The Girl Code (a 1D story)

By Babyberrybug

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When a girls day takes a turn for the interesting anything can happen especially when the 1D boys are involle... More

Chapter 1: Chicks Before Dicks
Chapter 2: A Best Friend Is One Who Shares The Same Enemy
Chapter 3: The Penalty For Exposing A Secret To An Unauthorized Party...
Chapter 4:If You Just Met A Guy And Know Nothing About Him...
Chapter 5:Every Girl Must Wait At Least A Day And A Half Before...
Chapter 6: Never Insult Your Friend But Never Let Your Friend Leave The House...
Chapter 7: Never Let A Boy Win If You Know You Know You Can
Chapter 8: No Girl May Have More Than One 'Love Of Her Life' At A Time...
Chapter 9: Always Leave A Man Wanting More But Dont Leave Him Guessing...
Chapter 10: A Girl Who Can SubStantically Claim That She Was Not Aware...
Chapter 11: Stop Being The 'Me Too!' Girl...
Chapter 12: All Girls Must Have A...
Chapter 13: Never Trust A Bitch With Your Texts
Chapter 14: When Out With The Ladies...
Chapter 15: When A Friend Is Drunk
Chapter 16: You Are Never In Any Case To Date...
Chapter 17: You Are To Never Diss A Friend's Boyfriend...
Chapter 18: It Is Perfectly Acceptable To Sing Into Your Hairbrush...
Chapter 19: You Will Always Have Your Best Mates 'Back'...
Chapter 20: It Is Your Womanly Right To Take....
Chapter 21: Females Are Always Obligated To...
Chapter 22: A Girl Is Allowed To...
Chapter 23: A Girl Has A Right To...
Chapter 24:Friends Are Obligated To Protect...
Chapter 25: It Is Perfectly Acceptable To...
Chapter 26: If You Change Boyfriends So Fast...
Chapter 28: "I Have A Boyfriend" Is...
Exceprt ffrom Sugarscape
Chapter 29: We Have To Go Through...
Chapter 30: When Said Evening is...
Chapter 31: Be a Responsible Friend...
Chapter 32: If Your Skirt Is...
Chapter 33: As Women We Are...
Chapter34: If A Friend Runs Off...
Chapter 35: When Complimented By A Friend...
Chapter 36: No Girll Shall...
Chapter 37: When A Friend Calls...
Chapter 38: Dont Ever Seek True Opinion From...
Chapter 39: If You Have...
Chapter 40: In A Fight Between...
Chapter 41: When Dating...
Chapter 42: Always Exfoliate Before...
Chapter 43: No Girl Shall...
Chapter 44: If A Girl Looks...
Chapter 45: It Is Perfectly Acceptable To...
Chapter 46: No Girl Shall...

Chapter 27: You Are Morally Obligated To..

884 14 1
By Babyberrybug


It was finally New Year’s Eve Izzy and I had spent the entire day with Talia getting our nails and hair done, for the big party the boys were throwing tonight. I hadn’t told Izzy about running into James and I had begged Talia not to tell Harry about it either. She agreed but only because I promised to tell him as New Year had passed.

I was sitting in front of the mirror in the bathroom, still in my sweatpants and tank top, playing with my nails when Izzy walked in wearing a dress that showed off her long legs. I wolf whistled at her as she strutted past me. “Izzy you look beyond amazing!”

“Thanks doll.” She looked over at me and gave me a confused look. “Please tell me that you’re not wearing that tonight?”

“I’m not. I just don’t feel like changing yet.”

She looked over at me and smiled. I gave her a weak smile back but then went back to picking at my nails. “Is everything ok?”

“Everything is great. I just better start getting ready the boys will be here in an hour.” I hopped off the counter and walked into the closet I had taken captive for our visit.

I flipped on the light switch on the wall and looked at all the clothes and shoes lying about. I sighed and walked to the back of the large closet where I had put my outfit for tonight. Yesterday I bought a pair of gold shorts and a grey tank top that I was going to wear with a black blazer and a pair of black ankle boots. I put the outfit on and walked back into the bathroom to do my makeup and retouch up my hair. My hair had been curled and was hanging loosely on my shoulders. Talia had told the hairdresser how to do my hair, and part of me thought she had it done like this to try and match Harry’s curls.

