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We stood in the woods staring at the fire.

We all stood in our underwear besides Jughead around a fire Covered in blood. Archie holding jugheads beanie covered in blooded

"Archie" Betty says

"Archie" Betty says again trying to get his attention

"Archie!" She says louder he looks at us

"Are you listening to me?" Betty asks

"Yeah" he says

"We have to burn all of our clothes, including jugheads beanie we'll wash off the blood in the swimming hole. After tonight, se never speak of this, ever. Not to each other, not to our parents. No one. We finish our graduation our senior year we graduate and we'll go our separate ways that is the only way that we won't get caught. Do it" Betty says

Archie then throws Jughead beanie in the fire. We all watch it burn

We didn't speak on the way home.

I got to tent city and fangs crawled out of his tent

"Avery? What are you doing up and um where are your clothes" he asks turning his head away to be respectful

"Oh I was at a stone wall prep party and well we went swimming in the lake and some of the kids stole our clothes" I say not realizing Archie had also used the same excuse

"Damn those asshole, better get inside before you catch a cold" he says I smile and nod "night fangsy" I say and go into me and sweets trailer I put some sweats and a hoodie on before going to bed. But I couldn't sleep. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. I sobbed myself to sleep quietly.

The next day I sat in the diner "toga party, strip poker, and skinny dipping. At least two of us could think of the same story. Those are three wildly different activities. If our parents compare notes we could be in deep deep trouble." Betty says

"I panicked Betty I blurted out the first thing that came to mind" Archie says

"Me too" v says

"Me three but this is exactly the kind of mistake we can't afford to make Charles made that abundantly clear" Betty says

"At least for me fangs isn't gonna be speaking to anyone he probably already forgot what I said" I say

"I keep thinking we should've called someone other than Charles" Archie says

"Well it's to late now" I say

"No Charles was the right call to make. He's had experience dealing with-" Betty starts

"Bodies dead bodies" v says

"As a matter of fact yeah he's an expert without him we would all be in jail right now" Betty says

"For what we didn't do anything did we?" V asks

"Did we Betty?" I ask

"When Archie, Avery and I found you with Jughead-" v starts

"I had just found Jughead to" b says

"You we're holding the rock" I point out

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