The Fertility Stone and the t...

By Fluna98

692 8 44

Through the history lesbian witches always existed, but they had a big problem, which was their need to keep... More

Diana Cavendish
Diana this is your new sister
Why are you getting married?
Try to fly now Diana
Loch Ness
The love stone cave
Diana's training
Diana is back
Last day of training
Luna Nova
Jessica Harrington
Jill's new girlfriend
The Broom Relay
Diana knows the truth behind her origin
Diana goes to Ireland
Claire Arnoux and the sacred water
Jessica tries to kick Diana and Sarah
A year of relationship
The fertility stone
Jill and Claire
The World Magic Battle Tournament
The Kagari sisters
Sarah's scar
The first round of the finals begin
Diana vs the youngest Kagari
The last four fights of the day
The quarter finals
The battle between the Campbell Cavendish couple
The Kagari sisters fight
The 3rd place dispute
The great final part 1
The great final part 2
The marriage of the Campbell Cavendish couple
Alice Campbell Cavendish and the B.R.A
The World Broom Racing Championship
WBRC final race of the 1st season
The revenge plan
The fight against the samurai part 1
The fight against the samurai part 2
Mako Kagari trial
The final of the 1748 WMBT
Diana Cavendish II origins
Diana Cavendish inventions
Maria Du Nord Brabham
Travelling to the Loch Ness
The Meridies family
Diana & Maria part 1
Diana & Maria part 2
Finding Gabriela Morris
Gwendolin Benson
18th century witches training
The Cavendish Du Nord love stone
Where's Wendolin Benson
Cavendish manor last day of training
Diana II in Luna Nova
The spoiled student
The invasion plan
The 1753 Broom Relay
Preparing for the invasion
The invasion begins
Maria showing her broom skills
invading the leader's wife
The cruel Julia McLaren part 1
The cruel Julia McLaren part 2
Returning from the invasion
Victoria McLaren origins
The fall of Victoria McLaren
The McLaren sisters fight
Terre Sapphique
Supreme leader Mildred Berger
Back to Luna Nova
The new Fertility Stone
The Jordan sisters meeting
Meridies Witches return
Back to the Himalaya after a century
The great lesbian war part 1
The great lesbian war part 2
The great lesbian war part 3
One problem solved
Caroline McLaren Tyrrell
Maria's debut at the WBRC
Hope McLaren and the Cavendish Du Nord twins
A cruel mother
Caroline's visit
The 1764 French GP disaster
Run Caroline! Run!
A war is going to happen
The second great lesbian war part 1
The second great lesbian war part 2
Julia McLaren Trial
Diana Cavendish III
Gabrielle Benson horrible life
A forbidden love
Keith's blackmail
Margareth tries to run
Diana III in Luna Nova
The foreigners trio first class day
Louise Du Nord past
Hilda's secret love interest
Margareth tries again
Diana's birthday
Diana and Louise love
1913 Luna Nova Broom Relay
Elisabeth and Anne can't handle
Where's Margareth
Miranda Holbrooke is in love
The Halloween part 1
The Halloween part 2
The adults are having a date
Visting the Cavendish
Goodbye Professor McLaren
Luna Nova 1916 graduation
Travelling part 1
Travelling part 2
Elisabeth trans transformation
Diana and Louise Marriage
Studying about the fertility stone
Adeleine Du Nord Cavendish
Margareth's plan begins
Louise wins her second title
The years has passed
Adeleine suspicion
Margareth's evilness part 1
Margareth's evilness part 2

An unexpected pregnancy

3 0 0
By Fluna98

The days went by, in Luna Nova, the girls managed to escape the investigations, after they set up too much upwards regarding Mildred, making it very difficult to investigate regarding the search for Diana. Even because of this the girls wondered how Lorraine and Gwendolin were changing the order of the facts, with only Violet and Alice knowing since Morris told them. Heather was a little suspicious, she knew that there was someone making false memories of what happened and this even saved her skin a little, making it even more annoying for Tyrrell, who didn't want to be helped.

