The Fertility Stone and the t...

By Fluna98

692 8 44

Through the history lesbian witches always existed, but they had a big problem, which was their need to keep... More

Diana Cavendish
Diana this is your new sister
Why are you getting married?
Try to fly now Diana
Loch Ness
The love stone cave
Diana's training
Diana is back
Last day of training
Luna Nova
Jessica Harrington
Jill's new girlfriend
The Broom Relay
Diana knows the truth behind her origin
Claire Arnoux and the sacred water
Jessica tries to kick Diana and Sarah
A year of relationship
The fertility stone
Jill and Claire
The World Magic Battle Tournament
The Kagari sisters
Sarah's scar
The first round of the finals begin
Diana vs the youngest Kagari
The last four fights of the day
The quarter finals
The battle between the Campbell Cavendish couple
The Kagari sisters fight
The 3rd place dispute
The great final part 1
The great final part 2
The marriage of the Campbell Cavendish couple
Alice Campbell Cavendish and the B.R.A
The World Broom Racing Championship
WBRC final race of the 1st season
The revenge plan
The fight against the samurai part 1
The fight against the samurai part 2
Mako Kagari trial
The final of the 1748 WMBT
Diana Cavendish II origins
Diana Cavendish inventions
Maria Du Nord Brabham
Travelling to the Loch Ness
The Meridies family
Diana & Maria part 1
Diana & Maria part 2
Finding Gabriela Morris
Gwendolin Benson
18th century witches training
The Cavendish Du Nord love stone
Where's Wendolin Benson
Cavendish manor last day of training
Diana II in Luna Nova
The spoiled student
The invasion plan
The 1753 Broom Relay
Preparing for the invasion
The invasion begins
Maria showing her broom skills
invading the leader's wife
The cruel Julia McLaren part 1
The cruel Julia McLaren part 2
Returning from the invasion
Victoria McLaren origins
The fall of Victoria McLaren
The McLaren sisters fight
Terre Sapphique
Supreme leader Mildred Berger
Back to Luna Nova
The new Fertility Stone
An unexpected pregnancy
The Jordan sisters meeting
Meridies Witches return
Back to the Himalaya after a century
The great lesbian war part 1
The great lesbian war part 2
The great lesbian war part 3
One problem solved
Caroline McLaren Tyrrell
Maria's debut at the WBRC
Hope McLaren and the Cavendish Du Nord twins
A cruel mother
Caroline's visit
The 1764 French GP disaster
Run Caroline! Run!
A war is going to happen
The second great lesbian war part 1
The second great lesbian war part 2
Julia McLaren Trial
Diana Cavendish III
Gabrielle Benson horrible life
A forbidden love
Keith's blackmail
Margareth tries to run
Diana III in Luna Nova
The foreigners trio first class day
Louise Du Nord past
Hilda's secret love interest
Margareth tries again
Diana's birthday
Diana and Louise love
1913 Luna Nova Broom Relay
Elisabeth and Anne can't handle
Where's Margareth
Miranda Holbrooke is in love
The Halloween part 1
The Halloween part 2
The adults are having a date
Visting the Cavendish
Goodbye Professor McLaren
Luna Nova 1916 graduation
Travelling part 1
Travelling part 2
Elisabeth trans transformation
Diana and Louise Marriage
Studying about the fertility stone
Adeleine Du Nord Cavendish
Margareth's plan begins
Louise wins her second title
The years has passed
Adeleine suspicion
Margareth's evilness part 1
Margareth's evilness part 2

Diana goes to Ireland

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By Fluna98

Time went by in Luna Nova, Diana now knew the real reason why she always had difficulties over the years for magic to appear in her, discovering that it was all a curse that Belle McLaren had put on her so that the girl didn't have a family trait, as well as couldn't use magic, so she would never turn against her family.

Jill and Anna, on the other hand, were in a much stronger relationship, after having made their first love relationship, Brabham was a little looser in relation to her shyness in relation to her body, so much so that she loosened up a little more with Meridies, to the point that it was common to serve as a model for the Florentine and also sometimes Bethany made some paintings with the two together, being the only one different from Anna who trusted to be naked around.

October 19, 1647, the girls had just returned from the board of directors after asking permission to go to Dublin with Bethany to the McLaren family residence, in this case, Diana and Sarah who would go with her. Jill was waiting outside the board of directors until she saw the three of them coming out a little smiling and relieved.

- Did they make it?

Says Jill curious.

