The Fertility Stone and the t...

Por Fluna98

693 8 44

Through the history lesbian witches always existed, but they had a big problem, which was their need to keep... Más

Diana Cavendish
Diana this is your new sister
Why are you getting married?
Try to fly now Diana
Loch Ness
The love stone cave
Diana's training
Diana is back
Last day of training
Luna Nova
Jessica Harrington
Jill's new girlfriend
The Broom Relay
Diana knows the truth behind her origin
Diana goes to Ireland
Claire Arnoux and the sacred water
Jessica tries to kick Diana and Sarah
A year of relationship
The fertility stone
Jill and Claire
The World Magic Battle Tournament
The Kagari sisters
Sarah's scar
The first round of the finals begin
Diana vs the youngest Kagari
The last four fights of the day
The quarter finals
The battle between the Campbell Cavendish couple
The Kagari sisters fight
The 3rd place dispute
The great final part 1
The great final part 2
The marriage of the Campbell Cavendish couple
Alice Campbell Cavendish and the B.R.A
The World Broom Racing Championship
WBRC final race of the 1st season
The revenge plan
The fight against the samurai part 1
The fight against the samurai part 2
Mako Kagari trial
The final of the 1748 WMBT
Diana Cavendish II origins
Diana Cavendish inventions
Maria Du Nord Brabham
Travelling to the Loch Ness
The Meridies family
Diana & Maria part 1
Diana & Maria part 2
Finding Gabriela Morris
Gwendolin Benson
18th century witches training
The Cavendish Du Nord love stone
Where's Wendolin Benson
Cavendish manor last day of training
Diana II in Luna Nova
The spoiled student
The invasion plan
The 1753 Broom Relay
Preparing for the invasion
The invasion begins
Maria showing her broom skills
invading the leader's wife
The cruel Julia McLaren part 1
The cruel Julia McLaren part 2
Returning from the invasion
Victoria McLaren origins
The fall of Victoria McLaren
The McLaren sisters fight
Terre Sapphique
Supreme leader Mildred Berger
Back to Luna Nova
The new Fertility Stone
An unexpected pregnancy
The Jordan sisters meeting
Meridies Witches return
Back to the Himalaya after a century
The great lesbian war part 1
The great lesbian war part 2
The great lesbian war part 3
One problem solved
Caroline McLaren Tyrrell
Maria's debut at the WBRC
Hope McLaren and the Cavendish Du Nord twins
A cruel mother
Caroline's visit
The 1764 French GP disaster
A war is going to happen
The second great lesbian war part 1
The second great lesbian war part 2
Julia McLaren Trial
Diana Cavendish III
Gabrielle Benson horrible life
A forbidden love
Keith's blackmail
Margareth tries to run
Diana III in Luna Nova
The foreigners trio first class day
Louise Du Nord past
Hilda's secret love interest
Margareth tries again
Diana's birthday
Diana and Louise love
1913 Luna Nova Broom Relay
Elisabeth and Anne can't handle
Where's Margareth
Miranda Holbrooke is in love
The Halloween part 1
The Halloween part 2
The adults are having a date
Visting the Cavendish
Goodbye Professor McLaren
Luna Nova 1916 graduation
Travelling part 1
Travelling part 2
Elisabeth trans transformation
Diana and Louise Marriage
Studying about the fertility stone
Adeleine Du Nord Cavendish
Margareth's plan begins
Louise wins her second title
The years has passed
Adeleine suspicion
Margareth's evilness part 1
Margareth's evilness part 2

Run Caroline! Run!

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Por Fluna98

Four years have passed since then, the frequency of Caroline's visits in Terre Sapphique has increased, and the girl has gained a greater control over magic. Julia made a point of keeping her in her room, and every year Victoria's visits decreased from every three months to four, then five, then six months. During these years, thanks to the hidden visits, Caroline managed to train a lot about magic, to the point of being able to fly alone on a broomstick, and even to control her own magic to the point of not hurting herself, making incredible progress.

Julia spoiled the little girl she had named Scarlet a lot, giving her a free pass to bully all the people in the castle at will, she could call people whatever she wanted, she could even have someone executed and her mother McLaren would let her. Besides the training, the little 9 year old girl was an extremely powerful witch, since she was very young she was used to wear special robes that made the use of magic more difficult and heavier, these restrictions made the girl an extremely powerful and angry witch year after year as well. Julia gradually increased the amount of weight and magical restriction she had on little Scarlet's clothes, as well as training her in every way possible. Also the fact that some of the witches who were often sentenced to death gave all their magic to Scarlet, making the girl even more and more powerful.

Emma became the ignored daughter, just like Julia, the little girl started to stay in her room, being taken care of by Beth, she practically became the sister that Caroline made more friends with and due to the upbringing, she ended up becoming a very loving and kind person, she also treated Carol as a sister, once in a while she received some visit or other from Heather, since this mother felt a little bad with the way her mother Julia just discarded her daughter.

