The Fertility Stone and the t...

By Fluna98

693 8 44

Through the history lesbian witches always existed, but they had a big problem, which was their need to keep... More

Diana Cavendish
Diana this is your new sister
Why are you getting married?
Try to fly now Diana
Loch Ness
The love stone cave
Diana's training
Diana is back
Last day of training
Luna Nova
Jessica Harrington
Jill's new girlfriend
The Broom Relay
Diana knows the truth behind her origin
Diana goes to Ireland
Claire Arnoux and the sacred water
Jessica tries to kick Diana and Sarah
A year of relationship
The fertility stone
Jill and Claire
The Kagari sisters
Sarah's scar
The first round of the finals begin
Diana vs the youngest Kagari
The last four fights of the day
The quarter finals
The battle between the Campbell Cavendish couple
The Kagari sisters fight
The 3rd place dispute
The great final part 1
The great final part 2
The marriage of the Campbell Cavendish couple
Alice Campbell Cavendish and the B.R.A
The World Broom Racing Championship
WBRC final race of the 1st season
The revenge plan
The fight against the samurai part 1
The fight against the samurai part 2
Mako Kagari trial
The final of the 1748 WMBT
Diana Cavendish II origins
Diana Cavendish inventions
Maria Du Nord Brabham
Travelling to the Loch Ness
The Meridies family
Diana & Maria part 1
Diana & Maria part 2
Finding Gabriela Morris
Gwendolin Benson
18th century witches training
The Cavendish Du Nord love stone
Where's Wendolin Benson
Cavendish manor last day of training
Diana II in Luna Nova
The spoiled student
The invasion plan
The 1753 Broom Relay
Preparing for the invasion
The invasion begins
Maria showing her broom skills
invading the leader's wife
The cruel Julia McLaren part 1
The cruel Julia McLaren part 2
Returning from the invasion
Victoria McLaren origins
The fall of Victoria McLaren
The McLaren sisters fight
Terre Sapphique
Supreme leader Mildred Berger
Back to Luna Nova
The new Fertility Stone
An unexpected pregnancy
The Jordan sisters meeting
Meridies Witches return
Back to the Himalaya after a century
The great lesbian war part 1
The great lesbian war part 2
The great lesbian war part 3
One problem solved
Caroline McLaren Tyrrell
Maria's debut at the WBRC
Hope McLaren and the Cavendish Du Nord twins
A cruel mother
Caroline's visit
The 1764 French GP disaster
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The second great lesbian war part 2
Julia McLaren Trial
Diana Cavendish III
Gabrielle Benson horrible life
A forbidden love
Keith's blackmail
Margareth tries to run
Diana III in Luna Nova
The foreigners trio first class day
Louise Du Nord past
Hilda's secret love interest
Margareth tries again
Diana's birthday
Diana and Louise love
1913 Luna Nova Broom Relay
Elisabeth and Anne can't handle
Where's Margareth
Miranda Holbrooke is in love
The Halloween part 1
The Halloween part 2
The adults are having a date
Visting the Cavendish
Goodbye Professor McLaren
Luna Nova 1916 graduation
Travelling part 1
Travelling part 2
Elisabeth trans transformation
Diana and Louise Marriage
Studying about the fertility stone
Adeleine Du Nord Cavendish
Margareth's plan begins
Louise wins her second title
The years has passed
Adeleine suspicion
Margareth's evilness part 1
Margareth's evilness part 2

The World Magic Battle Tournament

6 0 0
By Fluna98

The months were passing by in Luna Nova, the girls' last year was ending, but this was not the biggest concern of the girls at the academy, since they already knew everything. Their focus was on training enough for the World Magic Battle Tournament that was to come, an event that attracts witches from all over the world to fight each other and define who is the most powerful in the world or the future supreme leader of the magic world.

Witches from all over the world were dedicating the last days and months in training, to become the champions of this tournament that would gather some of the most powerful witches in the world.

Diana, Sarah, Jill and Claire dedicated many of those days to training, although the Cavendish Campbell couple already had the fertility stone that after a long time gathering the relics of the nine witches, but the Scot still wanted to make sure that thing really worked and that's why she wanted to participate in the tournament so that she could talk to the organizers of the tournament who were two of the nine witches.

As the months passed, the girls who studied at the London Magic Academy and in Luna Nova had graduated and were already considered trained witches. Diana and Sarah got the highest grades at the academy, although they only stayed for one year studying there.

The tournament registrations were made in the witch academies themselves or in buildings where witches connected to the council worked, they signed a term on a paper which on the day of the tournament the competitors were transported to another place.

