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I go home and hear v say "Avery can get them to the table, all you have to do is play nice"

I walk in to see the head with fake blood on the bottom "you started this daddy, you should have told me what was happening" I say

"Well mija you are close to them" he starts

"Exactly daddy I am close to them so I want both sides taken care of if this means we sit down and have a nice chat so be it" I say sitting next to v

The next day I eat breakfast with my family and go to school and sit with Jughead and v

"Veronica are you trying to manage me right now?" Jughead asks

"Define manage" v says

"People are gonna lose their homes" Jughead says

"Jug why don't you come over with your dad and sit down with my dad and hash this out" I say

"Like civilized humans, face to face" v says

"Ok one condition, your dad comes to sunny side trailer park. I want him to see the people that's he's gonna be displacing" Jughead says

"Fine and trust me no one is being displaced" v says

"Oh my god did you guys hear my dads scanners blowing up the police found another dead body this morning there's blood everywhere" kev says running in

"Could the black hood have risen from the grave?" Jughead asks

"Did they say whose body?" Archie asks
"Where did they find it?" Betty asks

"The investigations ongoing but apparently, it was gruesome gangland style execution at the motel with blood and brains splattered all over the duvet" kev says

"Okay kev we get it" archie says as I cringe

"I gotta go" Betty says and leaves

Archie and v both leave as well to probably speak about what if my dads behind this.

The next day I get ready for the negotiation.

"Are you ready mija?" I turn and see my dad I am looking at my pearls

"You should wear those I missed seeing you in them" he says

"I'm ready" I tell him and he nods and leaves I put the pearls on me and go to the trailer park

FP gives my dad a beer

"Thank you for agreeing to sit down and discuss this misunderstanding" my dad says

"There's no-" jug starts but FP cuts him off
"There's no misunderstanding here, tall boy said you paid him to decapitate the Pickens status" FP says

"As an excuse to turn up the heat on the serpents" Jughead says

"You got a lot of nervous people scared they're gonna lose their home" FP says

"I heard about that and though it has nothing to do with me, I've spoken to mayor McCoy and as a gesture of goodwill to the southside community id like to settle any back rent you or your neighbors owe the town" my dad says

"And what do you want in return?" Jug asks

"Peace in the land" my dad says FP thinks for a second

"It's a deal" he finally says and we all stand up and shake hands

"There is one thing mayor McCoy tells me you have some kind of expose you're working on, Jughead so in exchange for my generous offer, id appreciate it if you just kept my name out of it, sound fair?" My dad asks

"That sounds a lot like a bribe" Jughead says "no deal"

"See you in the funny pages" FP says

I stay back with them

"Honestly Jughead I'm glad you didn't take it but it does mean people are gonna lose their homes your going up against my dad juggy, he has connections and money and I don't want any of you to get hurt" I tell him

"Don't worry about us we will figure it out" Jughead says

"Ok but I want in the loop and I will snoop and help you take him down" I say smiling

"Now that's a deal" Jughead says smiling back

Later v and I get home to people yelling

It was mayor McCoy "let me tell you two something I am this close to telling that hones boy everything" she says but opens the door "and it'll be alot worse for you than it will be for me" she finishes before storming out

"Mayor McCoy" v yells

"Wait what just happened?" I ask

"Given the hatchet job your friend Jughead is writing about us, your mother and I feel it's best to accelerate our timetable" my dad says

"So we told Sierra we might have to announce our plans for southside high but typical Sierra she refuses and demanded that we wait until after she's re-elected" my mom says

"And she's threatening to expose us if we proceed without her if this isn't handled properly the whole town will be out for our blood" my dad says

"If we get her out of the mayors office under a cloud of scandal the damage she could do to us would be minimized" mom says

"How?" I says

"How would you do that" v asks at the same time as me

"I had Andre follow her and let's just say she spends an awful lot of time in cheap motels" our dad says and I knew sheriff Keller was seeing her since Betty and v spied on him

"It's time for operation guess who's coming to dinner" our mom says

Me and v leave "I'll go to mayor McCoy you go to Sweetpea" she says and I nod my head

I walk over to the southside I go and knock on sweet peas door

"Hey" he says answering it

"Hey can I come in" I ask him he moves out of the way and I walk in

I sit down on his couch "I need to spend a lot more time with you" I tell him "yeah we have only hung out for a little bit here and there" he says to me

"I know we should go out on a date we haven't really done that yet" I say

"Ok but you let me plan it" he says smiling "well of course" I say and kiss his lips

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