The Fertility Stone and the t...

By Fluna98

692 8 44

Through the history lesbian witches always existed, but they had a big problem, which was their need to keep... More

Diana Cavendish
Diana this is your new sister
Why are you getting married?
Try to fly now Diana
Loch Ness
The love stone cave
Diana's training
Diana is back
Last day of training
Luna Nova
Jessica Harrington
Jill's new girlfriend
The Broom Relay
Diana knows the truth behind her origin
Diana goes to Ireland
Claire Arnoux and the sacred water
Jessica tries to kick Diana and Sarah
A year of relationship
The fertility stone
Jill and Claire
The World Magic Battle Tournament
The Kagari sisters
Sarah's scar
The first round of the finals begin
Diana vs the youngest Kagari
The last four fights of the day
The quarter finals
The battle between the Campbell Cavendish couple
The Kagari sisters fight
The 3rd place dispute
The great final part 1
The great final part 2
The marriage of the Campbell Cavendish couple
Alice Campbell Cavendish and the B.R.A
The World Broom Racing Championship
WBRC final race of the 1st season
The revenge plan
The fight against the samurai part 1
The fight against the samurai part 2
Mako Kagari trial
The final of the 1748 WMBT
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Diana Cavendish inventions
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The Meridies family
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Victoria McLaren origins

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By Fluna98

In Saoirse place, the girls talked a little with Martha about everything that happened, as Jordan also reveals what happened to the hunter witches, including how they were abused by Julia and Natalie, who abused the poor blonde both sexually and sometimes physically. Victoria didn't know so much about it and even makes a point of asking forgiveness for everything that happened, which the older McLaren even gets, because despite the circumstances, she was one of the few people who treated the girl who was enslaved very well.

Victoria is another one who decides to tell about her past, to the point of taking the girls to a more reserved place, where she picks up a crystal ball, with the intention of showing in a very short way what happened in her life, also so that the free time that still remained that afternoon would pass, so the girls would know more about McLaren's intentions, which were not so bad.

Victoria activates the crystal ball, putting it on a table, while the girls are all sitting around on sofas prepared to watch about McLaren's past, the glow of the crystal ball starts to emanate, soon a vision appears, but the redhead gives a frozen one to explain first about something that happened long before that vision.

- In the previous century, the McLaren family didn't have such an honorable past, in reality they were pretty much a son of a bitch to be honest, to the point of causing a real massacre? All this happened in 1648, after losing to Elle Williams in the World Magic Battle Tournament, the McLaren were eliminated right in the qualifiers, which annoyed Greta and Pamela, to the point that they went to Belfast? From there they made the biggest massacre killing all the witches of the Williams family, besides leaving a message saying that the Williams would pay for the defeat... When Elle returned, she came across the whole family dead... What shocked her... Elle didn't know who she was until then, but she swore she would find out and make the guilty ones pay... Until as the years went by, she was rebuilding her family and she found out who the real culprits were, my family... Elle was already very old, but her descendants swore revenge one day... That day ended up coming when I was very young...

Says Victoria.

The girls are impressed with that story and even somewhat shocked, Victoria unfreezes the vision of the crystal ball to show about her past.


April 18, 1740, was an afternoon like any other in the McLaren family residence, the eight-year-old Victoria McLaren was running in her backyard. Daughter of an incestuous relationship between Patrick McLaren and Vivian McLaren, the two brothers ended up having two girls. Patrick was one of only three men to be born into the family in 500 years, because of this until this relationship of the two was well emphasized, Vivian was the eldest daughter. Victoria was the eldest daughter at 7 years old and Julia was the youngest daughter at 2 years old, the two were the only children made in the family until then. But that day was different, so a march could be heard, they were the witches of the Williams family coming near the McLaren residence.

- Annabel! Take the girls away from here!

Says Vivian calling for the maid.

Annabel soon transports herself using magic, she catches both Victoria and Julia, the older McLaren was confused, until she looks at her mother who says goodbye to her the little girl starts crying, until Vivian casts a spell that puts them both to sleep, they had to improvise a quick escape, the two children could not die. It was predicted that this possible revenge of Williams would happen, so Annabel takes the two hidden inside a basket while she leaves by wagon through the roads, passing even beaten by the row of blond witches, armed with muskets and cannons. The maid was very well disguised as a wagon, which made the escape very easy.

