The Fertility Stone and the t...

By Fluna98

693 8 44

Through the history lesbian witches always existed, but they had a big problem, which was their need to keep... More

Diana Cavendish
Diana this is your new sister
Why are you getting married?
Try to fly now Diana
Loch Ness
The love stone cave
Diana's training
Diana is back
Last day of training
Luna Nova
Jessica Harrington
Jill's new girlfriend
The Broom Relay
Diana knows the truth behind her origin
Diana goes to Ireland
Claire Arnoux and the sacred water
Jessica tries to kick Diana and Sarah
A year of relationship
The fertility stone
Jill and Claire
The World Magic Battle Tournament
The Kagari sisters
The first round of the finals begin
Diana vs the youngest Kagari
The last four fights of the day
The quarter finals
The battle between the Campbell Cavendish couple
The Kagari sisters fight
The 3rd place dispute
The great final part 1
The great final part 2
The marriage of the Campbell Cavendish couple
Alice Campbell Cavendish and the B.R.A
The World Broom Racing Championship
WBRC final race of the 1st season
The revenge plan
The fight against the samurai part 1
The fight against the samurai part 2
Mako Kagari trial
The final of the 1748 WMBT
Diana Cavendish II origins
Diana Cavendish inventions
Maria Du Nord Brabham
Travelling to the Loch Ness
The Meridies family
Diana & Maria part 1
Diana & Maria part 2
Finding Gabriela Morris
Gwendolin Benson
18th century witches training
The Cavendish Du Nord love stone
Where's Wendolin Benson
Cavendish manor last day of training
Diana II in Luna Nova
The spoiled student
The invasion plan
The 1753 Broom Relay
Preparing for the invasion
The invasion begins
Maria showing her broom skills
invading the leader's wife
The cruel Julia McLaren part 1
The cruel Julia McLaren part 2
Returning from the invasion
Victoria McLaren origins
The fall of Victoria McLaren
The McLaren sisters fight
Terre Sapphique
Supreme leader Mildred Berger
Back to Luna Nova
The new Fertility Stone
An unexpected pregnancy
The Jordan sisters meeting
Meridies Witches return
Back to the Himalaya after a century
The great lesbian war part 1
The great lesbian war part 2
The great lesbian war part 3
One problem solved
Caroline McLaren Tyrrell
Maria's debut at the WBRC
Hope McLaren and the Cavendish Du Nord twins
A cruel mother
Caroline's visit
The 1764 French GP disaster
Run Caroline! Run!
A war is going to happen
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The second great lesbian war part 2
Julia McLaren Trial
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Gabrielle Benson horrible life
A forbidden love
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Sarah's scar

3 0 0
By Fluna98

In the room where Ryouko, Diana, Sarah, Claire and Jill, they were talking to each other about Campbell's past, at least what Kagari knew about those days, until Diana decides to ask about how the English girl got that scar on her face, in that the girl with green hair takes a crystal ball and puts it in the middle of the table.

- I think this is a story you need to see more than hear.

Says Sarah.

- That day... It was the first time we met.

Says Ryouko.

Ryouko and Sarah soon cast a spell over the crystal ball, making a vision of their past appear, where the girls could clearly see everything that happened in those days.


October 11, 1643, Sarah was leaving the Campbell family hut as usual, the girl was 11 years old and already had a good reputation, known even in the surroundings for the incredible skill she had, even more so because the little Campbell could easily beat everything that was witch even at her age.

Little Sarah goes to the bar where the witch fights used to take place and on that specific day it was very crowded, with several witches and drunks betting on a mysterious girl with short hair and pulled eyes.

- Little Campbell is here!

Says one of the drunks.

- What is happening here?

Says Sarah confused.

The drunks and witches open the way for Sarah to pass, in this Campbell notes that there was a fight going on, it was Ryouko who was fighting one of the strongest witches there, managing to deviate easily from all the blows almost without moving, which surprised everyone, she seemed more like she was floating on the ground. Until Kagari faces the English woman who was looking at everything and just extends her arm, causing the witch who was going over her to hit her arm and in this she just throws this same witch out with her arm around her neck, followed by a spell that when caught was strong enough to leave her unconscious.

- Who's next?

Says Ryouko.

- I will fight against you.

Says Sarah.

Sarah was slowly passing through the corridors, this while listening to everyone making guesses of how that fight would end, which of the two would be the winner of that fight, the bets were on fire, Ryouko even left that bar when he began to feel the strength of the girl, which makes Campbell stop there and wait a little Kagari.

- Why did you leave?

Says Sarah confused.

- You very powerful. Do not fight inside. Destroy everything. Fight out here

Says Ryouko with difficulty to speak in English.

