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The next day I spent the morning with my sons shopping for food and clothes. Sweetpea was off working with the serpents. I needed to work on my powers and how to use them at will. I signed Adrian up for daycare and Alec up for school since he's all caught up.

I drop alec at the diner and Adrian off with the babysitter

I go home and grab a knife and sit on the couch I slit my arm and it starts bleeding I try to focus I close my eyes and hover my hand over my arm after what feels like forever I feel warm coming from my hand I open my eyes and the light was shining and my arm was healed

I do it over and over again for hours and eventually I can do it without closing my eyes and on demand

I start trying to shift my power around my body after what felt like forever I felt the warmth.

My whole body was glowing I tried to push it out and it created a bubble around me a force Field
Blood was all over my pants and sweetpea walked in
"What the hell?" He asks me looking at the knife and my pants he rushes over and looks at my bloody arm
"There's no marks" he says
"Yes because I'm working on my powers" I say "I got it down" I say

"Let me test you" he says he grabs the knife and cuts his arm "heal it" it says I reach over and hover my hand over his arm and the light comes out and heals it

"Awesome" he says
"Check this out" I say and create the force field around me "try to stab me" I say
"Are you crazy?" He asks me
"Come on just try it if you stab me I'll just heal" I say he agrees reluctantly and tries to stab me. The knife doesn't go through my force field
"It didn't go through" he says he keeps trying after a few hits it goes through but he stops before stabbing me.

"I need more practice to make it stronger but imagine if I can push it onto people" I say
"That would be sick and very helpful" sweetpea says
"Have you been working on yours?" I ask him

"Yes I have quiz me" he says

"Where's Adrain?" I ask he looks away from me and focuses
"Babysitter" he says "alec" I ask
"At the diner with a girl" he answers
"Ok what about Betty?" I ask
"At Jugheads" he replies I knew he was right because she called me and told me Jughead was helping her un suppress her memories of childhood
"V?" I ask
"Her casino" he says "she looks weird though her face is covered so is her whole body" he adds
Again knowing he's right since she told me now that her body has a huge amount of poison in her and killed heraldo on accident

I get really light headed "sweets my blood sugar it's dropping very fast" I groan and lay down he jumps up and grabs me something quick to eat I eat it but it's not enough he gets me more and more
"I guess we found your down side" sweet pea says
"Yeah I can't heal to much or my energy runs out" I sigh

I get a call from v to meet at the wyrm in 30 for a drink

We all meet up at the wyrm Archie Betty sweetpea and v and I we all take a bunch of shots

"I thought your Brest feeding?" Betty asks me

"I pumped enough to last him I just have to pump a few and dump them tomorrow" I say

"Remember in high school when I sponsored that kissing booth?" V asks "well now I'm cursed with the kiss of death" v adds
"Welcome to the sad superhero club Ronnie" Archie says
"Thank you for risking cocktail hour with the spider women" v says
"Of course v and we're not in any danger from you you would have an aura" Betty says
"We all have downsides from our gifts, If I heal to much I lose energy and have to eat to rebuild it" I say
"What a great twist sis one twin with the curse of healing and the other will the curse of death" v says
"I get these super bad migraines that feels like my head is exploding" sweet pea says
"Sunglasses" Betty says to him and he nods
V sighs and removes her face covering "still... sounds like we're all having a time of it" v says
"Yeah I mean that's why I stopped micro dosing Cheryl's palladium soup I was losing strength density" Archie says

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