The Fertility Stone and the t...

By Fluna98

693 8 44

Through the history lesbian witches always existed, but they had a big problem, which was their need to keep... More

Diana Cavendish
Diana this is your new sister
Why are you getting married?
Try to fly now Diana
Loch Ness
The love stone cave
Diana's training
Diana is back
Last day of training
Luna Nova
Jessica Harrington
Jill's new girlfriend
The Broom Relay
Diana knows the truth behind her origin
Diana goes to Ireland
Claire Arnoux and the sacred water
Jessica tries to kick Diana and Sarah
A year of relationship
The fertility stone
Jill and Claire
The World Magic Battle Tournament
The Kagari sisters
Sarah's scar
The first round of the finals begin
Diana vs the youngest Kagari
The last four fights of the day
The battle between the Campbell Cavendish couple
The Kagari sisters fight
The 3rd place dispute
The great final part 1
The great final part 2
The marriage of the Campbell Cavendish couple
Alice Campbell Cavendish and the B.R.A
The World Broom Racing Championship
WBRC final race of the 1st season
The revenge plan
The fight against the samurai part 1
The fight against the samurai part 2
Mako Kagari trial
The final of the 1748 WMBT
Diana Cavendish II origins
Diana Cavendish inventions
Maria Du Nord Brabham
Travelling to the Loch Ness
The Meridies family
Diana & Maria part 1
Diana & Maria part 2
Finding Gabriela Morris
Gwendolin Benson
18th century witches training
The Cavendish Du Nord love stone
Where's Wendolin Benson
Cavendish manor last day of training
Diana II in Luna Nova
The spoiled student
The invasion plan
The 1753 Broom Relay
Preparing for the invasion
The invasion begins
Maria showing her broom skills
invading the leader's wife
The cruel Julia McLaren part 1
The cruel Julia McLaren part 2
Returning from the invasion
Victoria McLaren origins
The fall of Victoria McLaren
The McLaren sisters fight
Terre Sapphique
Supreme leader Mildred Berger
Back to Luna Nova
The new Fertility Stone
An unexpected pregnancy
The Jordan sisters meeting
Meridies Witches return
Back to the Himalaya after a century
The great lesbian war part 1
The great lesbian war part 2
The great lesbian war part 3
One problem solved
Caroline McLaren Tyrrell
Maria's debut at the WBRC
Hope McLaren and the Cavendish Du Nord twins
A cruel mother
Caroline's visit
The 1764 French GP disaster
Run Caroline! Run!
A war is going to happen
The second great lesbian war part 1
The second great lesbian war part 2
Julia McLaren Trial
Diana Cavendish III
Gabrielle Benson horrible life
A forbidden love
Keith's blackmail
Margareth tries to run
Diana III in Luna Nova
The foreigners trio first class day
Louise Du Nord past
Hilda's secret love interest
Margareth tries again
Diana's birthday
Diana and Louise love
1913 Luna Nova Broom Relay
Elisabeth and Anne can't handle
Where's Margareth
Miranda Holbrooke is in love
The Halloween part 1
The Halloween part 2
The adults are having a date
Visting the Cavendish
Goodbye Professor McLaren
Luna Nova 1916 graduation
Travelling part 1
Travelling part 2
Elisabeth trans transformation
Diana and Louise Marriage
Studying about the fertility stone
Adeleine Du Nord Cavendish
Margareth's plan begins
Louise wins her second title
The years has passed
Adeleine suspicion
Margareth's evilness part 1
Margareth's evilness part 2

The quarter finals

2 0 0
By Fluna98

The two days of rest fly by, the girls took advantage of this time to concentrate, or to love each other as in the case of the two couples who were there, besides Jessica who once in a while was giving over to one participant or another.

Claire and Jill talked to Harriet and Freya on the same day of the Round of 16, who gave the couple nothing more, nothing less, than a fertility stone, but the version made by the immortal couple was a little different, and could be used by anyone, but it is very rare to be achieved, since only the two could produce for having a huge expenditure of magic.

