The Fertility Stone and the t...

By Fluna98

693 8 44

Through the history lesbian witches always existed, but they had a big problem, which was their need to keep... More

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The love stone cave
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Jessica Harrington
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The revenge plan
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The fight against the samurai part 2
Mako Kagari trial
The final of the 1748 WMBT
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Diana Cavendish inventions
Maria Du Nord Brabham
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The Meridies family
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Diana & Maria part 2
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The cruel Julia McLaren part 2
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Terre Sapphique
Supreme leader Mildred Berger
Back to Luna Nova
The new Fertility Stone
An unexpected pregnancy
The Jordan sisters meeting
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Back to the Himalaya after a century
The great lesbian war part 1
The great lesbian war part 2
The great lesbian war part 3
One problem solved
Caroline McLaren Tyrrell
Maria's debut at the WBRC
Hope McLaren and the Cavendish Du Nord twins
A cruel mother
Caroline's visit
The 1764 French GP disaster
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The second great lesbian war part 1
The second great lesbian war part 2
Julia McLaren Trial
Diana Cavendish III
Gabrielle Benson horrible life
A forbidden love
Keith's blackmail
Margareth tries to run
Diana III in Luna Nova
The foreigners trio first class day
Louise Du Nord past
Hilda's secret love interest
Margareth tries again
Diana's birthday
Diana and Louise love
1913 Luna Nova Broom Relay
Elisabeth and Anne can't handle
Where's Margareth
Miranda Holbrooke is in love
The Halloween part 1
The Halloween part 2
The adults are having a date
Visting the Cavendish
Goodbye Professor McLaren
Luna Nova 1916 graduation
Travelling part 1
Travelling part 2
Elisabeth trans transformation
Diana and Louise Marriage
Studying about the fertility stone
Adeleine Du Nord Cavendish
Margareth's plan begins
Louise wins her second title
The years has passed
Adeleine suspicion
Margareth's evilness part 1
Margareth's evilness part 2

The fall of Victoria McLaren

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By Fluna98

What Victoria told us was just the part of her rise, which peaked when she returned to the McLaren family home with a fertility stone given by Harriet and Freya after her excellent performance at the World Magic Battle Tournament, everything was going well, McLaren in the end got everything she wanted, she only had one concern, which was about what she talked about with Eleanor Cavendish, she really felt the obligation she had to use all that power and influence to help lesbian witches around the world. At first Esther even thought it was silly what the older Cavendish had said to the redhead, even more Julia who was another one who found time wasted, even told her sister that it was better to take advantage that she had the free pass to be a lesbian and play in the face of other witches. At the moment Victoria was telling about this part, Diana even interrupted a little.

- Sorry to interrupt, but you had it all, you had your life made, your redemption finally arrived, that weight that the Williams put on you is gone, you were even respected, you were with a beautiful wife, the tournament award must have given you enough pounds for life, what happened for you to stop all this shit?

Says Diana.

- Now I will tell you why, pay close attention, you will know who is behind all this. The root of all this prejudice and witch-hunting nonsense.

Says Victoria.

Victoria then shows the flashbacks again on the crystal ball, it was still the same year, until around August 19, 1748, it was a normal day like any other, until they receive a visit from an important person in the world of magic, Julia will soon attend and thought it was just a random old woman wanting to ask for charity.

- Is Victoria McLaren in?

Says the lady.

- Who are you?

Says Julia.

- I am Mildred Berger, the supreme leader of all the witches' councils, the ultimate authority when it comes to magic.

Says Mildred.

Julia soon tries to open the door and lets Mildred pass by the door, as soon as Berger arrives, she runs into Victoria and Esther hugging each other while they prepare a pie in the kitchen of the residence, which left the supreme leader somewhat disgusted, but she made a point of keeping her composure and called for McLaren who soon stopped caressing his wife to go to the lady she didn't know who it was.

- Is that right? What brings you to my property?

Says Victoria.

