The Fertility Stone and the t...

By Fluna98

692 8 44

Through the history lesbian witches always existed, but they had a big problem, which was their need to keep... More

Diana Cavendish
Diana this is your new sister
Why are you getting married?
Try to fly now Diana
Loch Ness
The love stone cave
Diana's training
Diana is back
Last day of training
Luna Nova
Jessica Harrington
Jill's new girlfriend
The Broom Relay
Diana knows the truth behind her origin
Diana goes to Ireland
Claire Arnoux and the sacred water
Jessica tries to kick Diana and Sarah
A year of relationship
The fertility stone
Jill and Claire
The World Magic Battle Tournament
The Kagari sisters
Sarah's scar
The first round of the finals begin
Diana vs the youngest Kagari
The last four fights of the day
The quarter finals
The battle between the Campbell Cavendish couple
The Kagari sisters fight
The 3rd place dispute
The great final part 1
The great final part 2
The marriage of the Campbell Cavendish couple
Alice Campbell Cavendish and the B.R.A
The World Broom Racing Championship
WBRC final race of the 1st season
The revenge plan
The fight against the samurai part 1
The fight against the samurai part 2
Mako Kagari trial
The final of the 1748 WMBT
Diana Cavendish II origins
Diana Cavendish inventions
Maria Du Nord Brabham
Travelling to the Loch Ness
The Meridies family
Diana & Maria part 1
Diana & Maria part 2
Finding Gabriela Morris
Gwendolin Benson
18th century witches training
The Cavendish Du Nord love stone
Where's Wendolin Benson
Cavendish manor last day of training
Diana II in Luna Nova
The spoiled student
The invasion plan
The 1753 Broom Relay
Preparing for the invasion
The invasion begins
Maria showing her broom skills
invading the leader's wife
The cruel Julia McLaren part 1
The cruel Julia McLaren part 2
Returning from the invasion
Victoria McLaren origins
The fall of Victoria McLaren
The McLaren sisters fight
Terre Sapphique
Supreme leader Mildred Berger
Back to Luna Nova
The new Fertility Stone
An unexpected pregnancy
The Jordan sisters meeting
Meridies Witches return
Back to the Himalaya after a century
The great lesbian war part 1
The great lesbian war part 2
The great lesbian war part 3
One problem solved
Caroline McLaren Tyrrell
Maria's debut at the WBRC
Hope McLaren and the Cavendish Du Nord twins
A cruel mother
Caroline's visit
The 1764 French GP disaster
Run Caroline! Run!
A war is going to happen
The second great lesbian war part 1
The second great lesbian war part 2
Julia McLaren Trial
Diana Cavendish III
Gabrielle Benson horrible life
A forbidden love
Keith's blackmail
Margareth tries to run
Diana III in Luna Nova
The foreigners trio first class day
Louise Du Nord past
Hilda's secret love interest
Margareth tries again
Diana and Louise love
1913 Luna Nova Broom Relay
Elisabeth and Anne can't handle
Where's Margareth
Miranda Holbrooke is in love
The Halloween part 1
The Halloween part 2
The adults are having a date
Visting the Cavendish
Goodbye Professor McLaren
Luna Nova 1916 graduation
Travelling part 1
Travelling part 2
Elisabeth trans transformation
Diana and Louise Marriage
Studying about the fertility stone
Adeleine Du Nord Cavendish
Margareth's plan begins
Louise wins her second title
The years has passed
Adeleine suspicion
Margareth's evilness part 1
Margareth's evilness part 2

Diana's birthday

3 0 0
By Fluna98

The days passed after Margaret again tried something with Diana without her being comfortable, which thanks to Louise's rescue things ended well with the Cavendish, but not so well for Ford, who got extremely angry, breaking part of her dorm, hitting everywhere and then ended up taking out that anger and sexual tension by calling some girls to her room, where they had a tremendous orgy in the blue team's room, which ended up leaving Elisabeth and Anne practically without a night's sleep listening to the brunette moaning loudly for practically hours at night and in the early morning, the same one thinking that the best thing at that moment was to take the sexual tension out.

The relationship between Louise and Diana was getting closer, they were no longer tense with each other, the Du Nord even changed a little for the better, starting to respect more the Cavendish's space, without trying anything during the bath, she just sometimes went to wash the Scottish woman's back, But the two ended up laughing and getting their faces close together, as if they were about to kiss, but still didn't do it, because they considered each other as friends.

