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The next morning sweet pea drops me off at home and I sneak in and take a shower and get dressed.

Veronica tells me what Nick did to Cheryl and to her I felt sick when I heard.

Cheryl and her mother have left. Her mother refuses to let her press charges.

Me and v go to school pissed off

I see Reggie and I walk up to him

"You wanna talk now?" He asks me

"No I wanted to tell you I moved on from you. I slept with someone last night" I say

"What? Who?" He growls I open my phone and show him the picture of me and sweet pea

"A serpent?" He asks me

"Yeah he's my friend" I say and shut my phone off
"Your a slut" he says

"No you are Reggie cuz at least I waited until we were over, you couldn't do that" I say

We all get phone calls and end up leaving school to meet our parents.

"Riverdale a beat and brightest, huh?" Alice says

"Alice thank yo for hosting" the mayor says

"Of course mayor McCoy when I heard what happened at nicks party I decided that we should come together to deal with this motley crew of liars, dope-fiends, and fornicators except for my Betty and Avery who were smart enough to leave the party before it descended into a bacchanalian free for all" Alice says

"Oh, my god. Mom, please don't" Betty says

"Here we go" v whispers to me and Archie "saint betty and succubus Veronica" she says

"What" I whisper back

"So, this is for clarity, Alice you're hosting this little get together to what?" Fred starts

"You know I may have taken jingle jangle but she's the one who had a psychotic break" v starts and I stand up

"Can I leave since I left the party?" I ask

"Sit" Alice says to me and gets the others attention

"Careful throwing stones there, acid- queen Alice. I'm not the only one in this room that knows the story behind that mugshot that your daughter printed in her paper, and my mija also left the party not just yours" my father says and I smile

"We'll I for one would like to know who brought the jingle jangle to the party" my mom asks and no one speaks

Reggie raises his hand and his mom pulls his hand back down "Reginald not a single word out of your mouth until we get a lawyer" his moms says

"No All Reggie needs to tell us, melinda is how he acquired it" my dad says

"Some gang member who deals on the south side" Reggie says

"Oh my hood you have a dealer?" His mom asks

"Once again mayor the south side is the source of all our problems" my dad says

"That's bullshit dad and you know it" I say standing up

"Was he a serpent does he go to south side high" Fred asks Reggie and I look at him and he glared at me

"I think so, yeah" he says

"What does it matter not all sorrow fs are drug dealer's" Archie says

"Nun of them are arch" I say

"Archie not helping" Fred says

"Look we shouldn't have taken the jj but nicks the one who asked Reggie to get it and then pushed it on us" v says I look at Reggie and he's looking at the ground

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