Ducktales: Journey to Agartha...

By Lizard_Brainz

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Boyd couldn't be happier with his new family. But when a family vacation goes haywire, he comes to the realiz... More

Chapter 1: The Start of A Terrible Rom-Com
Chapter 2: The Rave
Chapter 3: Glomgold The Therapist
Chapter 4: Justice Jammies
Chapter 5: Fenton Gives A Lecture
Chapter 6: The Chaotic Cruise Begins
Chapter 7: Cringe and Murder Plans
Chapter 8: The Murder
Chapter 9: The Strip Club
Chapter 10: Puta
Chapter 11: The Proposal
Chapter 12: Gyro's Past
Chapter 13: Gang Shit and Murder
Chapter 14: Sailor Moon
Chapter 15: The Party
Chapter 16: Edible Goldfish
Chapter 17: Jimmy Buffett
Chapter 18: The Black Market Escape and Rom Com
Chapter 19: Glomgold's Mental Breakdown
Chapter 20: Well... That Was Anticlimactic
Chapter 21: Stranded
Chapter 22: Island "Paradise" (Part 1)
Chapter 23: Island "Paradise" (Part 2)
Chapter 24: Margaritaville Gossip
Chapter 25: The Rave 2.0
Chapter 26: Heidi The Hoe
Chapter 27: One Night Stand
Chapter 28: Working Things Out... Sort Of
Chapter 29: Everyone Gets Kidnapped... Again
Chapter 30: Goodbye Mark Beaks
Chapter 31: The End Of Heidi
Chapter 32: Farewell Tampa
Chapter 33: Floridian Gas Stations
Chapter 34: Gyro The Therapist
Chapter 35: The Most Filler Chapter To EVER Exist (Part 1)
Chapter 36: The Most Filler Chapter To EVER Exist (Part 2)
Chapter 37: Timeskips and T-Bag
Chapter 38: The Endangerment
Chapter 39: Boyd's Character Development
Chapter 40: C-Note Does Something For Once
Chapter 41: One-Legged Space
Chapter 42: The Red Wedding
Chapter 43: The Fuzz
Chapter 44: Takedown
Chapter 45: Home-Depot
Chapter 46: No Title
Chapter 47: Ellie Kinda Sucks
Chapter 48: Las Vegas
Chapter 49: Mark's Robo-Racism
Chapter 50: Some French Place
Chapter 51: KitKats
Chapter 52: Mr. C
Chapter 54: Back To Duckburg

Chapter 53: Launchpad Dies Again

49 3 0
By Lizard_Brainz

After Mark had his temper tantrum in his room, slept, and then had another temper tantrum, he finally decided that he needed the hard evidence that he really did lose his memories. He jumped on his bed and opened up Twitter and started to scroll through his profile. Swiping through hundreds of tweets that he had made in the past few days, hoping he could find something older that may help him.

This is Mark Beaks we're talking about so it took him a while but he finally found what he was looking for. There was a photo that he posted of him and Ellie together with the caption talking about their recent engagement. She was telling the truth.

He stared at the picture for a minute. They looked happy together. He kept looking at the date on the corner of the post and sure enough it was posted weeks ago.

He kept scrolling, looking for more proof.

There was another photo of him and Ellie together but this time there was a kid with them that looked just like Mark. He remembered Boyd from Doofus Drake's awful birthday party but that was about it. He kept scrolling. More Boyd pictures.

He stopped at this one photo taken in Florida. It was of him, Ellie and Boyd all wearing matching Hawaiian print shirts. He remembered this! He remembered that the photo was taken at the beach right before they left to get Boyd ice cream. It was a sunny day. He was complaining about the heat like a little bitch. Well, he didn't think he was a little bitch but whatever.

Mark started to remember Florida. He remembered Boyd and Ellie and how there was something to do with a falling out on his behalf. He traced those negative feelings back to the cruise. There were still lots of empty patches here and there but he was starting to remember the timeline. There were so many events that he lost: Agartha, Camp GodGold, his mother's house, Steelbeak, the cruise, Tampa, Savannah, Cincinnati, it was all coming back to him now.

With no one around, he didn't hold back his tears. All of the grief and memories that he lost all came flooding back in an instant. It was almost too much to handle. He went through so much in the past year.