The quarter finals arrived at the World Magic Battle Tournament, with four battles that would define the four witches who would pass the finals.

First fight: Sarah Campbell against Mei Kagari.

Second fight: Diana Cavendish against Jessica Harrington.

Third fight: Claire Arnoux against Ryouko Kagari.

Fourth fight: Mako Kagari against Olivia Robbinson.

June 22nd, 1648, the long-awaited day of the quarter finals arrives, Diana and Sarah were as usual sleeping in their room and soon both ended up waking up hearing the sounds of the day starting that Harriet and Freya put to wake up the girls. They were both sleeping naked after a night of love.

- Hmm... Good morning Diana...

Says Sarah rubbing her face.

- Good morning my love, ready for another fight?

Says Diana giving a French kiss to Sarah.

- Look... I'm anxious, but I didn't want to have the chance to face you in the semifinals. Apart from the fact that it seems we have a bigger mission.

Says Sarah.

- Love, if I pass to the semifinals you don't have to worry about not hurting me, show me everything you have, but we won't face each other without taking off the tunics, if the Mako passes to the finals she may end up having the notion of our powers.

Says Diana.

- Good strategy my love

Says Sarah.

- I hope our fight is very intense, although we still have to pass to the semifinals, you will face one of the Mako sisters... Look I have to say they are very cruel, so take care my love, but I think you beat her, I could defeat Reiko even if she didn't faint. How about a bet involving sex? Using that spell we used on our one-year anniversary together.

Says Diana as Sarah rolls her eyes.

After that moment the two of them get up and change, putting on their tunics and getting ready to start the day they are going to fight. After tidying up, they meet all the other fighters on the outside and with this they are all called by Harriet and Freya to meet in the arena. The eight finalists go and get all lined up in the order of combat.

- Well done! We are here to start the quarterfinals! Only four of these eight witches will advance to the semifinals! Sarah Campbell, Mei Kagari, Diana Cavendish, Jessica Harrington, Claire Arnoux, Ryouko Kagari, Mako Kagari and Olivia Robbinson! These are the witches who made it from the round of 16 to the quarterfinals! With this we'll proceed soon and announce here the first fight of the day. The other participants can return to the waiting room.

Says Harriet.

With this announcement from Harriet only Sarah and Mei stayed, while the others returned to the waiting room, so much so that Diana looked back and waved to Campbell wishing good luck to her girlfriend, that she beat Kagari.

- Here we are! Moving forward the first fight of the day! On one side the English Sarah Campbell of 15 years! This girl managed to make the last champion give up by admitting not to be the time to beat her! On the other side we have the Japanese Mei Kagari, 17 years old! She easily beat Elle Williams, who was one of the strongest opponents of this tournament! Kagari is one of the other three who are giving what to talk about!

Says Harriet.

Soon the draw starts only that this time in the quarterfinals is not among the competitors, but the arena that is drawn, which gives a good distinction and also leaves the fights more unpredictable, since it may end up sending to an unknown arena. The arena that ended up being chosen was the desert arena, with that the two are transported.

- Let the carnage begin!

Says Harriet.

When they were transported, the two girls soon faced a huge thermal shock as they left the arena that was stabilized with a temperature of 20ºC and ended up going to a desert where temperatures reached 55ºC and this heat was already being felt by both girls.

- (I won't raise my sleeves, it may end up burning my arms... Now that this will be the ultimate test, I'm used to the cold, but extreme heat is something new to me... At least as far as I can see, Mei is also having difficulties).

Mei lifts her kimono sleeves and soon goes all over Campbell, who kept standing in hers trying to hold the heat, until she bumps into Kagari using her arm to defend herself, but the impact throws her with everything backwards and makes her bump into a hill.

- Woah! Sarah Campbell was affected by the heat!

Says Harriet.

- (How wonderful! I'll finish this damn thing quickly and Mako will be proud of me, she only knows how to talk about Ryouko or Reiko! I am also as amazing as they are).