Soon after shooting noises could be heard, the Williams were in numerical advantage, there were 35 witches of the Williams family armed to the teeth against only 14 witches of the McLaren family who were not so well armed. There were 22 casualties that day, all the witches and people from the McLaren family and none from the Williams family, at most Vivian was able to injure one of the Williams. Victoria and Julia were taken to an orphanage that was in the neighborhood, the two girls were left at the doors with a note written by Vivian.

"Take care of these two girls... Something serious happened to my family and I might not have survived, they take Victoria McLaren and Julia McLaren's names, Victoria is the eldest, take good care of them until they become adults, I'll leave some gold for you to take care without problems and also help in raising my daughters? Sincerely: Vivian McLaren"

Someone attends the orphanage and soon takes the two children inside, as well as the bag of gold, which contained the equivalent of 120 pounds, a small fortune, which was enough to leave the two in a room with plenty of luxury.

At first Victoria only cried, she knew what happened, she knew that her hand had died, she didn't want to accept that she was an orphan, so much so that she was called a crying baby by the other girls in the orphanage, except for one who was Esther Williams, the girl had been there for a year, was left there by her parents after the Williams family got furious with the girl mixing technology with tradition, giving the impression that she was committing sacrilege and since they didn't want their daughter to be connected to it, they sent the poor girl to the orphanage.

Days went by, little by little Victoria was accepting the news more, but there was something that bothered her and a lot, it was about Esther, the blonde had a lot of resemblance to witches that her mother told stories about a bad past of the family, what she had already linked the dots and touched herself that could have been their revenge.

April 26, 1740, Victoria with all the rage accumulated, goes through the corridors until she was outside, Esther was with a flower in her hands looking at the sky, until she ends up taking a sudden punch, a punch so strong that makes her fall to the ground, then McLaren starts picking up Williams by the collar and keeps punching the girl several times, this while crying.

- You bastard! You bastard! You bastard! You killed my mother!

Says Victoria punching Esther until some girls hold her.

Victoria managed to get loose from the girls, there were more than eight of them holding her, until she needed to appear the caretaker of the orphanage that held her with magic, McLaren that day was totally out of control of anger, so much that she even fainted for being too angry, Esther already had her face a little disfigured because of the punches, the redhead punched very hard, she was only 7 years old, but already showed a huge strength.

The two are taken to a room by the caretaker, where Victoria is tied up and Esther was being cured. The caregiver makes them talk and get right without depending on the violence, until McLaren wakes up, when she notices that she was tied up and facing Williams, the redhead starts crying.

- Because... Because... The witches in your family... They killed my... At the cost of something that happened long, long, many years ago... What the fuck... Do you have any idea what a shit it's like to have to lose the whole family that gave you love and affection?

Says Victoria crying.

- I... I, uh... It wasn't my fault... I've been here for a year... My own family kicked me out... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for what happened to your family... I'm sorry I'm a Williams... I'm a des...

Says Esther until Victoria interrupts her.

- No! I'm sorry! I went for the impulse for hatred... I am making the same mistake that our families made! I don't want this mistake to continue... I don't want to insist on it anymore... Let's bring new times...

Says Victoria while they were being released.

- Now embrace each other.

Says the caregiver.

Esther and Victoria hugged each other, since that day the two girls became very friendly, they did everything together; Williams also saw potential in McLaren's strength, so she decided to train a little she to control the magic more, as well as making machines that helped even more. The orphanage where they studied was not only an orphanage but also served as a magic academy, so they learned a lot about spells and magic, to one day become witches, leaving the orphanage with the ability to become future witches.

The years went by, Victoria became the witch who stood out the most in class, she had enormous potential, added to the fact that she practiced a lot with the training involving the help of machines created by Esther, which made her heavier, in addition to increasing even more the girl's resistance.

Julia was also another one who as the years went by grew up, she was only 2 years old when she arrived, as the years went by she became a child, which was very complicated, she was very spoiled and aggressive, she often lost control, because of that even the caregivers sometimes isolated her from the other children. Victoria often tried to correct the girl, who only ignored and called her sister a pain in the ass.

