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"you're whack and you ain't intact cause you don't read Jodecidal Advisory!" More

EP 1 ! "Piece of My Tape"
EP 2 ! "Brothas Said Knock You Out!"
EP 3 ! "Fatal Subtraction"
EP 4 ! "Nomeo and Juliet"
EP 5 ! "Beshackled"
EP 6 ! "Don't Thlip Up"
EP 7 ! "A Wrinkle in Time"
S2 EP 1 ! "Steak and Potatoes!"
S2 EP 2 ! "Where's my Keys?"
S2 EP 3 ! "Switch it on 'Em!"
S2 EP 4 ! "Vincent Van Swing"
S2 EP 5 ! "Framed!"
S2 EP 6 ! "Dal Advisory"
S2 EP 7 ! "In Blindsight"
S2 EP 8 ! "Uncappable"
S2 EP9 ! "Dalvin Had A Little Dog"
S2 EP 10 ! "Hit the Road, Jodeci!" PT1
S2 EP 11 ! "Hit the Road, Jodeci!" PT2
S3 EP 1 ! "Popcorn & Boots"
S3 EP 2 ! "Strictly 4 the Jeeps!"
S3 EP 3 ! "You Got It Bad"
S3 EP 4 ! "She's Not Your Play Thang"
S3 Ep 5 ! "Between You, Me, & He"
S3 EP 6 ! "LaVaughna Campbell is Not My Lover"
S3 EP 7 ! "ISpy"
S3 EP 8 ! "Fiddle Diddle"
S3 EP 9 ! "Flex Appeal"
S3 EP 10 ! "Valentine's Day Blues!"
S3 EP 11 ! "Tale of 2 Crowns"
S3 EP 12 ! "Congraduations!"
S3 EP 13 ! "Stay"
S3 EP 14 ! "Stay" PT 2
S4 EP 1 ! "Bermuda Pentagon"
S4 EP 2 ! "Fights, Camera, Action!"
S4 EP 3 ! "Movin' on In"
S4 EP 4 ! "For the Love of Money"
S4 EP5 ! "Limited Eviction"
S4 EP 6 ! "Kid You Not"
S4 EP 7 ! "40 is the New 21"
S4 EP 8 ! "Bye-Bye, Tanai!"
S4 EP 9 ! "Trigger Warning" PT 1
S4 EP 10 ! "Trigger Warning" PT 2
S4 EP 11 ! "I...Don't Know"
S4 EP 12 ! "New Beginnings"
S5 EP 1 ! "What Happens in Vegas..." PT 1
S5 EP 2 ! "Fatal Attraction 2: The Creepuel"
S5 EP 3 ! "I Wanna Be Your Man"
S5 EP 4 ! "The Bodyguard"
S5 EP 5 ! "Misadventures in Babysitting!"
S5 EP6 ! "What If...?"
S5 EP 8 ! "Swing's Interlude"
S5 EP 9 ! "Let Me Explain"
S5 EP 10 ! "Stop, Drop, and Roll!"
S5 EP 11 ! "Aisle and Tribulation"
S5 EP 12 ! "Who Got the Juice Now?"
S5 EP 13 ! "Diamonds Aren't Forever"
S5 EP 14 ! "Isn't She Lovely?"
S5 EP 15 ! "In the Heat of the Night"
S5 EP 16 ! "Hickory Dickory Dock"
S5 EP 17 ! "First Time for Everything"
S5 EP 18 ! "SoNaiRae"
S5 EP 19 ! "The Final Advisory" PT 1
S5 EP 20 ! "The Final Advisory" PT 2
S5 EP 21 ! "The Final Advisory" PT 3

S5 EP 7 ! "Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired"

408 24 96

season 5, episode 7

"Sick & Tired of Being Sick & Tired"

"Mommy, I want dessert!" A little boy who had to be at least six years old said to his mother, who resided behind the counter of her own bakery.

"You can't have no dessert cause you have a cold," she told her son.

"I feel better now!" The little boy sneezed. "I promise!"

The mother eyed her son a certain way. "Mmhm, sure you do. Now go to the back so you don't spread your sickness."

Dalvin was in this bakery too, but he paid no attention to the sick child because he was too busy looking at the cookie section on the other side of the store.

"Okay!" Before the little boy ran off to the back, he wiped his snotty nose then bent down to take a lick of the icing on top of a red velvet cupcake.

