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Sweets was now home which made me feel a lot better.

I get a call from Betty they found another body. I went and met her at the swamp.

It's not her sister. Thank god but the body was a year old.

I walked into the teachers lounge "it will be the new and improved prebrooke" v says

"Oh your renovating it" I say

"Looks swanky v" Betty says

"Hey" jug says to Betty
"Hey" Betty says back
"The five musketeers" I hear I turn and see Cheryl "pray tell why have we been summoned?" She asks
"Hey guys thanks for gathering on such short notice" kev says walking in with fangs and Toni

"Um fangs and I have announcement to make" kev says

"We're engaged" fangs says
"Oh my god" Betty says I stand up and give fangs a hug.
"Congrats" I say patting his chest
"That's such good news" Betty says
"But wait there is more" fangs says
"Yeah we're having a baby" kev says
"Holy shit guys" I say smiling
"Guys that's great" arch says
"Wait Archie Avery there's still more. We're having the baby" kev says pointing to Toni
"With me" Toni says "I'm having our baby" Toni says

"We're planning on raising this child together. Just the three of us" kev says

"Just one big happy nontraditional family" Toni says

"What in the actual..." Cheryl says

During class the kids are doing their packets quietly. After class I go home when I get a text from Cheryl to meet at the wyrm for drinks.

I get there and sweets is there. I get a drink and talk with fangs.

I turn my attention to Cheryl when she clears her throat

"Hear ye hear ye fellow friends and fiends. Now that everyone is swan diving into sad adulthood with babies and marriages and arthritis, etc I'm throwing a party one last hurrah to celebrate our wild misspent youth one final chance to recall our reckless teenage selves. I mean who could forget my iconic spin the bottle parties of yore?" Cheryl asks

"Pretty sure your mom tried killing us with that game" I yelled out

"Aren't we a little old for that?" Jug asks

"Which is why this little fete will be a key party. You heard me right. A classic American and oh so adult round of sexual switcheroo. We'll draw keys and pair off and if the spirit moves you, you are strongly encouraged to act any and all animal impulses. I'm texting you the deets now but bring keys for my bowl and your well oiled libidos." Cheryl says sending us the text

That night sweets stayed with me "do you want to go to Cheryl's party?" I ask him

"Yeah we can go but if you get another dude can you just not like it more" he says he kisses my lips "that would never be possible sweets" I say to him and kiss him more.

The next morning Betty called and said her mom is certain that Polly called.

I get to Cheryl's that night with sweets and hand over my keys.

We all gather together and sweets and I sit on her couch while he wraps his arm around me.
"You're here you came. Which means you all feel it. The impending crush of true adulthood. Our 30s and soon after mortality the big sleep. Tonight's key party then is a bold rejection of death. So since none of us are much for foreplay let's get into it shall we?" Cheryl asks

"Some quick house rules first and foremost. Whatever happens tonight must be 100% consensual. And because we're all a progressive, fluid, inclusive group, there will be no redrawing of keys. But the main rule is you're allowed to do anything you and your partner desire. No one can hold you accountable. It's a free pass to do anything you've ever wanted. Ever. Are we clear? Perf. Who wants to go first Minerva, the bowl?" Cheryl says the lady brings her the bowl

"I never like to be the second person to do anything so..." v says she stands up and walks over and picks

It was Archie's "well you know what they say everyone ms a winner in a bull market" v says and chad stops her
"No not with your ex" he mumbles to her

"Chadwick don't me rude those are the rules, ok?" V says

"Get your hands off her" arch says walking up to him

"Excuse me?" Chad asks "she's my wife" he says

"Exactly so why don't you show her some respect?" Arch says

"No no no we're not going to do this. I'm not going to be some passive heroine to be fought over by two Tarzan's" v says and storms up and picks Chad's keys "oh look babe I got your keys let's go babe now" v says

"Veto that's breaking the rules" Cheryl says

"Call my lawyer Cheryl Are you ready?" V asks and storms off

"And married people are supremely boring who's next" Cheryl says

"I'll go" jug says he was drunk his friend who owns the pops shops runs over "I'll take him home" she says

"No one else is leaving without picking a key" Cheryl says "I don't care how inebriated Jughead is he has to draw" Cheryl says

"No no I want to let me let me do it" jug says
He picks "ah those are my keys" she says "I guess it's meant to be now can I take him home?" She asks
Cheryl says some harsh things but let's them go

Cheryl calls on Archie's friend

"Those are mine" Cheryl's friend says "how good are you at following orders?" She asks and takes him

"Before the pickings get to slim" Reggie says and picks

Reggie gets fangs keys

Then Reggie walks up and kisses fangs

"What the fuck" I ask

"No promises but we'll see what happens stud" Reggie says

"I'm next" I say and stand up I go and pick a set of keys

"Look at that. Sweets" I say
"Thank god" he says and we go home

When we get home we sit on the couch "that whole Reggie thing I was not expecting that" I say

"Me neither" sweets says I pour us some drinks and hand one to sweets

"Fangs and kev getting married and having a baby with Toni. I'm so happy for them" I say sighing

"Do you want kids?" Sweets asks me

"I would love kids but I just never wanted to settle then I got pushed into it with Anthony. He didn't want kids though" I say

"Well I want kids as well" sweets says he moves closer to me and kisses me.

I put our drinks down and sit on his lap "I love you" I whisper He smiles and lays me on the couch.

As we are getting it on my phone rings I see it's Betty and answer it.

"Hello Betty I'm kinda b-" I start

"Polly just called Avery" Betty says

"What" I ask sitting up "I'm on my way" I say and hang up

"I'm so sorry my sweets Betty's sister called I need to get over there" I say

"I know love. Call me later ok" he says I nod and kiss him as I put my clothes on.

I get to Betty's and we drive to look for her

"Wait there there Betty" Alice says we pull over and we all get out.

Alice starts screaming for Polly

The phone booth was crushed and there was blood everywhere.

"Alice do not touch anything. I'm calling this in this is a crime scene. Wait for me before we go searching for her" I say I pull my phone out and call it in the Keller.

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