- Until it was easy to get permission to go to Dublin, but we only got it for the two of us and Beth... Do you have a problem staying here in Luna Nova while we are in Dublin?

Says Diana.

- I see no problem. I'll be able to enjoy and make a lot of love with Anna.

Says Jill moving his eyebrows.

Diana and Sarah as they watch Jill's reaction hold on to not laugh, but they can't resist and laugh at their friend who just inflates her cheeks and leaves by going down the academy corridors towards the green team room. Cavendish Campbell and Bethany go to Dublin flying with their broomsticks.

Jill walked down the halls and when she got to the green team room, there was no one but Tania Parker who was reading a book, so Brabham called the girl who was wondering where Anna was. What Meridies' friend answers saying that she was in the red team's room waiting for her. With this the redhead thanks Tania and goes towards her room to see the surprise she was waiting for. It was Anna lying naked on Jill's bed, from there Brabham locks the door and the two begin to do what every couple begins to do.

With the passing of time Diana, Sarah and Bethany travel to Dublin by broom, going at a speed that McLaren considered normal, which would still take a few good minutes to get there.

The McLaren family residence was led by Megan McLaren, Bethany's mother and Isabel's only sister to support her relationship, while the other two were somewhat acid and had more influence from Belle (their mother), Greta McLaren was the second youngest and was the mother of Helen and Janet, who were twins and both were 13. Pamela McLaren was the youngest of the sisters and had a nine-year-old daughter named Kelly. Belle McLaren died in 1642 after being afflicted by a curse she had put on Elizabeth, paying the price she had done with her eldest daughter, so she fell ill and her health was weakened, her husband abandoned her at the same time that Belle died, leaving her daughters aside because she didn't want to be in a family with a majority of women.

Soon Diana, Sarah and Bethany were in Dublin, arriving near the McLaren family residence where the trio landed and encounters the whole family sitting outside in the sun and chatting among them, while their husbands had gone out to the bar to drink. On seeing the trio the three of them are in shock, especially Megan who gets up and starts crying with happiness, getting up from her chair and running towards Diana. Upon arriving at Cavendish, McLaren hugs her and then faces the Scot with a smile on her face as well as some tears running down the sides of her face.

- Tell me girl... Are you really Jack and Isabel's daughter? I don't believe it... Girl... You are beautiful, your mother must be very proud of you and how you came flying? You've overcome the curse too... Oh, there are so many questions...

Says Megan crying with emotion.

- My name is Diana Cavendish... And she was the one who helped me overcome the curse... You must be Aunt Megan? From what I can imagine your reaction.

Says Diana smiling at Megan.

- Auntie? Ah! Diana called me Auntie! I don't believe it! I never thought I would hear my niece who lives in Scotland say that? But how are your parents? I miss them... And I kind of never had time to come visit you... I don't even know where you live...

Says Megan rubbing her head while Diana got a little low.

- My mother... She... passed away... I was only nine years old...

Says Diana crying while Megan also started crying.

Diana and Megan hugged one more time, only crying, so Sarah was watching everything and was already getting emotional to see her girlfriend so sad to remember what happened to Cavendish's mother, while Pamela and Greta were a little shocked, but one smiled at the other.

- It's a good thing that that no-good Isabel died too; I never thought I would hear good news.

Greta whispers to Pamela.

- Careful, our sister may hear us, Meg still likes that dead one, oh, but at least we're freer than ever... Without Mom and Isabel, that's free ground for Megan to be in our hands.

Whispers Pamela to Greta.

After the hug Diana and Megan face each other and try to smile a little and from there Cavendish says she is sorry for Isabel's death. Sarah, on the other hand, faced Pamela and Greta a little suspicious of the two, even more so because of what they were whispering and about their reaction to the knowledge of Isabel's death.

After that hug between niece and aunt, Megan introduces Diana to her family, and Pamela and Greta didn't even answer Cavendish politely, so the Scottish woman introduces Sarah to her aunt who wanted to know who she was and why she had broken the blonde's curse. Until Diana tells that Campbell was about being her girlfriend.

- What? What do you mean? Has your love overcome the curse? But that's... I don't even know what to say...

Says Megan impressed.

- An outrage, it's not enough for Isabel to have a bastard... Now that bastard is a lesbian!

Says Greta.

Megan gets a little angry and starts to face Greta with a bit of anger that she was just shrugging off the whole situation, until Sarah raises her voice.

