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"Curiosity killed the cat" "Maybe the cat is supposed to be killed" Note: this is an fictional story. No... More

Curiosity // styles
prologue; not so easy
one; idiotic detectives
forty-nine (part one)
forty-nine (part two)


71 4 1

Please remember when reading this chapter, that this book takes place in the future.


Chapter 58

The boys were gathered all around the table in which a blueprint of a building laid on top of. Harry and Caleb were next to Ansel making sure that he won't do anything. But Harry seemed to be more focused on the blueprint, like in the mind of his; he was planning his own plan rather than listening to Ansel's. On the other hand, Caleb was paying very close attention to not only the plan, but Ansel too. If Ansel did something, Caleb would have a knife to his throat before he could even move a few inches. Elijah was up against the wall, but instead of keeping an eye on Ansel, he was watching Harry. Harry didn't only have one pair of eyes on him; he was getting a massive glare from Louis. But Louis was also protecting me; he made sure that him, Niall, Liam and Zayn were near me so that I was in the middle of the four of them.

"Dalia she's here in this bank. It's been abandoned for quite some years now. It's in a small town in the country side of Boston."

"Okay we see that it's a bank dumbass, now tell us the god damn plan." Caleb says in an annoyed tone. Ansel starts laying out the plan, which it was a good plan but there was some minor adjustments made from the rest of us.

"When is this all going down?" Lela asks.

"Tonight, we catch her off guard."

"What if something happens and this plan fails?" Niall asks.

I admittedly knew that he was thinking about the night that Annabelle died, "What if we lose someone?"

"Then you say your goodbyes now. Whatever happens tonight happens. There would be very little we could do to change it." Ansel says, "Now, I'd best be on my way to prepare for tonight."

Everyone stays silent until we hear the door from upstairs shut. "Something isn't right," Caleb says.

"He was lying the whole time." Elijah says kicking himself up against the wall to join the group.

"How do you know?" I ask.

"He had a heart tracker, he has one on me. Your heartbeat quickens when you're lying." Harry says.

"He's correct. I have one on Harry and I put one on Ansel when I greeted him when he walked in. It was steady the entire time."

"So he wasn't lying?" Zayn asks confused.

"Either he wasn't lying or he is just a good liar," Elijah says, "But the heart will also quicken when there is an emotional subject. And when Niall was inferring to the night Annabelle died, I'm assuming all of your heart beats quickened from the touching subject."

"But he didn't even know Annabelle." Louis says.

"True but even Harry, who claims he doesn't have any feeling what so ever, his heart beat quickened even if it was just the slightest bit. Cat, when you talked about losing someone, that usually triggers a emotional spot with people. Whether or not its thinking about losing someone in the future or thinking about someone that you have lost in the past, it will trigger your heart beat to change. Ansel's stayed the same the entire time."

"So what are you saying?" I ask.

"That this plan, it's a setup, we need a plan B." Caleb says.

"Got it," Harry says which causes us to all gather up around the blueprint.

"Alright, Louis you are going to stay back in the van which will be stalked with computers so you can hack into the cameras and the street camera around the perimeter of the bank. I know that there are security cameras that still work because Caleb and I are the reason it shut down. Lela since you're not ever good with weapons but you're good with aiding people, you'll stay behind in case someone gets injured and needs medical attention. You'll have a gun with you so if anyone comes who isn't standing around this table right now, you shoot. Even if it is Ansel, you shoot okay? Now, in this bank, the roof and the top floors have been to hell and back so within this bank that has three floors, they're gone so there is practically no ceiling, probably only one third of it is still there. And that's where Cat and Caleb come in. The both of you will be on that third of the roof with bow and arrows. But you will not shoot an arrow unless one of the five of is in trouble and I call for your help. Elijah, Liam, Zayn, Niall and me will be down in the lobby killing her men because I imagine Dalia will run and hid leaving her men to deal with us."

"Now, Louis since I know she will run and hide that might be she leaves the building or stays in the building you need to find her and tell Cat via an earpiece. Cat if she has left the bank you leave the bank, get into the van with Louis and the two of you follow her and then kill her. Cat if she is in the building you will go straight after her, you don't hesitate even if you feel the need to stay and make sure that the five of us are alright. Caleb you will stay there in case something does go wrong. When there is only about two or one of her men left for us to kill then Caleb you go and find Cat, she may need help. Dalia may have her men guarding her and Cat you kill them and show no mercy. When you kill them because I know you can, you will kill Dalia because I know you have the most passion and anger to do so and that will help you. You put all of that anger into killing them okay? And after all of the men are dead, the rest of us will come and find you and Caleb. Do we understand?"

