The Night School [GxG] [Firs...

By ZephyrHeart

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1st DRAFT EDITION Disclaimer: I was 14 when I started and 15 when I finished this draft. It gets better towa... More

NIGHT SCHOOL REVISIONS August 2019 (read this or istg i kill off a character)
Chapter One : The New Kid
Chapter Two : My Friend
Chapter Three : Teach Me
Chapter Four : Can't You See
Chapter Five : Heart of Stone Part One
Chapter Six : Tonight We Are Free (Heart of Stone Part Two)
Chapter Seven : Hazel 2.0
Chapter Eight : Megan
Chapter Nine : One Too Many
Chapter Ten : Micha
Chapter Eleven : Feeling Blue
Chapter Twelve : Ice Cream at Marley's
Chapter Thirteen : Ghost
Chapter Fourteen : The Game
Chapter Fifteen : Ship of A Goddess : P.O.V. Hazel
Chapter Seventeen : Playing Matchmaker
Chapter Eighteen : Marley and the Silent Treatment
Chapter Nineteen : Now You Notice
Chapter Twenty : Set Up and Under Control : P.O.V. Micha
Chapter Twenty-One : Mystery Loves Company
Chapter Twenty-Two : Explains A Lot
Chapter Twenty-Three : Blame Game Jealousy
Author's Note : Thank You and Mini-Rant
Chapter Twenty-Four : The Micha Theory
Chapter Twenty-Five : Family Ties
Chapter Twenty-Six : Halcyon Days
Chapter Twenty-Seven : Beautiful Nightmares
Chapter Twenty-Eight : Devil in the Details
Chapter Twenty-Nine : Ouroboros
Chapter Thirty : in Cold Blood
Chapter Thirty-One : Wrong Time, Wrong Place
Chapter Thirty-Two : Rue More
Chapter Thirty-Three : Soulmate, Sole Mate, Stale Mate, Checkmate and Megan
Reader's Choice : Meeting Alexa [EXPIRED]
Chapter Thirty-Four : April Levison
Chapter Thirty-Five : Surprise, Surprise
Chapter Thirty-Six : The Old and The New
Chapter Thirty-Seven : Playing with Fire
Chapter Thirty-Eight : Tatiana
Chapter Thirty-Nine : Reunion
Chapter Forty : Calm Before the Storm
Chapter Forty-One: Heroine Part One
Chapter Forty-Two : Heroine Part Two
Chapter Forty-Three : Life Problems 101
Chapter Forty-Four : Heart to Heart
Chapter Forty-Five : Dinner At The Sinclairs' Part One
Chapter Forty-Six : Dinner At The Sinclairs' Part Two
Chapter Forty-Seven : Winter Montgomery and Alexa Sinclair
Chapter Forty-Eight : Fridge-Narnia?
Chapter Forty-Nine : Hazel, Meet Friends
Chapter Fifty : A. Sinclair
Chapter Fifty-One : Say Something
Chapter Fifty-Two : Sibling Rivalry
Chapter Fifty-Three : Technically, It's Spaghettification
Chapter Fifty-Four : The Morning After
Chapter Fifty-Five : Word Vomit?
Chapter Fifty-Six : What Are Those?
Chapter Fifty-Seven : Not Really Unexpected
Chapter Fifty-Eight : The Hazel Continuums / When You're Sad, and I'm Not
Chapter Fifty-Nine : Why Hazel Should Be On Broadway
Chapter Sixty: Hey There, Delilah
Chapter Sixty-One : Megan's Dilema
Readers' Choice : The End... Or Not? [EXPIRED]
Chapter Sixty-Two: Falling Until You Hit Rock Bottom
Chapter Sixty-Three : The End of Us
Chapter Sixty-Four : Opperation Set-Up
Chapter Sixty-Five: Outside Perspective P.O.V. Marley
Readers' Choice: That Moment... [EXPIRED]
Chapter Sixty-Six: Prelude
Chapter Sixty-Seven: March Twenty-First Part One
Chapter Sixty-Eight: March Twenty-First Part Two
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Interlude
The Night School : Part Two
Chapter Seventy : Haze
Chapter Seventy-One: Blue
Chapter Seventy-Two: Unwanted
Chapter Seventy-Three: Ultimatum
Chapter Seventy-Four: Mirage
Chapter Seventy-Five: Adaptation
Chapter Seventy-Six: Bioluminescence
Chapter Seventy-Seven: Confession
Chapter Seventy-Eight: Change
Chapter Seventy-Nine: Supression
Chapter Eighty: Catalyst
Chapter Eighty-One: Regression
Chapter Eighty-Two: Finale ~ P.O.V. Grace
Epilogue: Forever
Author's Note: Kira Getting Emotional Again
Deleted Scene No. 1: PREVIEW
Deleted Cache No. 1: Del Cache
Deleted Scene No. 2: Chapter Nine : One of a Kind BETA
Deleted I Don't Know No. 1: ---
Deleted Cache No. 2: AC2
Deleted Cache No. 3: Dc
Deleted Scene No. 3: Chapter Thirty : Crayola
Deleted Scene No. 4: Chapter Thirty-Four : April Leivson
Deleted Scene No. 5: Chapter Thirty-Five :
Deleted Scene No. 6: Chapter Thirty-Seven : beta
Deleted Plan Thingy: Chapter x : heroine x
Deleted Cache No. 4: Del
Deleted Scene No. 7: Outtake
Deleted Scene No. 8: Chapter Sixty-One: Megan's Guide to Training Your Hazel
Deleted Scene No. 9: Chapter Sixty-Three : While She is Asleep
Deleted Scene No. 10: Chapter Sixty-Six: March Twenty-First (Part One)
Deleted Scene No. 11: Chapter Sixty-Eight: March Twenty-First Part Two
Deleted Scene No. 12: Chapter Seventy-One: Blue
Deleted Scene No. 13.1: Holy Fluffing Fuck This is Cute
Deleted Scene No. 13.2: Holy Fluffing Fuck This is Cute