- I Mildred Berger, the supreme leader of all the witches' councils, the ultimate authority on the subject of magic, came with a proposal for Victoria McLaren. I know you were the great champion of the World Magic Battle Tournament, by table you will succeed me as the supreme leader of the world of magic, but I don't want you to become a supreme leader without merit, that's why I'm offering you a contract for you to work as a judge in the trials of lesbian witches.

Says Mildred with a contract in hand.

Victoria is surprised to see that she had received a job offer from the supreme leader herself, so McLaren tries to read detail by detail of that contract, which luckily had no restriction on what she could do, the salary was very high, she would earn the equivalent of 100 pounds a week, it was already an excellent start. So the redhead soon tries to sign that contract, which makes the supreme leader all excited.

- Thank you Victoria McLaren, it was great to do business with you, I'm sure I hired the most correct judge possible for this position, so I'm going.

Says Mildred.

Mildred leaves the McLaren family residence and as soon as Berger leaves, the McLaren Williams kiss and embrace each other, they even celebrate a little dancing in the kitchen, while Julia also took the opportunity to celebrate together, a little later that day, Eshter wonders why Victoria accepted that proposal, even more so because the supreme leader was the one who had the reputation of being intolerant and having placed those laws against lesbian witches.

- So love, don't find a shot in the foot accepting this proposal, you will be in the front line, condemning lesbian witches to death sometimes... Soon you who wanted so much to change the world of lesbian witches...

Says Esther.

- Precisely that, I am in the front line! I will save the lives of many lesbian witches, with a bit of the pounds left over from the tournament, I will build a sanctuary for lesbian witches, a bit far from here, where the damned will be taken and will be free to do whatever you want! Do you understand now, love?

Says Victoria determined.

- Are you sure it won't make anyone suspicious of you? It's a wonderful plan, but it has its risks... I don't want you to be caught, even more by the supreme leader.

Says Esther.

- I'm immune, even if I get caught, so... Are you with me, my love?

Says Victoria.

Esther soon embraces Victoria, as always Williams was with McLaren to help her with her plans, which consisted of building what would become the city of Terre Sapphique. The blonde was in charge of the construction, who tried to keep everything organized, without Julia knowing, since she was already showing a certain disgust about her sister being a lesbian, also hidden from the supreme leader. At that time Victoria had to take some classes to study the laws of the magical world, since it was necessary a training before becoming a judge.

Also in the meantime is where Julia McLaren got to the part where she wanted to become a hunter witch, she asked with all the will of the world, after all she wanted to help in the residence in some way, she was a powerful witch, but Victoria's fear was that she put too much exposure to the family, But because of the love she felt for her sister, the older McLaren let her heart speak louder and allowed her younger sister to become a hunter, but with Esther's supervision, that was around November 1748, so much so that Esther and Julia signed as official hunters by Mildred Berger herself.

That would be the birth of the group of hunting witches that would come to be known as "The Fertility Stone", a catchy name to catch witches unprepared. In order not to use the McLaren family residence, Victoria also moved to another place, where today is the central fortress, there was an old castle that was bought by the older McLaren. The first days were hunts made by Julia and Esther who were always masked at the request of the eldest, she did not want for anything in this world that the girls were exposed. The two were excellent hunters, getting a good rate of witches hunted.

Victoria was even doing very well in class to become a judge, graduating in May 1749, in just one semester, she already had all the knowledge necessary to start the hearings, so much so that she studied very well, knowing about the authority that was in hand, to the point of using it for good.

The property where the condemned witches would stay, was already ready, it was a huge house that could hold up to 50 people with peace of mind, the surroundings of the property were also much bigger, which gave these same witches space to start their houses, many of them were grateful to McLaren.

January 11, 1750, In the hiding place of the hunter witches, Esther and Victoria were talking to each other, it was a more reserved conversation, about McLaren's work, and also about that sanctuary that the redhead had made.