Mei keeps trying to look around trying to find Sarah, until she notices that the sand was moving and starts casting spells towards the trail that was going towards her, only she notices that it was not just one trail, but several that were all going towards Kagari. With this, the Japanese woman uses a force field spell and is soon surprised by a sandstorm.

- Woah! A sandstorm and where is Sarah Campbell? If she's still hiding in the sand it could be considered a way to escape the fight and we'll have to tell.

Says Harriet.

Sarah appears sitting on a hill and she had two fingers up, making all that sandstorm hit Mei who was using a force field not to be hit.

- And Sarah Campbell was great! She used a sandstorm spell to hit Mei Kagari.

Says Harriet.

Sarah gets up and soon stands a little dizzy from the heat, Mei soon explodes with rage and throws herself towards Campbell who this time seems to deviate until she was drunk, soon Kagari is all the time trying to hit the English girl who deviates from any punch and kick, but a little dizzy from the heat.

- Woah! Even though she's a hothead, Sarah Campbell is easily holding on to this fight!

Says Harriet.

Little by little Sarah began to counter attack, but it was blows that looked like she was drunk, until Campbell uses a spell and casts Mei far away that bumps into a hill lifting sand everywhere.

- (What the fuck is that? Is she bluffing? Is she having a bad time with the heat? I am too, but how come this damned Westerner still manages to fight against me on equal terms, it was for at least she can't even walk the way she is dizzy and sweaty).

- How incredible! Sarah Campbell is using the drunkard's fist for what it seems. What an incredible fighter! And by the looks of it Mei Kagari is not happy at all.

Says Harriet.

Sarah just waited for Mei's reaction until she feels something grabbing her legs, Campbell doesn't even try to escape and soon she is hit hard by a powerful Kagari spell, soon after by another and another, starting to be bombarded by the Japanese.

- Woah! Now Mei Kagari is giving the change in Sarah Campbell! What a smart move!

Says Harriet.

Mei stopped casting spells and with that a smoke curtain had already risen to the point of covering Sarah completely, only Campbell uses a spell to dispel all that smoke and appears completely unharmed, which makes Kagari eyeball.

- What is it? Didn't you think I would get hurt with those drops? I am stronger than you think girl, what surprises me is the fact that the heat is doing me more harm than these attacks.

Says Sarah strangling her neck and fists.

- You bastard! Disgusting Western! It's all a...

Says Mei until she feels Sarah hitting.

Sarah quickly punches Mei's stomach so hard that it leaves Kagari a little breathless, leaving even Harriet impressed with Campbell's speed.

- Woah! Sarah Campbell is unharmed! She's not even hurt! That's a really high level witch!

Says Harriet.

- Your... Your...

Mei says until Sarah puts two fingers on her forehead.

With these two fingers, Sarah uses a spell similar to the one Claire used in Anna Meridies, causing Kagari to fall unconscious to the ground, so the count began. Veronica who was watching everything from the Cavendish family residence kept celebrating next to Jack, with the imminent victory of the younger Campbell,

- 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Mei Kagari is unconscious! The victory is Sarah Campbell! The English woman really surprised in this fight! Sarah Campbell advances to the semifinals!

Says Harriet.

The two soon are transported and Harriet casts a spell to make Mei regain consciousness, while Sarah throws herself on the ground and rubs herself, Diana even runs out towards her girlfriend and leaves her sitting down.

- Love! It doesn't do that! It's embarrassing!

Says Diana.

- You have no idea what hell it is in that desert, it makes me even admire the cold now.

Says Sarah.

Diana starts laughing and then kisses Sarah, the two get up, going to the side inside the arena, while Mei was a little angry, the girl took the medal and the bag of coins, going back to the arena ignoring Harriet's request that gets a little angry.

- What an asshole.

Says Harriet.

When Mei arrives she even gets a slap on the face of Mako who gets extremely angry with the younger sister's result, which leaves both Sarah and Ryouko a little uncomfortable with the older Kagari's attitude.