March 6, 1744, it was 4 years since the two McLaren arrived at the orphanage, both already had a reputation, Victoria was the intelligent one, the example student, the behaved, the just, the affectionate, everyone adored her, almost no witch was jealous of the girl, she was very humble above all, helping all the others with difficulty, and also very mature. Esther, Victoria and little Julia who was 6 years old until then, were eating in the canteen until one of the girls approached the trio, she was holding a poster.

- Vic, you are the strongest of us, why don't you participate in the World Magic Battle Tournament? You will represent us, it will be in four years, in that time you can strengthen a little more to become one of the champions? What do you think?

Says the girl.

- No, I'm calm about it... It's not my achievement to fight... I don't train magic and my body to fight, it's just to avoid fighting... This one I'll let pass...

Says Victoria.

- Vic! The winner can become immune to all the laws of the magic world and has people who know you are...

Says the girl until Victoria uses a spell that makes Gaelle's mouth turn into a zipper.

- Gaelle keep your fucking mouth shut!

Says Victoria.

- Vic, she's right, that can give you a free pass to be who you are... Outside of having a great chance for my family members to show up, we can show them that the McLaren are back and stronger than ever.

Says Esther holding Victoria's hand.

Victoria soon takes off Gaelle's spell and grabs the tournament poster, reading more about the rules, the day it would start, the minimum requirements, the award, after seeing everything she returns the poster to the girl, with her name signed with a feather.

- I will participate!

Says Victoria.

- I also want to enter the tournament.

Says Esther also signing the poster.

- I want to!

Says Julia.

- Julia, you can't... You're not old yet...

Says Victoria caressing Julia.

- But I want...

Says Julia in a fight.

Victoria soon starts to argue with her sister and says that she wouldn't be able to enroll the girl because she was too young for the dispute, even more that they would have witches much stronger than her, but to compensate, the older McLaren makes a point of training her sister a little with the intention of making her stronger, so the younger one would be able to be a witch as incredible as she is.

Years went by, Esther, Julia and Victoria trained a lot, Williams was very fond of their inventions, like mats, machines that served to strike Mclaren, this while the older redhead also wore a super tunic that made her five times heavier and restricted the magical power a lot, she picked up much heavier than before in training, making the power a good increase over the years.

Gradually increasing the difficulty of the training, to the point that Esther had to pull the limits to find machines that were fast enough to follow McLaren, to the point that she even had to appeal to tunics that increased the weight by 10 times, besides further restricting the magic, all that the redhead focused on doing was to become a more and more powerful witch, she trained physically and also spent her time swallowing books from the orphan's library, gathering as much knowledge as she could have.

But McLaren wasn't always focused on just learning and learning, training and coaching, she also had a free time, she also knew how to enjoy the moments of rest, often playing with the girls of the orphanage, usually in winter with snowball wars, in summer it was a game like burning, using a leather ball.

Julia as years went by also became a more and more powerful witch, but she saw it as a way to climb and become even more feared, so much so that sometimes she caused terror in the orphanage, girls her age died of fear of the younger McLaren, the older ones felt intimidated, by the redhead, which was a problem for Victoria to solve, but as she was too busy training, things got more and more out of control, the caregivers were having a bit of trouble, they weren't powerful enough to hold the girl anymore.

Victoria was also nurturing feelings for a girl, the person who was always by her side, since her first days at the orphanage, who always supported her, who was the smartest person in the orphanage. Esther Williams, the girl was McLaren's passion from her early days. But the redhead always had the question of her and Julia being the last remaining McLaren family, so she even felt obliged to give heirs, but as she was in love with Esther she didn't know how she could provide it.

April 21, 1747, Victoria after so many years finally decides to take courage to declare herself to Esther, after the training session, McLaren decides to call Williams to go to the McLaren sisters' dormitory.

- Esther Williams... You are the most special person in my life, I don't know what I would do without you, fate seems to have brought me to an incredible person, this beautiful blonde I call my love... Esther... Do you want to be my girlfriend?