- Love, the shrine is filling up too fast... What are we going to do? And seriously Vic... Because doing all this, everyone knows us as witch hunters, including Mildred Berger... It's no use hiding our identities...

Says Esther.

- We will need more witches in our group... Only us won't be enough, so at least I'll get rid of exposing you and Julia to danger... You would take care of the captured witches... But that's the idea, I want you to think that we are hunters, at least Mildred thinks that, she can't even be suspicious about what I do in hiding... In a way it was good to have made them hunters, I know the name of each of the witches we captured, this is really useful for the moment I go after the files of each of the witches, since I can change the condemnation, Mildred thinks they were sentenced to death, when in fact they are innocent, so even if they are captured in case they go outside my property, they will still have a chance to go free and unpunished.

Says Victoria.

- That's a wonderful love... I love you... I'm proud of my smart wife.

Says Esther.

- And don't worry about the capacity, I can increase even more the surroundings of the property, just tell the girls there to start building their home, they are free to have their own houses, so they can even build a city.

Says Victoria.

Esther and Victoria hugged, kissed and then went to another love session, which the couple always did a lot, it was practically every day, but they didn't wait for something to happen on the other side of the door, while the couple clung. Julia was walking down the halls, she would enter the room until she heard her sister's muffled moans. McLaren didn't know what it was yet, she just knew it was something her older sister always said she couldn't know until she was a certain age. The stubborn redhead makes a point of sneaking around and runs into her sister and sister-in-law naked, rubbing herself, then she turns her face in shame and runs out of there. It was a scene that stuck in the girl's head.

- Victoria! What's the need to show this kind of thing? How indecent!

Says Diana blushing and turning her face.

- You will understand... That's what put me even lower...

Says Victoria.

- But you need to show that your sister was spying on you, I know you covered your body and your wife's with magic, so that we couldn't see, but you didn't need to.

Says Diana.

March 25, 1750, the time came when Victoria least wanted, Julia and Esther caught for a witch, this witch took the two girls to the hiding place and carrying them to the place where McLaren was sitting waiting for them. Until Natalie Tyrrell came in holding the two girls and staring at the redhead with sagacity.

- Now, now, I recognize that face from afar. Victoria McLaren, I was suspicious, why did you send your sister and your wife to become hunters, being the strongest? You think we are all weak, these two here didn't give a bit of work, their surprise attack was weak.

Says Natalie.

- I think I remember your person... I faced you at the World Magic Battle Tournament, if I'm not mistaken... That face... Are you the little brat I defeated in the round of 16? Natalie Tyrrell?

Says Victoria with her hand on her chin.

- But look, I didn't come here to end your fun... If you pay me well I can be of great help, my magic power is very high, as you can see, if you want I can even test it.

Natalie says to get into a fighting position.

- I was in need of hunting witches for my group, but you can even join us as long as you move so that and keep the group confidential, we can't expose ourselves too much.

Says Victoria standing up.

Natalie just agrees with the head and soon goes with everything towards Victoria who rose from the throne, Tyrrell starts attacking the older McLaren, but with only one hand, she held all the blows given by the brunette, to the point of knocking her down with only a tidbit on her forehead.

Natalie was the next witch to join the group, she soon got along well with Julia who was extremely angry in the first days because she got ugly for Tyrrell, but little by little the brunette taught McLaren more about fighting techniques, as well as how to deal with any kind of opponent, to the point where she had no mercy, contrary to everything Victoria had taught.

Because of this, Julia was influenced more and more by Natalie, the manipulation of Tyrrell over the younger McLaren was working, as time went by she showed the cruelty she had kept all the time, even finding it liberating, because of this even Victoria ended up revolting with the such cruelty that her sister was becoming.

November 29th, 1750, was a normal day in the hiding place, Julia and Natalie were having a lot of success with their hunts, the group of witches was already being much more known around the world, but the cruelty of McLaren was also being noticed, many of the captured witches were very hurt, with that Victoria calls her sister to her room.

- Why did you call me sis?

Says Julia.

