The Fertility Stone and the t...

By Fluna98

693 8 44

Through the history lesbian witches always existed, but they had a big problem, which was their need to keep... More

Diana Cavendish
Diana this is your new sister
Why are you getting married?
Try to fly now Diana
Loch Ness
The love stone cave
Diana's training
Diana is back
Last day of training
Luna Nova
Jessica Harrington
Jill's new girlfriend
The Broom Relay
Diana knows the truth behind her origin
Diana goes to Ireland
Claire Arnoux and the sacred water
Jessica tries to kick Diana and Sarah
A year of relationship
The fertility stone
Jill and Claire
The World Magic Battle Tournament
The Kagari sisters
Sarah's scar
The first round of the finals begin
Diana vs the youngest Kagari
The last four fights of the day
The quarter finals
The battle between the Campbell Cavendish couple
The Kagari sisters fight
The 3rd place dispute
The great final part 1
The great final part 2
The marriage of the Campbell Cavendish couple
Alice Campbell Cavendish and the B.R.A
The World Broom Racing Championship
WBRC final race of the 1st season
The revenge plan
The fight against the samurai part 1
The fight against the samurai part 2
Mako Kagari trial
The final of the 1748 WMBT
Diana Cavendish II origins
Diana Cavendish inventions
Maria Du Nord Brabham
Travelling to the Loch Ness
The Meridies family
Diana & Maria part 1
Diana & Maria part 2
Finding Gabriela Morris
Gwendolin Benson
18th century witches training
The Cavendish Du Nord love stone
Where's Wendolin Benson
Cavendish manor last day of training
Diana II in Luna Nova
The spoiled student
The invasion plan
The 1753 Broom Relay
Preparing for the invasion
The invasion begins
Maria showing her broom skills
invading the leader's wife
The cruel Julia McLaren part 1
The cruel Julia McLaren part 2
Returning from the invasion
Victoria McLaren origins
The fall of Victoria McLaren
The McLaren sisters fight
Terre Sapphique
Supreme leader Mildred Berger
Back to Luna Nova
The new Fertility Stone
An unexpected pregnancy
The Jordan sisters meeting
Meridies Witches return
Back to the Himalaya after a century
The great lesbian war part 1
The great lesbian war part 2
The great lesbian war part 3
One problem solved
Caroline McLaren Tyrrell
Maria's debut at the WBRC
Hope McLaren and the Cavendish Du Nord twins
A cruel mother
Caroline's visit
The 1764 French GP disaster
Run Caroline! Run!
A war is going to happen
The second great lesbian war part 1
The second great lesbian war part 2
Julia McLaren Trial
Diana Cavendish III
Gabrielle Benson horrible life
A forbidden love
Keith's blackmail
Diana III in Luna Nova
The foreigners trio first class day
Louise Du Nord past
Hilda's secret love interest
Margareth tries again
Diana's birthday
Diana and Louise love
1913 Luna Nova Broom Relay
Elisabeth and Anne can't handle
Where's Margareth
Miranda Holbrooke is in love
The Halloween part 1
The Halloween part 2
The adults are having a date
Visting the Cavendish
Goodbye Professor McLaren
Luna Nova 1916 graduation
Travelling part 1
Travelling part 2
Elisabeth trans transformation
Diana and Louise Marriage
Studying about the fertility stone
Adeleine Du Nord Cavendish
Margareth's plan begins
Louise wins her second title
The years has passed
Adeleine suspicion
Margareth's evilness part 1
Margareth's evilness part 2

Margareth tries to run

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By Fluna98

Margaret discovered the reason why Diana and Meredith were allowed to come to her family's residence, which was pure sexual blackmail by Keith Ford who had taken advantage of the elder Cavendish sexually all these years, but there was also one thing in particular that made her extremely angry when her father asked her about her younger sister "What about Diana? She's already growing up, when she gets older I'll want her here too, that girl must have more potential than you, especially since she's going to be a virgin pussy", that infuriated Margaret in such a way that she even threw the crystal ball with everything against the wall.

After this moment the girl was thinking of a way to go away, finish with her father and stay with Meredith and Diana in the Cavendish family residence, but Margaret is not stupid at all, she decided to wait to refresh her memory a little to formulate a better plan, besides she was a little possessed with rage for what her father did, so the girl decides to rest a little and go to sleep, so she would have a little relaxation before touching the plan that she said would be the definitive one.

July 14, 1910, the day begins and Margaret gets up, practically going about her day as usual, until she decides to follow her father, who was wondering about the girl's steps, until she arrives at his office where the man finds it strange that the girl was there, because it was not Ford's custom to accompany Keith in this way.

