Meeting Darkness | DARKNESS S...

By DarkErotica_

22.5K 1.1K 110

DARKNESS BOOK 2 Angelica Robinson. Abandoned by her family at a young age all she wants is to be loved and ca... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Jason's POV
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Jason's POV
Chapter 13 Jason's POV
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Jason's POV
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Robbie POV
Chapter 18 Jason's POV
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Liam's POV
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Robbie's POV
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 Jason's POV
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 Liam's POV
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 Jason's POV
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 Jason's POV
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 Robbie's POV
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 Jason's POV
Chapter 43 Liam's POV
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 Jason's Pov
Chapter 47
Chapter 48 Liam's Pov
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51 Jason's POV
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 Robbie's POV
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 Liam's POV
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 Jason's POV
Chapter 63 Liam's POV
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67 Jason's POV
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 Liam's POV
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76 Liam's POV
Chapter 77 Victor's POV
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81 Jason's POV
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84 Liam's POV
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88 Liam's POV
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92 Jason's POV
Chapter 93 Liam's POV
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96 Robbie POV
Chapter 97 Jason's POV
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101 Jason's POV
Chapter 102 Liam's POV
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106 Jason's POV
Chapter 107
Chapter 108 Liam's POV
Chapter 109
Chapter 110 Jason's POV
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116 Jason's POV
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121 Liam's POV
Chapter 123

Chapter 122

110 4 1
By DarkErotica_

What the actual fuck? I'm getting married.. "Are you serious right now?" I ask him excitedly clapping.
"Seline's got your flowers at the door love. Let's go" he says chuckling and walking me up to the barn doors. I see Seline standing holding Ruby and my bouquet of blush pink and white roses.
"There beautiful, thank you" I tell her taking the flowers from her and kissing my baby girl. My eyes are teary and I hold onto Liam's arm tighter.
"Your about to marry my brother love" Liam says to me smirking trying to lighten the mood. I laugh at him and dry under my eyes gently feeling better.
"Let's go" I tell him and he walks me down the aisle. I see my Ace standing there watching me at the alter waiting for me and I can't take my eyes off of him.
As I reach him Liam kisses both cheeks and smiles at me and goes to stand behind Ace as his best man aswell clearly. He's been a busy guy.
Looking into Ace's eyes as he holds my hands feels like it's just us in our own bubble with the priest of course.

"Ace, I am proud to become your wife and to join my life with yours. I vow to support you, inspire you, and love you always. For as long as we both shall live, I will be by your side - for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer. You are my one and only, always and forever. I love you Ace" I tell him and my tears begin to flow. Shit that was emotional. I look at him as he dries my eyes with his thumbs smiling down at me.
I take the ring that Liam hands me and slide it onto Ace's ring finger with ease. He looks hot married.
"Jason. Your vows please" The priest says with a smile and he looks back into my eyes.
"Angel, I have been looking for you my whole life. Everyday my love grows for you and I promise to be the man that I see now in your eyes, today, tomorrow, and always. I will take your love to give me hope, give me joy, and make me a better man. I love you angel" he tells me and my tears are full on flowing now.
He slides my wedding band onto my finger that Liam offers him and looks into my eyes smiling.

"Do you Angelica Robinson take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asks me.
"I do" I say plainly, happily.
"And do you Jason King take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" he asks Ace
"I absolutely do" he says grinning down at me squeezing my hands a little.
"Then I now pronounce you man and wife" the priest says.
"You may kiss your bride" he adds and Ace leaves no room for waiting. He kisses me with so much love and admiration I melt against his hold kissing him back.
Holding hands we both look at our matching rings kissing each hand.

Walking down the aisle with Ace by my side feels epic. He's my rock and I love him unconditionally.
Looking around at everyone thinking I invited them to a baby reveal not a wedding ceremony. I have some explaining to do..

Heading into the barn with Ace by my side and Ruby on my hip I smile as people walk past congratulating us.
"Oh my god girl. I didn't know this was a wedding, congrats babes" Stacey says holding Mya in a beautiful red dress.
"I didn't know either hun. Thanks for coming.. All of you" I say looking towards Victor and nudge Ace to be nice.
"You good Victor? Thanks for coming" Ace says to Victor with a polite smile.
"Yeah good thanks" Victor says. These guys don't know how to talk.
I see Liam and Seline aproaching us and Liam suddenly do a u-turn. OK weird..
"So, Stacey ain't it? Do I know you" Seline says to her and she looks at her with a smile. fuck sake Liam.. Where did you go?
"Err yeah. I think I'm not sure it's been awhile" Stacey says and I look around for Liam still.
"So I see you have a kid.. With Victor. Small world" Seline says looking at Victor smirking.
"OK so it was good meeting you. Victor. Stacey I'll see you soon and will you excuse us we have more people to get through and I need to sit down" I tell her jokingly. And she laughs at me and hugs me.

Sitting at the table with my husband to my left while Liam clicks his glass getting everyone's attention.
"So as the best man it's rightfully my duty to embarrass the groom. So here goes." and everyone starts to laugh already..
"I've known Jason since we where kids. He's my brother and I love him. But that one time he was so drunk and this girl.."
"That's enough of that." Jason interuped thank God clearly he knew where that was going.
"Sorry about that folks Jason's being boring" he says looking at him and everyone laughs at him.
"Well Angelica. I love you like a sister and you make my brother the happiest guy I know. Thank you love" I smile up at him and raise my glass thanking him.
"So to the bride and groom may you live a long and fruitful life together" he adds and everyone calls out 'Cheers' and clicks glasses with there table.
"Now could we clear the dance floor ready for the first dance please. Jason, Angelica" he motions for us to start.
Ed Sheeran - Thinking out loud starts to play and I wrap my arms around Ace's neck as he holds me close to him.
"Have you enjoyed it. Was it a good surprise angel?" Ace asks me smiling down at me sparkling eyes.
"I never would of thought we'd get married today. You've officially succeeded in making me the happiest woman in the world. I love you so much" I tell him open and honest as always. I trust him with my life.

After saying a quick 'hi' to everyone and apologizing for the mix up, everyone's eagerly waiting for the baby reveal.
"So is everyone ready to find out the gender" Liam calls out and everyone cheers..
"Could I have the bride and groom up here please. I need your assistance" Liam says and I get up again and walk to the middle of the dance floor where a cake is wheeled towards us on a wooden trolley surrounded around pink and blue balloons.

We stand infront of them and Liam hands me the knife. Ace standing behind me holds the knife with me and cuts down the middle of the cake with me. Sliding out a slice the anticipation is killing me I just want to know. I pull the knife back and see pink sponge on the knife. It's a girl. I'm having my own princess.. Holding out the slice to everyone my eyes tear up again.
"It's a girl" we both call out and lean in to a passionate kiss. Just what I wanted.
"We're going to have another little prinny" Ace says to me holding my face looking into my eyes.
"I told you" I tease and he chuckles.
"I love you Mrs King" he says and kisses me.
"I love you too Mr King" I tell him and smile up at him. It's been the best day. I couldn't be happier.

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