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I stood in a room at the farm waiting for Betty

"Toni what's happening?" Betty asks

"According to Edgar, only what was preordained" Toni says

"No" Betty says "no not you too. Why"

"My whole life I've been searching for a family the serpents the pretty poisons I've never felt such belonging as I do here at the farm" Toni says

"Mom, mom you can't marry Edgar he's already married to Evelyn" Betty says

"You think I don't know that? There are no secrets here at the farm" Alice says

"I don't I don't understand why are you all smiling what is this about?" Betty asks

"You Betty" Evelyn says

"It's about getting you to this crossroads" Alice says

"Join us" Edgar says

"Join us" we all say

"Everyone you know" Edgar says as he walks up to Betty
"Join us" we chant
"Everyone in your life is here in this room" he continues
"Join us" we chant
"Join us" Edgar says
"Join us" we chant
"Your mother is here" Edgar says
"Join us" we chant
"Your sister is here" he continues
"Join us" we chant
"Your best friend Kevin and Avery are here" he continues
"Join us" we chant

"You're principals here"

"Join us" we chant

"Your cousin Cheryl is here"

"Join us" we chant

"Be a sister to Polly be a godmother to juniper" he says

"Join us" we chant

"Join us" we says

"Join is Betty we welcome you" we all say

She starts walking closer to Edgar

"Yes" he says

But then she runs out

"Catch her please" Edgar says and we take off to her

We start yelling at her she gets in her car and locks it we start knocking on the window she drives away.

I get to school and walk in with Cheryl to see Betty and everyone

"Sorry to interrupt your no doubt thrilling catch up chums but as you know junior prom is this weekend the theme is fire and ice and naturally Toni and I are campaigning to be the most captivating prom queens this schools ever seen so it goes without saying vote choni for co monarchs because when you really think about it no other options make sense" Cheryl says

We walk out and sweet pea grabs me

"Can we talk?" He asks me

"Sure sweet pea about what?" I ask

"Go to prom with me this weekend, we won't talk about the farm or anything like that it will be me and you as friends if you want and after you can go back to your group. Let me show you that we work good together" he says to me

"Sure I'll go to prom with you" I say to him

"Really?" He asks me smiling

"Yeah it should be fun" I say

The next day sweets gets our prom tickets

I go with Jughead and Betty to a tattoo place

"Got IDs? Gotta be 18 or over to get inked " The tattoo artist asks

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