- What do you want, Margaret? Why are you following me? Are you looking for a beating? I already told you that I won't call Diana and Meredith here again, only next month their visiting time is over and it had better be. You'll be twelve this year and you still haven't done anything useful, instead you just want to stay in this stupid dream of becoming a witch.

Keith says until Margaret slams the table angrily.

- I know what you've been doing with Meredith! You fucking son of a bitch! I'm disgusted by the horrible father I have! That's why my mother died! In all these years you never changed! Always the same old son of a bitch.

Says Margaret until Keith stands up and begins to approach the girl angrily.

- How is it? Respect me, Margaret Ford! You can't escape a beating!

Says Keith taking a stick and going to hit Margaret until she ends up holding on.

- Not today! You will listen to me and you will not lay a finger on me! You bastard!

Margaret says immediately afterwards, kicking Keith and making him fall to the ground and drop the stick.

- Margareth! I only did it because your bitch mother cheated on me with that bitch Meredith! In case you didn't know! And you think it's too little! That bitch Meredith should be prosecuted! It was and it's so delicious to eat while I watch those tears fall from her rosot hahaha!

Keith says angrily while Margaret stares at him in disgust and anger.

- You bastard! So that's what you've been doing with Meredith since my mother died? Blackmailed her into having sex with you all these years? Against her will! Diana's sister didn't deserve to go through that! No woman deserves to lie with you! You should pay for what you did! I am not your daughter! I never will be! I hate you! I think you're a disgusting person! And you wanted to take advantage of Diana!

Says Margareth extremely irritated.

Margaret was almost at the point of crying, until she couldn't resist, she was bursting into tears, clenching her fists so hard that her nails pierced her hands, dripping a little blood on the floor, mocking all the time the girl who was silent and crying, until he gets up, he takes the stick that would hit Ford and when it almost hit again, the brunette ends up catching it and taking it from her father's hand.

- What? Resisting won't make you get beaten any less, you bastard! Resisting only makes me want to torture you even more, you breeding mistake!

Says Keith getting angry while Margaret was silent.

- I'll make you pay, you bastard! You will never cause my person any pain! That's for what you did to Meredith!

Says Margareth

Margaret was extremely enraged and slams the stick hard into her father's stomach, who takes a few steps backwards in pain, then Ford spins that piece of wood and hits Keith laterally in the head, who falls to the ground, but was still conscious and tried to get up, but was kicked in the face by his own daughter.

- Where do you think you are going? Now you're the one who gets beaten! Does it feel good when you get your back handed to you? You bastard son of a bitch!

Says Margaret kicking Keith who was lying on the ground.

- Margareth! Ahhh! You! You wretch! I'll show no mercy in the next beating! You'll suffer like never before! Don't think you'll get away with it this time! Ahhhh!

Says Keith as Margaret thrashed him.

- Fuck, that's if you find me! I am a witch! I can fly on a broom faster than any human invention! I Margaret Ford am a witch! A lesbian witch! I don't like men and my only love interest is Diana Cavendish! The same one you wanted to take advantage of too, you sick old man!

Says Margareth.

Margaret hits her father on the head with a stick, making him fall faint on the floor and says "That's for my mother", leaving the office furious and going to her room where she gets her bag with her things and a broom, going as fast as possible towards the Cavendish family residence, she didn't want to stay in the Ford family residence even one day, that was the definitive moment for Ford to run away to freedom. After an hour and a half of broomstick flying, Margaret was in Weddinburgh and already spotted the Cavendish family mansion. She arrived there quickly, landed, and ran towards the girls, even being noticed by the maids who were shocked by the girl's appearance. Until she arrives in the living room and runs into Meredith and Diana, both of them are shocked to see the brunette there.

- Margareth?

The two said as Margareth was panting and crying.

Margaret runs toward the two who stand up and hug them tightly, crying on Meredith's chest who begins to caress the girl, Diana also does the same and the two do not understand anything.

- What are you doing here Margareth?

Says Meredith worriedly.

- I am tired! I don't want to see you suffer anymore! I don't want to see you in my family's home anymore! I don't want my father to mistreat me anymore... Meredith... Adopt me, please... I promise to be a good girl. I promise I won't be any trouble... I promise I'll even pay for the expenses! Please Meredith! Let me stay... I don't want to go back there.

Says Margaret pleadingly while holding tightly onto the sleeves of Meredith's dress.

