The Fertility Stone and the t...

By Fluna98

692 8 44

Through the history lesbian witches always existed, but they had a big problem, which was their need to keep... More

Diana Cavendish
Diana this is your new sister
Why are you getting married?
Try to fly now Diana
Loch Ness
The love stone cave
Diana's training
Diana is back
Last day of training
Luna Nova
Jessica Harrington
Jill's new girlfriend
The Broom Relay
Diana knows the truth behind her origin
Diana goes to Ireland
Claire Arnoux and the sacred water
Jessica tries to kick Diana and Sarah
A year of relationship
The fertility stone
Jill and Claire
The World Magic Battle Tournament
The Kagari sisters
Sarah's scar
The first round of the finals begin
Diana vs the youngest Kagari
The last four fights of the day
The quarter finals
The battle between the Campbell Cavendish couple
The Kagari sisters fight
The 3rd place dispute
The great final part 1
The great final part 2
The marriage of the Campbell Cavendish couple
Alice Campbell Cavendish and the B.R.A
The World Broom Racing Championship
WBRC final race of the 1st season
The revenge plan
The fight against the samurai part 1
The fight against the samurai part 2
Mako Kagari trial
The final of the 1748 WMBT
Diana Cavendish II origins
Diana Cavendish inventions
Maria Du Nord Brabham
Travelling to the Loch Ness
The Meridies family
Diana & Maria part 1
Diana & Maria part 2
Finding Gabriela Morris
Gwendolin Benson
18th century witches training
The Cavendish Du Nord love stone
Where's Wendolin Benson
Cavendish manor last day of training
Diana II in Luna Nova
The spoiled student
The invasion plan
The 1753 Broom Relay
Preparing for the invasion
The invasion begins
Maria showing her broom skills
invading the leader's wife
The cruel Julia McLaren part 1
The cruel Julia McLaren part 2
Returning from the invasion
Victoria McLaren origins
The fall of Victoria McLaren
The McLaren sisters fight
Terre Sapphique
Supreme leader Mildred Berger
Back to Luna Nova
The new Fertility Stone
An unexpected pregnancy
The Jordan sisters meeting
Meridies Witches return
Back to the Himalaya after a century
The great lesbian war part 1
The great lesbian war part 2
The great lesbian war part 3
One problem solved
Caroline McLaren Tyrrell
Maria's debut at the WBRC
Hope McLaren and the Cavendish Du Nord twins
A cruel mother
Caroline's visit
The 1764 French GP disaster
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A war is going to happen
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The second great lesbian war part 2
Julia McLaren Trial
Diana Cavendish III
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A forbidden love
Keith's blackmail
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The foreigners trio first class day
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Hilda's secret love interest
Margareth tries again
Diana's birthday
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The Halloween part 2
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Visting the Cavendish
Goodbye Professor McLaren
Luna Nova 1916 graduation
Travelling part 1
Travelling part 2
Elisabeth trans transformation
Diana and Louise Marriage
Studying about the fertility stone
Adeleine Du Nord Cavendish
Margareth's plan begins
Louise wins her second title
The years has passed
Adeleine suspicion
Margareth's evilness part 1
Margareth's evilness part 2

1913 Luna Nova Broom Relay

1 0 0
By Fluna98

Diana and Louise were finally together after only 3 weeks that they met, the two had a lot of sexual tension and were always giving each other hints about their relationship, but after that time and with Cavendish's birthday things changed a lot, They made so much love that it was necessary for Hilda to spend the night in the yellow team's room which was next to the red team's room, just so that she could leave the couple in peace in their relationship.

After that day things were more or less back to normal, both Diana and Louise walked much closer together from time to time they were even walking hand in hand in the corridors, they were very close to the point of never separating much, emphasizing that they were together, they were much more clingy than Elisabeth and Anne who also used to walk hand in hand, but not to the point of even staying that way while walking with Hilda in trio, even then they made a point of holding hands together.

But there was someone who did not like to see all this, a girl who felt furious just seeing the couple together, who preferred to believe that Diana and Louise were just two very close friends than to believe in the relationship of both girls, sometimes even ignored when she saw the couple kissing and this made her extremely angry, she couldn't stand to see it any longer, she couldn't stand to see that Diana was being happy with a girl other than herself, Margaret wanted by all means to do something to separate the two girls, she found the perfect opportunity to do so by thinking of a bet, as soon as she saw the flyer that read "1229th broom relay of Luna Nova", Ford wasn't very good at brooms, since her focus was only on being an extremely powerful witch in combat, but she had a plan in mind that could make her victory even more possible, thanks to the devices she created in which she would force Elisabeth and Anne to put on the brooms of the first two so that they would open more distance and the race would be won more easily, by taking who would stay in the first sectors, but still had a problem that was the fact of who would stay in these sectors, since the brunette had no idea of the abilities of any of the three, only thought that Diana would be at the top.

