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Before school Betty asks if I want to go to her fbi training class and I said I did. So me and kev were going later.

Instead of going to school me and v went to see our mom with Mary.

"Seems the district attorney is pinning her entire case on linking you to Hiram's would be murderer, tall boy petite" Mary says a flash of tall boys dead body in the bunker with a scared sweet pea and fangs and Jughead flashed in front of my eyes.

"Which is absurd. I mean I've never even had any interaction with the man" my mom says

"You wouldn't want to he was a piece of work" I say

"You knew him?" My mom asks and I pull my shirt down to reveal my serpent tattoo "duh"

"Well there is still the issue of the large sum of money the police in monogrammed tucci bag in tall boys apartment" Mary says

"Obviously Hiram planted it there to frame me" my mom says

"Yeah we know that but to convince a jury of that. We need evidence" I say

"Which is why FP will testify that he searched tall boys apartment right after he died he'll swear that there was no bag of money in evidence at that time" Mary says

"This week is insane I've got two papers due your trials starting, daddy's trial is around the corner" v says

"Tell me about it I'm a deputy in training, I work at pops I'm a full time student and I'm starting fbi training classes" I say

"Your gonna become an FBI agent?" My mom asks

"Yeah I would like to" I say

"From what I've heard the federal prosecutors going after your father pretty hard" Mary says

"Oh believe us we know we've been meeting with her on the DL, goals for this week? Get mom out of jail" V says
"And make sure daddy stays rotting in his" I add

I get to the fbi training place everyone sat in twos besides me kev and Betty

"For our first session I thought we'd start right in the deep end of the swimming pool. With serial killers." Charles says

"Your half brother is so hot" kev whispers to Betty

"Don't tell sweets but kev is so right" I whisper

"Now I've put together a little exercise to kick us off." Charles says and turns on the projector

"This is a crime scene where six victims were found buried along a riverbank in the Pacific Northwest" Charles says and turns it to a different pictures.

"Now before I start filling in all the details any guesses on which one of these men is the murderer?" Charles asks

"It's the third man" Betty says

"That's correct Betty how did you know that?" Charles asks

"I don't know just intuition" Betty says

I knew it was because Betty lived with one and I knew because I did as well. Now im trying to put him away.

"Ok then" Charles says "let's try another one"

"Which one's the serial killer? The term serial killer is relatively new it wasn't until the 1970s that the phrase serial killer or serial homicide.." Charles asks
"Second one" I say as Betty says " it's the one in the middle"

"Correct again your intuition is like a sixth sense girls" Charles says "let's go again"

"When defining a serial killer, it usually refers to someone who committed three or-" Charles starts

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