Meeting Darkness | DARKNESS S...

By DarkErotica_

22.5K 1.1K 110

DARKNESS BOOK 2 Angelica Robinson. Abandoned by her family at a young age all she wants is to be loved and ca... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Jason's POV
Chapter 13 Jason's POV
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Jason's POV
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Robbie POV
Chapter 18 Jason's POV
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Liam's POV
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Robbie's POV
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 Jason's POV
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 Liam's POV
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 Jason's POV
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 Jason's POV
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 Robbie's POV
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 Jason's POV
Chapter 43 Liam's POV
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 Jason's Pov
Chapter 47
Chapter 48 Liam's Pov
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51 Jason's POV
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 Robbie's POV
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 Liam's POV
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 Jason's POV
Chapter 63 Liam's POV
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67 Jason's POV
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 Liam's POV
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76 Liam's POV
Chapter 77 Victor's POV
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81 Jason's POV
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84 Liam's POV
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88 Liam's POV
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92 Jason's POV
Chapter 93 Liam's POV
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96 Robbie POV
Chapter 97 Jason's POV
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101 Jason's POV
Chapter 102 Liam's POV
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106 Jason's POV
Chapter 107
Chapter 108 Liam's POV
Chapter 109
Chapter 110 Jason's POV
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116 Jason's POV
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121 Liam's POV
Chapter 122
Chapter 123

Chapter 8 Jason's POV

505 20 1
By DarkErotica_

Sunday morning and I have so much to do. I lay there in my bed and think about my angel.

Jason: Morning angel, hope u have a good day. I'll be thinking about you like always.

I hesitate but hit send anyways. I like that she's enjoying my morning texts. She needs to get use to them because she's going to be getting them always.
She will be mine. My angel

I scroll through my calendar and see what I have to do today and see I have nothing till dinner time when I have my first client that wants a expensive picture. Then I've got to meet up with the boys and sort out some business. People need to stop pissing me off. I think of my Angel and I instantly start to calm down. She has that effect on me.

Deciding to get up I make my way to the bathroom. Doing my usual morning routine I jump into the shower.

Standing at my closet I grab some clothes and quickly get dressed putting on my trainers I grab my watch and put in my earrings. I run my hand over my hair and look myself over in the mirror.
Sexy I smirk at myself and make my way down the hall to the kitchen and grab a handful of stawberries and put them into a bowl. I sit at my table and think about my angel. She hasn't text back yet. Why?
Looking at my phone I see a text. Smiling I open it.

Angelica: Hey babes sorry for the long reply. Sundays my lazy day lol.
Hope you have a good day 😊

My days already begining to look up now she's replied. If there's one thing you should know I have zero patience. But my angel might just get away with a little. I smile down at my phone wanting.. Needing to be around her. This is happening fast. I don't do these feelings. I was just hoping to drain my balls and leave. But something about her keeps me wanting more. More of her.

Jason: It's alright angel. I have a meeting to get to soon. I'll call you later.

Finishing up I put the bowl in the sink and make my way out to my car.
Heading into my office ready for my meeting.
Opening up I set up everything and put out the pictures plus some little extra ones. There all worth alot and I'm looking to be making a shit load by the end of the day. Smiling at that I hear a knock to my door.
"Come in" I call out and I see my client walk in and takes a seat at the table, looking at all the photos.
"I like these Mr King." he says pointing to a few of the new one.
"Yes, I knew you would" I say confidently and point to the main one he wanted to see.
"This is the one you wanted right?" I ask knowingly and he lights up at the picture.
"Ive been trying to find this picture for years. Where did you find it?" he questions excitedly.
"I have my resources Mr Ball" I say smirking at his knowing face. He's my best client and I always follow through. I can get anything form anywhere, no matter how or far. I will have it.
"I'll take these three and the one I came for" he tells me and I nod at him and pick up the pictures. Placing them in a special box I hand them over to him and he's beaming at me like it's Christmas. He hands me cash for them and I count it out quickly making sure. You can never be to carful in this line of work. I stuff the money into my pocket and shake his offering hand.
"Nice doing business with you Mr King. Let me know if you find any more" he says and we release from the handshake.
"Absolutely" I say with a nod and he makes his way out. Holding the door for him I lock up and head off to the club to meet the boys.
"See you" he calls out and holds his hand up as he pulls off.

I jump into my car and call Liam.
"Pick the fuck up" I say as it just rings.
"Fucksake" I curse annoyed and start up my car. My phone starts to ring and I answer putting him on loud speaker as I drive.
"Bro what the fuck man" I curse at him and he just laughs at me. So fucking annoying.
"I'm here, chill. What's up?" he asks me through the speaker.
"I'm on my way to the club now. Where you at?" I ask him as I turn the corner looking around seeing a cop car. I hate police.
"I'm at the club now, just got here. Everyone's waiting on you man"
"Yeah I'm like 5 minutes away I had business." I tell him but not to much over the phone.
"Hurry up" he says to me and I cut the call.

Pulling up at the club I switch off the engine and jump out the car.
Walking in I see everyone look over at me but I continue straight to where I see Liam sitting. Some girls are all over him untill they see me approach and they scurry away. Good. Bitches. Rolling my eyes at Liam when he looks at me and he just laughs it off.
"Brother" we say at the same time and he stands to hug me patting each other on the back.
"I have a job for you today. It needs to be done asap." I tell him quietly, looking at him being serious now.
"Come" I say walking into a private office and take a seat waiting for Liam to do the same.
"What's the job?" he asks me looking towards me leaning back in his chair.
"There's going to be a delivery that I need you to hit up" I tell him needing him to know its under the radar.
"I got this bro. All I need is a time and place." he tells me smiling. He's a cunt for this type of work. He's my best friend, practically brother to be honest and I trust him with my life.
"I'll bring couple man with me to make sure it goes smoothly. Nothing will go wrong. You know me bro" he says confidently and that is all I need to hear.
"Alright there's going to be a drop off and that's when I need you to take it to a warehouse, here." I show him the places on the map so he knows and he nods his head.
"You sure you got this. There's alot of money riding on this bro" I ask him needing to know he's got this.
"I've got this bro, don't worry" he tells me taking a picture of the map and putting his phone back into his pocket. We talk for a little about the job and what's in the van.
Liam gets a phonecall and leaves so I decide to call my angel. She answers immediately.
"Angel" I say deep and low down the phone as I sit at the table. I'm still sat in the room by myself as I wanted to hear my angel.
"Hey.. Baby" she says hesitantly and I swear I melt for that. I love it when she calls me baby now. I need her.
"You up to much angel" I ask her leaning back into the comfortable padded seat. I wish I could bring her here but I know what the others are like. They will all want her and that isn't going to happen. She's mine.
"All fucking mine" I growl out
"I like that" she says and I'm stuck for words, I wasn't suppose to say that out loud.
"Just making sure you know Angel" I  can't help but growl she brings out my animalistic side that's been trapped for so long.

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