The more he looked back, the more he remembered. He would get random flashbacks here and there from different adventures but he was able to pinpoint when exactly they happened. He kept scrolling through his photos. More photos with different backgrounds behind him. Each one sparked another memory. With his vision starting to blur from all the tears, he wiped them away with his sleeve so he could continue to look.

Mark sat on his bed for a solid hour, just scrolling through old photos and wiping away his tears. The entire hotel room was silent with the exception of Mark's occasional sniffling. When he felt like he'd seen enough he stuffed his phone in his pocket and got up from his bed. He flung open his hotel door and ran to find Ellie.

He stopped and practically slammed the palm of his hand on his forehead. It was fucking 3 AM. He didn't need to go running around like an idiot, she would just be down the hall in her own hotel room.

Mark literally just walked a few doors down, taking him less than fifteen seconds, and lightly knocked.

If she wasn't in her hotel room at this time he had no fucking idea where she would be. Maybe with Gyro and Gloria? Ew. Gyro. Yeah recalling all the adventures with him tagging along wasn't all that great. At least he wasn't in Agartha cuz, like, damn.

After a minute he knocked again, starting to get worried, but that didn't last long because the door unlocked and slowly opened after the third time he 'politely' pounded on the door.

It was obvious he had just woken her up from her shut down state because her hair was a mess and she looked a little dazed and out of it. Not that robots could get tired but she was still waking up, or 'powering on', however that weird shit worked.

She rubbed one of her eyes before looking up at him. "Hm?"

Mark smiled and immediately pulled her into a tight hug while also jumping up and down from excitement. "Ellie! I got my memories back! I remember everything!" He pulled away from the hug to kiss her forehead. "Ellie, oh my god I am so sorry I was such a dick to you these past few days, but I'm back now!" Mark spread his arms out to further his point. "Look, look, ask me any question and I'll answer it! Quiz me!" All of his built up energy was a lot for someone to take at 3 in the morning, robot or not.

It did indeed take Ellie a moment to process all of that. She eventually shook her head and brought him into another tight hug. "I do not need to quiz you, you idiot." She was practically sobbing already but she refused to let go of him. "I was so scared I was never going to get you back. I really believed I was going to lose you."

A random hotel guest walked out of his room with an ice bucket, he looked over at Ellie sobbing and slowly backed into his hotel room again. He was not going to accidentally interrupt whatever was going down in the hallway at 3 AM.

"I should apologize too. I was horrible to you. I- I lied to you about the 90 Day Fiancé because... because I was afraid you were going to leave otherwise. And I told myself I would not be mean to you because it was not your fault you lost all your memories but I started yelling at you anyway. I did not help the situation at all."

Mark rubbed her back while she continued to cry. He was too overjoyed with the fact that he got his memories back that he couldn't be upset over anything that Ellie was telling him. "Hey, It's alright! You did what you thought was right and it all worked out in the end! I got my memories back and now everything is great! If it wasn't 3 AM I would totes take you out to celebrate but I don't think anything is open." There probably was something open at 3 AM considering that it's Vegas but Mark wasn't about to open Yelp and find out at the moment. "But anyways, now that my memories are back we can go back to our normal, bougie, lives again! We're still married right? That hasn't changed?" He assumed that it hadn't changed but he was literally shot in the head two minutes after his wedding was officiated sooooo...

He could feel her nod, despite not being able to see her face. "Yes, we are still married." She smiled, but then she paused. "Mark... this is Las Vegas. Everything is open at three ante meridian." Now wasn't the time, but Ellie really had to point that out, even through sniffles. The statement was too stupid for her to not address.

She let him go and studied his face, lifting her hand up to stroke his cheek. Her eyes drifted to the scar on his forehead that was still healing. She frowned. She had refused to let herself look at it the past few days but it was still pretty awful looking. It was surprising that Mark hadn't thrown a fit over it, probably because he would get pity followers on Twitter.

Ellie moved her hand to trace her thumb over the scar on his forehead, he flinched and she removed her hand immediately, softening her eyes. "Why did you do that, Mark?" The answer was obvious but she needed to ask. "You should not have. You were so close to dying. What... what was I supposed to do without you?" She hugged him for a third time. "Your life is so fragile and you just threw it away without a second thought. How was I supposed to move on?" Her sobbing had ceased but she was still lightly crying. "I know everything worked out but it was not worth the risk, Mark. Do not do that ever again. Promise me you will not. I know you could have moved on if you needed to."

