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I get to v's for breakfast with the family

"Hey there you are oh and Avery hi come sit join us" our dad says "I have news" he says

"Please don't tell me you and mom are chaperoning prom?" V asks as we sit down

"We are but no" our dad says and we groan

"My news is that according to my doctor my core strength is building back up. In fact my grip is almost as strong as it was pre-diagnosis." Our dad says

"What are you saying daddy?" V asks

"I'm beating it" he says "I'm beating this damn disease."

"Honey that's incredible" our mom says

"My god dad that is some awesome news" I say

"It is assuming it's true forgive me if I call your doctor to confirm that this isn't another one of your stories" v says and stands up
"Fine" our dad says
"Does he know why you're bouncing back?" Our mom asks
"I've been trying this new workout regimen that seems to be helping" our dad says and I smile

V comes back to the table "well it seems to be true." V says sitting down

"Well this calls for a celebration." Our mom says

"Cheers" dad says and we lift our glasses and cheer

At school mr weatherbee is back.

Turns out the navy dude who is looking at Archie is looking at my besties Katie Keene boyfriends

I go with sweets and we go to pops

"KO?" I say and he spins around from speaking to Archie and v

I run up and jump on him "Avery lodge" he says laughing he spins me and puts me down

"Who's this?" Sweets asks walking up to me
"Don't be jealous sweets this is my bff Katy Keene boyfriend KO. He's gonna have a boxing match with arch. KO this is my boyfriend sweet pea" I say
KO holds his hand out for sweet pea to shake and sweet pea looks at his hand for a second before shaking it.

"We were actually on our way out I'll see you later for your work out ave" Archie says

"Sure thing arch" I say

"You Avery lodge you work out? Can't be" he says laughing and I laugh to
"I also joined a gang" I say I pull my shirt down and show him my tattoo he looks up at sweet pea to see his neck tattoo

"You sure have changed Avery" he says
"You wouldn't believe it" I say

They then head out.

I go to v's speakeasy

"Is everyone having s good time tonight?" V asks
Sweet pea wraps his arm around me and I clap

"Excellent. In honor of my sister and I's friend KO visit I'd thought I'd share a little tune for you tonight it was written by someone very special to me" v says "this one's for you Archiekins" v says and the music starts
The lights go down

"There's no warning when everything changes you let down your guard and I saw something strange" v sing I grab sweets hand and bring it to my face kissing it smiling at him

"I thought he's not made for this world and neither am I cause you make me wanna be strong than I am" v sings sweets leans over and kisses my cheek
"And maybe I'm reaching this place in a feeling there's no way to know but to try, so give me tonight. Tonight." V sings

After sweets and I go back home and have some 'fun' before going to bed

The next day I go to Archie's fight I sat with Reggie next to sweet pea.

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