Sarah just turned, following Ryouko to a more open field, which was very close to the village. The people who were betting even went along with them and some curious wanting only to watch the fight, even the owner of the bar went out, taking some benches so that some people feel and he profits from it with "privileged places", that was being practically the event of the year in that village, they were all calling for acquaintances to see that fight.

Sarah and Ryouko arrive at the scene of the fight, the two face each other for a while, people started betting between them. Campbell is known for being the strongest in the village, for being unbeatable, with until then 36 consecutive victories since it started fighting at the age of 9. Kagari had a reputation for being mysterious, but had rumors that in nearby villages the Japanese was already known there as the mysterious witch with ruby eyes and pull.

Ryouko soon begins to enter a fighting position, just like Sarah, in an instant they end up disappearing from there, moving quickly towards each other, causing both arms to end up colliding. This leaves them facing each other for a fraction of a second. In this, Campbell with her left hand tries to punch and Kagari one knee with her right leg, but ends up defending both. What makes the Japanese and the English keep hitting each other, but always defending each other, until the two jumps back and stare a little.

- Surprising, so the rumors were right about you?

Says Sarah while Ryouko remained silent.

The crowd was very intense on both sides, so Ryouko takes a deeper breath and goes over Sarah who defends all her attacks, until she is hit in the face by a spell and then by a kick in the back that throws her up. Kagari transports herself quickly in the air to hit Campbell with a hammer blow, only the English one ends up disappearing and the Japanese one looks back, without finding the girl with green hair who hits from the ground a spell right on the side of the brunette's body.

Ryouko, when hit, turns around and soon casts another spell, which she had said "Ruby", Sarah by impulse tries to hold with her hands only that the moment that wave arrives, it ends up generating an explosion and Campbell is thrown with everything backwards hitting a hill and even ended up raising some dust and made a crater on the ground. The palm of the English woman's hands were even a little burnt and with some bruises.

- Fuck! That fucking hurt! What was the most different attack?

Says Sarah standing up.

Ryouko slowly walked towards Sarah who soon transports, but is hit by a punch when trying to catch Kagari by surprise, then soon Campbell starts trying to defend herself from the constant kicks and punches of the Japanese woman who was managing to win a little since she knew much more about fighting than the English one.

Until Sarah holds Ryouko's left leg, spins and throws it away, followed by several spells that Campbell started casting trying to bomb Kagari, little by little she was making a smoke screen. Everyone who was watching was stunned and impressed with such strength of the two.

- You are much stronger than I thought, I got red hands because of this wave of energy of yours, but now we'll see if the...

Says Sarah bombing Ryouko until she is shot in the back of the head.

Sarah when hit almost falls to the ground until Ryouko hits a punch in Campbell's spine, only she turns around and hits Kagari's face, with that makes her pick up the eye and leaves the Japanese a little stunned.

With this Sarah begins to strike Ryouko with a series of punches and kicks, since Kagari was almost without defense, until noticing that the Japanese was defending too much, she casts a spell that picks up the stomach of the brunette who is thrown with everything backwards.

- Yes!

Says Sarah celebrating.

Ryouko soon transports himself by appearing behind Sarah, only by hitting a punch in Sarah, Campbell ends up transporting himself as well, which makes the two start a fight between them transporting themselves in everything that was place. They were so fast that most spectators could only see brief moments that they appeared shocking the blows. Besides hearing the shock waves of the attacks.

- I've never seen a fight as fierce as this... Not even the last of little Campbell was at this level, I bet that this mysterious one with the eyes pulled out will be the first to defeat her.

Says one of the people.

- I bet on little Campbell, I've seen a lot of other fights from her and she's never going with everything, I bet she's also just testing this other girl.

Says someone else.

- But this fight is getting like any other dull fight between children... I miss the blood.

Says someone else.

Sarah and Ryouko kept exchanging punches and kicks constantly, listening to this a person comes back to the bar and with this takes two weapons, one was Ryouko's sword and the other was just a normal sword. This same person comes back where the fight was happening and Kagari ends up realizing that someone took her katana, signaling for Campbell to stop.

- Stop!

Says Ryouko while Sarah almost hits her with a spell.

- What was there for you to want to stop when it was interesting?

Says Sarah.

- I do not understand. What Western person speaks. Person took my Katana.

Says Ryouko.

This person then throws the katana and a sword, in which Ryouko throws himself so that he doesn't fall to the ground and Sarah takes another sword, both get up and face each other now armed.

- Now finally this witch fight will have something interesting.

Says the person.

- I bet the girl with the eyes pulled out kills little Campbell.

Says someone else.

Sarah was confused holding that sword and looking at herself, besides also facing Ryouko who was with a more serious and even a little intimidating expression, she even puts the katana's sheath on her waist and give a breath.