- What cruelty is this Julia?

Says Victoria furious.

- Oh don't you fill me, why should I have pity? They only serve to give us money and nothing else! You have to stop being weak Victoria, I realize little by little how much stronger Natalie is than you are about this?

Says Julia furious.

- So that's why I want to get you out of the hunt, you have to find another hunter for the group, she will stay in your place, Natalie will immobilize the captured, you will stay here, taking care of the security of our hiding place, not always that Esther and I will be here, in case of a mass escape who would be to stop?

Says Victoria.

- What? So if I can't participate in the captures, what will be the fun? I can't even hit anyone else... Fuck you Victoria, because you are so boring! I only accept on one condition...

Says Julia.

- What condition?

Says Victoria.

- You will authorize my dating with Natalie!

Says Julia.

- What? Are you guys dating? That's cool, I authorize it, if that's what you're going to make me obey then I authorize it.

Says Victoria while Julia celebrated.

December 12, 1750, winter was about to arrive in the region of the hiding place, Victoria barely knew that she innocently accepted Julia's courtship, without knowing what would happen. That day McLaren was celebrating that a group of witches from the sanctuary had finished making a house in the surroundings, starting little by little to make the small town grow. Esther even carried her in her arms to her room when she came across a scene, which was Julia and Natalie, naked in McLaren's older bed and the two were masturbating each other.

- Julia McLaren! What the fuck is that?

Says Victoria.

- Vic... You authorized it, it does not come to distort the facts... Why don't you join?

Says Julia patting her bed.

- No way! Julia... I... Ahhh... I don't even know how to start... You're not old enough to be doing this!

Says Victoria furious.

- You and Esther can. Why can't I? You naughty little bitch, only you can enjoy having sex...

Julia says until Victoria slaps her face.

- Because I wasn't your age when I first did it with Esther! I am married to Esther! Esther was your age, but I was only a year older! Natalie is 3 years older than you! Don't you understand the gravity of the situation? Oh you know what... I have more problems to deal with... I'll leave it at that.

Says Victoria.

- Problems known as sending the condemned witches elsewhere? The supreme leader wouldn't like to know this at all, she thinks I'm silly, I've heard your conversations with Esther... Either you get together or Mildred Berger finds out about your alternative work and you will lose your job as a judge.

Says Julia with a malicious smile while Victoria was shocked.

Victoria even stops showing a little because she tells us that something that she is not even a little proud of happened there, that by blackmailing her younger sister she was forced to practice incest, she even had to have sex with Natalie together, were real orgies, which the older McLaren and Williams were often forced to participate against their will.

Time went by, Victoria was getting more and more psychologically destroyed, she was going through all that and just wanted to put an end to it, the sister who before felt an enormous appreciation, even with her way, still felt some love, this feeling was becoming disgusting, in disgust, the younger sister was almost manipulating everything the older one did, just because of a secret.

January 9, 1751, another witch joined the group of hunters, was Martha Jordan, she wore a slave necklace controlled by Julia. Victoria didn't even question and only authorized her sister to continue with the witch in the group, thinking it was just an ornament, just like the older witch couple. The controlled witch was also participating in the orgies.

Julia was increasingly manipulative and insane, she was caring little for the condition of other witches, while Victoria and Esther were beginning to draw up a plan to end once and for all that group of hunter witches, but the older McLaren still did not want to end because she would lose track of the witches she saves in trials

Over the years the group of hunting witches grew a lot, as well as Terre Sapphique, a name given by the inhabitants of the sanctuary, the city already had some buildings, such as a city hall, warehouses, police station, it was like a normal city only governed and inhabited only by lesbian witches. On the one hand Victoria was happy that at least one thing was right in McLaren's life.

Until the drop of water came to Victoria that was the moment Julia revealed to have erased the memory of Wendolin Benson, that made it the initial trigger for McLaren to take some action and that's what she did. Starting the plan of the liberating witch Saoirse.

See you, fallen witch...

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