In the fortress of the witch hunters, Julia and Natalie trained during the days, sometimes alternating also between sex and training, but something was strange, McLaren's mood was different, she felt cramps sometimes, she was getting tired often, she was more libidinous, more sensitive when Tyrrell grabbed her breasts, it was all very strange for McLaren, who was beginning to show symptoms of an apparent pregnancy.

In Terre Sapphique, Nora and Maria were also exhibiting the same behavior as Julia McLaren, which was starting to make the girls feel strange, especially Diana, who was worried about Du Nord, she thought it was something else, so much so that she kept trying to find potions or anything else that would help with the symptoms.

Victoria, who had a little more knowledge, was finding it strange that none of the girls involved in the orgy about the fertility stone, which she took, were having the same symptoms as Maria and Nora, not even she herself was feeling these things, she was more normal than ever.

During this time Gabriela examined Wendolin's memories a lot and managed to seal them, preventing Benson from having any more headaches, but she would end up forgetting moments that happened before the accident, and Gwendolin's help was needed for this, since the younger girl had very similar and compatible memories.

November 20, 1753, In Terre Sapphique, the day was dawning again, as usual Diana and Mary were sleeping together, but they were not waking up together, as Du Nord who had woken up first and soon she went running to the bathroom of the house and started vomiting, this causes Cavendish to wake up worried.

- Love!

Diana says.

- Hmmm... Diana...

Says Maria, groaning with nausea.

- Are you okay?

Diana says, going to Maria.

- It's not coming! I'm puking!

Says Maria nauseated.

- Do you need help? I'll hold your hair...

Diana says.

Maria just agrees and Diana goes to the bathroom to help her girlfriend who felt several nauseous and vomiting, Du Nord's hair was a little longer and needed to be held back at these times, because of even these constant nausea, Cavendish decides it would be better to take her girlfriend to a hospital and see what was happening to her, even more about all those constant mood swings. Diana just went for breakfast and then took Maria to the city hospital, there was also Nora who was taken by Wendolin who was also very worried.

Far from there in the fortress of the witch hunters, Julia was constantly vomiting, they barely managed to train and Mildred Berger was about to arrive at the fortress to see if the girls made any progress which made them even more desperate, but McLaren couldn't seem to get any effort in.

- Julia, please try... This way Mildred won't forgive us...

Says Natalie in despair.

- I'm fucking trying, but I can't! You don't get it! I make a fucking effort and I'm already like this... Is it because of what happened when Victoria was still in the group? Was I the chosen one?

Says Julia getting annoyed.

- Please, let it not be... I'm not ready for this...

Says Natalie.

- And I'm much less of a bitch! If that's it, I'm fucked! That bitch sister of mine will have an advantage over me! I'm going to be unable to fight because of this shit! Because I'm pregnant! I can't believe it! I want to believe it! Fuck you! Fuck you...

Says Julia even more irritated.

Meanwhile back at the city hospital, soon Maria and Diana are called, the Du Nord begins to explain to the doctor about all the symptoms she was feeling, which was making her laugh and even get a little curious, then the doctor asks the redhead to sit on a stretcher and raise the dress, leaving the belly to show. The doctor uses a spell that goes through the girl's belly and soon begins to emanate a very strong glow and with that the doctor smiles at the couple.

- Congratulations Maria Du Nord and Diana Cavendish, you are the new mothers of Terre Sapphique. Maria Du Nord... You are pregnant, from what I can see it's just a child, the sex is not defined yet because it's too early, it seems that you have been pregnant for a month... I wish the couple all the best and that you take good care of this child, I recommend you not to let Maria work hard, she has to rest and eat a lot, your breasts will also grow a little and you will become a lactating mother, remember to visit me regularly, or if you want just call me.

Says the doctor as Diana and Maria look shocked and joyful.

- We are going to be mommies!

Diana and Maria say holding hands.