- Western girl. Give up. Choose not to. Kill you I will finish. I don't want to kill. Very good with katana I am.

Says Ryouko with a more serious expression.

- Girl with pulled eyes, I won't give up that easy, let's face each other soon, I guarantee I'm not that easy to be killed, this is a fight between witches is all or nothing.

Says Sarah.

- Please. Western girl. Killing is wrong. I don't want to kill. You're too young to kill.

Says Ryouko.

- I will beat you without having to kill you, I know that killing is wrong, so why do you think you will kill me?

Says Sarah.

- Because I'm very good with Katana.

Says Ryouko.

- And I am very good with swords. If it's better, just surrender.

Says Sarah spinning the sword that was in her hand.

Sarah soon starts walking towards Ryouko with her sword in her hand while Kagari remains calm, with her sword inside her sheath and her eyes closed, until the moment they were getting a little closer, Campbell gets confused.

- Aren't you going to take your sword out?

Says Sarah confused.

The moment Sarah asks this question, Ryouko pushes the tip of the Katana with his thumb and takes her katana, making a quick movement, which the people who were watching just saw the Kagari appearing on the other side and passing through Sarah who was holding the sword as if she was defending herself.

- Ahhh!

Says Sarah as she feels pain.

Sarah is hit on the side of the body by Ryouko and starts to feel the cuts and the blood gushing from the biceps, but luckily she had also managed to defend herself from that blow, in which she turned and Kagari was facing her. The Japanese woman makes the same movement of taking off the katana with her thumb, but this time Campbell manages to defend herself and stays all the time preventing the onslaughts of that blade that was in the hands of the brunette. People were celebrating when they saw blood appearing for the first time, besides being in shock with the speed in which Ryouko was attacking,

- Did you see that?

Says one of the people.

- I'm a witch and I'm trying all the time to use my faster eyes, but I still didn't see anything.

Says a witch.

- I think I'll put more coins in the mysterious ruby eyes.

Says another witch taking coins from a little bag.

Sarah was really showing a huge difficulty with the sword combat, it even seemed that she had an illusion that Ryouko just walked forward while Campbell was constantly defending herself from the various attacks. So much so that sometimes it was possible to notice Kagari's movements appearing only that it seemed that she carried herself all the time in different positions, besides the sparks that came out of both swords showing where the Japanese's attacks were coming from, sometimes she even ended up with cuts, so much so that her tunic was tearing little by little and some cuts that were apparent. Because even of these cuts the English woman was losing blood and getting slower.

- Go little Campbell! We can't lose this bet!

Says one of the people.

- Can't you change this bet for the girl with the eyes pulled? I even bet double on her.

Says someone else.

- I want to change too! I put double on the girl with pulled eyes.

Says a person taking coins out of a little bag.

- You cannot change your bets.

Says one of the witches who work at the bar.

- I pay quadruple in coins!

Says one person.

With this the witch who worked in the bar even gave in so that the others changed the side of the bet, taking those little bags of coins, were many people who had changed the side of the bet, thinking that Ryouko would win, about 75% of the people changed to the side of Kagari which already left the bets with a good amount of pounds, enough to pay a stock of 3 months of supplies for the bar only with the share that remains of the owners of the bar.

Meanwhile Ryouko was slowly approaching Sarah and Campbell was less strong, until Kagari managed to hit the side of the blade to the point of making the sword come out of the hand of the Englishwoman who continued to deviate and was not afraid to defend herself or attack without the sword.

- Without the sword it's much better! I no longer have that heavy sword in my hand.

Says Sarah deviating.

Sarah uses some spells to try to avoid being hit as Ryouko little by little got closer and surrendered to Campbell, until the English woman decides to take a more drastic and risky measure.

Sarah goes all over Ryouko, only in this she ends up having her face cut on the left side of her forehead to the right cheek, by Kagari's katana, only at the same time she manages to take the uncut parts of the blade, with the palm of both hands and thus push the sword forward disarming the Japanese woman who is in shock, having hit the English woman.

- Ahh! Damn! Am I alive?

Says Sarah as she takes the cut.

Sarah manages to disarm Ryouko and with this she takes the sword in her hand and points to Kagari who kneels to Campbell, looking down, in which the English throws the sword away and extends the hand to the Japanese. While everyone was in shock watching all that situation, Sarah Campbell won that fight, nobody had any idea that she would win, nor that she would be smart enough at that point.

- What? You don't kill me? Why not? I defeated you.

Says Ryouko looking up.

- You person! I don't kill anyone and I don't intend to! We will be... Friends!

Says Sarah with her bleeding face smiling at Ryouko.

The people who bet on Ryouko were frustrated and only left with anger back to the village, while the others who could not reverse the bet and went for Sarah, were celebrating, including the bar owners who deposited a good amount of money betting on Campbell, getting a good return.

