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It was now thanksgiving time.

Dodger wasn't a problem anymore since get got beat almost to death

I was having my own thanksgiving with the serpents and then stopping by the community center to help.

I was walking around tent city when sweets came up to me.

"Hey babe" he says and kisses my cheek
"Hey so tomorrow we're all gonna have a camp fire and our own dinner before I head out to help with Archie" I say to him
"Ok as long as you promise to spend the whole day with me and tomorrow before you go" he says I smile and kiss his lips "perfect" I say

We go and sit around the camp fire "have you heard from fangs" I ask sweet pea
"No he's still getting de programmed last I heard, god I'm so happy you got out of there" he says
"Me too, I guess I just felt alone and they literally took everything from me so I would stay. Betty saved me" I say
"Yeah that's what cults do babe, they make you feel like you are alone and I know after baby teeth died you snapped" he says
"I had one conversation with him it's just seeing so much death, sweets it did something to me I felt so much rage and everything with my family was going on. I guess I lost sight of you and the serpents" I say he smiles and leans over and kisses me
"Yeah well your back here now" he says

Later we find out there was an ice storm on its way we move everyone to the serpent center where we all hangout til it passes.

The next day we have a small dinner with the serpents and play music and have fun.

"You should get going" sweets says to me

"If you all get hungry bring them down the kids there are having a feast and I'll bring some food back" I say and kiss him

"Ok have fun" he says and I put my jacket on and head out on my bike I stop by v's

We walk in to see a thanksgiving dinner.

"What happened to dinner at the club?" V asks
"Oh well the club was closed because of the storm so we decided to order in." Our mom says

"Plus I have to take an earlier flight back to Miami. But, I couldn't bear to miss my first thanksgiving all together. Hermanitas" hermosa says
"Mm don't call us that only we call each other that. As far as I'm concerned your not our sister because only only half my blood and I don't consider him my dad" I say

"Please join us" our dad says

"Never." V says

"Only your blackened heart would take away thanksgiving from bunch of underprivileged kids, just to get what you want" I say

"Are you referring to my decision to close Archie's shelter? It was a matter of public safety mijas it's nothing personal" he says then v did something I never thought she would do.

She grabbed the cloth from the table and pulled it and everything off. "Neither was that.....papi" she says I covered my mouth and was laughing

We then leave.

We were setting up everything

I turned the corner and seen darla I gasped and then hid behind the ring.
"Shit" I mumbled I couldn't let her see me but I needed to get to Archie.

I went up to Archie who was talking to Eddie "arch that lady is the lady who showed up at Betty's house and the serpents scared her off. I got in her face Archie she knows me" I whisper

"Stay here and keep your head down" he says and walks away I sit on the ground and try to call sweet pea but I had no connection

"Shit shit shit" I said

I walked to sit down and darla sees me

"Serpent I remember you, you held a knife to my face" she says and everyone there stares at me

"Listen darla I don't know what your here for but I promise you won't find it here" I say

A kid walks up and try's to take the gun I rush forward and throw him behind me

"You want this" the guy asks Toby
"Relax relax" Archie says rushing to us
"Get out of my face dude, he's just a kid" I say
"He didn't know what he was doing" mad dog says
"Don't do it look he's just a kid everyone stay back" Archie says from beside me now

The dude hits Archie "Archie" Mary yells the guy grabs me "that was for my brother" he growls at Archie

The dude passes the gun to darla

"You know what I think carrot top?" Darla asks "I think you've got a hero complex just like this bitch here" she says pointing at me "you know what else I think? I think you beat my boy dodger into a coma, and then you called an ambulance so no one would suspect you but a mother, she knows and you you are gonna pay for what you've done" she says

"Archie would never do that" I growl the guy had my head pinned back as he held me by my hair and had his other arm wrapped around me

"Get your ass down!" She yells at Archie pointing the gun at him. He listens

"Say it" darla says "say it's you you're the one who almost killed my son"

"Ms Dickinson please. Whatever it is that you think you have to do here, you don't" Archie try's

"Say it! Confess boy before things start getting real ugly in here." She says

"He didn't do it" I say

"Shut up mom has her own bone to pick with you. Not so tough without your gang huh?" He says in my ear

"If I say it, you'll let everyone else here go...and you can do whatever you want to me" Archie says

"I'll take that deal. But I need to hear you say it" darla says

"Fine." Archie says he then stands up

"Stop, stop it's me" Eddie yells "I wear the mask I'm the dark duke leave Archie alone" Eddie yells

"Shut the hell up its not him" Archie says

"It's me the mask is mine" Toby says

"Toby sit down and shut up" Arch says

"I'm the guy you want" the kid who started this says and mad dog grabs him

"That's enough, now that was a touching display" darla says cocking her gun "hell...another day, I might have even cried but not today I already spilled all my tears over my son...and boy...your mother is gonna find out exactly what that feels like" she says pointing the gun at Archie's head something failed and dropped Archie hit the gun from her hand I head butted the guy

"Go get into the office!" Mad dog yelled at the kids

I turned around and hit the dude in the nose

Archie hit the other brother and he took his attention off me and went after Archie I punched the brother in the face making him fall grabbing the table

V stabbed him in the hand "don't even think about it" she says

Darla came at Archie with a knife

"Stop stay away from my son!" Mary says holding the gun "I have the right to protect myself against intruders, with deadly force so unless you want me to use it, you have exactly five seconds to get the hell out of here. One. Two. Three. Four" and they were gone

"Lock the door behind them and let's call the police" Mary says

"Mrs Andrews...I'm obsessed" v says

"That was hot" I say

"Mom since when are you Dirty Harry?" Arch asks
"What was that explosion?" Mary asks we go in the back to see it was the turkey.

"Who in their right mind tries to deep fry a turkey inside?" Mary asks

I stayed at the center that night and went back to sweets in the morning.

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