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I got to the clearing in the woods as I stood over baby teeths body with FP and Jughead

"Poor baby teeth" jug says and tears come to my eyes and flow out

"He was always so happy" I cry and jug wraps his arms around me and I cry into his shoulder

"Brandon Morris was his real name we I'd'ed him from his prints first glance, very similar to how you found Ben and dilton but I don't know" FP says "I need you help son please" FP says

I stand up and wipe my eyes "yeah of course" jug says

"Count me in, who ever did this will pay" I say

Jug bends down and starts taking pictures of him

"Please jug hurry so we can move him out of that position" I ask

"I will, these blue lips are the same markings on his back are the same too but his missing teeth that's the twist" jug says then stands up

"This might be a copy cat killer I mean it could be the same guy that went after Ben and dilton but they were willing participants" jug says

"Yeah and baby teeth wasn't he struggled" I say

"Maybe the brutality of his death was the message like a warning that he's back. And he's angry" jug says

"The gargoyle king?" FP asks

"The real one" I say I look up to jug staring at baby teeth and eating

At school I sat with my friends thinking about baby teeths body in the woods.

"How's your boxing career these days archie?" V asks

"Your guys pal elio is organizing a boxing event called the gilded gloves" arch says

"Brawny young men, shirtless and in shorts go on" v asks

"I was thinking maybe you could help get the el royale crew a spot in the tournament. The guys could use a win, or at least a boost after what happened to baby teeth" arch says and I look up at Archie hearing his name

"Let me see what I can do" v says then Cheryl came onto the announcements

"Good morning my dear riverdale high constituents and comrades a lot of you have been asking about the farms student advocacy group. Well here's the skinny sign up sheets are posted throughout the school the club is open to all students where the one become many and the many become one, so uncap those pens sharpen those pencils and sign up a little birdy told me it's what all the cool kids are doing" Cheryl ends

I get up and walk out "I'll be back guys" I say to them

I find myself looking over one of the sheets when fangs comes up to me in all white

"Hey thinking of joining?" He asks me

"Maybe, Betty seems to hate it but tell me about it" I ask fangs and he smiles

"Show up to one of the meetings" he says to me "you won't regret it" he adds and wraps his arm around me and I smile "sure fangs I trust you" I say to him

Later I found myself at one of the meetings with fangs.

I go to the farm with fangs and I sit down with Evelyn she asks me questions

"What's your favorite color"

"Black" I say

"Do you bite your nails?" She asks me

"Yes" I say

"Do you ever feel stressed" she asks me

"Yeah I guess" I say

I end up somehow telling her about how I was almost beaten to death by penny, about leaving town with Jughead and Archie, and a lot more things.

It was easy to speak to her and felt a lot better to talk to her.

Then next day I looked at my closet and put on all white white pants and a white tank top.

I get to school and walked passed sweet pea and Toni who stared at me.

I walk passed Jughead and Betty and v and Archie I go up to fangs and kev and Cheryl and Evelyn.

Jughead comes up to me "hey wanna come to the station with me? My dad needs us" he asks

"I would but I'm going to the farm with Evelyn, I'll see you later though juggy" I say and we walk away

The next day I wear my normal clothes To school and sweet pea walks up to me "hey we haven't had a chance to talk yesterday, so fangs said your going to that farm place now?" He asks me

"Yeah they help me deal with my anger in ways I never could understand sweets it feels like I can finally breathe" I say to him I kiss his lips "I have to go get ready I have a meeting tonight but I'll stop by yours after" I say to him

"Oh- ok" he says

The next day Toni joins us as we walk together

"You need to focus on yourself sweet pea gets in the way of that of you healing after everything you've been through" Evelyn says to me

I walk up to sweet pea and Jughead

"Evelyn says I need to make a choice sweets and I'm finally healing so I'm sorry" I say and take the snake necklace off and put it in his hand

"Your a distraction" I say

"Wait what your leaving me for that cult?" He asks me

"See this is what she was talking about you look down I'm done listening to you guys and to Betty. The farm is nice" I say before walking away

Fangs opens his arm for me and I turn around to see sweet pea glaring at fangs

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