The Fertility Stone and the t...

By Fluna98

692 8 44

Through the history lesbian witches always existed, but they had a big problem, which was their need to keep... More

Diana Cavendish
Diana this is your new sister
Why are you getting married?
Try to fly now Diana
Loch Ness
The love stone cave
Diana's training
Diana is back
Last day of training
Luna Nova
Jessica Harrington
Jill's new girlfriend
The Broom Relay
Diana knows the truth behind her origin
Diana goes to Ireland
Claire Arnoux and the sacred water
Jessica tries to kick Diana and Sarah
A year of relationship
The fertility stone
Jill and Claire
The World Magic Battle Tournament
The Kagari sisters
Sarah's scar
The first round of the finals begin
Diana vs the youngest Kagari
The last four fights of the day
The quarter finals
The battle between the Campbell Cavendish couple
The Kagari sisters fight
The 3rd place dispute
The great final part 1
The great final part 2
The marriage of the Campbell Cavendish couple
Alice Campbell Cavendish and the B.R.A
The World Broom Racing Championship
WBRC final race of the 1st season
The revenge plan
The fight against the samurai part 1
The fight against the samurai part 2
Mako Kagari trial
The final of the 1748 WMBT
Diana Cavendish II origins
Diana Cavendish inventions
Maria Du Nord Brabham
Travelling to the Loch Ness
The Meridies family
Diana & Maria part 1
Diana & Maria part 2
Finding Gabriela Morris
Gwendolin Benson
18th century witches training
The Cavendish Du Nord love stone
Where's Wendolin Benson
Cavendish manor last day of training
The spoiled student
The invasion plan
The 1753 Broom Relay
Preparing for the invasion
The invasion begins
Maria showing her broom skills
invading the leader's wife
The cruel Julia McLaren part 1
The cruel Julia McLaren part 2
Returning from the invasion
Victoria McLaren origins
The fall of Victoria McLaren
The McLaren sisters fight
Terre Sapphique
Supreme leader Mildred Berger
Back to Luna Nova
The new Fertility Stone
An unexpected pregnancy
The Jordan sisters meeting
Meridies Witches return
Back to the Himalaya after a century
The great lesbian war part 1
The great lesbian war part 2
The great lesbian war part 3
One problem solved
Caroline McLaren Tyrrell
Maria's debut at the WBRC
Hope McLaren and the Cavendish Du Nord twins
A cruel mother
Caroline's visit
The 1764 French GP disaster
Run Caroline! Run!
A war is going to happen
The second great lesbian war part 1
The second great lesbian war part 2
Julia McLaren Trial
Diana Cavendish III
Gabrielle Benson horrible life
A forbidden love
Keith's blackmail
Margareth tries to run
Diana III in Luna Nova
The foreigners trio first class day
Louise Du Nord past
Hilda's secret love interest
Margareth tries again
Diana's birthday
Diana and Louise love
1913 Luna Nova Broom Relay
Elisabeth and Anne can't handle
Where's Margareth
Miranda Holbrooke is in love
The Halloween part 1
The Halloween part 2
The adults are having a date
Visting the Cavendish
Goodbye Professor McLaren
Luna Nova 1916 graduation
Travelling part 1
Travelling part 2
Elisabeth trans transformation
Diana and Louise Marriage
Studying about the fertility stone
Adeleine Du Nord Cavendish
Margareth's plan begins
Louise wins her second title
The years has passed
Adeleine suspicion
Margareth's evilness part 1
Margareth's evilness part 2

Diana II in Luna Nova

1 0 0
By Fluna98

Some days have passed since the training of the girls in Luna Nova had finished, the girls were without the restrictions of magic and weight, being able to use freely all that magic that they acquired during the training they went through. It was clear the change that the 3 months of training gave, they had a much greater strength than before and were already powerful witches well before they started training, which only intensified even more. All this training would make the time in Luna Nova go until only by the diploma, since they were already powerful witches, they already had a very considerable knowledge in the academy.

September 3, 1753, Diana, Maria, Gwendolin and Lorraine began their studies in Luna Nova, that was only the first day and they were soon lined up with other students for the ceremony that marked the beginning of the year. The director was Catherine Tyrrell, who brought some changes to the academy, such as an improvement in the infrastructure, a general renovation of the building, besides being known for being very rigid, since it demanded a lot that the students wear a more formal type of uniform. In addition, the old shower room was put to an end, alleging that students could do things without supervision, moving to a room with showers, at least for lower class students.