Mark laughed but he started to get tears in his eyes again from Ellie's words. She wasn't able to see him though. "There was no way I could have moved on from you, queen! You know that. And I promise to never do something like that again. We'll be home again so we won't have to worry about gangs or any other crazy shit. We'll chill at Waddle and throw random dance parties every day! Just you, me, and Boyd!"

Ellie's metaphorical heart sank and she scrunched up the back of Mark's shirt between her fingers. She didn't even get the opportunity o call him a hero or thank him for saving her like she had done in the hospital because there was another huge issue to tackle. She started trembling and Mark didn't get the chance to feel it because she let go of him immediately. Though, when she looked up at him he picked up on it. That and she was distressed.

"We... we should stop standing in the hallway." She opened the door back up and stepped out of the way for him to enter.

He frowned and his heart started to race. Either something just happened or not all of his memories were back. Both were terrible outcomes. He walked into Ellie's hotel room and closed the door behind him. "What's up?"

"Do you remember when I told you that Boyd hated me? How he called me a terrible mother? Back in Savannah." She continued to sniffle, but her cries weren't as relieved as they were previously when she was hugging him.

He nodded. "Yeah, I remember." He looked around the room and noticed that he wasn't there. Nor was any of his stuff. His first thought was that Boyd was staying with Gyro and Gloria but now he was having second thoughts.

Ellie sat down on her bed and looked away from him, wringing her hands together. "It makes sense if he hates us, Mark. We are not good people. I have said that before and I still stand by that." She said. "But, when he was rebuilt, when you were in your coma, I assumed he was simply going to be living with Gyro and Gloria." That statement was followed by a pause and a shake of her head. "He... he hates us all, Mark. As soon as he woke up he started yelling and screaming." She started to tremble more, as well as her voice. "He called all of us murderers. He believes we are all villains. Even Gyro. So he ran away."

Mark wasn't able to respond because she kept talking, quickly, so she could get spitting everything out over with.

"We searched all of Cincinnati for days but he was nowhere. None of us have any idea where he went but we can only hope he is back in Duckburg. We do not even know if he is safe. Something could have happened to him!" She started freaking out. "And- and if we do find him, I do not know how we will be able to convince him to stay with Gyro. Maybe the McDuck family will take him in but..."

She hugged herself.

"But he despises me. I failed. I should have never tried to be a mother to begin with. I am not capable of doing such a feat, but I did anyway and I messed everything up. I know it was me who triggered him to run away. I was the one who set him off. Whether he hates the rest of you or not, I could have prevented this if I just..." Ellie didn't know what she was trying to say anymore so she stopped there.

Mark sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder while he stared at the floor. He was at a loss for words. On top of all of his memories coming back to him, now the news about Boyd was added on top of that. "I'm sure Boyd is fine. He's a smart kid." He sighed. "I hope he's in Duckburg too. I wouldn't know where else he would run off to. We'll look for him and I can even do this lost child post on my accounts so more people know to look for him." Mark assumed that none of what he was saying was really any help but he had to try at the very least.

She nodded her head again, though still having many doubts. But it wasn't the time to worry Mark more than needed. Ellie said what she needed to say.

She looked at him. "Will you stay with me tonight?"

Mark looked back and smiled, still keeping his arm around her. "Yeah, of course."

There was another pause because there are a lot of those in this fanfiction. We gotta keep it consistent.

"Before I forget. Remember our cockroach son, Kyle, at Camp GodGold? Well, turns out he can talk now and owns a prostitute business among a heavy amount of others. He was making his way across the United States of America to seek vengeance on us but Gloria squished him."



Gyro was pacing back and forth in the room. He had searched the hotel, local bars, casinos, and there was nothing. Gloria wasn't responding to any of his texts or calls. There was no way in hell he was going to get sleep.

He had returned to the hotel room to check if she was back yet and when she wasn't, he had decided to research places he thought she may have gone to. Which was a lot, because this was Las Vegas.

But, it was also concerning because she hated this place. Why she would be out so long was a mystery. Something must've happened to her. Gyro knew it.

He was getting ready to leave again when there was a light knock on the door. Holy shit. He nearly tripped over his own clown feet before swinging the door open, heaving from only running across a very small room.

It was Mia.

His face fell flat before he scowled at her. "Where is Gloria?"

