I'm quirkless. So what?

By TheBrokenFiend

292K 7.8K 2.6K

10 months before UA, Izuku was in an accident. That costed to him to lose his memories. But what happens when... More

Origins : Accident
Origins : Amnesia
Origins : UA exams
Year 1: UA test
Year 1: Battle training
Year 1: Nomu
Year 1: Pre-tournament
Year 1: Ruthless Aggression
Year 1: Quirkless but fearsome
Year 1: Todoroki origins
Year 1: Internship
Year 1: Hero Killer
Year 1: Declaration of war
Year 1: Impossible team
Year 1: We meet again
Year 1: The secret
Year 1: Rage
Year 1: Rage part 2
Year 1: Hisashi Midoriya
Year 1: Date?
Year 1: Brutal Change
Year 1: The dark side
Year 1: Redemption
Year 1: Provisional license part 1
Year 1: Provisional license part 2
Year 1: Mirio vs class 1-A
Year 1: Astral X
Year 1: Overhaul
Year 1: Meeting at Nighteye's
Year 1 : Operation Eri
Year 1: Regret
Year 1: Target
Year 1: Traitor?
Year 1: The end of a Saga
Year 2: A new circle
Year 2: A new power
Year 2: Hisashi returns
Year 2: Obstacle race
Year 2: Tournament
Year 2: Tournament part 2
Year 2: The long awaited battle
Year 2: Truth revealed
Year 2: Energy origins
Year 2: Awakening
Year 2: Official debut
Year 2: Metal Bat
Year 2: 2-A vs 2-B
Year 2: Survivor Series
Year 2: Prison Break
Year 2: Cyber Izuku
Year 2: UA Invasion
Year 2: All Might vs All for one
Year 2: The war begins
Year 3: One year later
Year 3: What really happened?
Year 3: Back to action
Year 3: The reunion
Year 3: Izuku's first mission
Year 3: One against all
Year 3: Recovery
Year 3: The ultimate weapon
Year 3: UA Battle
Year 3: Consequenses
Year 3: The final mission
Year 3: The Game starts
Year 3: A psycopath
Year 3: The final battle
Epilogue: The future

Year 1: USJ

9.8K 254 47
By TheBrokenFiend

It's been one week since the first battle training.

Izuku was the loner type of a student. Almost no one could endure his attitude. Only Uraraka and Iida would talk to him once in a while but Izuku wouldn't help that much in any conversation.

Today it was the day the were going to USJ for rescue training.

As they were in the bus Izuku tried to find the furthest seat from the students but sadly he failed. He decided to read a book on the way to USJ. The students started to discuss about many things but the main topic was about how useful was everyone's quirk and how cool heroes everyone would become.

" You wanna talk about strong? That would be Todoroki and Bakugo " Kirishima said as they were discussing.

" But Bakugo's unhinged. He will not be popular." Asui said.

" What the fuck did you say, frog-face?" Bakugo yelled.

" See." Asui said and the most of the class started to laugh.

Kirishima then talked again " Even with that personality he is strong. He is sure gonna be popular sooner or  later. Maybe he can become thee next Endeavor."

Todoroki didn't look happy at the comment and Izuku noticed that.

" Even if he becomes like Endeavor he will have many women." Mineta said.

" Pervert" Izuku slipped his tongue.

" Well, unlike some guys here, you will be  one who will not make it to the pro world." Mineta mocked.

Izuku closed his book and looked at Mineta " You better know your place shorty. Just an advice for you. Women don't like pervert heros." 

Some of the students even if they didn't like Izuku's attitude they had to agree.

" Huh, says the quirkless Deku." Bakugo said but Izuku didn't lose any time to talk back.

" That quirkless Deku managed to throw you down with ease. And if there wasn't any interference i would win, and you know it." he said.

" Are you looking for a fight useless Deku? " Bakugo yelled.

" Guys chill" Iida tried to lighten the atmosphere but he kinda failed.

Then Yaoyorozu speaked. " The fact that Bakugo was arrogant and he underestimated you, doesn't mean you are superior to him. Even for you who is quirkless, you are too cocky." 

" But we can't deny that he has great situation sense and  good fighting skills." Uraraka defended him as she remembered what Izuku has told her the first day at the tree Izuku was hitting. " I'm tired to be looked down just because i'm quirkless". These are the words she can't forget.

" It's fine Uraraka. Let the dogs bark. Tell me something Yaoyorozu. Do you really think Bakugo was underestimated me? Why not ask him?" Izuku asked.

The students looked at Bakugo but before he answers Aizawa informed the students that they arrived.

They approched the hero named thirteen. Then a dark purple portal opened.

" Oh, they have fake villains too." Kaminari said with excitement.

" Everyone stay back!!! Those are real villains." Aizawa warned them as he put his goggles.

Then a light blue haired man with a hand in his face appeared.

" We're helping." Izuku said.

" No. Stay here." Aizawa said as he charged to the villain army. To the students surprise Aizawa was winning.

" Don't let the students escape, Kurogiri." Shigaraki said.

Kurogiri appeared in front of the students. Bakugo charged and Kurogiri countered with an attacked that forced some of the students to teleport into the USJ rescue zones.

Izuku got teleported with Asui and Mineta in the water zone. They were in a ship and there were villains everywhere in the water. 

" So we are surrounded, huh?" Izuku said as he noticed the movements of the villains.

" What are we gonna do? We're gonna die!!!!" Mineta was yelling.

" Are really here to become a hero?" Asui wondered.

" It doesn't matter if i came to become a hero. We are still kids and these guys are real villains!! " Mineta yelled again. 

Izuku punched him. " Hey, snap out of it! We need a plan."

" And what can we do? The only useful here is Asui with her frog quirk. My spheres can only stick but in water they are useless. And you are quirkless." Mineta said.

" Actually, it's not a bad condition for us." Izuku said grinning.

Asui and Mineta were surprised.

" Asui, how many kilos can your tongue lift?" Izuku asked.

" Well i can say that it's enough to lift a human." Asui answered.

" Perfect. You shorty, time to make your quirk useful." Izuku said.

" What do you have on your mind?" Mineta asked.

" I will jump to the water and bring the villains near me. While i do that i want you to throw your spheres non stop around me. When they get close they will propably stick with them. When that happens Asui will lift me with her tongue and he will carry you as we will leave the water zone." Izuku explained.

" But what happens if they get you?" Mineta asked.

" If that happens i'm doomed. You're leaving me behind." Izuku said.

" You're crazy. You're looking for a suicide." Mineta shouted.

" Just trust me, shorty." Izuku said.

Izuku jumped to the water. Mineta was throwing the spheres non stop around Izuku. The villains gathered. They got sticked with Mineta's balls.

" Suckers." Izuku mocked as Asui lifted him with her tongue.

The three escaped the villain zone.

" I'm amazed. It actually worked." Asui complimented.

" But you could have died there. That was reckless from you Midoriya." Mineta said.

" High risk, high reward. That's how life is" Izuku answered.

" Now let's go help Aizawa" he continued.

They arrived at the central plaza and they saw a giant bird human and Shigaraki hold at Aizawa as he was beaten and badly injured.

" Fuck!" Izuku yelled.

" Oh, it seems some students escaped. Nomu, kill them"

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