This place only Harriet and Freya knew where it was, being a part of the sanctuary of Lilith, so that the competitors would not run away from there, so until they signed this term. Besides also containing a spell that made everyone could understand the language of the other, since they were witches of

18 June 1648, The day of the tournament arrives, witches from all over the world are transported to the tournament area, there were in total 668 witches from all continents, 421 were European, 52 were African, 99 were Asian and another 96 were from the Americas that until then were still in the first centuries of European colonization, but still had many competitors who were of European origin and signed as from the Americas for living there. They were all gathered in a huge open field and grass, until Harriet and Freya appeared.

- Witches from all over the world! I am Harriet and this is Freya! Welcome to the 9th World Magic Battle Tournament! Only sixteen of you will leave here for the final phase of this tournament and do nothing wrong! You are not on earth, if you run away here you will end up in the immensity of nothingness! Don't try to face us and kill us too, we are over 1000 years old, you won't want to go out in the hand with such experienced witches.

Says Harriet.

Harriet and Freya then begin to present the main rules of World Magic Battle Tournament. The first phase is on the first day when it is a draw that will separate all the competitors in 16 different rooms, in each of these 16 rooms they will go through qualifiers that involve battles drawn between the witches of that room until there is only one left, the only one that is left to advance to the finals. The witches that were eliminated are transported back from where they came from, while the finalists stay there. The finals happen two days later so that the competitors rest after the qualifiers and return to the day of the fight invigorated. In the finals the competitors are drawn on time and so are defined the fights between them, that same day there are eight fights between them. The next day there are four fights, then the semifinals in which the winners advance to the grand final and the defeated go to the dispute for third place.

In the qualifiers it works in a way in which the fighters go to the arenas, fight each other, who is eliminated is out of the dispute and is disqualified, the one that won has to wait because they are arriving challengers which they will try to eliminate. This is done until there are only witches left from the arenas which are eight in each of the rooms. These eight are drawn to compete with each other and the winner ends up qualified for the tournament.

The award is 500 pounds (86 thousand pounds in current values) for the champion and the total immunization of the laws to the magical world, that is, basically the champion can not be arrested by the advice of witches and can break any law of magic, besides the opportunity to become the next supreme leaders of the world of magic. The second place wins "only" 150 pounds (25 thousand current pounds). The third place can choose between gaining 50 pounds (8.6 thousand pounds today) or being able to choose some privilege in relation to something in the world of witches, like lesbian marriage, since at that time there was a ban among witches with that, or even being able to revive a person, goes from the witch's creativity in finding a privilege she wants, but not to the point of being immune from all the laws of the world of witches. The fourth place wins 40 pounds (6.9 thousand pounds today), while the other witches who have qualified gain 25 pounds each (4.3 thousand pounds today).

Competitors may not kill each other, breaking bones intentionally declassifies on the spot, but if it is by accident after many blows it may even be considered, as long as it is not the neck bones or the spine, they may not use weapons, only wands and staffs that must be used only to cast spells, tunics that increase magic power are totally forbidden, but those that limit and make the witch heavier are allowed, victory is given if one of the competitors stays on the ground until the end of the count, or if the competitor gives up. Fights have no time limit, and can last until one of them can't take any more, not even rest rounds.

There are 7 different types of arenas that are chosen by the competitors before the fight, or during the fight, and every 10 minutes 4 boards are shown that if the arena is hit it changes. The limited arena which is a 10x25m floor arena, which in case the witch touches the floor outside, she is automatically eliminated. The grassed arena, is a 150x150m flat grass arena, looking like a huge immensity of grass. The mountainous arena, which consists of several rocks and holes, a much more rugged terrain that was much more immense. The city arena, being a fictional city that is full of city structures, a small fake city of 23 km² with some buildings, houses and roofs that witches can use as a way to attack the other, so much so that it is allowed to use the land and destroy in these fights, since that city did not exist. The Arena of snow that was just a terrain with some elevations that the ground was full of snow and had even a frozen lake next to it where the temperatures are always below -40°C. The desert arena, which well need not explain, is a huge desert where temperatures can get above 55°C. And finally a forest arena that is full of trees, a lake that circulates this forest.

The fights were displayed in crystal balls around the world, for the witches who went to watch those fights, since there were no spectators there, the qualifying fights, were not transmitted, but the finals were. Since the qualifiers took place in a more "secret" way, only among the competitors. In each of the sixteen rooms, which had a smaller arena with 10x15 meters, the witch who stepped on the ground outside was automatically eliminated. Besides a waiting space between the fights, with chairs, an open lounge and also a dining table with up to 50 seats, where the girls could eat before each fight.