- We did it! Little Campbell is victorious!

Says one of the witches.

- Little Campbell! Today the wine and food will be on the house for the rest of the week! Not to mention that we will also donate some food to your mother who must be in need! You always save the house! If you want you can even take this girl with your eyes pulled.

Says the owner of the bar.

Ryouko was still a little confused and shocked to see Sarah, until Campbell fainted and with that Kagari holds her with her body and with that the English woman is taken to the bar where the Japanese woman is looking after.

*End of Flashback

With this ending, the girls look at it admired with Sarah, even more Diana who is a little happy to see that her girlfriend was alive. Ryouko is a bit emotional when she remembers that day when a great friendship started with them.

- Sarah... I don't think I've ever seen anyone in my whole life reacting that way, I tore their face and yet you wanted to be my friend?

Says Ryouko.

- It was part of the fight, you had no way of knowing that I would do that, but I have to say it was a great fight, the best and most complicated I ever had.

Says Sarah.

- And then how did you survive after passing out my love?

Says Diana.

- That was more for loss of blood, it was just rest and eat, I was well again, I Ryouko built a friendship from there, she taught me some blows and I taught her to speak English.

Says Sarah.

- But tell me more; I wanted to see your relationship...

Says Diana as Sarah and Ryouko blushed.

- It's just that...

Says Sarah rubbing the back of her neck.

- Why those faces?

Says Diana confused.

- Diana, you know you weren't the first girl I kissed, right?

Says Sarah rubbing the back of her neck.

- Yes I know that... Wait a minute... You mean you two were girlfriends?

Says Diana with her hand on her chin.

- No! I was just a close friend of Sarah's, we never did anything too much, even more because I was 14 and Sarah was only 11, at most we only kissed, right Sarah?

Says Ryouko.

- And get drunk on sake.

Says Sarah rubbing the back of her neck.

- One thing I know is that Sarah was a virgin. But what about that's why Sarah's first kiss was between you two? I want to know exactly why you know each other so much and why you weren't girlfriends either. Your relationship is much closer than I imagined.

Says Diana shrugging.

- Sarah I never saw as a girlfriend, because it is hard for me to feel romantic attraction to someone, I never liked men and I can't feel romantic attraction either, it's very hard, I find pretty girls but I can't. That's why until I consider Sarah as my younger sister.

Says Ryouko shrugging.

Ryouko and Sarah then start showing a little more about the days they spent together, this time in the crystal ball instead of counting. That was showing moment by moment, the day Kagari moved to the Campbell family cabin, where she stayed for 3 years, helping the Campbell, working and supporting the house. The accidental kiss that happened when they were 11 and 14 years old in 1643, which happened when they were a little bit altered due to the sake. The times when Kagari convinced the English woman to stop fighting. The day Sarah got a more powerful tunic. Until they had to separate because people were getting full of Sarah and Veronica, because of that Ryouko left so as not to cause any more confusion, that was one of the saddest days for both girls who were very friendly. Days later Sarah ended up getting into trouble, without her best friend she got a little out of control and this even made the whole village plan something to get the Campbell out of there, setting fire to the family cabin.

After showing everything that happened, Diana gets a little emotional and even hugs Ryouko, Cavendish with all the kindness of the world offers to Kagari that she stayed in the family residence, there was plenty of space since it was a huge mansion and rooms there had plenty, besides being a future tutor for the future daughters of the Campbell Cavendish couple.

See you, Japanese witches...

Full name: Ryouko Kagari

Date of birth: June 11, 1629

Place of birth: Surroundings of Mount Haruna, Japanese Empire

Height: 1.55m (5'1")

Weight: 46 kg (101 lbs)

Measures: 85/56/85

Hair color and appearance: Dark brown, long, straight with bangs that pass through the forehead.

Eye color and appearance: crimson red, oriental.

Physical appearance: Pale pastel skin, medium breasts, thin, some scars over the body, round nose

Ryouko Kagari, is the second oldest sister of the Kagari, who left a scar on Sarah's face in a fight in the past, after she fled Japan. Ryouko was known in the Japanese empire as one of the most talented young women, also known for being a pious fighter, who always spared her opponents by avoiding killing them, since she thought it was very bad to kill people, also because of the fact that she collected money from the fights while Mako was taking care of the sisters, made her end up making Ryouko envied by the others, To the point that Mako and Ryouko faced each other because the younger Kagari wanted to travel the world, but as the country was closed at that time on the level, no one came out and no one went in, Ryouko ended up having to beat the three sisters so that he could fulfill the dream of traveling the world and open his eyes, which ended up happening when he met a little girl named Sarah Campbell.

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