She took a step back. The sudden aggression from Gyro was not what she was expecting. He seemed mighty tame during their last encounter. But it was also their first encounter so perhaps she was wrong.

"U-um... I just wanted to know... if Gloria was here."

The way Mia spaced out her words and stumbled over them only irritated him more, even if she couldn't help it. Gyro was just being a biased bitch.

"Well, she isn't! So fuck off!"

She stood there for a second, touching her fingers together in a weird rhythm as she bit her bottom lip. "May I speak with you... for a moment?" Mia wasn't going to admit it outloud, but she also came to the room to speak with Gyro as well. Not just with Gloria.

"No." He was about to close the door when she bolted her foot between the door and the wall. With the skanky boots she had on, it didn't affect her. He scowled even more. "WHAT do you think you're doing?! I said NO!"

"Please... just let me say what I need to say and... I'll leave you alone." She continued "I... wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't important..."

He scoffed, followed by a roll of the eyes. "Fine. But stop your fucking mumbling and spit it out quickly." He opened the door just wide enough for her to squeeze in before slamming it behind. He knew he shouldn't be being so bitchy to her, especially after what she had been through and the fact she was a friend of Gloria's, but when Gloria was 'missing' he wasn't in the brightest mood. "Hurry up because I don't want to be in the same room as a whore for long."

That last statement really surprised Mia. She really didn't think he would be so rude to her and it made her wonder what Gloria saw in him to begin with. She swallowed, trying to prepare her speech without it coming off as "mumbling". She squeezed her hands together. "You and I haven't really met... so I'm not sure what your thoughts on me are but... I just want you to know that you shouldn't worry about me and Gloria. I'm not in love with her anymore... we both have just changed so much as people. And... I do plan on leaving with everyone to go back to Duckburg... but as soon as I'm there I will be doing my own thing. I'll be out of your hair." She wanted to make it clear that Gyro would never have to see her again after Vegas just in case he was ready to throw another insult her way. "Gloria loves you... and I hope you didn't view me as someone who would interfere with that. I'm sorry if that was the case and... I hope you're not mad at her. She has done nothing wrong."

To be honest, everything Mia said made Gyro feel guilty. As it should have.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Alright, um..." He didn't know what he wanted to say but he couldn't just leave her hanging and then kick her out. "Thanks. I needed to hear that. I was just really paranoid after everything Gloria and I have been through so..." He trailed off for a moment. "I shouldn't have blamed it on you or have doubted Gloria. Um... yeah. I believe you so..."

Gyro planned on ending the conversation there but he needed to add something else.

"I'm sorry for calling you a... whore. You aren't. If Gloria heard that she would beat me the hell up." He let out a light laugh. "I just have an anger issue... that's not an excuse but, ya know. You... can hang with Gloria any time you want back in Duckburg. I doubt you'll want to be around me but I won't be some possessive creep, okay?"

Mia relaxed a bit now that Gyro had calmed down and gave a weak smile. "Okay, thank you... Also thank you again for... letting me tag along on your flight back to Duckburg..." Mia wasn't sure if Gyro had any part in helping her get to Duckburg but she wasn't about to ask. "Um... so I guess Gloria isn't here... Do you know where she-"

"Gyro! You gotta try these new slushies that they're selling across the street! This shit's amazing!" Gloria just came through the door with a slushie in hand. It was something that she bought herself after killing Kyle. When she looked up and saw that both Gyro and Mia were there she stopped at the door with it closing behind her. "Oh, hey Mia! Didn't realize you would be here, too. What's up?"

Gyro practically shit himself before running up and bringing her into a hug. "Where were you?! God, I was looking everywhere! I thought something happened!"

He sounded pretty scared which surprised Gloria. He usually didn't show any emotions but sass and PTSD side effects.

Gloria hugged him back. She did feel pretty guilty about not texting him to let him know where she was. Especially after everything that they had just gone through, it wasn't the smartest move. She didn't want Gyro finding out about Mr. C until after he was killed, just in case he tried to stop her or get involved himself. Gloria didn't want him to go through something traumatic again. Poor Gyro has gone through too much, she wanted to spare him the trouble. However he was bound to know sooner or later. "Just had a girl's night with Ellie." She let go of Gyro to look at Mia. "Girl's night meaning that Ellie and I took care of Mr. C for you. I also made sure that Richard would erase your records. So you're all set to leave!"