September 29, 1913, the day of the 1229th edition of the annual broom relay of Luna Nova arrives, the event was like every year very hectic and euphoric, since it was also well organized since the Friday of the previous week, making even the afternoon classes were suspended for the organization of the event, which had many advances, there were balloons all over the track observing each point, there were radars measuring the speed of the witch that went through the main straight, clocks marking the time that each one did in the sectors, the grandstands were also full, there were many witches there that were watching all that race, some were even witches that had connections with the World Broom Racing Championship. The announcer for the race was Denise McLaren, who was also accompanied by Principal Holbrooke.

- Ladies and gentlemen! Witches and magical creatures! We are here to kick off another edition of the Luna Nova academy broomstick relay! Our most talented witches are going to show that they are the best racers! Some of them may even become future champions of the World Broom Racing Championship! We have a real unknown this year as there are no favorites to win this race, all teams come with strong witches for this race! Enjoy the organization of our event before the race starts!

Denise says.

The witches at that moment were stretching and warming up for the race, some were even heading to their station, one of them was Louise who kissed Cavendish and then went towards her sector, who didn't like this at all was Margaret who looked at that scene disgusted and almost bursting with rage. Until the girl arrives and sits down in her part of the sector, Ford was following Du Nord and goes up to her to talk a little.

- Hey Du Nord I want to make a proposal?

Says Margareth.

- What? Are you going to stick my face in the cake again? I only have myself to thank for the way you beat me that day. If it hadn't been for that I don't know if I would be dating Diana now...

Says Louise trying to be sarcastic while Margaret held back her anger.

- Listen here Frenchie, this is exactly what I want to do, a race, a destiny, if I win you'll quit the academy, if you win I'll leave you two alone and I won't try anything more with Diana, I'll even acknowledge your relationship.

Says Margareth.

- And what makes me think I'm going to accept that? I will not break up with Diana over a silly race like this! My love for her is stronger than that, I will not bet my love for Diana on a silly race! And who do you think you are to acknowledge or not acknowledge my relationship with Diana? I don't owe you any satisfaction, the same person who stepped on my head last week, the same person who kept mistreating me, I won't accept it and that's that.

Says Louise getting angry.

- (Oh fuck you, are you going to be the good girl now? I have to say that at least one thing this French girl is good at is respecting Diana, at least she can do that well... But even so, I will try another way to get her to agree to bet with me).

- So you know what? Fuck you. Let's see how good you really are.

Says Margareth.

Louise just ignores Margareth staying focused on the race she was going to have in a few minutes, meanwhile the other girls were warming up, including Anne and Elisabeth who were already in each other's section. Williams had the broom sabotage in her hands, but she decided not to plant it on Hilda's broom.

- (I don't care if Margaret makes me do it... I don't care what the consequences are... I'm still being sexually abused by her still.... And Hilda is my friend, I'm not going to make her be sabotaged... And Hilda is my friend, I'm not going to let her be sabotaged. This time I will surrender to morality).

Already with Elisabeth she ended up placing the hidden sabotage on Diana's broomstick who was also concentrating to start the race. Until the minutes tick by and noon arrives on September 29, 1913.

- We are here to start the 1913 Luna Nova broom relay, the start is on! In 3! 2! 1! The lights go out and the race begins! They go and fly off to the start!

Denise says.

Hilda starts at the front, going the same way as Anne, and the two of them are fighting fiercely against each other, side by side, with very similar speeds, practically fighting among themselves in each of the curves of the course, Willliams was going 280 km/h and the German at 250 km/h, but in curves Braunchsbank was faster, getting closer and closer to the blonde.

- Wow! How impressive! Anne Williams and Hilda Von Braunchsbank are frantically vying with each other! These two are incredibly talented! Leaving the other witches in the dust! How amazing!

Denise says.

Meanwhile in the last sector Margaret was watching the whole race through the crystal ball and was angry about the two competing against each other and also noticed that Hilda's broom was not sabotaged and this made her extremely angry.

- (That bitch will pay dearly! That bitch! Anne! She's going to pay dearly for this! I'll make her swallow so much food through those holes that she'll puke out of her pussy! She'll be all stuffed up! I'll stick my whole hand in if I can, goddamn Anne Williams).