It was probably a better plan then the one Ansel came up with but it didn't help me conceal the fear I had. But we all agreed.

"What if Ansel is telling the truth?" Lela asks.

"Then we stick to his plan and maybe kill him after we kill Dalia, I don't it depends on how I'm feeling." Harry says.

The boys start asking questions and add to Harry's plan and throwing out ideas. But Caleb asking Elijah if he could speak with him upstairs had my attention. The tone of Caleb's voice, something wasn't right. When they started walking up the stairs I followed them. When Caleb noticed that I was he stoped and turn to me.

"What's going on? Something's wrong."

"I just need to talk to my brother Cat, go back with the others." Caleb says.

I was about to protest but I heard the floor creak from upstairs. I looked to the boys to see if they heard it but they didn't they were busy talking about the plan.

"Who the hell is up there Caleb?" I ask in a hushed tone. When I realized Caleb wasn't going to answer me I went up there myself pushing Elijah and Caleb out of the way. When I opened the basement door, a blonde bitch sat on my couch.

"Not exactly who I was expecting but hello Cat." Freya says.

"You're supposed to be dead. Louis killed you?"

"Who the bloody hell told you that? Louis? I guarantee he was just trying to make you feel better and relax you. After Louis picked the boys and that Sammy boy up from the high school after getting you, Harry and I were just left there. So we went our own ways, Harry obviously made his way back here."

"Where did you go then?" I ask then motion to Elijah to shut the basement door behind him and Caleb.

"I went back to Dalia."

"Then why the hell are you here?"

"Well I realized how much of a bitch Dalia was to me, claiming that she always considered me as a daughter when in reality I was her little slave. I decided to choose a side, the right side, and there I was calling up my step-brother."

"Caleb you brought her here? How could you? She killed Sammy!" I try not to yell.

"Cat just listen to her, I asked her here in hopes that she would share some of Dalia's secrets."

I look from Caleb to Freya who was looking at a painting hung up on the wall. "I've never seen this painting before, who painted it?"  

"That would be Zayn." Caleb says.

"Forgive me. Are we here to discuss homemade projects, or do we have more pressing concerns?" Elijah asks impatiently.

"Please excuse my brother's lack of decorum; he's been in a foul mood of late. But, he is right. So without further ado, let's get to it shall we? But I believe it's best if we take this outside, for we have angry people inside this warehouse that would kill you the first glance they saw of you." Caleb says. Freya walks towards the door and walks outside and the three of us follow.

The first thing you should know is that Dahlia is the most powerful woman I've ever seen. She craves to feel more powerful. She craves more power still. And she will only feel that power unless she kills Cat. And she would kill anyone who would defy her."

"Yet you would defy her?" Elijah states but it came out as a question.

"I don't have a choice. She will never let me be free. My one chance is to align with you and kill her."

"Well, now that we're all suitably motivated, let's talk specifics!" Caleb says.

"For you to understand, I need to start from the beginning," Freya begins but I stop her.

"Now Caleb, this isn't right, the boys need to be out here." I say and start to walk inside but I feel a pinch in my neck which causes me to turn around to Caleb. Caleb held a needle that was injected to my neck, "How could you?"

"I'm sorry but I can't have you hurt you'll know what I'm talking about and you'll hate me but I'm only doing what's best for my daughter."

My eyelids became heavy and I could no longer keep myself up.



"Why the hell did you do that?" Elijah yells.

"Keep your voice down, brother and help me set her in the car." I demand and Elijah helps me set Cat in the car.

If she knew what I was going to do and what I was planning she wouldn't agree with one bit of it. She would hate me.

"Elijah stay back there with here, Freya you're up here with me. Do you have the pills?" I ask her and she nods.

"Caleb you do know that this plan, it might not work." Freya says quitly to me as Elijah gets into the car.

"I'm hoping it does." I say before getting into the driver's seat. When Freya gets into the passenger seat I speed off.

"Caleb Harry just texted Cat asking where we are." Elijah says.

"I don't know make up an excuse." I say focusing on the road.

"Fine, I'll just say we went on a run to get more weapons and ammo." Elijah says.

"Now Freya, I'm not really convinced by what you told me over the phone. Why do you want to kill Dalia when you spent your whole life with her?"

