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I get to breakfast with Archie, Betty, and Jughead

"Here's the deal Archie, I checked with my dad I pulled all the files on warden Norton after he committed suicide, I cleared out his office and found this" Jughead says gong Archie the card

"Quest card 'kill the red paladin' like the one Ricky had" Archie says
"These two cars are identical" I say to Archie
"That's the same design, same card stock. To me that indicates that someone printed out multiple 'kill the red paladin' cards, put them out into the world" jug says
"We need to find out who" Betty says
"I know where to start" Archie says

The next day was our deputy training.

"Today the serpents start a new chapter, you're no longer outlaws, you're law keepers. Which is why I've got Tom Keller here to help. He is the best damn sheriff riverdales ever had" FP says

"You can say that again" I say

"Thanks FP that's quite an introduction. Uh a lot of what we'll be doing over the next couple of months will be like basic training each junior deputy will be paired with an officer who will mentor them" Tom says

"Jughead boy, you're ridding with me. So are your Avery" FP says

I'm sitting in the back of the cop car.

"FP what will I do if we have to arrest someone?" I ask him

"Then you can keep an eye on them in the back" FP says

"Did you ever think in a million years that at 50 you'd be sitting in the drivers seat of a sheriff cruiser" jug asks
"No I never even imagined I'd make it to 50 figured that was my expiration date" FP says

"What did you think was gonna happen?" Jug asks

"Getting myself killed drinking myself to death, like my old man. In a way I'm uh I'm just happy to be here. Happy to be alive" FP says

"I speak for all the serpents when I say we are glad you are as well" I say

"Thanks kid" he reply's

"What are you most proud of?" Jughead asks

"You and your sister I'm uh proud of you both." FP says

"So we're really doing this? Moving to the north side into the cooper house? It's like a Norman Rockwell painting with leather jackets" jug says

"You know, you and jellybean deserve it. And for the first time ever I'm in a place where I can provide for my kids. I can put a real roof over your head food in your mouths" FP says

"We all know how much jug loves food" I joke

"Hey" jug says to me smiling

"It took me 50 years to get here" FP finishes and the dispatch goes off

"We've got a 10-23 at the chick'lit shoppe. Out"

"10-4 on my way" FP reply's

"I wonder what's happening at my diner" I ask

"Yeah what the hell is a 10-23" jug asks as the sirens start blaring and we make a u turn

We walk inside pops

"Hey pop what's going on?" FP asks
"Some fizzle rocks junkie spazzed out and threw coffee all over Delores, then ran out of here" v says

"I thought fizzle rocks were gone this whole candy epidemic was over?" Jug asks him dad

"I've heard rumors someone's looking to re open the candy store" FP says and goes gets pops statement

"I'll be in for a few shifts tomorrow morning and afternoon v thanks for dealing with everything while I deal with the serpent stuff" I say to her

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