Diana and Maria hug and start celebrating together in the hospital room, after hearing the doctor's recommendations, the two girls leave and soon Wendolin and Nora are the next to be called. The Cavendish Du Nord couple return home and run into Victoria and Esther who wanted to know what had happened, the two women face each other and talk together.

- Let's be mothers!

Diana and Maria say.

- Maria is pregnant!

Diana says, all smiles.

- I already suspected that... But how wonderful, so you have already given a name? Are you ready for this new world? Because things will be different, and so will your responsibilities...

Victoria says.

- I thought there were going to be two... But from the looks of it, even using two fertility stones, there is only one child... I was thinking about Joan... What do you think love?

Diana says.

- Joan! I love it! It's a beautiful name, love!

Says Maria.

- I will also want to get pregnant, Nora told me that there is a way to control the choice of pregnancy with the fertility stone, so we will be two mothers...

Diana says.

- But Diana, how are we going to stop Mildred Berger... With me pregnant already makes it very impossible...

Says Maria.

- I will be the brains of it all, I want to take care of making defenses without having to attack with my own magic power... I am already designing with Esther a firearm that is much stronger than those muskets they use, besides, why not? The two of us pregnant together, it will be amazing.

Diana says with a twinkle in her eyes.

- This invasion will not happen now, with Julia or Natalie pregnant, Mildred will have to wait, so I will focus on overcoming my sister's power, so maybe I will defeat Mildred?

Victoria says.

Diana celebrates and Maria too, the two go together to the laboratory, where Cavendish is assembling the firearm she created with Esther, that would be the day she would test the firepower of that invention she made. Meanwhile at the hospital, Nora received the news that she was pregnant and Wendolin was confused without knowing what it was all about.

- Wendy has had her memory erased, she is still trying to understand the things of this world.

Nora says.

The doctor gives an innocent little laugh and explains to Wendolin that Nora was going to have a child that came from the love between the two, although Perkins did it asexually so as not to cause any more trauma to Benson. As soon as Wendy found out what it was, she was jumping for joy, all happy to know that she was a mother, while the redhead was all silly looking at her girlfriend, as if she had to take care of two children. After the hospital, the two go home and tell Martha and Gabriela about the pregnancy, the two celebrate and decide to go to the big house to tell the girls the news.

Far away, in Leeds Castle, the building where the witches' council is located, Mildred spoke with the counselor to take over her post while she goes out to settle some matters. When she arrives in her room she finds Harriet and Freya sitting on a couch, the two were waiting for Berger and wanted to have a serious talk with the supreme leader. They were so serious that they managed to make the blonde even a little scared, but soon she tries to gain a little posture and arrives talking in rudeness with the two witches.

- What do you two want with me?

Says Mildred.

- Mildred Berger, you are abusing your authority, we are already tolerating to the limit all the measures you have done, we are already almost removing you from office, we have also discovered things that do not speak very well about your way of running the witches' council, evidence of things that are costing you your office. Just for starters, you are already abusing power by going back to being young again, if you try to do that one more time, we will remove you from office permanently and the rightful incumbent is Victoria McLaren.

Says Harriet.

- We have a dossier left by a former judge who gave it to us days before the whole mess caused by Saoirse, in this dossier there is evidence that is quite consistent and if it checks out we will take drastic measures regarding your position as supreme leader. You could do anything but abuse your power, except make us meet now, you wouldn't want the two immortal witches to come here. But we have come, we are horrified and disgusted by what you are promoting, by what you are doing.

Freya says.

Harriet and Freya begin to show proof by proof regarding the dossier left by Victoria, before she left the post of judge. In it were reported all the cruelties done by Mildred's administration, such as torture, rape, murder, encouragement to hunt, inhumane conditions for captured witches, executions for no reason, corruption through bribery among witch hunters, hiring of rapists who were called to the prisons in order to do evil to convicted lesbian witches. Apart from the whole system of convictions, things created over the decades that the two immortals had no idea about, all they knew was that there was only one restriction, but they understood why the world was very different and closed with homosexual people still. But knowing all this they were horrified and disgusted, but one thing that made them totally furious was about the fate of all the magic of the captured witches that basically went to Mildred, Berger had used the magic of the captured witches for her own benefit and to rejuvenate, and also used it to make her more powerful, which angered the two immortals even more.