"After Dalia took me away from my family, she was supposed to kill me but she didn't and to this day I have no idea why. But since day one of being with her she trained me and I was only three when she took me. At the age of seven, the mayor of the small town we were in found out about the weapons we had and thought it was a threat to people in the town. He told us we needed to get out before he calls the major authorities. Dalia, she became angrier then I have ever seen anyone in my life. Three days after the mayors warning, there was a festival that everyone in the town attended. She killed them all – men, women, children just all of them. It was a bloodbath and I watched the whole thing. And you could've sworn she did it with the flick of her wrist. That was my first inkling of the power Dahlia had. As years went by she became older but even more powerful and angrier. And she took out her anger on wanting someone in our bloodline to give birth to a child."

"Sorry to intuput your pointless story but alothough Dalia does sound dreadful, we have killed our fair share of evil people."

"Not like her." Freya says.

"What are her weakness?" Elijah asks.

"She's paranoid. Obsessed with power. She hungers constantly for what's been denied her, be it love, or revenge." Freya says.

"Yes, I believe I'm familiar with the type." Elijah says as he glares at me from the review mirror.

"When I was a child, she would tell me tales of her own youth, being victimized by those stronger than her," Freya says.

"And those she was talking about was it Ansel?"

"Yes and Ester."

"She vowed never to be weak again. She bargained for the first-born of Esther's bloodline intending to raise us in her own image, forming an army and with that army she would train them like she did me and she wanted revenge on all of those who betrayed her. She wanted an army full of children. But her plan had failed when years went by of the five of you not having kids of your own when it came to that age. And so the burden fell to me. Dahlia demanded that I bear the first-born that would add to her power, but, I would not allow a child of mine to live as I did - as a slave." Freya says as her eyes fill up with tears, "So, I vowed never to love. Never to have a child of my own. Of course, the more I resisted, the harder Dahlia fought to control me."

I glance in the review mirror to see Elijah in his eyes, I know that Freya has him convinced but I wasn't yet.

"And Dalia she with her experience with chemicals and medicine, she took the last little freedom I had, but I didn't know it at the time. She came up with this, I don't know what you want to call it, potion where you don't age but with that came consequences. It would tear our bodies up so much that we would rest for a year and be able to live for one year. She forced me to take it when I wanted to die. I didn't want to be her slave anymore so when I wouldn't take it, she put it in me while I was asleep. When I woke up I had no idea what she did to me and she had pointed my food with this pill she made, where you sleep and sleep and sleep until your body has enough rest. So for the past years since I was eight I have only lived sixteen years while the rest I have slept."

"Well, that's quite the ordeal, isn't it? But, it does beg the question - why not end it yourself?" I ask and get a shake of disapproval from Elijah, "A high enough bridge, a tight enough noose? You must have considered it."

"Long ago, I did consider it. But, Dahlia would never give me even that freedom. I would later learn that the serum she made me take didn't allow me to die — impervious to harm." She laughs bitterly and wipes the tears from her eyes.

"Freya, I'm so sorry." Elijah says which causes my eyebrows to knit together.

"Thank you Elijah and I promise I will help you guys protect Cat from Dalia." Freya says which causes me to chuckle bitterly.

"You actually believe her Elijah?" I ask looking at him through the mirror.

"You don't?"

"No, I only called her here to see if she was lying and I'm not seeing any truth in these stories."

"I knew it would be difficult to earn your trust, Caleb. Your reputation precedes you. But, if we are to face Dahlia together, you will have to trust me. Elijah trusts me, why can't you?"

"Because this is something I would do! Tell some sad story about my rough past and get them to feel sorry for me and let down their wall! That's a page right from my book!" I say annoyed then turn to Dalia, "Well, you had a lovely audition. It just didn't seem to be the right fit."

"Elijah thinks differently," She says.

"You did a fine job of convincing him with all your melodramatic tales. However, I suspect you were not entirely forthcoming. The truth is, Elijah can be a bit naive when it comes to family relations. Case in point, his unending faith in me! I repay that loyalty by guarding him against treachery they cannot see, and I suspect you are very treacherous indeed. You wish to worm your way into my family— I want to know why. So, sister, I'm going to give you one last chance to tell the full truth. I suggest you don't screw it up."

You want to know why I hate Dahlia? It goes back to a man. His name was Matthew. We knew each other for one perfect year. I loved him more than my own life, and Dahlia allowed me to love him." She says which actually made me feel for her because I knew what would happen next.

