spideypool dialogue prompts

By dittypedals

52.8K 1.2K 309

*⚠️COVER ART DONE BY "Eggcat_MCU" ON TWITTER⚠️* stuck in quarantine and bored as sheet *insert specific vine... More

"It's really not that complicated"
"What are you thinking about?"
"I've missed this."
"It's three in the morning."
"Close the door."
"Watch me."
"Watch me." Pt. 2
"I thought you were dead."
"Never trust a survior until you know what they did to stay alive." Pt. 1???
"Never trust a survivor until you know what they did to stay alive." Pt. 2
"Never trust a survior until you know what they did to stay alive." Pt. 3!!!
"Never trust a surivor until you know what they did to stay alive" Pt. 4
"Whoa! Pal, you have the wrong guy!"
"Don't mind me."
"Not now!"
"The Lab Partner."
"The Lab Partner". Pt. 2
"The Lab Partner." Pt. 3
"Sister Margeret's"
"Mission Afterlife."
"Mission Afterlife." Pt. 2
"Mission Afterlife." Pt. 3!!!!
"Lust." PT. 2
"Obsessive." PT.2
"Obsessive." PT. 3
The beat up boy on the subway
the beat up boy on the subway PT. 2
should the subway oneshot have another part to it? Or just leave it at that?
the beat up boy on the subway PT. 3
the beat up boy on the subway PT. 4
the beat up boy on the subway PT. 5
"Teasing" PT. 2
"You are my new pillow."
"Homework buddy."
"Homework buddy." PT. 2
"Homework Buddy." Pt. 3
"Homework Buddy." Pt. 4
"Through the Window."
"That's a new one."
"Are you Real?"
"Touch Starved."
"Are you drunk?"
"Out past 12."
Personal Bodyguard. Pt. 1
Personal Bodyguard. Pt. 3
Personal Bodyguard. Pt. 4
Making "Personal Bodyguard" a separate story
The Day Wade Wilson Showed Up
Im back😈
The Alpha With the Weird Scent
King's Request
Two years????? :o

Personal Bodyguard. Pt. 2

308 16 1
By dittypedals

A.N. Ok I definitely went overboard today. I've been bored and I wrote a lot. I have a Spanish presentation tomorrow and I'll continue the third part tomorrow! ENJOYYYYY

Wade woke up to his alarm at 12 P.M. He wasn't insane enough to wake up before noon. Obviously.

He shut it off and sat up, threw the covers back, and walked to the shower.

He stripped off his sweatpants and boxers. Still mauled skin. Sometimes Wade just wakes up thinking he'll wake up from this big nightmare.

He can forget about it during the day, when he's working or drinking. Then it hits at night, when he's forced to listen to the boxes. Forced to stare at the ceiling because nothing will let him sleep.

He's tried everything. Music, watching tv, medication. Wade's body is practically immune to medication now.

He turned the shower on and stared at himself in the mirror. I could actually look good if I didn't have these scars.

Feels good to have a big dick though.

Wade groaned loudly. They're already awake.

We're always awake. At least I am don't know where the other one is

"Shut up." Wade complained, stepping into the scorching water, his scars complaining. It was worth it though. Actually feeling something.

But you can't spend all of your time in a shower. With electrical bills. What a world we live in.

Suck it up

"You get to live in my head for free. How do you think I feel?" Wade scrubbed his face hard with his hands.

Oh I know you feel terrible I'm just bored all the time.

Wade ignored the voices and turned the shower off. It's not like he could sweat or wash his hair. But he still puts on deodorant after wrapping the towel around his waist. I should at least smell good.

We should definitely keep the towel off it's been a while since we've had some sweet time with Wade Jr....

"I would but I have to go see Peter." Wade walked to his little closet and picked some worn jeans and a hoodie. He pulled some semi-clean socks on and his boots. Tennis shoes were overrated.

Oh yeah that guy he's pretty cute

"Yeah." He stomped to the kitchen and raided it. Ramen sounded good right now. He boiled water and waited.

He slurped on the noodles when they were done. It felt good to have something in his stomach.

You think Peter's ass is as juicy as these noodles

Wade snapped his eyes shut and dropped the noodles from his mouth.

"You had to ruin it. Again." He rubbed his face and got up to throw the noodles away.

We need action! And we're getting lucky with this twink dude

"He just got back from being kidnapped. And we look like a monster. He'll hate us." Wade grabbed his hat from the counter and put it on, slipping his hood on over it.

He made sure he had the address in his pocket and apartment keys. He put on a surgical mask over it and gloves. Hopefully Peter was as nice as they said.

Hopefully TOO nice wink wink

Wade sighed and chose to ignore the box as he locked his apartment door behind him. He walked down the hallway. No one really lived on this floor. Rumors tended to spread.

It was now 1:30.

Wade walked down the stairs and out of the single front door.

He got looks from people passing by. It was just since it was lunch break. Wade kept his hands deep in his pockets. He pulled his hood forward more.

He checked the address and walked towards the building, passing roads and crosswalks. He wished he could've been anyone of these people passing by him.

It was scorching hot, but Wade didn't really feel it. He couldn't sweat, but it was still uncomfortable.