- And here we are! To start another year at our witch academy! The year that brought some new students! Students who passed the year! Students who were not approved, but have a second chance! This year was marked by some reforms! I put an end to that bathroom for a shower room only, so the students don't spend so much time there! Remember to keep order, we follow the laws of the magical world, that is, no funny business between you! I hope you students feel at home and study hard to become witches worthy of receiving a witch's degree from the Luna Nova Witch Academy! After this speech, meet the teachers who will accompany you on this journey.

Says Catherine.

Catherine soon presents one teacher for another and after they all present themselves saying what they were going to teach, she begins to say each of the rules of the academy, which did not change much compared to the previous century, only with the huge change that this time lesbian relationships were expressly punished and passive to expulsion, sexual relations could even yield a call from the council to arrest the student who did this. Things weren't easy even in Luna Nova, which was once called a lesbian paradise. After the rules are said, the students are released, they soon go around the halls talking to each other, a little about their teammates too. Diana, Maria and Gwendolin ended up in the red team, already Lorraine ended up in the green team with Alice Hawk and Heather Tyrrell.

- Me, Maria and Gwen on the same team... How wonderful, I was lucky, I'm on the same team as you...

Diana says until she stops talking.

- Yes, we were lucky, that was close Diana, don't open that big mouth! It could end up in trouble for our side.

Says Maria.

- Well we are roommates and teammates, what a bad luck for me to have to be alone fair with these two.

Says Gwendolin.

- What about me? I don't know any of my roommates...

Says Lorraine until one of the girls puts her hand on her shoulder.

- You must be my colleague, my name is Alice Hawk.

Says Alice.

- I am Lorraine Morris, the pleasure is all mine.

Says Lorraine.

- That's our colleague Heather there, she's very reserved in hers, a bit even angry I'd say, she's the director's daughter. So be careful about anything you say or do around her.

Says Alice whispering to Lorraine as she points to Heather.

- Well I'll get ready in my room, meet you later.

Says Lorraine.

Lorraine goes with Alice to her team's room while Heather was leaning against the wall all alone, but soon she ends up following the two girls, since she didn't have her room key yet. Diana, Maria and Gwendolin enter their room and soon throw themselves into bed, relieved to finally hear the director's speech.

- Fuck, but what a fucking place, I honestly got angry with those restrictions... Maria, don't tell me we're going to be all this time without...

Says Diana.

- We won't go and it won't be a stupid rule that will stop us, we have our privacy here in the right room? Gwen is reliable and another... I'm not going to take a bath in those shower rooms, I'd rather get dirty than do that, let's take a bath right here, this room has room for a bath.

Says Maria.

- I won't complain so much, the room until it has a bed... I'll stay in the top bunk!

Says Gwendolin climbing on the top bunk while Diana was about to climb.

- Diana doesn't even come, we sleep in the same bed, we're a couple... In fact, let me make some changes, get in Gwen's bed, I'll change some things in this room.

Says Maria.

Diana climbs on the bunk and stands next to Gwen, while Maria starts to make some changes, the first of them was to make a partition between the bunk and the bed of the two, as well as a screen that divided between the part of the beds and the bathtub, where the girls could bathe and change with more privacy, even more Gwendolin who was very shy about it. When she finishes tidying up Maria calls the girls to come down from the bunk bed.

- Okay, you can see how it turned out.

Says Maria.

- Woah! It was amazing, it wasn't even the same room.

Says Gwendolin impressed.

- So we can have the privacy to...

Diana even says that Mary only waved her eyebrows.

- Just don't make so much noise, please.

Says Gwendolin as the two started laughing.

Meanwhile in another room Lorraine was talking to Alice and Heather about her and was trying in every way to hide some of the passion she felt for Gwendolin, and also about her sexuality. Until Heather eventually opened her mouth to talk about lesbians.

- I sincerely hope that there are no lesbians among us, it would be horrible to be abused by one of them... I can't even imagine.

Says Heather disgusted.

- Wait a minute! It's not like that, lesbians are also people like us, they don't go out sexually abusing others, because that's wrong, what lesbians do so wrong to be considered a crime? I still want to understand.

Says Lorraine.