Hilda came in first in the first sector with a time of 1:31:237 taking turns to broom Diana and flying out of there quickly. Anne came in second with a time of 1:31:991. The McLaren was only a few tenths behind Cavendish who came out in front. Little by little the redhead was closing in on the Scot.

- Woah! Elisabeth McLaren is speeding up! She is almost catching up with Diana Cavendish! How incredible! She's going to almost win the race!

Denise says.

Elisabeth planted the sabotage on Diana's broom, but didn't use it, as soon as she came slowly past Cavendish, she went in front and this further angered Margareth who saw McLaren didn't sabotage, even if she took the lead, Ford was bubbling over with anger and so decided to push the button .

- (Those worthless things are useless! I'm going to sabotage them and fuck them)

As soon as she presses the button Diana's broom explodes and Cavendish falls to the ground, she is badly hurt by the explosion, but she holds on while keeping her broom in the air, except that she was very out of control.

- Woah! What an explosion that was! Diana Cavendish's broom ended up exploding! But she's pretty strong and still holding on in the air! That was a close one! Elisabeth McLaren is leading easily with 12 seconds ahead of Diana who is in big trouble! Will she be able to recover?

Denise says.

- What? Diana! Diana! Damn my love... Someone must have sabotaged you.

Says Louise worriedly.

The minutes are going by about the race, Elisabeth arrives with a time of 1:51:091 and delivers the bracelet to Margaret who leaves flying and even goes showing the middle finger leaving Louise behind. She was waiting for Diana who arrived only in third position with a time of 2:13:544. It was an almost impossible task to try to take twenty seconds in less than 4 minutes of the last course, but the Du Nord would make sure to give it her all. As soon as Diana arrived the redhead hugs her girlfriend.

- Love!

Says Louise.

- Let's beat this damn thing!

Says Elisabeth.

- Without me doing it first.

Says Louise healing Diana.

Louise passed Diana's wounds to herself and from there she already kicks the broom and throws herself off the broom and does a perfect mount over the broom, which goes flying off. It was so hard that the wind caused by the acceleration even caused some of the witches waiting in the section to have to hold on with all their might.

- Woah! How impressive the way Louise came out of the industry! She is going full steam ahead! This Frenchwoman wants to show that the race is not over for the blue team!

Denise says.

Some of the witches watching Louise's start were even amazed at the tremendous acceleration worthy of a racing witch, especially since she was gradually catching up with Margaret, who arrived on the opposite straight of the circuit where Ford was going as fast as she could.

- And Margaret Ford is on the main straight! She crosses at 220 km/h! How incredible! Never in so many years have we had witches this fast in Luna Nova with their own magic!

Denise says.

Meanwhile in the second sector, both Hilda and Anne were not at all surprised, thinking it was just a silly thing, that anyone could get up to that speed. Since both of them in the first sector were much faster than Margaret herself, this changed when Louise, who was on fire, started to pass through the sector on the opposite straight.

- Louise Du Nord is already in second position and looks like she will get closer and closer to Margareth... She goes down the main straight and... Four hundred and sixty kilometers per hour! I repeat here! It's four hundred and sixty kilometers an hour! Louise Du Nord has not only passed with twice the speed of Margaret Ford, but she becomes one of the fastest in the history of Luna Nova on a broomstick! This is incredible!

Denise says impressed.

After a while Louise was demonstrating to everyone the above average skill she had on her broomstick impressing some of the witches who had contact with the World Broom Racing Championship teams. Du Nord was quickly closing in on Margaret and passed her in one of the corners of the circuit, practically calling her from the side and causing the witches watching to be impressed and a euphoric outburst to ensue.

- Woah! Woah! Woah! Louise Du Nord from the red team takes the lead! She's phenomenal! What a surgical overtake by Du Nord! She's in the lead! And it shows that the race is not over until the flag!

Denise says.

Louise stays in front for the rest of the entire race and even sets a new course record with a time of 3:41:112, finishing in first position ahead of Margareth, who finished that course with a time of 3:56:991.

- Louise Du Nord! The red team is crowned the winner of the 1229th Luna Nova Broom Relay! This is amazing!

Denise says.

Louise, as soon as she crosses the finish line, just gets off the broomstick with her leg and arms a little wobbly from the injuries that have been put through so much that she ends up taking a slight wipe out after the race, causing her to have to be a little hunched over by the healing witches.

After being well, Louise, Hilda and Diana gather to take the victory photo, where Du Nord was the one carrying the trophy, while Margaret from afar was somewhat disgusted, and also some of the witches connected to the World Broom Racing Championship who filmed that race in parts, leaving there also writing down the name of the French woman, so that they could possibly test her.