Mary with her definite stop in broom races continued to go on with life as usual taking care of her nine daughters, getting closer to them, as well as having more fun with Du Nord around Terre Sapphique, since she also taught very well how to control a broom in the air, besides being an excellent trainer and teacher of magic.

In that time it was 14 years since Wendolin had her memory erased, Lorraine and Gabriela, together they managed to make based on Gwendolin's memories a way to recover Wendy's memories completely, since they had at least 14 years of memories, enough to recover all the corrupted memories from the moment Julia ended up lobotomizing the girl, She spoke slowly and also couldn't communicate very well, no matter how hard the Morris' tried to treat her, it was an almost irreversible problem, which would only be reverted with the recovery of her old memories and it would be a gradual thing.

Terre Sapphique had a stagnation in growth, even more so because the laws against lesbian witches were less strict, the population slowly started to decrease, some of the older citizens had the desire to go back to their homeland, which was completely understandable, and the maximum peak of people was about 2034 inhabitants, but it only reached this number, besides the place being very peaceful and much of that past regarding war and weapons was forgotten by a good part of the city that only wanted to live together in peace.

In Lesbiland on the other hand, the city was growing and growing, Julia was keen to attract more and more witches, besides the fact that the first generation was already 14 years old, this same generation was mostly witches who were trained from childhood to be the elite witches of the city's army. The so-called Golden Star. The city had 2441 inhabitants by then.

Things were going very well with Caroline visiting the girls in Terre Sapphique, what she didn't expect was the information from some spies from Lesbiland, who collected enough information to draw the attention of Julia who, although she didn't care much about the situation, just wanted a reason to mistreat little McLaren even more.

October 20, 1768, was a day like any other in Lesbiland, the three queens had sex in the bath room, Scarlet was trained by one of the kingdom's trusted witches, and Caroline and Emma were stuck in the bedroom while Beth was left to look after the girls. Until in the bathing room, the three queens' relationship is interrupted by a visit from a messenger.

- My majesties! I have some things that can be very useful! It is of great importance from Queen Julia!

Says the messenger.

- Just say what it is.

Says Julia as Natalie stuck her finger into her intimacy.

- About our spies! They have discovered some things... The spies who are in Terre Sapphique have collected some information there and they say it is of extreme importance for the sovereign!

Says the messenger.

- Good, then call the spies and have them come in here naked, we'll talk in a warmer way... Oh and you're coming along maidservant.

Says Julia with a mischievous smile.

The messenger quickly calls the spies, who hear Julia's message and are heading to the bath room, one of Beth's trustworthy women was listening to everything, it was Veronica, who slowly follows them to know a little of what Julia would talk about. The spies along with the messenger, enter the bath room and Julia soon sits on the edge of the bathtub calling for each one, she always prioritized first a good intimate relationship before talking about a more serious subject.

- Come, make me cum and I will listen to your news.

Says Julia sitting with her legs spread.

- Yes, Your Majesty.

Says one of the spies.

Veronica stays at a safe distance, where she would be perfectly hidden, listening to their conversation, where a good part of it was just moans and sounds of bodies rubbing and hitting each other, which was making the witch slightly uncomfortable, until she gets to the moment she was expecting so much, the moment they start talking about what they spied through Terre Sapphique.

- So now that they have made me cum, I will listen to them.

Says Julia.

- My majesty, we have reports that we have seen your daughter Caroline in Terre Sapphique, she often comes to visit the town, we know it is really her, she is a girl with red hair with blonde tips, red and purple eyes.

Says one of the spies.

- She is called Carol by the other witches in town, her daughter is on the run...

Says another spy until Julia interrupts her.

- For how long?

Says Julia already getting angry, while Veronica gets a little more tense.

- (Holy shit... Julia found out... I better hurry, before this ends up affecting Julia... She might end up getting too much of a beating with this... I'm going to go for it... As soon as Julia finishes the discussion she might already go towards the poor girl, at least this way she will have time to run away).

Veronica sneaks out of the first corridors leading to the bathrooms, when she reaches the main ones, she meets Dana, where she takes her daughter's hand without a second thought and leads her to Caroline's room. It was only a matter of time before Julia heard all the spies' accounts. Meanwhile in the shower room the spies remained silent, until Julia makes a more intimidating expression.

- If you don't speak up soon I will have them boiled in hot oil!

Says Julia until one of them swallows saliva and decides to speak.

- My majesty... She has been visiting Terre Sapphique constantly for four years, and from what we noticed... Caroline goes there every two weeks, there was even a time when she went all week.

Says one of the spies until Julia punches her face hard.

- Four years! Four years! You kept this from me for four years! It's too late now! She must have been completely influenced by my sister Victoria! The five of you had a function! A fucking job to give me information! Or else capture Caroline and bring her here! She shouldn't be visiting my sister that much!

