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I woke up with sweet pea. We got dressed and ready for school.

We were all quietly working in biology when FP barged in

"Archie Andrews, Betty cooper, Veronica lodge, and Avery lodge you're under arrest for the cold blooded murder of my son, Jughead jones" FP says we stand up and get arrested

"This was their move the stonies we knew that they would do this" Betty says

"I hope your right Betty" v says

"Me too, sweets and fangs worship him if I lose them" I start

"You won't, everything's fine, okay? This is good this is where they start tripping up ok this will work it has to" Betty says

"You four sit tight I'll be bringing you in for questioning one at a time, and then we're finally gonna get to the bottom of what happened that night" FP says as he locks the jail cell "you understand me?" He asks and leaves

"When was the last time you saw him?" FP asks me
"I think the day before the party I was looking for him at the party but I couldn't find anyone" I say
"FP my daughters have nothing to do with this" my dad says from behind me

We end up getting let go

The next day I stood with sweet pea

Donna and Bret walk in and Bret walks up to me

"You've got a lot of nerve coming here, getting my girl arrested" sweet pea says

"Sweet pea it's ok mr jones said that they could come in" Betty say and I grab sweets hand "it's ok babe" I say Bret gets in my face
"Your not as innocent as you think" he says and sweet pea pushes him away from me

"Don't even think about touching her" he growls

And they walk in "a closed casket call me a doubting Thomas but that seems like a suspect choice with such a handsome cadaver" Donna says

"Classy as ever Donna the funeral home didn't even want us to have a casket here but it's serpent tradition" Betty says and I fix my serpent jacket I then get into her face "and if you make a scene at my best friends funeral I will throw your ass out" I say

"I want to thank you for coming today I know you all..loved my son" fp says i wrap my arms arms sweets and lightly cry into his chest and I see Donna and Bret looking at me.

"Things weren't always easy for us. But my boy was...always resilient...and loyal....and loving and uh" fp start but starts crying and sits down

Betty then goes up there

"Shh baby it's ok I'm here" Sweets whispers to me loud enough for Donna and Bret to hear

"As many of you know, Jughead was a fan of crime fiction. Detective stories. So to honor him I'd like to read a passage from one of his favorite Sherlock Holmes short stories. The final problem. An examination by experts leaves little doubt that a personal contest between Holmes and moriarty Andes in their reeling over, locked in each other's arms any attempt at recovering the bodies was absolutely hopeless and there deep down in that dreadful cauldron of swirling water and seething foam, will lie...will lie for all times the most Dangerous criminal and the foremost champion of the law of their generation" Betty says

After the service we stood around talking to pops I look over at Donna speaking to jellybean. Bret walks up to me

"You know the way he was comforting you almost reminded me of when you were in my bed and I was comforting you" Bret says

"What the hell are you talking about?" Sweets asks

"He's deranged my love, me and Bret hate each other I would never seek comfort in his arms" I say

"Why don't you go before I make you" sweets says
And Bret laughs "your gonna lie really" he asks me
"No Bret your the liar" I say

I turn and see Betty yelling at Donna I go and get in her face "one don't speak to jellybean she's mourning her brother you evil witch and two I told you what would happen" I say and I grab her and throw her out Bret follows "do it bret do it" Donna says
And he runs to the casket And rips the flowers
"Sweet pea" I yell and sweet pea grabs him
"What the hell do you think your doing" sweet pea ask and throws him out
"She told me to you heard her" Bret says
"You preppies don't know when to quit" Archie says

"Ok calm down guys he's not worth it he was leaving anyway" Betty says

Bret walks by me "oh Bret the fact you turn into a little bitch when my boyfriend grabs you brings me so much pleasure you wouldn't even know" I say in his face and then I wave bye to him
"Now good bye" I say
"Donna control your little pet ok? He's seems to have lost his cool" Betty says and they leave

The next day at school everyone was staring at us

I get a text to see Betty and Archie kissing.

I storm into the room with v

"Betty? Really, Archie? Of all people, Betty?" V asks
"This shit is fucked" I yell at them Archie stands up
"How could you do this to me?" V asks
"Ronnie what I don't-" Archie starts
"Save the lies you red headed bitch" I yell
"Don't play innocent with with Archie Andrews kissing my best friend in the music room where you and I had our fun" v says holding the picture of them kissing up
"Why should We be surprised that's your special place isn't it?" I say
"It's where you take all your women. Me, Josie, ms Grundy, and now Betty" v says
"And shame on you for taking advantage of our friend when she is grieving" I say
"And when she is at her most vulnerable b I need you to know I do not blame you" v says
"It's my fault I'm the one who started it I kissed Archie I'm so sorry" Betty says
"Sorry? Your sorry? You scheming two faces bitch Betty cooper" v says
"You know what you two deserve each other. Come on v they aren't worth it" I say
"Burn in hell the both of you" v says before we walk out

I sat with Betty in her room "you should have seen her face Avery" Betty laughs
"I wish I was there when she seen you and Archie getting it on" I say
"Jughead heard the whole thing" Betty says
"God we are evil" I say hugging her.

I go back home with sweet pea.

We sat home in front of Alice and her camera for her documentary

"The question still remains. Why did you do to such extraordinary lengths to convince the preppies and pretty much the whole town of riverdale that Jughead was dead?" Alice asks

"Because they were trying to pin the murder on me and because if they knew Jughead was still alive, they would circle the wagons and lock down tight. And we were and still are locked in a battle of psychological warfare with the stonies. The only way we would be able to pin the attempted murder of Jughead on them...is if we force the stonies to crack" Betty says

"You seem quite confident that they will." Alice asks

"No I can't be certain but...after the last few days, I have a feeling they'll be fracturing any minute now" Betty says

"As it turns out our darling half sister is actually good at something" v says "at my behest hermosa put her private eye skills to good use and did some digging on those stonewall WASPs" v says
"And our gal pal Donna is not so sweet" I say and v opens the envelope
"Everybody brace yourselves, because Donna sweett is actually" v says and gives jug the paper

"Oh my god" Betty says

"Of course. If this is true this is our smoking gun. This is the final piece of the puzzle that we needed." Jug says and then goes to look at our board

"I think I know how to take down these stonies once and for all" he adds

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