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The next day Archie put up a memorial of his dad. We all applaud it,

"He'd be honored and so proud." Mary says sweet pea wraps his arm around me and kisses my head.

Everyone got new video tapes. But the person was a lot closer right up to the door.

I got my Harvard letter back.

I haven't opened it yet I slipped it i slipped it into my bag after v handed it to me "don't tell anyone yet I don't wanna see what's inside" I tell her

"I'm so excited, tell me when you do open it" she says

"I will you will be one of the first people to know" I say and I hug her

"Newtons law of motion now who can tell me..." our teacher starts

I look up see Archie passed out while kev tries to wake him I poke him with my pencil to where he finally gets up.

"I'm so sorry dr phylum" Archie says

"Save it for mrs burble I'm not interested in your explanations" he says

I go and see mrs burble

"Hey you called me?" I ask

"Yes I did please sit down" she says and I come in

I walked over and sat down "so I just wanted to talk to you you have a lot going on" she says

"Yeah, but this isn't about my grades right? Last I checked I get straight As" I say

"No no your grades are perfect. I just wanted to know what your planning on doing I know your apart of the serpents and working with the sheriff and taking FBI training classes and you applied for Harvard and Yale" she says

"Yes, I would love to go to Harvard and then after join the FBI and come back after school. I actually got my Harvard letter" I say

"Really? So did you get in?" She asks

"Um I don't know I haven't opened it im scared to" I say I reach in my backpack and pull it out

"You have to open it sometime so why not now?" She asks

"Im scared to leave" I say

"Why? What's holding you here?" She asks me

I start playing with my necklace "is this about sweet pea? I've seen you guys in the halls you've been dating for awhile now" she says

"Yeah since sophomore year, two years and yeah. I don't think he's planning on going to college and i don't want to lose him" I say

"You know if you and him are meant to be then you will find your way back to each other and you can't control things by not opening that letter. My advice open it and celebrate if you got in with your friends and treasure these last few months you have" she says to me I think about it and nod my head then open it

"Dear Avery Luna we are happy to inform you that you have been accepted into Harvard University... oh my god I got in" I say smiling

"I got in!" I yell and I look up to see her smiling

"Of course you did your smart Avery" she says

"Thank you I have to go tell my sister" I say laughing I put it in my bag before leaving.

I sat in class where v gets a call and runs out of class
I grab my stuff and run out and v is jumping up and down "we got in the dean called he said I got in and I asked about you he said you did to" she says

"I know I was gonna tell you after class" I say laughing

"But the thing is I think dad bribed him to get us in" she says

"Oh hell no" I growl

Later that night sweets takes me to pops to celebrate even though me and v turned it down. I still got in. I got into Yale as well which I was happy about so sweets bought me dinner to celebrate that.

"Pops some milkshakes we are celebrating my girl got into Harvard and Yale" sweet says standing up he sits back down next to me as I giggle at him. "After college, we will all come back together. Me, you, Archie, Veronica, Betty, Jughead." I say and kiss him

Spring senior year

Me Veronica Archie and Betty walked into the room where you get your mug shots taken.

We all face FP, Brett, Donna.

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