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It was now Tuesday. Back to school, everyone mourned the loss of Archie's trial.

Now there's been a suicide and an attempted suicide. Dilton our friend is dead and Ben his friend is hanging on by a thread. Jughead found them he told me that was it besides the sheriff.

I've tried to keep busy along with v and getting as many shifts as I could.

I was in pops cleaning up as the three amazing fathers of riverdale sat in front of me and Veronica.

FP Jones, Fred Andrew's, and Tom Keller.

"I just got off the phone with the warden at juvenile hall he says that Archie's been processed. He's ok" Fred says sitting down

"Thank god" v says pouring FP a cup of coffee

"Yeah I got a line on those three thugs that gave false testimony against him" Fred mumbles to Tom

"I'm friends with the sheriff over at shadow county they found the remains of a campfire in the deep woods" Tom says

"Archie's in jail and these cretins are basically camping" v says

"It's not fair nor right" I say

"Not for long we'll make damn sure of that" FP says

"Meanwhile we'll keep the home fires burning at riverdale high so everyone knows my archiekins will be back in time for homecoming, and everything will be just as he left it" v says

"Agreed, I won't sleep until arch is home sleeping in his bed" I say

At school Jughead tells me he told Betty about what he found.

That night Jughead and I sat in the red room as he hydro dipped his film.

After school I caught a shift at pops. Before Jughead and Betty texted me to meet them at the hospital.

We were going to see Ben.

We walked in to see his mom with him "hi mrs button" Betty says

"We just wanted to see how he'd was doing" Betty says as we walk in more

"How do you know my bed" his mom asks

"Uh from school" I say

"And he and I used to work at the twilight drive in" Jughead adds

"Oh" she says

"How's he doing?" Betty asks

"He's stabilized but hasn't woken up yet" his mom says

"Do you know what happened in tue woods mrs button?" I ask her

"No bens always been a bit of an odd duck you could say. Kept to himself. Especially after his piano teacher was murdered. But this summer he became friends with.." his mom says

"Dilton doiley" Betty says

"That's right" she says

"Yeah he was our friend as well" I say

"It's like he became a different person, secretive sneaking out at all hours having these horrible nightmares" she says

"Mrs button" Jughead says I turn my head to him taking a voodoo looking thing off the door handle

"Do you know what this is or how it got here?" Jug asks
"Maybe that nice girl left it" she says
"Someone else came to visit Ben?" Betty asks
"Do you remember her name?" I ask
"A-another friend from school I don't remember her name she wore a bow in her hair" his mom says
"Ethel" I whisper to Betty and Jughead then sheriff minetta walks in

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