Izzy wasn’t in the bathroom anymore so I had to space all to myself so I pulled out my IPod and put it on shuffle. The first song to come on was ‘Plastic Cup Politics’ by Less Than Jake. I nodded my head to the music and smiled at my reflection. I started applying my makeup being extremely precise about each brush stroke like I was painting Monet’s ‘Water Lilies’. It took the greater half of an hour to do my makeup and finish getting dressed. When I finished, I walked back into the closet grabbed a purse and then walked out of the bedroom.

Before I even reached the living room I could hear the boys booming voices. I smiled lightly and picked up my pace to get to them quicker, I just had to see what all the fuss was about. I walked in to find the boys all sitting on the couch with drinks in their hands while Izzy and Talia were standing off in a corner talking lightly.

Louis was the first to notice me walk in and his jaw dropped. “Ella, you look wow.”

The rest of the boys looked over to me with the same kind of expression on their faces. “Thanks Louis. You don’t look too bad yourself.” I gave him a small wink but then continued walking over to a waiting Izzy and Talia. I gave Talia a small hug. “Are they always like this?”

“If they have an excuse to drink and party then yes, but you will get used to it.” I gave Izzy a wide eyed look. “Don’t worry if you survive tonight and tomorrow you will be fine.” She gave me a small smile then called over her shoulder, “Boy’s lets go we don’t want to be late!” Izzy and I watched the boys down their drinks and jump up. I gave Izzy a look and when Harry reached me he reeked of beer, already.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and smiled, “Whose ready to have some fun?!” Izzy and I both laughed and followed the boys out the door to the car.


I woke up the next morning lying next to a passed out Harry. My head was pounding and everything was spinning around me. The only feeling of pain that I was able to associate this with was getting a migraine. I would have thought it was a migraine too, only I couldn’t remember exactly what I had done the night before.

I carefully pulled myself out from underneath Harry’s arm, which was draped over my stomach. Slowly I started making my way to the kitchen for some coffee and possibly some aspirin. When I walked into the kitchen Talia was standing there drinking some tea reading a magazine. She looked up from her reading and smiled at me. “How’s the head?”

I held up my hand. “Please not so loud.”

She laughed lightly and walked over to a cabinet then pulled out a large white bottle. “Here take two of these and drink some coffee.” I did as she said and sat there sipping my coffee for a few minutes until I could feel the coffee and drugs starting to work.

“Do I even want to ask what happened last night?”


“On what?”


“Just tell me already!”

“Well you can deduce that you got really drunk last night and at about 3 am you and Izzy started screaming about going to get tattoos. I tried talking you out of it but you two didn’t want to listen. You kept mumbling on about only living once and seizing the day.”

I pulled down my sleeves and looked down at them. Written in plain black ink read, “I won’t change”, while on my left ring finger had a small cross on the inside. “Did I really get two tattoos?

“Two no sweetie you got three.”

“Then where the hell is the other one?” I looked at my other arm and couldn’t see anything.

“Ask Harry.”

“What do you mean ask Harry?”

“He was with you when you got it done!”

Izzy came stumbling into the kitchen holding her head in her hands. “I want to die I am in so much pain.” I passed her two pills while Talia went to make her a make her a cup of tea.

Izzy sat next to me and placed her head on the counter top.

“So Talia where did Izzy get her tattoo?”

“It’s on her back.”

“White ink? Izzy let me see.”

I grabbed hold of her top pulled it down and saw a small purple lotus flower laying in between her neck and shoulder blade.

“What else did we get into besides getting extremely drunk and getting tattoos?” Izzy piped up.

“Ask your boyfriends. When we got back, Liam and I went to bed.”

I hopped off the barstool and went in search of Harry. I just had to know what had happened last night!

(A/N) Seeing as yesterday was Louis's birthday and today is Christmas I have decided to give y'all this chapter so vote/comment/fan!!

I love you all!! And Happy Christmas!

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