The building was small, brown and tan bricks. A small clear window of some seats available. A serving counter.

He saw some people in there. It was mostly a breakfast place, so many people weren't in there. Mostly college students.

He checked his phone. 1:56 p.m.

Wade sighed and opened the door. The bell chimed obnoxiously and he winced, knowing people would be looking towards him.

The server looked up and smiled, then kind of realized that Wade looked like a lunatic. In 90 degree weather. At a breakfast place at 2 p.m.

She returned behind the counter and Wade grimly smiled.

He found a place in the corner. I guess Peter really was sharp on time, because 4 minutes later right at 2, the boy walked in.

He was very tense, his eyes casted down. He even flinched a little as the bell chimed his arrival.

Wade looked up, their eyes met.

Peter realized that 'this was the guy'.

Wade gave a small wave and Peter nervously walked over, keeping his eyes down. He slid into the booth across from Wade and put his hands in his lap.

"Just making sure you're Peter, right?" Wade asked, gruffly.

"Uhm... Yes. I'm Peter. I don't know who you are though..." Peter answered, barely a whisper.

Wade tried to understand. "Sorry?"

Peter breathed in shakily. "Sorry. Uhm. Who are you-exactly." He kept his eyes down, looking at Wade's gloved hands on the table.

"Oh! Of course, they didn't tell you anything, huh. They didn't tell me anything, except like everything about you. Sorry about invading your privacy by the way. But I'm Wade!" He reached out his hand.

Peter looked super confused, but reached his shaky hand to meet Wade's gloved one.

"Don't worry, sweetums. I won't hurt you. I'm on your side." Wade shook his hand and slyly stroked Peter's hand.

"Right..." Peter stared at Wade's empty face.

"Right." Wade repeated and took his hand back. "So you're here sharp sharp on the clock."

"Yeah." Peter scratched his head, still looking at the table.

The waitress came over. "Good afternoon guys. What can I get you? Drinks? Erm-breakfast I guess?"

Wade looked at the woman and smiled. "I'll have whatever he's having." Pointing to Peter.

Peter opened his mouth, but the lady interrupted. "Usual right?"

"Uhm-yeah." Peter's ears turned red.

Hot. We should fuck him in the alleyway.

Wade winced. He couldn't answer to that lewd comment in public.

The waitress smiled and returned back behind the counter.

His skin is so pink. Wonder if his ho-Wade cleared his throat.

Peter sat up taller. "So uh. How are we going to do this?" Still whispering.

Wade sighed. "I'm not trying to be a douche, but your cute, little voice isn't really reaching my ears."

Peter's eyes met his for a split second, then he averted his gaze back down with a blush.

"Sorry. My-uh throat is still healing. I guess you already knew about that."

"Yeah. Sorry. I should've known, you've been through a lot."

Peter tried to speak louder, his voice breaking a little. "It's okay. You're here now, right?"

Wade's heart melted. "Of course. You're in good hands."

Hell yeah he better be

The coffee came a couple minutes later. She smiled and left with an "enjoy."

Peter wrapped his hands around it. It was cold, but refreshing.

"You've got taste." Wade took a drink. "Mmmmm."

Peter nodded and smiled a little, holding the drink in both of his hands like it was the most important thing in the world.


Wade nodded.

"So, uhm since you know so much about me, t-tell me about yourself." Peter muttered, perking up a little after having some coffee.

"Well. I'm a mercenary. I don't really work anymore. Just a sad old man. Well I'm almost 42." Wade laughed lightly.

Peter nodded, absently, and took another drink. "Where are you from?"

"Canada. Moved here after some-inconveniences." Wade held his drink.

"That's cool. I lived here my whole life." He shrugged.

"Yeah. But your life certainly isn't boring."

"Yeah..." Peter sighed. "So uh what do you like to do?" He changed the subject. Wade didn't blame him.

"Eat, get drunk at bars, I guess I like watching movies and shit. Not very smart. Don't have any friends, unless you count the guy who gives me people to kill. It's complicated."

"Have you always been-a m-mercenary?" Peter asked, hesitantly.

"Basically half my life. Don't really have anything else to do. No family, late girlfriend."

Peter pursed his lips. "Do you kill bad people ?"

Wade smiled at the innocent voice. "Yes. If they're under 18 I won't kill them, unless it's a really bad situation. I do a background check too, to make sure they deserve their consequences."

Peter nodded. "I guess that's better."

Wade took a big gulp of his drink and put it back down. "Uhhh I like the color red. I like to cook too. Don't really feel like cooking anymore though."

"We have pretty similar lives. Besides-uh everything else." Peter sheepishly smiled.

"I guess we do, Petey." Wade smiled and leaned forward.

Peter leaned back on instinct, looking at his feet under the table.

Wade studied his face. He could see the healing bruise and a small little cut that looked like a scratch. His eyes were tired and he had somewhat vibrant eye bags. Probably on medication.

God wish we could do that

Wade nodded and tilted his head.

Peter felt Wade staring and shifted in his seat. "Soooo, now what?"

"We can go back to my place? It's pretty messy right now but you're welcome to stay. I don't really understand what situation we're in right now."