- Speaking this way it even seems that you defend this scum of people. They basically destroy nature, they don't reproduce and this goes against the nature of the human being, they're just a bunch of fetishist women who want to have sex without having to get pregnant, I disgust this kind of person... I'm even proud of my sister Natalie; she's an incredible hunter... She even works in the incredible group "The fertility stone", whenever she visits us, she tells us about the incredible stories of hunting that she does, how she is a success and even makes good money with it.

Says Heather causing Lorraine to be in shock and then impressed.

- (What? She's the sister of one of them. I don't believe it! I'm sharing a room with such a fucking witch... Her sister must have been one of them... But wait a minute... If she's the slayer's sister... Good Loris! I'm a genius! I'm a very smart guy! I can use this girl and make a fool of myself just to get some information from her about where the hunter witches hide... Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer!)

- Why the finger slap?

Says Heather suspicious.

- It was nothing, I just thought of something here, but interesting to know that you are the sister of such a famous lesbian witch hunter, it must be amazing... It's just... You don't feel kind of bad about seeing witches hunting witches... We witches are no longer so well regarded by society... With this hunting, it only diminishes us even more...

Says Lorraine.

- Lorraine Morris... You are very naive girl, I like your way, I'm sure we will be good friends and talk a lot yet, good in a way this witch hunt seems to be bad, but it is not, we are the pride of the churches, we do not let this homosexual pollution take over our society, so yes, it is what keeps us well looked after by the society, this is the jobs they give, it is a chance for witches to earn some living.

Says Heather shrugging.

- I understood, well I'll go see how my friends are doing.

Says Lorraine going to the bedroom door.

The two girls agree with the head, Lorraine walks the corridors, reflecting on Heather and all that Tyrrell's way of acting, being even a little disgusted, but also a little happy to know that she has a kinship with the hunting witches, when entering the room without knocking at the door she comes across Gwendolin's naked body that was facing Morris.

- Ahhhhh! Sorry!

Says Lorraine going in and turning her face while Gwendolin put a cloth over her body.

- Loris! Ahhh! I could knock! Maria! Because you put the bathtub face to face with the door, at least put a screen here in front!

Says Gwendolin stained.

- (What a cute butt, she has a heart shaped spot on her right side and she has a beautiful body... Now that image will not come out of my head... By the way, her hair is very long, it reaches the butt... What a hair, she naked like this only gets hotter... Loris! Concentrate!)

Maria soon put a screen in front of Gwnendolin leaving her in a more private space while Lorraine was drooling a little, trying to understand what had happened, that until Diana snapped her fingers.

- Lorraine!

Says Diana.

- Ah sorry. I walked in without knocking.

Says Lorraine rubbing the back of her neck.

- So what are your roommates like?

Says Diana.

- Alice seems nice, but I have to tell you about Heather, she has something that could be very useful for us. We'll just wait for Gwen to finish the bath, because it's a very different thing.

Says Lorraine.

Then the three wait Gwendolin to finish bathing and as soon as Benson finishes, Lorraine starts telling about what she heard to the girls, about a possible plan of invasion the base of the hunting witches that can work.

Meanwhile, far from Luna Nova, in the hiding place of the sister of the leader of the hunting witches "The fertility stone" was talking with the supreme leader Mildred Berger, J**** was extremely angry, it was about the mysterious witch Saoirse. Even more so because Mildred told her that the most powerful witch in Ireland outside the group of the hunters was easily defeated by the masquerade.

- Damned! Damned! And damn you son of a bitch! Damned witch! I swear I'll raise the bounty on the head of that masked wretch even higher! The damn doesn't stop!

Says J**** beating an angry table.

- And your sister did nothing about Saoirse? You know how she acts in a not very acceptable way.

Says Mildred.

- Yes! And that's why I even want to talk to you! That damned one didn't make any measure to end with Saoirse! She didn't want to hire bounty hunters or put a bounty on the damn! V****** is a lesbian witch advocate! That wretch! Mildred... Honestly, I'm not taking it anymore, she's taking me seriously!

Says J*****.

- So why don't we unite? I can give you an incredible magical power... To the point where we become invincible, all you have to do is get rid of your big sister.

Says Mildred until J**** hits the table.

- Never! I will not betray my sister! She can make me angry, she can act that way inconsequently, but that won't become a reason for me to turn against her... I'm sorry Mildred...

Says J****.

- All right... I understand that you don't want to betray your sister's trust, but know this, your sister will betray yours for an hour and when she does, know that I will be here to talk about our alliance.

Says Mildred leaving through the main door.