After a while in the blue team's room, Margareth was tying Anne to the edges of the bed and arriving with a cake to shove things inside of her Williams was looking traumatized and was also in shock. Margareth slowly picked up a piece of cake to put inside the blonde.

- You are a curse! You'll pay as much to Elisabeth for what you've done! I saw that you didn't sabotage the girls' broom. At least your girlfriend put the sabotage on Diana, but it hurt her! I won't allow it! You little bitch!

Says Margareth.

- Hmmmmm!

Says Anne trying to speak.

Margaret was about to shove a piece of cake into Anne, but ran into Elisabeth who was looking at them both in shock. Ford notices the McLaren's presence and flashes a mischievous smile in the direction of the girl, who is still frozen in shock, until she reaches over and touches the bar of the redhead's skirt and places her hand on the brunette's hand.

- Please... Margaret don't do this...

Elisabeth says in shock.

- Ah, now you know what I've been doing with Anne since the day school started. At least let's see how the teacher's little girl reacts, let's see McLaren's skinny, breastless body...

Says Margaret, pulling down Elisabeth's skirt.

Margaret lowers her skirt and notices a slightly apparent bulge in Elisabeth's panties, which makes her a little confused seeing the bulge that was in the girl's panties, until when she lowered it she noticed that there was something that was unfamiliar in girls. McLaren had a penis that was semi-erect when she saw the body in Anne's, which makes Margaret feel disgusted.

- What? Are you a fucking boy? What the fuck is that? So Charles is not your birth name because your parents wanted a girl, but because you were born a man! You disgusting bitch! You slut!

Says Margaret while Elisabeth was embarrassed.

- Hey Elisabeth is not a boy! She is a girl! Stop treating my girlfriend like that! I may have been abused silently and let you do this without choice, but I will not allow you to be transphobic with my girlfriend! She is a girl!

Says Anne.

- Your fetishist man that is... I have to say that this creep has a tiny little dick, I don't like dicks, so that's what I'm going to fuck Anne with, that tiny little dick won't make her lose her virginity, but don't worry Charles, I Margaret Ford will give you something that will make Anne Williams feel like a regular straight woman and get stabbed by a male member.

Says Margaret aiming her wand at Elisabeth's limb.

The spell that Margareth uses makes Elisabeth's member twice as long, at 27cm, which leaves both McLaren and Williams amazed at the size of the member, while Ford is just laughing as she intimidatingly takes that member by giving it a light fist.

- Now I will give Anne Williams the pleasure of losing her virginity to Charles McLaren, I can imagine how much you have been waiting for this moment, so that was the big boy's secret... We have a boy in our academy.

Says Margaret as Elisabeth breaks into a cold sweat.

Anne and Elisabeth swallow their own saliva, Margaret holds the McLaren and takes it over to Anne, where the two start doing it to each other, both in shock from having such a traumatic first time, this while Margaret watched the whole thing masturbating and finding it a real wonder at the horror on both girls' faces. That big member was not healthy at all for the two, the redhead was suffering from the blood that was too much to keep the member erect that was disproportionate to her size and Williams who was suffering from her uterus being bruised by the excessive size being shoved into her, no matter how hard the Irish girl tried, Ford was always forcing it in hard, traumatizing both girls that night after Luna Nova's broomstick relay.

See you, broom racers...

Full name: Elisabeth McLaren

Date of birth: March 23, 1899

Place of birth: Dublin, Ireland (Irish)

Height: 1,59m

Weight: 53 kg

Measurements (bust/waist/hip): 85/58/87

Hair color and appearance: Reddish-orange, long, reaching mid-back, some bangs running down the side and middle of the face.

Eye color and appearance: Green, Western

Physical appearance: Pale Caucasian skin, small breasts, broad shoulders, thin, round nose.

A rare moment happened in the McLaren family in almost 700 years of existence, the third boy of the family was born and named Charles, but over the years she ended up identifying herself more as a girl, she never felt comfortable with growing up as a boy, growing up to be a real man and didn't like to be one either, because of that she ended up identifying herself more as a girl and even adopted the name Elisabeth, With the help of her mother Denise and her adoptive "sister" Anne, she ended up having all the help she needed to be what she always wanted to be. When she was 7 years old, her mother started to perform the transition ritual, and as the years went by she became more and more feminine, and also as the years went by she fell in love with the blonde that had always been by her side. Because of this, the girl has become a rare case where a McLaren is much taller than the average family height. Elisabeth is a quieter and more reserved person, but also somewhat receptive, and she usually shows her feelings more by actions than by words.

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