Peter took a small drink. "Sure. I'm not doing anything." He smiled, sadly.

"Same here." Wade pulled out some cash. 20$. He felt nice today.

"Oh! I could've paid." Peter mumbled.

"Oh no, no, no, no. My treat. Always. Better get used to it." Wade put the money on the table and stood up.

Peter took his drink with him and stood up too. He came up to Wade's chin. Small frame.

Taking notes

Wade walked with Peter out of the door.

"Sooo you don't work or anything?" Wade asked, putting his hands back in his pockets.

Peter took a sip of his drink. "No. I used to but I just stay home. And go to the cafe."

Wade nodded. "You're brave to come out here after what happened, you know."

Peter blushed and fiddled with his coffee cup. "Thanks. I'm trying."

"Anytime, Petey." Wade smirked, coyly. Shy people always made his confidence go up.

Peter blushed and averted his eyes in front of him. "So what will we do at your place?"

Wade thought. "Whatever you want. I could cook something if you'd like, or we could watch a movie. You'll probably be staying with me from now on."

Peter nodded. "Ok. Thanks." He mumbled.

"Of course!" Wade turned to cross the sidewalk, he wrapped his arm around Peter's waist as other people came crossing from the other end.

Peter blushed and awkwardly followed Wade.

He kept his hand there after they crossed. They walked for a little bit longer, until they reached the apartment building.

"We're here. Pretty boring. I could move somewhere else if I felt like it. I'll probably do that with you here quite a lot, so you stay safe."

Peter dumbly nodded, not really understanding the situation he was in right now. "That'd be interesting."

God this guy is dry as fuck

Wade sighed and opened the door. "I usually take the stairs, if that's ok with you." He unwrapped his arm from Peter, after giving one last graze of skin.

"Ugh I probably shouldn't actually. My leg." Peter's voice cracked a little again, mentioning at his clothed leg.

"Oh yeah. I think there's an elevator, but it's probably broken, knowing this building. How about we move somewhere else tomorrow?"

Peter's eyes widened. "Oh! Ok... Could we stop by my apartment one last time then?" He asked, embarrassed.

"Oh of course!" Wade wrapped his arm around Peter's shoulder. "Unfortunately, I don't think there's an elevator, but my place is on the third floor so it shouldn't be that bad. I can always help."

Peter's ears flushed again and he nodded towards the floor. "Thanks."

Wade smiled down at him and opened the door to the staircase.

He walked slowly so Peter could take his time. After the first flight, Peter was getting a little sore.

He was used to walking with a little limp, but steep stairs were new. His old apartment had an elevator.

"Here." Wade got Peter to lean on him better. 

Peter stumbled at the sudden movement and clutched Wade's arm. Which was hard muscle by the way.

Sooo cliche

Wade chuckled and held Peter steady. "Steady now, sweetie." He cooed.

Peter sighed shakily and walked up the stairs, slowly. His leg ached. It shot pain up his body, like a chest cramp and you breathe a little too deep.

He winced through his teeth and held onto Wade stronger.

Wade smiled at that and stayed beside him. "You got it."

Peter blushed at the praise and after a while, they made it to the third floor.

Wade opened the door and steered him towards his apartment.

Peter leaned his full weight on Wade now. "Sorry."

"Don't be. I don't mind at all." He got to his door and took his keys out, finding the one easily.

He turned the lock and opened the door. His apartment wasn't that bad honestly. His trash was almost full, and his clothes were scattered around in his room. It's not like they'd be in Wade's room already.

Hjmmmm that might change...

Wade shook his head and sat Peter down on the couch. "There we go. I can get you some pillows and stuff?"

Peter nodded, shyly. "If that's ok with you."

"Of course it is! I took this job for a reason."

"Job. Right." Peter mumbled after Wade left the room. He relaxed into the couch. It smelled a little weird, but it smelled like home.

Wade came back with blankets and pillows. It took a little long, because he was cleaning his room up.

Peter was asleep on the couch, leaning his head on his shoulder, uncomfortably.

Wade smiled and set the blankets and pillows down. He leaned down and slipped Peter's shoes off.


"I'm just helping him." Wade uttered, setting the shoes down and scooping Peter into his arms.

"Wow, I thought he'd be a little lighter. I guess he didn't lose that much weight after everything." Wade carried him to his room and set him down carefully, admiring how his head leaned against his shoulder for a little longer.

Now you're really a creep.

"Dude shut up. It's been a while since someone has been in my apartment."

Yeah even longer when you count your bed.

He ignore the box and pulled his covers back, propping Peter's head up with his pillows. Good thing I changed the covers.

Oh yeah definitely

Wade smiled and brushed Peter's hair out of his face. He pulled the covers up a little more, before tidying up his apartment more. He decided to get some groceries for some of his pancakes and famous tacos.

More like infamous

Wade snickered. He left a little note, just in case Peter woke up. But he didn't when he got home.

He checked up on him, after setting the groceries down. Like an angel. He must've not been getting much sleep.


Wade sighed and put the groceries away. He wiped down the counters and prepared to make some late breakfast for when Peter woke up.

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