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We came back home after awhile sweet pea was so happy to see me but since the quarantine a lot of things have changed.

As we walked through school sweet pea had his arm around me.

"No touching" moose says stepping in front of us

"What?" Sweet pea asks

"It's the rules touching is to a minimum" he says

Sweet pea steps up to moose "your not gonna tell me I can't touch my girlfriend alright? I am making up for lost time due to the fact this town went under quarantine and she couldn't come back and Neither her nor I had had a seizure nor has there been any reports of one in weeks, so get out of my way before I make you" sweet pea says poking his chest

"We don't make the rules" moose says

"No but your standing in front of me enforcing it" sweet pea says

"Moose we're all friends here just let us pass ok" I ask and he looks at me then back at sweet pea and then moves

"Good choice" sweet pea says and wraps his arm around me and we head to class.

The next day we all gathered together "all right serpents it's come to my attention that one of us had been dealing fizzle rocks, slinging dope is not what serpents do. So from this moment on we're going clean. There'll be no selling or doing drugs. No crimes of any kind will be tolerated anyone that breaks the serpent code will be exiled permanently" Jughead says

"I think it's pretty ridic that you vanish for a month on some vision quest with your besties, only to return and lecture us about responsibility" Cheryl says

"We got no money coming in jug I mean how are we supposed to eat, survive?" Fangs says

"Juggy fangs is right I agree no dealing but we need an income and quick" I say to him

"We'll figure it out and get back to you fangs all of you in the meantime in unity there is strength" FP says putting his to fingers up and curled like serpent teeth

We all follow "in unity there is strength" we all chant.

That night I step out to take a phone call

"Hey axel, how's everything there?" I ask him

"It's good. Your back home now I heard that awesome, maybe I can come down sometime" he says

"That would be awesome axe, I don't know if you would like it it's kinda crazy right now" I chuckle

"Yeah i bet, trying to get up on your feet again" he says

"Yeah. It's good hearing from you how's jb?" I ask

"Bossy but she's good" he says

I don't realize sweet pea steps out and is listening to me.

"When you do come here there is the swimming hole I have to show you" I say

"I can't wait I'll bring my swim suit" he says and I laugh

"Ok I gotta go it's getting late, by axe" I say

"Alright sleep tight I'll text you in the morning" he says

"Sounds good bye" I say and hang up I turn around to see sweet pea sitting down

"Who was that?" He asks me

"Oh that he's a friend I met on the run with Jughead and Archie" I say

"Is he the person your always calling and texting?" He asks and I go over to him and kiss his lips

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