"Of course. She wanted you to bear her another first-born." I say.

"I broke my vow and gave into love, and that led to the darkest moment of my life. The day when I tried to steal from Dahlia that which she wanted most."

"And what, precisely, was that?" I ask.

"My son," She says with agony in her voice.

"Matthew only wanted our son to be born free. For that, Dahlia put him to death. I knew that I'd never be free of her, that my child would be born a slave. To spare us both the horrors of the life I'd known, I took a bottle of Dahlia's strongest poison. I wanted to die, for only death could give me the release I longed for. But Dahlia knew that my death was never an option. That was the day that I learned about her little serum that stopped me from dying."

"And the baby?" Elijah asks.

"The serum only protected me, when I took it I had already lost him." Freya says with more tears escaping from her eyes.

"It was Dahlia who made me do what I did. She turned me into a monster and I will destroy her for it. Tell me, brother— is that the truth you wanted to hear?" She asks me in a more angry tone.

"Whether I believe you or not is no matter. To told that tale in order to garner my sympathy! Thinking the shared plight of a child in danger would bond us. But, I will not be manipulated!"

Freya rolls her eyes, "Whatever you choose, one finale truth remains—we are going after Dalia. With me, you have a chance to defeat her. Without me, she will take your daughter and make her a slave better yet even kill her."

The car is silent for a while until I speak, "Fine, but you will no longer tell me what to do if I align with you sister. You will listen to me."

We pull up to Cat's house and Elijah carries her in. "Alright we need to do this now or else she could wake any minute." Freya says.

"And this is safe? It's not what Dalia gave you to only be awake for one year correct?" Elijah asks.

"I don't know if it's safe it's never been tested on but no it's not the same thing she gave me, but it will stop her from being killed. It's like a protection serum that has one usage then it's out of her system."

"Caleb she's going to hate you for doing this, faking her death."

"It's for her own good, Elijah; she shouldn't be in this mess. But whatever happens after tonight, the boys cannot find out that she is alive." I say.

Freya takes out a needle with a clear liquid from her bag and sticks it into her neck where I had previously put the serum in that caused her to pass out.

"When she wakes, she won't remember any of this, and this serum gave her another thirty minutes until she wakes so it's enough time to get her home."

"Thank you for this Freya." I say which causes Freya to smile.

"Well I always wanted to get to know my brothers. I just wish the rest of them were here."

"We all do." Elijah says, "Even Finn."

"Anyway, I'll get her in the car, Caleb I would grab some of her pictures, she's not ever going to be back here after tonight," Elijah says picking up Cat and taking her out to the car.

I turn to Freya, "I'm sorry about your son."

"I am too," She says fighting back tears, "But she deserves to have kids of her own and not have to worry about that her when she does have kids."

"Now you said that Cat was going to be the one to kill Dalia correct?" She asks and I nod.

"Well in order for you to kill her, this needs have made contact with her blood." She says and pulls out a small bottle of a bright blue liquid.

"This cancels out the serum she has inside of her that has kept her alive so many times she should've died. What weapon will she use to kill her?"

"An arrow or her knife."

"There's enough of this to go on one weapon so it better be her knife. Put this on the blade and when she slits her throat like she should this will cancel it out like I said. This is all there is so she needs to use it carefully and only on her."

"Thank you again."

"Call me when she's dead because I'll need to say my goodbye's to you after." She says.

"Yeah of course." I say, my heart ached for her. I never got to know her; I never got to know my older sister until now.

"Now go you're wasting time," She says. I smile before heading up to Cat's room and grabbing her pictures. On her dresser I notice the wooden toy I gave her the night she had to leave New Orleans, I didn't think she would keep it. But I grab it and then make my way down to the car and drive back to the warehouse.

Okay sorry if this chapter was confusing it will be more explained in the next chapters but yes this book is coming to an end, the last chapter will most likely be soon. Like in two or three more chapters.

This week has been one hell of an emotional week. I would just like to give a quick thank you to Zayn Malik who has given me five of the best years of my life. I hope that he finds himself and gets all the kindness he deserves in this harsh world and that we will all miss him but we will support him through everything, even if we don't agree with his decisions on somethings.

As for Niall, Harry, Liam and Louis, thank you for staying and wanting to keep going. Thank you for wanting to keep going for us we truly appreciate it. Thank you for trying to cheer us up for the past week even though I'm sure that you're just as a mess as we are. Thank you and we will continue to support the four of you better than ever.


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