- I can't believe that a witch like you has been in office for so long, and I can't believe even more how you hid all these atrocities from us! Did you know that we are a couple? Did you know that we are lesbians? Did you know that you were being a bitch to the legendary nine witches? That this could all end badly? That's why we are here, we are not going to remove you from office, but we give you a deadline... You have 30 years to lift all these restrictions, or we will remove you from office completely, and on top of that we will cast a spell that will make you the real age you were supposed to be.

Says Harriet.

- Because of all this, we totally forbid you to take more magic from witches, all the witches that are convicted will also just go to jail, being a lesbian is not a reason to kill someone nor to banish witches, taking away their power, so we are going to push you to change this law. Starting like this, then you better meet that deadline... Mildred Berger.

Says Freya as Mildred becomes irritated.

- So let's settle this another way! I will continue with my restrictions if I beat you... But if you beat me I accept these conditions. A fair fight.

Says Mildred.

Harriet and Freya snort, the two quickly snap their fingers and with that cause Mildred to end up in Lilith's sanctuary without her knowing, it was a huge open field, the two just stare at Berger like it was nothing, to the point where the one offering to confront the blonde ended up being Benson.

- Very well, then you accepted the fight proposal.

Says Mildred concentrating her magic.

- Take it easy on her.

Freya says.

Mildred begins to concentrate her magic with all the power she could muster while Harriet just stood there, until after concentrating what magic she could to the point of causing a small tremor and an aura full of blue rays to emanate around her, she faces the two witches.

- I will crush you!

Says Mildred.

Mildred went all out towards Harriet, who was still standing in the same position, even throwing a punch using magic that was much stronger to the point of causing a huge flash, but as soon as this flash passed, Benson was unharmed, she didn't even leave her seat, which made Berger even more scared, she tried to hit the immortal several times, but none of them had any effect no matter how hard she used and the shockwaves were enough to create small holes in the ground, even making grass fly everywhere. Until the blonde throws a kick and jumps back, somewhat out of breath and in shock.

- (What? I thought because of the amount of power I got that I would be able to hold my own against them... But I can't even cause anything with these punches and I'm pushing as hard as I can against this fucking brunette! What a son of a bitch! I can't believe I'm going to have to obey their measures...)

Mildred begins to concentrate a spell, gathering as much energy as she can, creating a ball of blue magic that emanated lightning around it, it was so powerful that the lightning that came out even escaped and hit the ground causing some holes and fires, until she casts it towards Harriet who only raises a finger, with that single finger the whole effect of the spell is annulled and this leaves Berger stunned and trembling.

- It's over. There is no reason to continue this.

Says Harriet snapping her finger.

The three return to Mildred's room and Berger was shocked, but annoyed at the same time, the blonde gets all confused at having come back.

- Why are we back? The fight is not over!

Says Mildred.

- It was over long before you started, it is stupid to try to compare yourself to a witch that is over a thousand years old, we can't train often, but we faced a threat that was as strong as your person, but that was when we were just mortals and didn't have even part of the magical power we have today, your power is very similar to this witch, it doesn't scare us anymore, you are just at a powerful level compared to normal mortals, I can kill you just by moving a single finger... I hope you understand that this fight is over. You are 130 years old, but not 1100.

Says Harriet as Mildred swallows her own saliva.

- Okay I'll change some things, I'll have to be forced anyway... Hell, you still pay me.

Says Mildred.

Mildred signs some papers and was extremely irritated, Harriet and Freya disappear from there on the spot transporting themselves to another place, Berger takes her broom and goes to the fortress of the witch hunters, she was extremely irritated, as soon as she arrives at the hiding place she runs into Julia and Natalie who were somewhat terrified.