Meredith was somewhat silent and in shock to hear and see that reaction from Margaret, the girl was in complete despair and hopeless, then Cavendish smiles at her and puts her hand on Ford's face that was still crying, she wipes her tears and hugs her again, after that hug they look at each other again.

- I really want to adopt you Margareth, you have no idea how hard I tried.... I always visited your house with Diana because I really wanted to see you... Because I wanted you to be close to me and Diana so you wouldn't be mistreated by your father... But he is a very evil man... That... Damn... Why did you... Why... I just wish I could be with you and Diana now... I promised Gabrielle I'd take good care of you...

Says Meredith.

- Everything I wanted most... At least you can give mom a little happiness... My father told me about what he did... I wasn't mad about it, my mom deserved someone who could give her the care and love that she deserves, and you have always been that person... Please... Meredith, please fulfill my mother's wish.

Says Margareth.

- I'll see what I can do, your father will probably end up coming here extremely angry because he ran away from home, but I'll try to hide it before anything happens...

Says Meredith.

- Thank you Meredith... But please... If you can't... Leave me alone, don't go to the Ford family residence, I don't want my father to do that to you again.... I don't want him to make anyone else suffer.

Says Margaret as Meredith tried to nod her head in agreement.

After this conversation Diana was still very confused, so Margaret goes to the younger Cavendish and hugs her, saying that maybe she would stay with her in the family residence, which makes the Scot even a little happy and relieved, after this hug Meredith asks her younger sister to take Ford to the room where the brunette would stay.

- Come with me, Margaret. I'll choose a room next to mine.

Diana says, holding Margaret's hand and blushing.

Margaret is taken by Diana to the room where Ford would stay, it was next to Cavendish's room, so much so that there was a double door on one of the walls connecting the two rooms, until it was a very spacious place for the brunette who puts her suitcase in one place and throws herself on the bed relieved, while Cavendish just kept smiling to see her friend so well and happy.

Meanwhile away from there Keith was with his driver driving full tilt towards the town of Weddinburgh, he was extremely angry and possessed with rage, the driver even felt fear every time he drove at high speed almost hitting trees as he passed. Ford had a huge bump on his head from the beating he had received from Margaret on the forehead when she had beaten his father.

- (Shit! Fucking Margaret! Fucking little bitch! I'll make her pay so much that she'll never wish she was born again! That she'll think twice before she runs away from home! She'll suffer for years and years! You don't hit your own father like that! If it were a male child, I would understand that he is showing himself to be macho, but a woman! A woman does not have to impose herself! Women only have the function of serving men! Woman has to be submissive).

Back at the Cavendish family residence, Margaret was lying in bed and soon opens the door to go to Diana's room where she comes across Cavendish who was reading a book, until she comes across Ford wearing one of the dresses she borrowed and was finding the girl cute, even blushing a little.

- Ah Margareth, what brings you here? Have you come to read a little with me? This is a very interesting book, the diary of Sarah Campbell, the wife of Diana Cavendish I, one of my ancestors.

Diana says.

- I just came to talk to you Diana... I want to tell you what happened... I know you've always worried about what happened to your sister... I'll tell you soon... Meredith didn't like going to the Ford family residence because she... My fucking bastard father forced her to have sex! Sex in exchange for letting you two go there!

Says Margareth in disgust while Diana was shocked.

- What? What do you mean Margaret?

Diana says in shock.

- Diana... I don't know much about what happened, but from what I heard from my father, he has been blackmailing since the day of my mother's wake... Since she died that's because his sister... She had sex with my mother, they were lovers... Your sister and my mother... They loved each other unconditionally... They deserved each other. My father is an idiot! A bastard... Because of him your sister is suffering so much...

Says Margareth as Diana began to cry.

Diana's eyes couldn't even be seen from behind those glasses with the lenses blurred, all that came out were tears running down the cheeks of the Cavendish who was still without any reaction, Margaret also started to cry a little and hugged Diana who was still static without any reaction.

- I'm sorry to tell you this Diana... But that's what I found out since the day before yesterday when you came to visit me, I found out about this horrible blackmail...

Says Margareth.

Diana remained silent and soon separated from Margaret's embrace, got up and went outside. Margaret followed the girl, who went to the library of the house where Meredith was reading a book until she was hugged by her younger sister and she was totally without reaction.

- Diana?

Says Meredith confused.

- I told her what I learned about you and my father...

Says Margareth.

Meredith stands up and strokes Diana a little bit, who remained unresponsive until after a while the Cavendish breaks away from the hug and becomes somewhat concerned, especially about what happened to her older sister.