Dalvin went over to the counter and placed a bag of gingerbread cookies down. That was gonna be all that he'd buy but then he spotted the cupcake that the little boy had licked.

"Lemme get that cupcake right there too, please. The red velvet one."

"You got it!" The woman grabbed the desserts and began to ring him up.

"I don't feel goooooooodddddd," Dalvin dragged out for the 67th time. He laid in his hotel bed with puffy eyes and a runny nose.

"Nobody cares," K-Ci mumbled. "How many times you gon' say it?"

"Until somebody does care."

"You can't stay in bed forever cause we got a show tonight," DeVante notified.

Dalvin sniffed. "I ain't going to the show and neither are y'all cause I canceled it and told them we wasn't gon' be there."

"You did what?" JoJo entered the conversation distastefully.

"I said I cancelled the show," Dalvin repeated. "I don't want y'all performing without me cause I don't wanna miss anything. Besides, imma need y'all here to take care of me."

K-Ci scoffed. "I'm a grown ass man. I ain't 'bout to be taking care of another grown ass man."

"Don't you got a girlfriend for that?" DeVante questioned.

Subsequently, there was a knock on the door which JoJo pulled open. Kass busted in and shoved K-Ci into the wall before running straight over to Dalvin, wrapping her arms around his weak frame.

"Awwww, my baby is sick! Poor thing!"

"You came here to take care of me?" Dalvin pouted.

"Hell nah, you ain't about to get me sick. I came to give you these crackers and this ginger ale," Kass pulled the items out of her bag passing them over to him. "Tell Nai to make you some tea when you see her. Feel better!"

Kass left out the hotel and Dalvin wasted no time on twisting the cap off his soda, chugging it down.

"Can one of you make me some soup?"

"No." K-Ci, JoJo, and DeVante said simultaneously.

"You were just fine the other day," JoJo stated. "What got you sick?"

"Ion even know. I must've caught it from somebody when I went out to the bak—"

The ginger ale that Dalvin dogged down suddenly came back up, causing him to hurdle over and vomit all over K-Ci's shoes.

"God, please kill me now before I kill him."

Dalvin wasted no time on running around the room as DeVante chased after him with a bottle of nasal spray.

"Donald Earle DeGrate Jr, so help me if you don't get the hell outta my face, I will kill you."

"You keep sniffin' and won't blow it out so you clearly need this!"

The boys stood across from each other on opposite sides of the bed. Without warning, DeVante reached over and pushed Dalvin downward on the mattress, hovering over him so he could spray inside his nose.

"You ain't even getting my nose!" Dalvin tried to push him off. "You got it in my eye and now it's burning!"

Tanai stifled her laughs, passing Dalvin a hot mug. "Don't let him get on your nerves while you're sick, Dal. Drink this tea."

"He's the one who's been getting on our nerves!" K-Ci yelled. "Gon' have the audacity to throw up on my shoes, he glad I ain't throw 'em at him."

Dalvin grabbed one of his used tissues and threw it aiming for K-Ci, but his aim was off to where the snotty tissue ended up going JoJo's way.


"Oh, my bad. That was for K. Do me a favor and throw it at him for me?" Dalvin asked, carefully taking a small sip from the mug.

"The fifteenth amendment really messed up when they gave black people rights cause some of us don't deserve it," K-Ci recklessly insulted, looking straight at Dalvin who casually sniffed unbothered.

"And you still sniffin' and ain't doin' nothin' about it," DeVante threw the nasal spray his way.

"I don't need this!" Dalvin denied, sneezing without covering his mouth as his snot landed on Tanai.

"I say fight him," K-Ci crossed his arms.

"Sorry," Dalvin apologized. "Nobody gon' say 'bless you' though?"

"I can't take this. I'm about to pull a Donny Hathaway," Tanai sniffled.

JoJo turned to her. "And I'm 'bout to pull a Paul Williams, you with me?"

Not only was Dalvin sick but he had also passed it onto Tanai and JoJo, who now had to suffer with them. This left K-Ci and DeVante being the only ones who weren't ill, so they'd have to take care of the three.

"Stop being dramatic," K-Ci mugged them, turning off the stove. "I made soup for y'all."

Dalvin, Tanai, and JoJo sluggishly went up to get their soup and once they took one taste, they automatically scrunched their faces up and spit the liquid back into their bowls.

"What?" K-Ci noticed their facial expressions. "Why y'all look like that?"

"What you put in this?" Dalvin questioned.