Another week had gone by, with no major events happening, apart from Principal Holbrooke and Professor McLaren meeting each other constantly and both getting a little flushed at these encounters, hinting that they had some feelings for each other, but apart from these encounters and the exchanges of letters between Hilda and Bianca Windsor, not much happened at the academy. Hilda's relationship with her secret admirer was getting better and better, the exchanges of letters showed a greater closeness on the part of the two girls, implying that they would possibly meet up later on.

September 22, 1913, another week of school begins, it would be a normal day like any other, just a dull Monday, if it weren't for the fact that it was Diana's birthday, who was turning 15 that day. In the red team's room the trio was getting ready for the classes that would happen later, as usual the trio was always taking a shower together in the bathroom and Louise accidentally stumbled and unintentionally got into a very suggestive position with her ass facing Cavendish's face who ended up looking at the Du Nord's things.

- (Oh no... She's holding the thing facing me.... If it wasn't accidental I would say it's a nice gift.... I would gladly suck it... I say... Diana! Keep if up... But her pink lips ... There's always a little part sticking out... Diana! Diana! Diana! Stay focused girl... It was just an accident).

- Oh, sorry Diana... I stumbled here.

Says Louise rubbing the back of her head while Diana was extremely flushed.

- Ah yes... Oh yes... I get it.

Diana says with a trembling voice falling to the side.

As Cavendish falls Cavendish ends up again facing Louise's intimacy seen from behind and with that Du Nord goes over to the Scottish woman and stares at her somewhat worriedly, while she was still quite flushed.

- Are you all right Diana?

Says Louise.

- (Better than ever... I've never felt better Louise... You have such a delicious intimacy. I fell on purpose just to get a better look at those lips. I have to control myself more... My intentions with Louise will become very clear with this ... And I can't take it anymore... We've been here three weeks and I'm already craving her... I really like Louise, today is my birthday. It's a good idea to use this date as a reason to ask her to marry me.)

- Diana?

Says Louise snapping her fingers.

- Ah Louise... It was nothing, let's get this shower over with and then go to class.

Diana says.

Louise just nods her head, a little surprised at Cavendish's reaction, but then lets it go and continues to bathe, while Hilda is watching the whole thing and just thinking about that moment, knowing that Diana's reaction was quite intentional. After that bath, the three of them change and go to class. Professor McLaren even announces to the whole class that it was Diana's birthday and all the girls in the class congratulate Cavendish, who is a little bit embarrassed. After the morning classes, Louise decides to ask Professor McLaren for permission to go with Hilda to the city. Since the Scottish girl was with the girls from the academy receiving their congratulations and could barely move from all the movement around her.

- We can go out on the town, me and Hilda, I want to ask them to bake a cake for Diana... Since today is a school day, I'd bake a cake, but I'll ask someone else to do it for us.

Says Louise rubbing the back of her neck.

- That's fine with me, you have my permission, but remember to come back before the afternoon classes.

Denise says.

- Right!

Says Louise nodding her head in agreement.

Then Louise and Hilda take their brooms and cross over the Ley line, where they go to the nearest confectioner's shop, and are soon greeted by the clerk who notices the two girls entering and also the witch academy uniform they were wearing.

- Ah Luna Nova students around here, what do I owe your visit?

Says the clerk.

- I want to make a request, actually leave a cake for my friend who has a birthday today.

Louise says, walking up to the counter.

- Oh right, I'll call our pastry chef.

Says the clerk.

The clerk calls for the confectioner, where she starts talking to Louise about how the cake would be, the Du Nord opted for a chocolate cake with vanilla where it would be written on the top a "Happy Birthday Diana", it would be a two-story cake, with some strawberries around and also a candle to match, everything well done and with all the care in the world. The cake would be ready around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, so it would be perfect for Francesa to come after the afternoon classes were over.

- It will only be one pound.

Says the confectioner.

Louise hands the confectioner a one pound coin, the clerk makes out the invoice for the cake and hands it to Du Nord stamping it and marking that it was paid for, then the two quickly return to Luna Nova, where Diana was eating lunch at the table alone. The two quickly meet the girl and she smiles at them both.

- Where were you? The girls didn't stop surrounding me wishing me a happy birthday.

Diana says.

- Hilda and I went out into the city for a bit, but it was no big deal.

Says Louise.

- Oh I see, it must be something connected with my birthday, I guess... They don't need that much attention, just being my friends is already a great gift.