- Why didn't you tell me before? Why did you do all this my sister? For what reason? Why humiliate yourself to the point of giving yourself up to a man like Margaret's father... Especially that horrible person... Why my sister?

Diana says weeping until Meredith takes off her sister's glasses and wipes them away as she wipes away her tears.

- My sister... I did all this for Margaret... She would suffer much more at the hands of Keith Ford, I wanted to make sure that you and she could see each other more often, I wanted to respect Gabrielle's last wish... whom I loved very much... She always wanted me to take care of Margaret for her. I didn't want it all to be in vain... Keith blackmailed me into it. I had no choice.

Says Meredith.

- Then explain to us everything that happened.

Diana says.

Meredith snorts a little but decides to tell, Cavendish starts telling about when she was Gabrielle's lover, that the two always saw each other and were actually relating to each other while the two little ones were left playing. The older one even tells that she suspects that the death of Margaret's mother was arranged by Keith that he got her pregnant on purpose, since Benson said she was found out and wanted to survive the pregnancy, but unfortunately she couldn't. After the wake the Scottish woman tried everything to convince Ford to give custody of Margaret, but ended up being shocked amid blackmail that it would come to nothing and would even affect her and Diana if she tried to get custody of the brunette and would not get her away from her abusive father, which would be a fruitless thing. Because of this the woman accepted the proposal to lie with that man in exchange for being able to visit Margaret.

After Meredith tells them all of this, it leaves them both dumbfounded and in shock, especially Margaret who angrily punches the table to the point where her hand enters the table and breaks with the force of her punch.

- Margareth?

Says Meredith worriedly as Margareth takes her hand away.

- That bastard! That bastard! I can't believe it's come to this! Dishonoring my mother's death and yet he used it as a blackmail on you just so he could see me...

Says Margaret angrily as she leaves the library.

A car had pulled up outside the mansion and it was Keith Ford's car as he ran out of the vehicle into the hallways of the mansion trying to find where Margaret was hiding. Meredith noticed and went into hiding following the man who was armed and managed to leave the mansion employees somewhat terrified.

Margaret arrives at her room and lies on the bed crying, until Diana enters soon after and finds the girl lying on her back, with that she goes gently to her friend, Ford turns around leaps at Cavendish and kisses her surpessively.

- Mar...

Diana says as she feels Margaret's tongue entering her mouth.

- (What... Margaret took me by surprise... I don't want to kiss her... She is like a sister to me).

Margaret goes on kissing and kissing Diana, even going so far as to start unbuttoning her own dress, while outside a rush was heard coming from the mansion, Cavendish was unresponsive, she immediately felt Margaret's hand also unbuttoning her dress and with that she pushes the girl.

- Margareth! What is this thing?

Diana blushes and buttons her dress until Margaret kisses her again and this time she throws herself on the bed.

Because of Cavendish and Ford's moans, Keith eventually hears and kicks the door with everything entering the room, finding his daughter on top of Diana sucking the neck of the girl who kept moaning a little, because of the sudden entrance the Scottish girl gets strength and pushes Margaret backwards who ends up taking steps backwards until she bumps into her father who pushes her aside and takes a whip that was in her waistband.

- My interest is not in you, you slut! But in making that disgusting lesbian Cavendish pay!

Says Keith getting ready to lash out.

Keith was going to whip Diana, but his action stopped as soon as Meredith cast a spell on Ford's hand that knocked the whip over, so he picked up the gun, but was hit by a spell that made him drop the gun too, and he was in shock. Margaret was sitting on a dresser, without any reaction, just staring at Diana.

- You bastard! Get off my property!

Says Meredith.

- I'm not leaving until I can take my daughter out of here! I have a property that is mine!

Says Keith as Meredith held his hand, but soon Margaret takes Cavendish's hand away.

- Take me...

Margareth says in a more serious tone.

Margaret then ends up giving herself up without resisting and is taken away by Keith while Diana and Meredith were confused trying to understand why the girl gave herself up so easily like that, as soon as the two get in the car and leave, the older Cavendish goes to her sister.

- What are we going to do?

Says Meredith.

- We're not going there anymore... And let's give Margaret a break... She tried to grab me by force...

Diana says until Meredith is in shock.

- What? I'm going to put up a force field now! A magic force field! I won't let Margaret come here for a long time... She tried to grab you by force and that's wrong, she has to wait a while and refresh her mind before coming...

Says Meredith.

Diana is still a bit reluctant about the decision Meredith made, but it was the best thing to do, since Margaret was also becoming somewhat obsessed with Cavendish.

See you, running witches...

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