- Why are they like this?

Says Mildred.

- Mildred... I feel strange, my breasts are sensitive, my mood changes a lot, these last few days I've been getting sick very easily... I think I am pregnant.

Says Julia.

- What? Pregnant? Did you guys use that fucking fertility stone? What do you mean pregnant? How are we going to be able to break into the lesbian witches' sanctuary if it keeps going like this?

Says Mildred angrily.

- I don't know, but let's wait for my daughter to be born, let's come back in two years, that gives us more time to train and become strong enough to defeat Victoria and the other witches.

Says Julia.

- Two years! I have no more witch magic to steal! You're pregnant on top of that! What the hell! Because of this crap you can give Victoria more time to train! So that the witches in that place can prepare even more! I am forbidden to steal magic from witches that I! The two immortal witches appeared to me and wanted to change everything or I would lose my position... By rights your sister would end up in my place and you know what a disaster that would be, she could end it all... Although the immortals are pressuring me... No more corrective rapes, no more condemning them to death, no more taking the magic away, all because of those damned... So we are screwed, why did you have to get pregnant Julia? Now I won't have a strong enough right arm! What the hell!

Says Mildred.

- Calm your nerves there Mildred, we can still come back in two years, it will only take a year for the child to be born, there will be time for me to train enough to become powerful, Natalie can use that time to catch up with me as well, and you can train enough to become more powerful than you already are, what good is power if you can't have control when it comes to using it. Victoria is very smart, she will know the best possible strategy, so it's good to practice.

Says Julia until Mildred snorts.

- Okay... I will give you two years, if in those two years you are not powerful enough, I will kill all three of you, that includes even your daughter.

Says Mildred.

Mildred picks up her broom and sets off with her broom towards back to Leeds castle, this while Julia and Natalie stared at each other, until the moment Berger was far away, this causes McLaren to start to be relieved and jump for joy. Leaving Natalie confused, given the situation.

- Julia! We're fucked! We'll never get enough magic power to defeat Victoria! She's a year ahead of us! I won't be able to train so hard that I can pass you in that one year! We're fucked! What are you so happy about?

Says Natalie in despair.

- With Mildred unable to steal magic the way is clear for me to have the chance to defeat Mildred! As soon as the day comes we move to a lesbian sanctuary that I plan to make! Just like Victoria did, I will make one in France, Mildred won't be able to do anything because it is private property! I've already bought the land, now all that's missing is the people! Natalie! Get as many witches as you can for this place! Use your charm, girl! When the day comes we'll have Mildred cornered, Victoria will think we're on her side! But really it was just to get rid of the cursed one! Then we'll go to the city!

Says Julia.

- Got it! But how will it become powerful enough? And what about the child? What are we going to do after it's born? Are we going to kill it?

Natalie says until Julia interrupts her.

- No! No way! That child is our weapon! That child will be trained from an early age to be the most powerful witch in the world! Victoria will be defeated by her own daughter! That child is our blackmail! We can use it to weaken Victoria! Caroline is the genetic mix of extremely powerful witches, descendants of the nine! We'll have someone powerful enough to take our place as supreme leaders! And thus be created the lesbian paradise where all the heterosexuals will pay for what they've caused us!

Says Julia with an evil laugh.

The two embrace Julia's tremendous wisdom and celebrate with each other, even having a little sex, since McLaren was feeling the changes in her body. In Terre Sapphique, the girls celebrate among themselves about the pregnancies they have had, they were even surprised about the fact that Mary so young was already pregnant, which would delay her broom career by another year, but Du Nord was not paying much attention. Later that day Diana tries the method Nora said she could get pregnant by choosing, with the intention of getting pregnant, succeeding, and she also records more in the book regarding the results of the fertility stone, coming to the conclusion that the red colored one works perfectly.

See you, pregnant witches...

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