Soon the 10 minutes of rest pass, the next fight was about to begin, the two participants even stay together in the arena, one facing with extreme disgust the other who was just in the greatest tranquility.

- And now we are here! For one more fight! Among the Scot, Diana Cavendish 16 years old! Against the English Jessica Harrington of 16 years also! We are having a fight here between Scotland and England, the United Kingdom is going to face this fight!

Says Harriet.

Soon the arena of the two starts to be drawn and they end up being chosen to fight in the limited arena, which makes Harrington celebrate a little.

- Let the carnage begin!

Says Harriet.

- Now I will have the chance to get even with you both! I will eliminate you and then eliminate Sarah! That's how I consecrate myself as the champion of this tournament... Only before how about a proposal in this fight? How about a little bet? If I win you and Sarah will participate in a threesome with me, if I lose I'll leave you alone.

Says Jessica.

- Never! Fight at once! There are people watching and listening to what you said!

Says Diana.

- Luckily our fights don't show anything that the participants talk about, so that we don't have the risk of any of them releasing something very wrong, but what we heard was a very embarrassing thing.

Says Harriet.

Jessica soon begins to concentrate her magic, while Diana remains in the same quiet position until, after concentrating Harrington begins to provoke Cavendish, calling the Scotswoman to go with everything towards her.

Diana is still calm, she didn't sketch any reaction being that she even had her arms crossed and her eyes closed which annoyed Jessica a little to the point where she started to act casting a very powerful spell towards Cavendish that made a huge beam of light pass through the Scottish.

- Woah! What violence! Jessica Harrington is not to be expected!

Says Harriet.

After Jessica cast this spell all that light goes and Diana appears still unharmed and in this she starts to walk slowly towards Harrington who gets scared as the Scottish woman approached, to the point of taking a few steps backwards.

- Now, I'll give the change for everything Jill did, I could at least win from our friend honestly.

Diana says in a more serious tone.

- So that's it?

Says Jessica laughing.

- Woah! And it seems that Diana Cavendish came out practically unharmed! How incredible! The Scottish woman is very resistant.

Says Harriet impressed.

Diana slowly approached Jessica who took a few steps back and kept casting some spells against the Cavendish who only kept repelling or letting herself be hit, which did not hurt the Scottish, until they reached the edge of the arena, Harrington even slipped out, but soon saved herself.

- How incredible! Diana hasn't even attacked yet, but she is showing a huge superiority in this fight!

Says Harriet.

Diana lifts her index finger from her left hand and with just a single touch on Jessica's chest, she ends up making Harrigton lose her balance and fall out of the arena, touching the grass outside.

- Out of the arena! Jessica Harrington is out! Diana Cavendish is the winner and moves on to the semi-finals! This Scot is incredible to the point of winning with only one finger, but how incredible! These witches are really on a high level! We have a very interesting battle for the semifinals!

Says Harriet.

The two are transported back to the arena, Jessica gets up and gets a little angry, with that she gets a medal and a bag of coins, she goes a little angry and quiet to the inside. While Sarah runs towards Diana and receives her with a hug.

- My love! You did it!

Says Sarah hugging Diana.

- Well now you two are free, I have to say that it will be complicated for a couple to face each other, even more so for a dispute that will define the finalists.

Says Harriet.

Diana and Sarah just respond in a way that will give everything in the fight, to give emotion and that will leave this question aside, so much so that the couple gets right between them, with Campbell carrying Cavendish by the arms to the room where they will make love.

Soon another 10 minutes pass, the third fight of the day was about to happen, the two participants soon get together in the arena and stay even with a certain peace between them.

- Now let's get on with the third fight of the day! Among the French, Claire Arnoux, 16 years old! Against the Japanese, Ryouko Kagari 19 years old! What will define the next one that will pass to the semifinals!

Says Harriet.

Soon starts the draw between Claire and Ryouko and both end up in the flat grass arena.

