I'm quirkless. So what?

By TheBrokenFiend

292K 7.8K 2.6K

10 months before UA, Izuku was in an accident. That costed to him to lose his memories. But what happens when... More

Origins : Accident
Origins : Amnesia
Origins : UA exams
Year 1: UA test
Year 1: Battle training
Year 1: USJ
Year 1: Nomu
Year 1: Pre-tournament
Year 1: Ruthless Aggression
Year 1: Quirkless but fearsome
Year 1: Todoroki origins
Year 1: Internship
Year 1: Hero Killer
Year 1: Declaration of war
Year 1: Impossible team
Year 1: We meet again
Year 1: The secret
Year 1: Rage
Year 1: Rage part 2
Year 1: Hisashi Midoriya
Year 1: Date?
Year 1: Brutal Change
Year 1: The dark side
Year 1: Redemption
Year 1: Provisional license part 1
Year 1: Provisional license part 2
Year 1: Mirio vs class 1-A
Year 1: Overhaul
Year 1: Meeting at Nighteye's
Year 1 : Operation Eri
Year 1: Regret
Year 1: Target
Year 1: Traitor?
Year 1: The end of a Saga
Year 2: A new circle
Year 2: A new power
Year 2: Hisashi returns
Year 2: Obstacle race
Year 2: Tournament
Year 2: Tournament part 2
Year 2: The long awaited battle
Year 2: Truth revealed
Year 2: Energy origins
Year 2: Awakening
Year 2: Official debut
Year 2: Metal Bat
Year 2: 2-A vs 2-B
Year 2: Survivor Series
Year 2: Prison Break
Year 2: Cyber Izuku
Year 2: UA Invasion
Year 2: All Might vs All for one
Year 2: The war begins
Year 3: One year later
Year 3: What really happened?
Year 3: Back to action
Year 3: The reunion
Year 3: Izuku's first mission
Year 3: One against all
Year 3: Recovery
Year 3: The ultimate weapon
Year 3: UA Battle
Year 3: Consequenses
Year 3: The final mission
Year 3: The Game starts
Year 3: A psycopath
Year 3: The final battle
Epilogue: The future

Year 1: Astral X

3.7K 106 29
By TheBrokenFiend

" Actually i told him to come here to meet you." All Might said.

" How long will i wait?" Izuku asked.

" I don't know. You can go to the dorms and i will call you when he comes." All Might said.

Izuku went to his dorm room and he slept. After 20 minutes All Might called him.

" He is here." All Might said through the phone.

" On my way." Izuku said and he prepared to meet All Might and Astral X.

After he woke up he went to the lobby. Most of the students were there.

" Hey, Midoriya!" Iida greeted.

" Hey." Izuku greeted back.

" Why so hasty? Did something happened?" Iida asked.

" No, it's just about my internship. The hero who i will be in internship is here. I'm going to meet him." Izuku explained.

" Oh! Do you know who that hero will be?" Iida asked.

" Yes, He is Astral X." Izuku answered and he left.

" You're kidding, right?" Sero asked shocked. Many of the class was shocked.

" Wow, that guy is sure full of surprises." Iida said.

Izuku arrived in All Might's office. He saw All Might and a man with a short brown hair and a purple jacket.

" Yo! I pressume you are Deku, right?"the man said.

" I finally meet you, Astral X." Izuku said.

( To remind you, Astral X is an original character. That's how he is.)

" I think i don't have to explain what is my quirk, ye?" Astral X asked.

" Short- distance teleportation. I was your fanboy when i was young." Izuku said. ( the electricity in the picture appears when he teleports.)

" That's good to hear. Now then, let's go to fight somewhere. I want to see how much you've improved since the sports festival. It was around 7 to 8 months ago." Astral X said.

" Fine by me." Izuku said. 

The three went to ground alpha.

" I will be the referee." All Might said.

" Ready, Start!" he continued.

Izuku chraged and he unleashed a barrage of punches.

" HO! That's some power. But you what you miss? Speed." Astral X said and he teleported behind Izuku.