Says Julia angrily until all five kneel before her.

- Please, Your Majesty! Mercy! Mercy! Don't kill us! We just didn't think we could take the princess just like that and take the city... We haven't passed on information in years... because we needed to collect more concrete evidence... We can't raise suspicions about the witches of Terre Sapphique. Forgive us, Queen!

Says one of the spies.

- With that mouth you sucked my pussy! The queen pussy! I will show you no mercy, you won't die, but you will pay, first of all I want you to tell me about everything you saw in Terre Sapphique and about how Caroline was there.

Julia says, sitting down on the edge of the pool and putting her foot on the chin of one of them, making her stare directly at her.

The five swallow their saliva, start telling about everything they have reported during these four years spying on Terre Sapphique, if the town had any weak points, about the number of the population, other information, how they got there, or even if Caroline was accompanied by someone.

Meanwhile in the castle halls, Veronica and Dana enter Caroline's room, who is playing with little Emma. Both girls are playing building blocks, while Beth is sewing an outfit for the two girls, until they come across the two witches desperately entering the room.

- Carol! Beth! You need to leave Lesbiland now! Julia found out from the spies who are visiting Terre Sapphique! Get out of here as fast as you can!

Veronica says.

- That day would come one day or another... I knew it already... Caroline... It's been nice taking care of you, but go with Emma out of here, I'll stay... You two are the next generation... Please... Carol and Emma take care of yourselves... Go to Terre Sapphique and Victoria will know what to do.... Emma will go as Dana and you Carol will go as Veronica. Now go! I love you both...

Beth says.

Caroline and Emma use magic transforming themselves into Veronica and Dana, becoming precisely like the two of them, while the other two turn them, the four change and leave Carol's room, the little Tyrrell is amazed, she had never seen those corridors before. As they went by they soon reach the outside, where Carol leads them to where the seal for the magic tunnel was.

- From here we will leave towards freedom Emma.

Says Caroline using a spell on the seal.

The magic seal opened and the two went down the stairs towards the tunnel outside. Meanwhile in the castle, the spies finish telling everything to Julia, who is left with her hand on her chin and somewhat surprised to learn about who was with Caroline during her escapes.

- Beth... I already suspected her! That bitch is behind it all! Very well... I've already decided on your punishment... I'll be benevolent, I won't execute you, but you will go to the square of humiliation! You will be naked in front of the whole city, where all the people will be able to humiliate you in any way they want... Guards!

Says Julia.

The witches of the royal guard go to the bathing room, while the five of them remain begging on their knees, as soon as they arrive Julia explains everything about the punishment that would be given to the spies, who were left crying and were taken naked outside the castle to one of the squares in the noble part of Lesbiland, in a district that was more reserved for sexual connotations of the kingdom.

As Julia, Natalie and Heather come out of the bathing pools and dry their bodies, they get dressed and quickly head down the hallways toward Caroline's room. McLaren was so angry that even the Tyrrell sisters had to hold her back, because the anger was very strong and both were afraid that the redhead would kill their own daughter.

- Calm down Julia! Don't kill Caroline! She just wanted a little freedom!

Says Heather.

- It's Julia! Calm down love! Just hit her...

Says Natalie.

- She is a freak and a mistake of nature, for starters, I should have fixed that mistake years ago! She shouldn't even have been born! Don't stand in front of me because otherwise I will hesitate to hit you! I have to settle this matter quickly! And if Victoria comes, let her hold on, because together we can defeat the damned thing! She'll come all stupid, thinking she'll come to visit her daughter, but in fact she'll only die, then we'll destroy Terre Sapphique!

Says Julia pushing the two girls.

Julia makes her way through the halls and this time without Natalie and Heather holding her back, the younger Tyrrell even asked about Emma, which McLaren said would spare the girl's life, since she is also her daughter and not a freak like Caroline. As soon as they arrive they encounter Beth and the two girls in disguise.

- Emma, you can leave, my business is with these two. Heather, take your daughter and get the hell out of here.

Says Julia in a more serious tone.

Heather just agrees with her head and goes holding the hand of the fake Emma to another place in the castle, while Dana pretends very well to be the little girl. Julia and Natalie enter the room, close the door, and McLaren soon faces Beth and Caroline with a look of disgust at the two.

- Do you think you can fool me? Four years hiding the leaks you have been making, I can't believe you have been hiding it from me all this time? How ugly... I trusted you Beth, but you do this to me I guess I'll have to make things right with Caroline.

Says Julia grabbing a stick.

Julia hits Caroline in the face with all her might, the blow was strong enough to leave her face with a red mark, Beth even tried to stop it, but Natalie cast a magic ring spell holding Beth's limbs and neck against the wall.