J**** says goodbye to Mildred, that proposal to betray her sister was tempting, even more so that the supreme leader was rejuvenated, after using the magic of many captured witches to make her young again, surely Berger's power was extremely high, not only because she stayed young, but because of so many witches she made a point of stealing the magic for her own benefit. This called even more the attention of the sister witch of the leader of the group "The fertility stone", since she would have the opportunity to lead and do what she wanted.

J**** was not alone, there was someone who was listening to all the talk of the two, it was Saoirse, incredibly the witch did not make a point of carrying out any attack, so much until she snuck out of the hiding place of the hunting witch and went to hide in the middle of the forest not to be found.

- (So there is about to happen a betrayal among the witches hunting the fertility stone, this leader of theirs seems a good person... She says she defends lesbian witches, but she keeps hunting... What is the reason to do this... Well I have to go... The time will come when I will have to ask for help from the girls I saw in Scotland, so I spied... They're studying in Luna Nova... That's great... Now I just need more information about the other witches' hiding places and so I can start to put my perfect plan in practice).

Saoirse, after this reflection begins to draw on paper the map of the whole structure of the witch's fortress, so he would have a better idea where to hide, where to infiltrate better and especially how to create the best escape route for the captured witches.

Back in Luna Nova, Lorraine finished telling about what she heard with Heather and it left Diana full of ideas about how to invade the witch base.

- So Lorraine, I loved knowing about it... Try to collect as much information as you can, this Heather can be very useful to us, with her we will also have information about the hideout of the damned.

Says Diana.

- But I have to be careful, she is the daughter of the director, any false step and our plan will be in vain...

Says Lorraine.

- Well at least we already have an important step, we have a gold mine and it won't be long before we can invade the base of these damned witches...

Says Gwendolin.

- And so save your sister! I swear I will make sure I do it the best I can, I swear I will take every telling word out of that Heather Tyrrell's mouth, I will do it for you... Gwendolin Benson...

Says Lorraine with her hand on Gwen's shoulder.

- Loris... You're always so nice to me... If you help us that much I don't even know how to thank you...

Says Gwendolin stained.

- I know how.

Diana says until Maria slaps her.

- Diana!

Says Maria while the two were laughing.

Lorraine then says goodbye to the girls by giving them a more glued hug in Gwendolin, to the point where each one of them feels each other's hot faces, as she leaves her room, Morris walks down the corridors towards her room, but as soon as she enters without knocking, she finds Alice and Heather kissing.

- What?

Says Lorraine shocked.

- Lorraine? We...

Says Alice.

- Girls explain it to me. Even more you Heather Tyrrell.

Says Lorraine with arms crossed.

- Look you promise to keep a little secret from my mother... I like girls as much as boys, I only use girls for my fun, I'm not a disgusting lesbian...

Says Heather.

- I won't tell, what stays in this room doesn't leave this room. Are we clear?

Says Lorraine.

- (On the first day in Luna Nova and I already have to put up with this fucking redhead wanting to put up authority, she thinks she's the most fucked up, this dumb tabacuda, I bet she's probably a disgusting lesbian and she's just hiding it from me... I haven't been that much with the face of this shit anymore).

- Okay, you're right. I liked your posture Lorraine Morris... Tell me something... Do you want to get in on this one? It's a nice adventure, since what happens in this room stays in this room... We could make you try an adventure between girls.

Says Heather.

- No! Please! No! Heather, I'm not that kind of girl!

Says Lorraine turning her face while Heather took off her clothes.

- Heather! Have more respect! She is our new roommate! Let's not traumatize her!

Says Alice.

- Boring, because you had to arrive now Lorraine Morris, but tell me... Do you consider yourself a powerful witch? Because one day in the future we can work as hunters beside my sister Natalie, she can introduce her group of hunter witches.

Says Heather.

- Look Heather this is very sudden, I will think, but I don't know if hunting lesbian witches is the right thing...

Says Lorraine.

- (It may be an interesting opportunity, but I don't want to take too long to collect information and also her sister could recognize me for being the sister of a fugitive, I don't have Gabriela's brown eyes, but even so care is always necessary).

So Lorraine just takes a book and keeps reading, while Heather tries to get back together with Alice, but Hawk just refuses and will read a book too, which leaves Tyrrell a little bit fuzzy about the whole situation, since she wanted to take some advantage of the girls. A first day in Luna Nova that was full of surprise among the girls.

See you, student witches...

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