Gyro had no clue about anything Gloria was talking about.

Mia smiled and gave Gloria a quick hug as well. "Thank you so much, Gloria!...And please... give my thanks to Ellie as well."

Gloria turned her attention back to Gyro and set her slushie down on the desk before crossing her arms. She was prepared for the freak out he was about to have.

"Ummmm..." Ummmm might as well have been Gyro's catchphrase tonight. "What is Mia talking about, Gloria? What 'girl's night'? Who's Mr. C?" A bad feeling dug down into his gut. He had a feeling he knew what went down and he was afraid to hear it.

"Mr. C was the guy who was in charge of Mia to put it simply. He wouldn't let her leave so I killed him. Ellie helped me out, too." Gloria shrugged nonchalantly. Looking back on it, the entire showdown with Mr. C was pretty comical.

Gyro's jaw dropped. "You- you killed a man?" He whispered. "After knowing that was the reason Boyd left?"

Gyro wasn't allowing himself to let Gloria know he was angry, he had flipped out on her enough in the past, but she probably knew he was holding it in underneath his hushed voice.

Gloria felt guilty once Gyro brought up Boyd. "Well- yeah. I did. But you gotta understand, Mr. C was a-"

Mia cut her off before she could explain to the both of them that Mr. C was just Kyle, Ellie's old cockroach son. "Mr. C... was a very dangerous person. He... ruled over more people and businesses than you might think. It's a good thing that he's dead..." She wanted to back Gloria up. The only time Mia had known Gyro was when he was yelling at her and she didn't want him to do the same for Gloria. Especially since she told Gloria to kill Mr. C.

Gyro gave Mia a confused look, taking all of his attention off of Gloria. "...You were involved in this?"

Mia nodded "Yes... I was the one who asked Gloria if she... would kill him... for me."

"YOU ASKED HER TO KILL SOMEONE FOR YOU?! YOU DRAGGED GLORIA INTO YOUR CRIMES?!" He started pacing around the room again, trying to calm himself down, but obviously it wasn't working very well.

Homie needed to see that therapist Donald went to or some shit.

Mia took a step back. She tensed up again and started to stutter over her words. "W-well i-it... was the only way... I-I could leave..."

It was Gloria's turn to back Mia up now. Her voice was stern. "Gyro, don't yell at her. I am capable of making my own decisions. Besides, Mr. C was only-"

Gyro lowered his voice again, trying to get some control back. "I know, I know. But you could've sent the killer robot to do it instead of yourself. Boyd's never going to forgive Ellie, but you have a chance! Or had!" He started tugging at his hair. "You've done enough killing to affect your mental state, Gloria. The things you've gone through already give you nightmares. Ellie's memories can just be erased but yours can't. That murder is just going to be added on top of all of your other trauma. Ms. Kris can only help so much, especially since we can't mention everything illegal we did. And continuously killing will only make it a habit! I- I don't want you to actually become a villain! You're a good person!"

Gloria held up her hands to try to get him to stop. This was starting to become a big misunderstanding. "I know, Gyro. Believe me, I don't want any more trauma either... But Mr. C-"

Mia gave her a very shocked and sympathetic look. "Gloria?! Why didn't you tell me all of those things... I-if I had known... I wouldn't have asked you to do such a thing..."

"Mr. C was just Ky-"

Gyro held a hand up and turned to Mia again. "Okay okay. I really need to stop yelling at you because you didn't know, but we can talk about this later." He looked back at Gloria. "Listen, when we get back to Duckburg... maybe you and I should focus on getting help first before looking for Boyd. I'm sure Ellie wouldn't mind taking the first searching shift." That was saying a lot because Gyro really wanted to be the one to find Boyd.

Gyro was right. The two of them really should go back to therapy as soon as possible. While Gloria would've agreed to that verbally, she realized that the entire conversation was going in the opposite direction. "MR. C WAS A COCKROACH!" She snapped at them. She didn't want to raise her voice but she would've been talked over again if she didn't.

Mia and Gyro stared at her so she continued.

"Mr. C, he was just a cockroach. The same cockroach that Ellie kind of adopted back at the camp. Not sure how he rose to that kind of power. He gave an entire evil monolouge and everything but I squished him with my boot before he could finish." Gloria raised her foot up as a means of demonstration on how she killed him. "Ellie and I were in and out of there in 5 minutes and I had enough time to grab a slushie."