After the World Magic Battle Tournament rules are passed, a huge screen appears in front of the girls and then the witches' rooms are randomly defined and drawn.

- Now wait until the rooms are indicated and each one of you will be automatically transported to each one of the rooms, remembering that you will only be able to leave these rooms as soon as you are classified, in case of a disqualification, you will return home. Is that clear?

Says Harriet while the girls agreed with his head.

Little by little each of the participants were being transported to their respective salads, one by one they were transporting, Diana and Sarah were holding hands and soon they were waiting for their moment to leave, until Campbell ends up being chosen and a glow emanates around her, in this Cavendish will try to kiss her girlfriend only that the moment her mouth arrives, Campbell disappears.

- Until... Sarah... I love you... I hope you can qualify...

Says Diana with her hand on her arm.

With time most of the girls were being transported to their respective rooms, Diana was soon transported too, as well as Jill, Jessica and all the other participants, luckily a few ended up having the misfortune of being in the same room and in a possible clash that could make only one skirt classified there.

Room 1: Sarah Campbell.

Room 2: Jessica Harrington.

Room 5: Girl who left the scar in Sarah.

Room 7: Farnese, Catherine Schreave, Bethany McLaren.

Room 10: Diana Cavendish, Pamela McLaren.

Room 13: Jill Brabham.

Room 14: Claire Arnoux, Tania Parker.

Room 15: Anna Meridies, Rebecca Virgin,

Room 16: Greta McLaren.

These were just some of the witches that Diana and Sarah already knew and had some contact with, in other rooms and even in these they had opponents that could change the whole course of that tournament, which would cause some of the girls' acquaintances not to qualify.

Sarah, when she appears in the room, is surprised by the size of the place and stares at the surroundings, admiring all that landscape, besides reflecting a little on what would be a decisive moment, while sounds of fighting were rolling in that place, since it was more than a fighting arena in the room, until someone called Campbell, she was one of the organizers of the tournament who worked for Harriet and Freya.

- Sarah Campbell! Juliana Luz! Show up now to arena 4

Says the organizer.

Sarah soon goes to the arena where she was called and her first opponent was Juliana Luz, a Portuguese witch, as soon as the organizer announces for the fight to start Campbell just stands in the same place, until when she is attacked by Juliana, she just strays with the magic, as if she were floating, and then appears behind Luz, using only the tip of her index finger on the back of the Portuguese who is thrown out.

- Sarah Campbell is the winner! Juliana Luz is disqualified!

Says the organizer.

Juliana soon ends up shining and is transported back to her house, with this Sarah celebrates relieved, but when she was leaving, the organizer held her and told Campbell to wait because she would have another girl that she would face.

- (I forgot that rule... I'll have to stay here until I eliminate everyone, I hope I can finish here without getting tired... I have to use less magic, because things will tighten up further, I think I will be able to win only with my physical strength).

- Jung Wong! Come to arena 4!

Says the organizer.

The organizer of the tournament signals for the fight to begin, as well as against Juliana Luz, it was an easy fight that Sarah easily won that fight, which was drawing the attention of the organizer who was trying to find more and more powerful fighters to somehow eliminate Campbell.

Time went by and soon the competitors in some of the rooms were already reaching the eight arenas in one of the contests.

Meanwhile in room 16 the first fight of the eight arenas started, there was a huge tension between the two competitors, Elle Williams against Greta McLaren, the organizer signals, the redhead was facing the blonde with a lot of anger, while the blonde was very calm.

- I will eliminate you!

Says Greta.

Greta extends her hand and casts a spell towards Elle, only Williams ends up being hit and comes out with her hand unharmed coming out a little smoke which amazes McLaren, but then she makes a smile.

- So you're not weak at all? Interesting to know... I'm facing a powerful witch here who won't die with some spell.

Says Greta while Elle remained quiet.

Greta then begins to go on top of Elle who only drifted with ease with his eyes closed, until Williams hits a push on McLaren followed by a spell that was a wave of energy pushing Irish out, eliminating her.

- The winner is Elle Williams! Greta McLaren is disqualified!

Says the organizer of the tournament.

- This is unfair! This arena doesn't even have room for me to attack this damn thing!

Says Greta running towards Elle until McLaren ends up being transported.

Elle is just waiting with the same expression for the next fight, being the most powerful until then of that room, standing out a lot, until the next fight arrives.

In room 10, Diana was another who was in a combat done, there were still in the last fights before the eight arenas, the Cavendish until then was eliminating with great ease all the competitors.