- Before I make you pay I have to do one thing

Says Julia using a spell.

Julia picks Caroline up and takes her to a wall where there are chains and handcuffs, holding the girl by handcuffing her hands and feet, and then she kneed her stomach with a knee, which was strong enough to make Carol throw herself against the wall and spit some blood, she even ended up sitting with her hands on her stomach feeling strong pain. The older McLaren leaves her oldest daughter's room and returns with Scarlet.

- Look at this daughter, a person you can use as a punching bag, I want to see how strong you are, hit Caroline with a very powerful spell.

Says Julia.

- But isn't she my sister?

Says Scarlet.

- She is a traitor, show her what we do with traitors, regardless of whether she is a sister or not.

Says Julia crouching beside Scarlet as the fake Caroline cried in fear.

- (I hope Carol and Emma have managed to escape far away from here.... Carol... My girl... I could hardly have a proper farewell... At least the most important thing has already happened... Julia won't be able to kill the girl, Emma is safe and things will be alright for now).

Scarlet swallows her spittle and casts a spell with everything towards Caroline, but it was so powerful that it went so far as to reverse the entire disguise spell, revealing that it was actually the Veronica servant girl who was disguised as Carol. Which makes Julia extremely angry, to the point of handing a dagger to her little daughter.

- Kill this traitor!

Says Julia as Scarlet gives Veronica several strokes.

- Die! Die! Die! Here in Lesbiland we don't accept traitors!

Says Scarlet piercing Veronica who cried out in pain, while Julia walked slowly towards Beth.

- Bethany O'Hare, what are you up to? You mean you disguised the freak so she could escape? Good being that way? Guards!

Says Julia until the guards appear.

- Did you call us majesty?

Says one of the guards.

- Get that body out of here and start searching all around Lesbiland for my daughter Caroline! Now!

Says Julia.

The guards nod in agreement, pick up Veronica's dead body and carry it out of there, while also calling for reinforcements and start searching all over the castle, Julia soon picks up the dagger that was in Scarlet's hand and starts moving closer and closer towards Beth.

Meanwhile, far away Caroline and Emma were on a broomstick, already on the way to Terre Sapphique, they were already more than 50 km away from the town, a safe distance so that no one had followed them.

- We have just been discovered.

Says Caroline.

- Are they going to catch us, sis?

Says Emma.

- Not if I speed up a little more! Let's go! Hold on tight Emma, I'll go as fast as I can!

Says Caroline.

In the castle due to Veronica's death, little Dana ends up being untransformed also revealing to be the child and was already in a reserved room with Heather, who is startled to see that it was not her daughter.

- Where did my daughter go?

Says an irritated Heather.

- She has gone far away. Carol took her away.

Says Dana.

- You little bitch! You'll pay for this!

Says Heather slapping the girl.

- Let me go!

Says Dana, stepping on Heather's foot and running off.

- You bitch!

Says an irritated Heather.

Heather even tries to run after Dana running away, but the little girl manages to run and even escape the castle, until she comes across her mother's body on fire, which she goes running crying, but is prevented from getting close because of the witch guards, little Dana couldn't stop crying and soon after she was gone from there, all down. While the search all over Lesbiland for Carol was on fire, but Julia knew well who would have the most accurate information regarding her daughter's location.

See you, evil witch...

Full name: Caroline McLaren Tyrrell

Date of birth: 11/07/1754

Place of birth: Dublin, Ireland (Irish)

Height: 1,49m

Weight: 56 kg

Measurements (bust/waist/hip): 91/60/94

Hair color and appearance: Red and blonde at the ends, long and reaching the hip line, curly, with bangs that go across the forehead and sides of the face.

Eye color and appearance: Heterochromic, left red, right purple, western

Physical Appearance: Extremely pale Caucasian skin, four-leaf clover-shaped freckles on hands, rounded nose, large breasts.

Caroline is the daughter of the relationship between the six witches of the extinct group of hunters "The Fertility Stone", using the blood of Wendolin, Martha, Esther, Natalie, Victoria and Julia, the girl was conceived with the five last practicing the relationship between them, until after a while it was revealed that the girl was fertilized in the womb of Julia McLaren, a little after the great invasion of 1753 that dissolved the group of hunters. Caroline, despite being raised in the same environment as Julia and Natalie, did not become like her mothers as soon as it was discovered that there was a divergence with the magic that the girl had due to the mixture and a little bit of incest that happened during Carol's conception. Because of this, Mother Julia ended up treating her as disposable and left her to be cared for only by Beth, the McLaren family maid, Because of this upbringing, Caroline since she was a little girl already questioned her mother's actions and also started to feel more appreciation for the nanny's attention. Besides that, Victoria's arrival influenced Carol to be more independent from Julia, to see more of how things were, which created a desire in her to want to stay with Victoria and Esther instead of staying in Lesbiland.

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