Diana says.

- Oh yes, Diana, I want to do something special for you... Because I think you're special.

Says Louise as Diana began to laugh with embarrassment.

The girls then stood chatting and eating a little while Margaret looked at them from afar and was even a little angry to see that Diana blushed at what Louise said, becoming envious of the girl, even more so since the sexual tension between the two was much more diminished, becoming more of a friendly relationship and possibly going to become something more, since it was giving traces of a probable romance. The trio of the red team also found something strange and that was the absence of Elisabeth and Anne, whom Margaret lied a little saying that they were sick and even falsified a doctor's note in the infirmary so that they would be out of class all day, which was already very strange.

The hours went by, the afternoon classes went by, Magareth at that period left early using the excuse that she had a stomach ache. After the classes were over, the girls from the red team left the class and from there Hilda and Louise said goodbye to Diana since they were going to the city to pick up the cake, and Cavendish went to her room, but she was soon received by Elisabeth and Anne who were a little dirty with flour. Making the Scottish girl very strange about the situation.

- Weren't you guys sick?

Diana says suspiciously.

- Eh... Don't tell anyone Diana... But come with us to the blue team's room.

Says Elisabeth.

- Ah... The blue team's room.

Diana says discouraged.

- Please, Diana, do it for us!

Says Anne pleadingly to Diana.

- (How strange, the two of them are begging me so much to go to Margaret's room... Well, if they go together then there won't be any risk, even if she tries something with me I have both of them to help me get out of there quickly... At least this way I can end this once and for all, with all the insistence that Margaret has with me, I have already said that I don't want her more than my friend... I have always seen her as a sister... Besides, I have something bigger in mind. I want Louise Du Nord... I'm in love with her... And that little smirk between her legs).

Diana then just nods her head and goes with the girls towards the blue team's room, until she opens the door and finds a huge cake and on top of it was Margaret sitting with her legs spread sensualizing Cavendish biting her lips, taking some pieces and passing them through her naked body. Which made the Scottish girl start to feel embarrassed and even a little disgusted.

- Happy birthday my love. Come here, take off your clothes and let's celebrate together eating this cake and our pussies... Or maybe both. Hmmmm... How delicious a pussy cake.

Says Margareth, rubbing a piece of cake on her intimate region.

- Margareth... What is this thing?

Diana says in disgust.

- Oh don't be like that Diana, I'll ask Elisabeth and Anne to leave the room, let's have some fun stuffing food... Hmmm... How delicious... My pussy can really enjoy this cake too... Hmmm... Come on Diana... Let's enjoy this cake and stick it in different holes... This is so good....

Says Margaret stuffing pieces of cake into her intimacy as Diana took a few steps back.

- Look Margareth this cake looks delicious... But from what I saw you didn't make it yourself and the girls look tired too.... I already told you I don't want you except as a sister... I've said it more than once... I'm sorry.

Says Diana turning around and leaving the room while Margaret stood in shock.

Cavendish quickly leaves the blue team's room, somewhat disgusted, and runs to the nearest bathroom where she starts vomiting in disgust, Elisabeth and Anne go along with her and even help hold back Diana's hair who was traumatized by the whole scene. Margaret, on the other hand, became extremely angry. Punching that cake angrily and making that entire room honeycombed, she even loses the will to keep touching herself and goes to the shower to take a bath. Meanwhile in town Louise and Hilda were picking up the cake at the confectioner's shop.

- And here is the Louise Du Nord cake, just the way you asked for, your friend Diana will love this cake, you can be sure, I made it with all the love in the world.

Says the confectioner.

- Oh thank you, I'm sure she will, today she's turning 15 and at the academy no one has even made a surprise like this, I want to do something special.

Says Louise smiling at the confectioner.

Louise and Hilda go together back to Luna Nova carrying the cake. Diana was in her room a bit traumatized by that scene, still thinking about the whole thing, which was fresh in her mind. Margaret was extremely angry, so much so that after her shower she got dressed and left angrily walking down the halls, only after finding Louise and having the girl's surprise ruined.

- (This Louise won't get away with it either! I know she's preparing some surprise, so I'm just going to stay here waiting for her to show up, that damn thing is going to swallow her little surprise, if I couldn't please Diana, no one will).

Louise and Hilda are talking to each other about the surprise they are going to give Diana until they reach the hallway of their dormitory and come across Margaret who was standing there with her hands on her waist, looking at the two girls, until she made a slight smile. Ford goes to the two and soon receives them in a different way.