Says Victoria while Esther was shocked

- Vic... I don't know what to say, I also have the same feelings for you, but unfortunately... You and your sister are the last McLaren, I'd be a rock in the shoe for continuity...

Says Esther until Victoria interrupts her

- No way! Esther, as you said there is Julia, she may end up wanting a boy, besides the fact that a relationship between us is forbidden, this until I become champion of the World Magic Battle Tournament... Even if Julia doesn't want a boy and goes my way, there must be a way for us to continue the family, I know there is, this tournament has two organizers who are two of the nine legendary witches, they are a couple, they must have a very high power and a knowledge too? It's not the end of the world Esther, I'm sure we'll make it...

Says Victoria with her hand resting on Esther's shoulder.

- Victoria... You always know how to make us feel better... If so... I Esther Williams take Victoria McLaren as my girlfriend...

Says Esther smiling at Victoria.

Victoria and Esther face each other, the two girls approach the faces and soon the two lips end in a seal, the newly formed couple from their first kiss, which stayed for a long time McLaren was even losing the air, until Williams moves away a little, had a bridge of saliva connecting the two who were panting and facing each other.

After that kiss Victoria all shy used a spell to lock the bedroom door so Julia wouldn't come in after closing the door. The older McLaren soon asked Esther to close her eyes, of course Williams took the opportunity to take a peek, until the redhead authorized, she was completely naked.

- Put all your love in me.

Says Victoria blushing and with her finger opening intimacy.

That had been Victoria and Esther's first time. They had all the privacy in the world, since Julia stayed all day playing with the other children of the orphanage. The days that followed were a mixture of training and love, the two did a lot of hiding, as they risked being expelled if caught.

Time passed in 1748, the training in the last 6 months involved Victoria getting used to the greater gain in magical power, since it was too high the machines barely could stand. Besides McLaren's physical gain, she was extremely strong, putting her body at a high level all to make her a future champion.

Victoria and Esther participated in the World Magic Battle Tournament, both achieved excellent results, especially McLaren who walked in the tournament, easily beating all participants, including Helvetia Williams the mother of Esther and responsible for killing the mother of the redhead, that victory of the short one was what made her more proud than having won the tournament itself. Since she took revenge on her mother and the whole family, she humiliated the Williams by turning it around and after winning the tournament showed the whole world the alliance between her and Esther. What made the Williams family extremely angry, that huge sacrilege couldn't have happened to them, but the maturity of Victoria and Esther overcame it.

See you, McLaren witches...

Full name: Victoria McLaren

Date of birth: 11/08/1732

Place of birth: Dublin, Ireland (Irish)

Height: 1.42m

Weight: 48 kg

Measurements (bust/waist/hips): 90/60/93

Hair color and appearance: light orange red, long, straight, bangs on forehead and sides of face

Eye color and appearance: Teal green, western

Physical appearance: extremely pale Caucasian skin, freckles all over the body, hands with 4 fingers, large middle breasts, has four-leaf clover-shaped freckles on the left hand, short stature, rounded nose.

The leader behind the group "the fertility stone", Victoria McLaren is the great leader and the most powerful witch in the world. Her origins date back to a difficult and sad past, which was first caused by a confusion in the previous century, Greta and Pamela McLaren tried to take revenge on the entire Williams family by killing all the witches they had there while Elle Williams was at the World Magic Battle Tournament. This massacre was the trigger for a feeling of vengeance among the witches in Belfast who had no fear of revenge, which they really did and with all cruelty killed all the McLaren in a war in the year 1740 leaving only Julia and Victoria who were taken to an orphanage. The years went by and the girl dedicated herself to becoming an extremely powerful witch during those eight years to avenge the family that was cruelly slaughtered. After becoming a champion she had the free pass to be a lesbian independent of the law of the witch world, so much so that she officially married Esther Williams, but after this victory things only got worse for her, starting with an incestuous relationship with her sister Julia, at the same time she was with Esther and the idea of hunting lesbian witches in order to earn money. Victoria was the most powerful witch in the world at that time, her ability is to be good at everything, since she was a child she trained intensely, on the edge and even using machines that Esther had assembled for her, this enabled McLaren to have her body incredibly prepared for the high magic she ended up having, showing that size is not always document.

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