" Shit! He is fast!" Izuku thought. 

Izuku managed to block in time but the punch never hit the block. Astral X teleported again behind him and he punched him.

The punch knocked him down.

" Okay, that's enough. I think you saw his improvement." All Might said.

" In the next three weeks we will fix your weaknesses. And i must see your hero abilities too. We're going for patroling tomorrow at night." Astral X said.

" I thought the internships start the next week." Izuku said.

" Not for you boy. One extra week is a lot of time. See ya tomorrow." Astral X said and he left.

" Wow. Even with his career threatening injury he is that fast. He can't use all of his power, tho." Izuku thought.

The next day Izuku found Astral X.

" Is that your outfit? For undeground job is perfect but if you plan to become a top hero at least Use something to cover your face. It isn't the greatest think to have reporters chasing you." Astral X said when he saw Izuku in a hoodie and casual clothes.

" I don't think anything special since i'm quirkless." Izuku said.

The two started to patrol and they heard some boys in Izuku's age. 

" Please stop it." a boy shouted.

" Ha? And if we don't stop? You'll do nothing! You're useless." another boy said.

The two saw three boys bullying one boy inside an alley.

" That's an easy one. Let's see your skills." Astral X said.

Izuku approched them.

" What do we got here? Three boys bullying one. There has to be a reason behind this. So, why you bully him?" Izuku asked.

" This piece of shit is quirkless." one boy said with confidence.

" Oh! That's it? Okay. You're lucky i'm a hero. Or else...i would have crushed your skulls to the floor." Izuku said with a death glare.

" A hero? You? You seem to be in the same age as us." one other boy said.

" Why not test it?"Izuku said and he took his fighting stance.

The first boy talked.

" If that's what you want, so be it." he said in a mocking tone and he tried to punch Izuku. Izuku dodged and he punched him to the gut.

" What the? "The other two boys and the quirkless one were surprised. Then the two other boys tried to attack him but they were punched hard too.

" One last message before you leave running. I'm quirkless, too." Izuku said. The boys run away. Then Izuku approched the injured quirkless boy.

" Are you okay?" Izuku asked.

" I think so. So, you're quirkless like me. How can you be a hero? Isn't life too hard for our you?" the boy asked.

" It is. Our kind...the quirkless kind have the hardest life in the earth. But no matter how hard life is you must fight. How old are you?" Izuku asked.

" Fourteen to fifteen. I'm going to high school the next year." the boy said.

" What do you want to do in your life?" Izuku asked.

" I- I want to be a hero. But i can't. I'm too weak." the boy said.

" You're not. That's what they want to make you believe. If you train your body you can become a hero. As a gift i will tell you a secret." he took out his hoodie to reveal his face.

" Hey, you're Izuku Midoriya from the UA sports festival. I was cheering at you." the boy said.

" In my hero work they call me Deku. If they ask you, tell them that i was Deku. I wouldn't like to have my real name revealed." Izuku said.

" Of course." the boy said. Izuku was on his way to leave.

" And something last. If you plan to become a hero, come find me at UA." Izuku said.

" Yes." the boy answered.

Izuku and Astral X continued their patroling.

" You weren't bad. You gave hope to a kid with dreams. And you kicked some asses without using more power than you have. A 9 to 10 from me." Astral X praised Izuku.

" Thanks. Let's go inside the alleys. We may find something." Izuku said.

They entered the alleys and the saw a little white haired girl with a horn running to them.

Izuku kneeled.

" What's the matter?" Izuku asked the girl. She didn't answered. Izuku understood that something was wrong. She was full in fear and she had bandages in her hands.

" Hey, Eri! Come here! Don't cause the heroes trouble." a dark figure said as he was coming from the shadows.

" Shit! Of all people it had to be him." Astral X said as he recognized the figure.

" Long time, no see, Astral X!" the man said.

" Who's this man?" Izuku asked.

" He is the leader of the Eight percepts of death, Overhaul!"

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