- Ah Louise... Hilda... Are they wanting to bring Diana a surprise?

Says Margareth.

- No, we are just idiots who like to carry boxes around.

Hilda says sarcastically until Louise scolds her.

- Hilda! Don't be rude.

Says Louise.

- It was bad for the way I went with Diana these days, so I want to give these to you Hilda, they are magic bracelets, which increase the magic power even more.

Says Margareth handing the bracelets to Hilda.

Hilda then goes in innocence and starts to put the two bracelets just to see how it looked like, as soon as she finished tying them she gave a firmer hold on her wrists. Margaret gives a smile and then she pushes the cake box to make it fall down, tripping the girl as she turns and hits a spell on the German girl who ends up standing in the same place.

- What?

Says Hilda confused.

Margaret continued to aim her wand at Hilda, who did not move forward as she started to step on Louise who was trying to get up, Ford was extremely angry and wanted in every possible way to make the Du Nord suffer, stepping and stepping all the time on her who even got a little dirty with the cake that fell on the floor. After stepping on Du Nord for a while she ends up grabbing the redhead's head and begins to act cruelly.

- Stay away from my Diana Cavendish, if I couldn't gift her, no one else will, so swallow that fucking cake.

Says Margaret rubbing Louise's face against the fallen cake.

The commotion caught the attention of some of the girls in the rooms and this included Diana who ran up to them and impulsively nudged Margaret who stood up and then was punched in the face and fell to the floor, causing Hilda's bracelets to come off and Ford to fall in shock to the floor. The girls from the other teams watched the scene in shock.

- Louise!

Diana says, going over to Louise who was getting up crying.

- I just wanted to surprise you...

Louise says, getting up and running away.

Louise goes to the red team's room, where she takes off her clothes and goes to the bathroom to take a shower, while Diana and Hilda were still in the hallway staring angrily at Margareth who stood up from there, looked at everything around and ran out.

- Come back here, you bitch!

Hilda says until Diana puts her hand on her shoulder.

- Let her go... Let's deal with something more important... Louise needs us.

Diana says until Hilda puts her hand on her shoulder.

- Louise doesn't need us! She needs you Diana! Now go on! Make this sun bright again! I'm going to sleep outside tonight!

Says Hilda as the girls celebrate with her.

Diana just nods her head, she goes into the red team room and closes the door, while outside the girls from the other teams clean up the mess, Hilda decides to stay in the yellow team room that was next to her team's room. As soon as Cavendish enters she is faced with Louise in the shower crying. The Scot goes to a drawer where she gets two bows, takes off her clothes, putting one of the bows on her head and goes to the bathroom where Louise was sitting on the floor crying.

- Louise.

Diana says as she goes toward Louise.

- Diana... I'm sorry... I just wanted to bake a cake and make you happy... Because I wanted it to be something special... But Margareth ruined it. I wanted it to be a special present.

Says Louise until Diana comes up to her placing the bow on Du Nord's head.

- You don't need a special gift... You are my gift. I love you Louise Du Nord.

Says Diana with her hand on Louise's face wiping away Du Nord's tears.

- Diana... I... I, too... love you

Says Louise taking Diana's face.

Louise and Diana end up sealing lips, the two kissing deeper, with the kiss so intense that it makes Du Nord even stop crying, focusing only on exploring inside Cavendish's mouth with her tongue, also feeling the Scottish girl's warm body, touching the French girl's slightly cake-smeared body. After the kiss both girls stared at each other with a bridge of saliva connecting the two.

- Diana Cavendish... Do you want to be my girlfriend?

Says Louise.

- I'll take Louise Du Nord.

Says Diana smiling at Louise, who gets emotional again.

- Today bad things may have happened... But it is also the best day of my life.

Says Louise.

- What do you say we make this day better after a bath, I'll help you clean this dirty little body and then we'll enjoy the bed, just the two of us, maybe also some more interesting and differentiated things.

Diana says with a more mischievous smile.

- Let's do the hot thing without clothes on?

Says Louise excitedly.

Diana nods her head in agreement, she then begins to help Louise up, the two of them stand together in the shower taking a quiet bath with no ulterior motives since they would save it for after washing, the couple also takes the opportunity to exchange a few kisses, since this time they were finally together.

Happy Birthday, lesbian witches...

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