- Pamela Mclaren attend arena 1!

Says the organizer.

Pamela arrives and begins to face Diana with disgust while the Cavendish was in the fullest tranquility and confidence, just waiting for another fight, the moment the organizer lowers her arm announcing that the fight would begin, McLaren goes all over Diana casting a powerful spell on the Cavendish that only stands in hers, after all that light of energy dissipates, the Scot was intact, with only a few fumes passing through her body.

- What? We train so much and you remain powerful this way.

Says Pamela.

Diana snaps her fingers with that just makes Pamela throw everything just that she can stop in the air, until Cavendish opens the palm of her hand and casts a spell that makes a stream of air that throws McLaren further away to the point of hitting her back on the ceiling of the room.

- Diana Cavendish won! Pamela McLaren is disqualified!

Says the organizer.

- You bastard! This is unfair! I didn't touch the ground!

Says Pamela.

- Touching the ceiling counts as elimination, so goodbye.

Says the organizer while Pamela, who had her face closed, was disappearing.

- (They haven't improved at all... I feel sorry for Bethany who has to live with those aunts so bad... I imagine she still wants to stay there since she has to deal with problems with her family... I just leave hope that she can make all this change).

Diana keeps waiting there in the arena until the organizer announces that Cavendish was qualified to start the eight arenas session, the Scottish girl then gives a snort of relief and looks around, the competitors were all staring at them trying to intimidate the blonde.

- It seems that the little princess was lucky, she only faced a weak witch, but we will finish you off.

Says one of the competitors.

- Try your luck.

Says Diana with arms crossed.

Soon this same witch ends up being raffled off to compete against Diana. Her name was Blake Hofferson, a 2.11m tall, muscular Norwegian girl, with a shaved hair on the sides, she walked towards Cavendish in the arena and at every step it seemed that the ground would shake, but the Scot was calm.

- It seems that the little princess was not so lucky, she will face Blake Hofferson in the first fight.

Says Blake while Diana stood by with her arms crossed.

- Well done! Ready? Get started!

Says the organizer.

Blake soon starts to go over Diana who is still standing, she soon starts to punch and as the fist was getting closer to Cavendish the Scottish girl disappeared, with this Hofferson turns around and tries to hit the Scottish girl who was in the same place, only she deflects again with ease.

- Damned! Why does it only deviate? No guarantee on the punch? Can't you hold my fists your fearful?

Blake says attacking Diana that he kept dodging with his eyes closed.

Blake soon gives another punch, only Diana holds that punch with just the tip of her index finger, the force of the impact was so great that the other fighters even looked at them. Diana opens her eyes and with it Hofferson is hit by a series of blows that she couldn't see, to the point of making her fall to the ground.

- Your... Your...

Says Blake trying to get up.

Blake tries to get up, but as soon as she stands she is hit on the forehead and thus falls out of the arena, being easily eliminated by Diana. Hofferson fell to the ground unconscious, but still alive. This makes the other competitors stare with a bit of fear at the Scottish girl

- Diana Cavendish is the winner! Blake Hofferson is disqualified!

Says the organizer.

- (Boring girl... Staying strong just because she's giant, physical strength doesn't make a witch more powerful, is Sarah getting along well in her fights...)

Blake soon disappears and Diana stays in the arena waiting for the next contestant, when she arrives it was another one that gave an easy victory to Cavendish, thus causing the Scottish woman to end up qualifying for the World Magic Battle Tournament, after a series of easy fights.

- Diana Cavendish! You did it! You're one of sixteen witches who qualified to compete in the World Magic Battle Tournament! Congratulations!

Says the organizer of the tournament.

- I got it...

Says Diana celebrating in a quieter way.

- Now you will wait together with the other competitors in a special room where all the finalists will stay.

Says the organizer.

Diana slowly begins to shine and then is transported to a room, which had several sofas, a huge open space, a center table, a stage, a door, and also another longer table that served as food, doors that signaled to be the witches' rooms, since there were sixteen doors on one of the walls, Practically side by side, they had eight below and eight above, since the place was also a little higher, separating the two floors, where the witches could lodge, some of the fighters who had already qualified for the final, including Sarah who when seeing Cavendish runs to her and hugs her.

- You got my love!

Says Sarah hugging Diana.

- I couldn't have done it without the help of the most powerful witch in Britain.

Says Diana kissing Sarah.

Diana and Sarah kissed again while the other participants watched that scene and some were disgusted. As time went on, the other competitors that qualified appeared.

See you, fighter witches...

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