- Let the carnage begin!

Says Harriet.

Claire soon decides to go at once and starts to go with everything towards Ryouko that transports itself quickly, soon Arnoux tries to attack Kagari that was deviating easily from the French's attacks, in the greatest tranquility.

- Woah! And from the looks of it, Claire Arnoux doesn't want to waste time!

Says Harriet.

Claire keeps trying with everything, but Ryouko kept standing and even seemed that she wasn't moving so fast that Kagari was deviating, so Arnoux jumps back and starts to concentrate her magic.

- Claire Arnoux decided to take another strategy.

Says Harriet.

Claire soon finishes concentrating her magic and casts the spell with everything towards Ryouko who opens her eyes and soon encounters Kagari repelling that spell with just the look that hits Arnoux back with everything generating an explosion.

- Just with the look! Just with the look! What is this fastest witch? Ryouko Kagari is in another league!

Says Harriet.

Claire soon gets up appearing a little wounded, with some bruises because of the spell she cast in Ryouko, until the moment she gets up with difficulty, she ends up being hit by a series of Kagari blows that only appears on the other side.

- Woah! Woah! Ryouko Kagari is the fastest fighter I have ever seen! How incredible! She passed Claire as if she hadn't hit her!

Says Harriet.

With Ryouko's stride Claire soon feels the various blows hitting her and starts bleeding in random places all over her body, falling on the sore floor, with difficulties in getting up, Arnoux even raises her arm.

- I give up!

Says Claire.

- Are you sure about this?

Says Harriet.

- I do! I give up!

Says Claire groaning in pain.

- So Claire Arnoux declared the withdrawal! The victory is Ryouko Kagari's! Ryouko advances to the semi-finals!

Says Harriet.

With this Ryouko and Claire are soon transported back to the arena, where Arnoux receives a medal and a bag of coins, the Frenchwoman decided to stay there and is even greeted by a hug by Jill, as soon as she was cured by Harriet. Kagari was walking back to the waiting room and soon Harriet puts her hand on her shoulder.

- Wait a minute. I could disqualify you for breaking the girl's ribs, I analyzed her body and the last participant and noticed how you exaggerated a little. You and your sisters have to measure the cruelty a little.

Says Harriet.

- Excuse me... Look... I have nothing to do with my sisters but kinship, I'm really using as little of my magical power as possible. It's okay to disqualify me if necessary... But before I do that... I'm the only one here who can stop Mako Kagari from doing something evil.

Says Ryouko what surprised Harriet.

- I won't disqualify you, just take it lightly, although against your older sister I imagine they are of similar powers, but still I want to know your intentions, come to my room after the fights are over.

Says Harriet.

After this conversation Ryouko then enters the waiting room, where she stands against the wall waiting for the end of the fights. A while later she has the last fight of the day, where Mako even passes by her older sister and starts to want to know what she talked about with Harriet, which the younger one answers with a "it's none of her business", the tallest one only passes with her ugly and disgusted face.

The last fight of the day starts between Mako Kagari and Olivia Robbinson, which in fact was not even a fight, since the Japanese basically intimidated the American just by making her give up and qualifying the brunette for the semifinal.

See you, fighter witches...

Full name: Mei Kagari

Date of birth: 30 September 1631

Place of birth: Surroundings of Mount Haruna, Japanese Empire

Height: 1.62m (5'4")

Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs)

Measures: 81/55/83

Hair color and appearance: Dark brown, long, straight, bangs that pass through the forehead and sides of the face

Eye color and appearance: Crimson Red, Oriental

Physical appearance: Pale pastel skin, small breasts, round nose

Mei Kagari is the second youngest sister of the four sisters, she is one of those cared for by Mako, just like Reiko, the girl has a lot of admiration for her eldest, but even so she still tries to be more unique, she also has a hatred for Ryouko, I already understand a little of the idea that was helped, she wants to be independent and have a high privilege, as a dominator of the world alongside the sisters.

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