- I'm sorry about that Mrs. McLaren, but... Listen here! Just because your niece is the daughter of her sister who doesn't like it, that's no reason to be an asshole with her! What's too much about Diana being my girlfriend?

Says Sarah angry.

- Did you get angry? But it's true. I disgust that around here in Ireland witches are allowed to be lesbians... It should be forbidden!

Says Greta.

- This law was lowered by one of ours and if you don't know it, the McLaren were lesbians until the last century! So you will deny the whole family history for stupid conservatism that our late mother that you don't even respect! You're a hypocritical bitch, you Greta! You ruined Isabel's life, you almost ruined your niece's dream, what more do you want to harm the McLaren family?

Says Megan taking Greta's collar.

Greta just pushes Megan and leaves angry, calling Pamela to go with her, so Megan reintroduces the rest of the McLaren family residence to Diana and Sarah, along with Bethany who was following the three of them until they arrive at a part of the house where there was a room with a shelf full of bottles, so the older McLaren picks up and delivers to the Campbell Cavendish couple, who get a little confused.

- This one is the nectar of the elves, one of the relics of the nine witches... With this nectar you can become witches faster, this can be very useful, since I imagine that because you are a lesbian couple, you will need to win the Magic Battle Tournament, which I know has an interesting award there, which consists of the magic stone that can give a pregnancy to you, without having to give yourself to another man.

Says Megan.

- Oh thank you, I was just gathering all the relics of the nine witches for a ma...

Diana says until Greta takes the bottle from her hand.

- Megan! You are crazy! Giving one of the family's precious relics? Do you know how complicated it is to get each of these bottles? This girl is not worthy of these precious things!

Says Greta angry.

- If you want you have to deserve it!

Says Pamela.

- And to deserve this flask you must beat us.

Says Greta.

- Okay, I'll fight you two alone.

Says Sarah shrugging.

- No fighting here! We can only get right with dialogue! Diana more than deserves this bottle! She won the curse that our mother put on her and overcame all the difficulties. Don't you think that's deserving enough?

Says Megan trying to get the bottle back until Diana puts her hand on both hands.

- I'm going to fight, I want to see how powerful I am...

Says Diana.

- If it's the cursed daughter who will fight then let's solve this at once, me against my niece who miraculously showed magical powers.

Says Greta.

- I top! Let's work it out! If you don't consider me deserving, now you'll see that I'm even more deserving.

Says Diana determined.

The girls all go outside in the backyard of the McLaren family residence where she had a huge battlefield, Diana wears a spell that on a snap of fingers was dressed with the scarlet tunic she wore during training with Farnese. Greta is amazed to see Cavendish's robe and even starts laughing.

- A tunic? Do you fight in a robe?

Says Greta laughing.

- This is not a simple tunic, my magic power gets more limited and I also get five times heavier and also slower, so I won't go with everything right away against you.

Says Diana with her arms crossed.

- What a stupid idea, I don't believe that a witch like you will use something that only makes your power worse against a McLaren like me. We are the most powerful witches in Ireland and not to mention that I am much older than you, you brat.

Says Greta laughing.

Greta hits her staff on the ground and then casts a spell with everything in the direction of Diana that repels the spell using her hand. This same spell ends up bumping into a tree and generating a huge explosion.

- Nothing weak Greta McLaren.

Says Diana.

- You too Scottish.

Says Greta.

Greta starts to concentrate another spell and Diana soon does the same, as soon as they both finish concentrating, they cast at the same time, causing a collision that stays for a while, until it causes an explosion and generates a smoke. With this, the vision of who was watching became more complicated, but soon you can hear a huge wave of shock that were the punches and kicks exchanged between the two, until McLaren ends up leaving the area where there was smoke, being thrown everything backwards and crashing into a tree, already Diana just jumps back, appearing intact.

- (Shit! Her punches are heavy! I can't let myself get hit... At least by physical blows, she may be slower and "weaker", but she is also heavier and this weight I feel with the impact with five times more weight).

Greta comes out of that trunk and soon begins to cast some spells, while Diana continues to observe McLaren with all the tranquility of the world, as if she had no challenge at all in overcoming her.

- (How impressive... My power is very high... This training really paid off, but this Greta is not weak either, these McLaren family witches are impressive).

Greta soon cast a wave of several spells towards Diana, there were so many that it would be complicated for Cavendish to deviate, but with this she uses a magic force field spell, which makes McLaren continue to cast more and more until she gives in and the Scot has no way to defend herself.