"Oh, I ain't never made soup before so I just picked up whatever looked good when I went to the store," K-Ci explained. "So you know, I put some salt in there, vinegar, onions, ranch, sardines, brown sugar, chocolate syrup, calamari, and some moose testicles which topped it all off!"

Tanai dropped her bowl in the sink. "I am no longer hungry."

Dalvin and JoJo repeated her actions, disgusted. K-Ci shrugged, picking JoJo's bowl up and taking a spoonful.

"More for me then."

Tanai went over to DeVante, pouting. "Can I have a kiss to make me feel better?" She asked innocently, wiping the snot from under her nose.

"Why? So you could get me sick? No."

"Pleaseeeee!" She begged. "What about a kiss on the cheek?"

DeVante knew she wouldn't stop asking, so he foolishly gave in. "Make it quick."

Hearing those words, a wicked smile graced Tanai's face. She moved closer to his face and got near his cheek, only to turn his head towards her to kiss his lips instead.

"Saw that coming." JoJo grabbed a tissue out the box.

Dalvin sulked over to K-Ci with his arms out. "Can I have a hug to make me feel better?"

"Touch me and watch me fold yo' ass up like a lawn chair," K-Ci smacked on his food, causing Dalvin to sigh and walk away.

Just as Dalvin, JoJo, and Tanai were starting to feel a tad bit better, that's when K-Ci and DeVante started to get sick. It was a never ending cycle of a contagious cold getting passed on to person, to person, to person.

Dalvin chased DeVante around with a small silver spoon that had a burgundy colored liquid in it. "You gotta take this damn medicine!"

"I ain't takin' that, it's nasty."

"It may be nasty but it's gon' make you feel better."

"Then you drink it."

"I ain't sick no more. Now come here," Dalvin inched toward DeVante with the syrup, but DeVante ended up slapping the spoon out of Dalvin's hand causing it to spill on the floor.

"I give up," Dalvin shrugged. "You can stay sick since you wanna act like a child. Don't ask me for nothing either!"

Tanai passed K-Ci a big bowl of soup. "It's chicken and rice."

He scrunched his face up. "Chicken and rice? I want the vinegar-calamari-brown sugar special!"

"Ain't nobody 'bout to throw all that in a pot. You don't need to be eating that anyway. You better suck it up and eat that damn chicken and rice!" Tanai commanded, causing K-Ci to bitterly take a spoonful of the soup.

"You wanna complain 'bout some soup like you ain't throw up in that poor plant," JoJo pointed to the plant in the corner of the hotel room.

"I couldn't make it to the bathroom in time," K-Ci defended, wiping his nose.

"Well who's gon' clean it up?" JoJo asked. "Cause I know I ain't."

"Not it!" K-Ci, DeVante, Tanai, and JoJo said simultaneously, looking at Dalvin afterwards since he was the only one who didn't say anything.

"This is discrimination."

Everybody was finally feeling back to normal and was no longer sick. They were currently at an arena getting ready to do a show when Sharae just so happened to show up, walking into the same facility as K-Ci. His back was turned towards her as he chugged his water and she watched him.

"I heard you just got over a cold," she stated, finally making her presence known.

He stopped drinking his water and turned around to face her. "Yeah, I'm feelin' much better now."

"I wouldn't have been able to tell, you look perfectly fine," She examined her purple square shaped acrylic nails. "But personally, I wouldn't care if you got pneumonia and was on your last leg.

K-Ci got ready to have a rebuttal against her smart remark, but he said something else. "You know what I think? I think you want me."

"And what if I do?" Sharae challenged.

K-Ci smirked. "Come here."

"Meet me halfway."

The two slowly walked toward each other, stopping in the middle. They stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, starting a heated lip-locking session afterwards.

"What I say? I told you this was gon' happen!" Tanai walked over with JoJo, causing K-Ci and Sharae to quickly separate from each other.

JoJo sucked his teeth, digging in his pocket and passing a $50 bill Tanai's way. "Whatever. But wassup with y'all two, y'all together now or nah?"

"So?" Sharae looked at K-Ci. "We together?"

"Yeah, we together," he confirmed, throwing an arm around her shoulder.

Dalvin walked over to the new couple, spraying them with nasal spray. "No lovey-dovey nonsense before a performance!"

all the boys finally in relationships now! I'm so proud of them. 😭😊
this was rushed; I just wanted to finally get this chapter out and done with this, so excuse any mistakes!
- Ris 🧡

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