Mia remained confused considering she wasn't there during any of those events.

Gyro, on the other hand, knew exactly what Gloira was talking about... but also remained confused.

"...What? So, you're telling me, Kyle was Ellie's cockroach son she obsessed over and Camp GodGold and then he somehow rose to some sort of power?"

Gloria nodded "Yeah. That Kyle. Apparently he's been seeking revenge this whole time but who cares." She looked at both Gyro and Mia. "So are you two okay now?" Gloria's asking because they both had a pretty big freakout over nothing.

"Yeah..." Mia nodded. She felt a lot less guilty but that was sort of... wack. To think the boss that kept her chained down for so long was a fucking roach?

Gyro sighed. "Yeah. Okay. As weird as that is, I don't even care anymore." Their lives were just that insane. "I really need to go to be-"

Before Gyro could finish his sentence, there was a heavy knock at the door.

Shit. Now there was something else to worry about. He gestured for Gloria and Mia to stand behind him, like his twink body could prevent anything from happening.

He slowly unlocked the door, peeking his head out.

None other than, ya boi, Launchpad busted in. "PLANE!" He gave a large thumbs up and a clean, toothy smile.

Gyro was seconds away from getting injured. Luckily his skinny little body was able to avoid being smashed against the wall from the door by hopping out of the way. He scoffed at Launchpad and adjusted his glasses. "What are you talking about, Launchpad?!" He spat.

Launchpad pointed to the window that was across the room. "PLANE!"

"I guess the plane is ready?" Gloria questioned what Launchpad's one word response could be.

"Launchpad. Why are you talking with one word like an idiot?" Gyro crossed his arms. Launchpad was always an idiot but this was more so than usual.

Launchpad pointed to his throat "CHOKE!"


Mia looked at Gyro. "I-I think... he's choking?"

"CHOKE!" Launchpad was indeed choking. He fell flat on his back in the middle of the hotel room.

His face had long turned purple and the three just stared at him as writhed on the floor. Eventually he went limp and that cliche thing happened where his head fell to the side and his tongue lolled out. Along with his tongue fell out an avocado pit.

"Did- Did he just die again?!" Gloria had seen this man shot and burned at the stake and it was an avocado pit that killed him?!

Launchpad popped back to life, gave a thumbs up and said. "Yep! See you in Act 4!" Then proceeded to pop the avocado pit in his mouth to choke all over again.

When his face went purple, Gyro bent down to feel his pulse and nodded. "Yep. He's dead. Again." He stood up and started tapping his foot, all sassy like, while jotting out a hip. "Well, who's going to fly the plane now?!"

Glomgold crawled out from underneath Gloria and Gyro's bed. "OI! I'LL DO IT!"

Mia screamed and practically fell over. A man just died in front of her, not that that hasn't happened before, and now some sort of creature crawled out from underneath the bed?! What was going on?!

Gyro didn't even question why Glomgold was in their room or how he even got to Vegas. This was just the routine now. "...No. Just... no."

Gloria didn't want to trust Glomgold with flying the plane either, however he was the one to fly the plane when they were leaving Agartha. She shrugged. "Let him fly it. He's the one who flew us back from Agartha."

"WOT?! I DID?!"


"Oh... I see..."

Gyro started massaging his temples. "Fine. Like I said. I'm going to bed. I don't care Launchpad will start decaying, and I don't care if Glomgold starts crawling on the ceiling again. I'm done for the night." He slowly walked over to the bed and crawled under the bed sheets like a hermit. That man had been through enough.

Mia turned back to Gloria, keeping her distance from Glomgold. "U-um... are you sure he can... he can get us back safely?"

She shook her head "Not at all. But he's the only one who has flown a plane."

Mia gulped and was about to ask another question when Glomgold interrupted.

He cockroach crawled over to Launchpad's body and pointed to it. "Do yooh need him?!"

"What kind of a question is that?!"



Glomgold scratched his beard, took out a goldfish to eat (a live goldfish, not the cracker), and nodded to himself. "Oh... I see..." He didn't answer Gloria's question and instead propped open the door to drag Launchpad's body out, slamming it behind him. There were several Scottish grunts as he tried to pull the himbo out of the room. Launchpad was 5x times his size.

"W-who... who is he?"

"Don't worry about it."


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