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Archie has been hanging out a lot more he's doing this internship with him.

I stood there with v as Archie entered she wore this beautiful white dress that flowed with pear flowers for the collar. And white shoes getting the hem done I stood next to her In a white skin tight dress to my thigh.

"Ronnie" Archie says

"That hems high enough, terry. It's a confirmation not a sock- hop" our mother told terry who was currently working on v's hem work

"Usually happens when you're 12 or 13, but our parents wanted the same Monsignor who baptized us." V starts

"Monsignor Murphy, he's a friend of the family" I but in

"Yes, they want him to confirm us as well" v said

"Wow, so this is a big deal, then?" Archie asks

"It is especially to our mom and dad" v says

"And our whole family" I say

"A lot of them are coming in for it" v says

"So do you guys have to memorize stuff?" Archie asks

"During the ceremony, Monsignor will ask us to renounce satan, which of course we will. But otherwise you mostly just do things in advance" v says

"Like picking a sponsor, we asked our abuelita" v says

"We decided since we are doing this together to have the same sponsor as well, to make everything easier" I say

"Yeah and we have to preform charitable works I'm volunteering at a soup kitchen if you'd care to join me" v says

"Not that anyone cares but I'm working on the south side. Giving out food and clothes to the people there" I say

"There they are" we hear our father say

"Let me take a look at you two" he says and all three of us stand up. He gasps "my two beautiful daughters confirmed in front of my family our family on mijas you've made me the happiest, and the proudest father alive" he says to us then looks at Archie

"What do you think, Archie? Aren't they miracles" He asks

"They are" he says smiling at v "they definitely are"

At school we all sat around "I already invited Archie and a invited her boyfriend but we want you guys to be there as well usually these kinds of events baptisms, confirmations are family only but since it's all about us And you guys are our chosen family, we pulled a few strings and reserved you a pew" v says

"What is the dress code?" Kev asks

"Catholic chic so dresses for the girls veils optional and coats and ties for the boys" I say

Betty and Jughead get called to the principals office.

I leave and go find sweet pea with Toni and fangs "hey my sweets and my two besties" I say to them

"Hey so what do I have to wear to that thing" he asks me

"You don't have to come I know it's not your scene it's not even mine I'm just doing it to please my parents" I tell him

"No I want to plus I've been asking to meet your parents" he says

"Ok a coat and tie and if you don't own it I will happily take you shopping" I say and kiss his cheek the bell rings so I go to class.

After school I go home with v

"Ooh-la-la" v says seeing a two gifts on the table with our mom

"Are those for us?" V asks

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