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"Perimeters clear moving in" we hear on the walk-ie from Jughead

We all go inside the dark school as Jughead leads us we all have weapons.

I go one way with sweet pea

"Sweet pea duck" Jughead says and we turn around

"Bang bang you're both dead" Tom says

"You killed us sweet pea nice" I say

"Always check your six deputies" Tom says

"It's a deadly mistake" FP says walking the other direction

"this is just a simulation but you don't get any do overs on the street" Tom says

"Which makes it all the more obvious that you boys and lady aren't ready for them" FP says "you wanna stop the rogue gargoyles work as a team til you've proven you can do that I'm not letting you out there do it again" FP says

And we walk back to the start sweets pats jugs back

The next day I hang out with sweet pea until Jughead called us

"The drug trade has reared its ugly head in riverdale yet again. Now my dad doesn't think we're ready but we're going to be riverdales unofficial DEA. That means we're gonna make life miserable for the gargoyles and run them out of our town but first, we're gonna hit the hotspots make sure Gladys isn't using any of Hiram's old infrastructure" jug says

I go with sweets to the comic book store

We walk in and look around "hey man" sweets says to the dude

"Can I help you?" He asks

"Yeah do you uh do you think I could get a little game enhancement? Me and my girl are about to go play some g&g" sweet says

"That's a limited edition" he says and hands sweets a comic book which he flips through and finds fizzle rocks

"50 bucks" the dude says

I put the money down and the guy try's to grab it but I pull it away

"Everything good?" He asks me

"Not for you" sweets says and pulls him around the counter and throws him against a table

Then Jughead walks in with some serpents

"Hey there remember me?" Jughead asks

"Last time we were here we were with the red paladin" I say leaning down to his ear and Jughead bends down

"That day we were in a good damn mood" Jughead says and I pat his head

"Can't say the same about today" I whisper in his ear and then stand up and fix my serpent jacket

And Jughead takes his blade out and opens it "but you can help us with that by telling me where all these drugs are coming from" Jughead says

"The gargoyles are dealing again" he quickly says

"Well that was quick, snitch much" I say

"Where are they selling from? We've been to all the hotspots" Jughead asks

"No it's old school street corners, but you can tell by the gargoyles on wires" he says and sweet pea lets him up and throws him

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