- (Do you really think this will make me defenseless... its little power to make me give up my defense, so much so that I can concentrate and release another spell).

Diana, while defending herself, began to concentrate a spell against attacking Greta. Until after their concentration, Cavendish cast her spell with everything and the wave was so powerful that it covered all that McLaren cast at her, swallowing everything and hitting the Irish woman hard and with this she threw it back to the same tree and with this she ended up knocking down the tree and the redhead ended up colliding with another one that was behind.

- Damned!

Says Greta exploding with rage.

In this burst of rage, Greta begins to make an orange aura emanate around the body, little by little some images of animals begin to appear, appearing some rats that signaled that it was an impure McLaren with controversial intentions, different from the foxes that emanated in the fair McLaren. Then, in the burst of anger, the redhead flies all the way to Diana, but when she gets close to Cavendish, the Scottish girl disappears and reappears behind the Irish girl.

- (Perfect, she's on top of me, now just shoot my magic and she will die).

Diana is in shock when she notices the brightness increasing, until Greta launches with everything an energy that came out all over her back shooting with all intensity the beam of light caught in the Cavendish and stayed for a long time being shot, which caused amazement in everyone they were seeing.

- Greta! You will kill Diana! Stop it!

Says Megan.

- (This is the intention).

- Mom! We have reason to hate Isabel's daughter, but we are not murderers!

Says Janet.

Until after all that energy was fired, Diana reappears with her arms ripped from her tunic, and was injured by her limbs, besides some in other regions, so Greta turned around and the Cavendish was only a little injured, to the point of opening her eyes and then hitting McLaren who let her guard down.

- Diana is alive!

Says Megan relieved.

- And why wouldn't it be?

Says Diana.

Diana begins to hit Greta with a series of punches and kicks, ending with a spell that she casts with such intensity to the point of throwing McLaren against another tree, but in this trunk the redhead takes a bump with her back when she reaches the trunk and soon after is hit by a knee of Cavendish that makes her spit a little blood with so much force that the Scot applied.

- Diana is really strong.

Says Megan impressed.

- Our Diana is a fighter, she deserves to be where she is now, a witch like her, she still has a lot to shine, this is just the result of the training she did for a few weeks.

Says Sarah with her arms crossed.

- Your... Your... Damned... Scottish asshole...

Says Greta.

Diana takes her knee from Greta and McLaren pushes Cavendish back, she was already well wounded and tries to attack by casting another spell, but her staff ends up giving a "bite" and the redhead can't cast any spell, so she drops the staff and tries to hit the Scottish woman without magic, who only deviates and defends herself.

- Greta! Give it up! Diana has already won!

Says Megan.

- I will not give up! I'd rather die than defeat!

Says Greta trying to hit Diana.

- Can I?

Says Diana.

Megan only agrees with her head when she knew what it was all about, so Diana just diverts one punch from Greta, takes McLaren's other hand and with it uses a finishing spell that would shock the witch to the point of making her faint depending on the situation, as the Irish was already very weak, the shock was practically instantaneous. The Scottish woman was consecrated as the winner and the girls around her celebrated, except for Pamela, Helen and Janet who went to Greta to see if she hadn't died.

- You bastard!

Says Pamela staring at Diana with disgust.

- Will you want to catch Diana too? Now can I deliver what is rightfully Diana's? She is more than deserving of this bottle.

Says Megan.

- Oh fuck it, give me that shit, I just hope it doesn't bring ruin to the McLaren family.

Says Pamela.

- Don't mind your aunt's comments; they're still with the same mentality as my mother...

Says Megan.

Megan gives Diana the bottle with the Nectar of elves, which could be a relic that would increase the magical power in question of speed and agility of the witch, or for other uses, so much so that Diana's aunt decided to give three bottles, so that thus help the two girls, with the likely World Magic Battle Tournament that would happen the following year.

After visiting the maternal family, Diana feels relieved and somewhat disappointed to see how different that side of the family was, how greedy the witches were, how they didn't care a bit about their mother dying or their sister going from this to better, even more so that Cavendish had an invaluable admiration for Isabel and her entire history which she knew only from fragments.

The girls manage to get to Luna Nova at sunset and as soon as they arrive they are surprised in the red team room with Jill and Anna sleeping together naked under blankets on one side of the other, kind of Brabham was with some of her breasts showing her what Cavendish made a point of plugging up a little of the blanket.

See you, McLaren Witches...

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