expecting?" V asks

"Hermosa is your one and only half sibling. I swear" he says

"To bad you swearing means nothing to me dad, but whatever she can take my room I'm not coming home. Ever again. Im gonna finish school join the fbi after college" I say

My mom grabs my hand "if we did decide to move forward together...what exactly would that look like?" Our mom asks

"Well, now that the prison is bringing in a good income, I'd like to return to my true passion" my dad says

" extortion?" V asks

"Murder?" I ask

"Rum" our 'sister' says "papi's passion is rum" she says

"Mmm no I'm pretty sure it was what we said" I say pointing between me and v

"Rum has been in our family for generations, and hermosa, who runs our clubs in Miami, will be staying in riverdale, to establish a rum outpost here" our dad says "I also thought she could help out at the speakeasy" and I laugh

"No way in hell" I say as v says "no we don't need anymore help at la bonne nuit"
"with the exception of our newest hostess" I say talking about mom
"And seeing as how this is our house, you two can show yourselves out." V says

"Yeah imma head out as well v I got a FBI class to get to, we're talking about serial killers. And as much fun it is speaking to one right now. I should go" I say and stand up and leave

At school I sat with sweets in the lounge it's rare when he hangs out with my friends but I've been so busy lately that it's been hard for him and I to find time together besides at night.

"You guys don't have any spare arcade games lying around, do you?" Archie asks

"What is this now archiekins?" V asks

"I'm trying to get these kids away from dodgers arcade, step one give them another option." Archie says

"What your doing at the el royale is so inspiring Archie, but not enough people know about it." V says

"Well I can write about the center in the blue and gold" Betty says

"And and me and sweets and the serpents can try to spread the word" I say

"And I'll ask my vendors to see if they can help rustle up some arcade games" v says

The next day I was working out at the gym when v showed up "I see you got my arcade games but where are the kids?" V asks

"A good question, Toby Eddie" arch calls to the two kids who walk in

"Where are your boy? Didn't you tell them that we got arcade games they can play for free" Archie asks

"Yeah but dodgers still giving them free pizza" Eddie says

"Alright well you can tell your boys that tonight it's not just video games that are free at el royale it's burgers and fries and milkshakes from pops" v says

"Well get the word got come on" Toby says and they run off

"I'll call pops and make the order" I say and walk away pulling my phone out

Later the kids are having fun

Reggie runs up to me "where's Archie some dude named dodger is outside and wants to see him" he asks grabbing my shoulders I point to where Archie is and Reggie runs off

"Shit" I mumble

Then next day I was at pops with v when our sister walked in sweets was eating some food.

"It's open seating specials are on the board" v says to her

She sits down a seat from sweets "I should go me and some of the serpents got some stuff to do" he says he leans over the counter and kisses me before paying for his food and leaving.

"Actually I came to have a little chat sisters to sisters" she says

"Met me guess. Daddy sent you?" V asks

"One last valiant tactic to get us back into the family fold?" I ask

"You two are very smart, Veronica, Avery. You two don't know our father as well as you think you guys do" she says

"There is literally nothing you could tell us about Hiram lodge that would surprise us." V says

"My mommy was a singer at one of papi's Miami clubs, Sala de Oro...where they met. They had a fling" she says

"Tale as old as time" v says

"He took advantage of her, she got pregnant, he left her high and dry" I say

"Actually he took care of her, until she died and then he took care of me. Papi and your mother are renewing their vows tomorrow, and they'd like for you both to come." She says

"You're kidding" v says

"Come or don't I'm just the messenger" she says "look you're entitled to your opinions of him but the father I know....there's hood in him" she says I lean over

"Then you obviously don't know the real him" I say and she leaves

I skipped their ceremony.

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