Chapter Sixteen : Secret's Out

11.9K 588 54
By ZephyrHeart

Alright. I admit it. I was talking to Micha during the car ride and trying to block out the bitch in the back seat. Nothing personal, I just hate Hazel and Micha is kinda awesome. What did I learn? The sister -Alexa- is in the Academy. She and Hazel have major bad blood, worse than Megan and Alexa. Alexa is another exact replica of our least favorite person, but when you're around her you know she isn't right. That's pretty much all Micha knew, cause apparently she only joined the N.S. after whatever happened with them.

I did learn that Micha is seventeen, also a triplet. Her elder is named Kayla, and her junior is Hadas. They're just like Megan and Alexa, supposedly, only they all have their special characters. Hadas was separated from the rest of her trudy at birth, so despite her place between them, Micha leaned toward her elder, who'd practically raised her.

Now you know.

Fast forward to tomorrow and O.M.G. guess what! Hazel is freaking avoiding me again. And I freaking miss her fucked up self. I looked for her. No joke. I don't even know why!

Micha : sup, 13? Ur gf up 2 anything interesting?

Yeah. I'm starting to think I found a friend in this girl.

Me : avoidn me ):Q y am I not happy?

Micha : cauz u wuv her ~3• I heard her and Libby going at each othrs necks yesterday. 0.0. I so don't envy u, dear


Micha: plz.

Me : -€

Micha: dude, that is clever.

Me : when ur BFFL is Marley u learn to do stuff like this

Micha: haha I have to meet this friend of urs

Me : girl, she will hit you till ur dead xD

Micha: I like the attention ;) dude don't u have math now?


Micha: u killed me. I just died of laughter.

I picked up my bad and darted to my math class, almost tripping on the way out of my homework nook.

I made it to the class without a hitch.

Not really.

I might have run into someone while roundin a corner. Ugh. Not my fault the mailboxes with all our graded work have a door that you don't see, let alone notice people walking out of. So four classrooms away from my next class I find myself on the floor with a very angry looking- shit. I wished for Hazel. And I found her. I am so very dead.

"What are you doing?!" She snarled, picking up her papers. "I'm trying to leave you alone. Why would you tackle me?!" She added.

"I didn't tackle you, I ran into you because I was texting my friend and now I'm going to be later to my next class!" I bit back, hauling myself to my feet and internally slapping myself for egging her on about the texting.

"It's the same person. Who are you talking to?!" She growled. I rolled my eyes.

"If you can't take it, don't dish it out" Hazel looked like she'd seen a ghost. I kinda enjoyed it. A lot.

"I knew the new kid was gay! Someone get a video!" Some guy tried to be discreet. Clearly that was a bust.

And then I realized how this must have looked. Hazel was basically straddling me, and I was trying to get in her face, so we were really close, both of us panting with the effort to control our anger.

"Hot" someone sang. Oh god no. Please no. "Gracie, what have I told you about P.D.A.?" Marley pat my head on the way to our math class. "I'd join the fun, but there is a cute guy in math I need to make love me! Have fun babe, I'll tell the teacher you're puking your guts out at home" she added.

"Marley, I am going to murder you!" I tried to move only to find Hazel was still sitting on my thighs. God I hate that word. "Hazel, get off" I only realized what I said after Hazel was giving me that stupid look. "Remove yourself!" I rephrased, blushing furiously and forgetting to block out a good number of Hazel oriented thoughts.

"Micha. You are talking to Micha. I told you not to talk to Micha!" She seethed. I scowled. Her eyes flickered to the floor beside me. I looked to find my phone had slipped out of my pocket and was sitting face up, an alert on the lock screen.

Micha: talk to u during lunch

I quickly took my phone and shoved it into my bag. When I did, I felt Hazel stand, and I watched her walk away. I was frozen for half a second, then remembered Marley's 'helpful' threat and I bolted to my math class. Marley was telling the teacher some story about her cat, which she didn't actually own, and I didn't know if she was covering for me, or just being Marley.

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