spideypool dialogue prompts

By dittypedals

52.9K 1.2K 309

*⚠️COVER ART DONE BY "Eggcat_MCU" ON TWITTER⚠️* stuck in quarantine and bored as sheet *insert specific vine... More

"It's really not that complicated"
"What are you thinking about?"
"I've missed this."
"It's three in the morning."
"Close the door."
"Watch me."
"Watch me." Pt. 2
"I thought you were dead."
"Never trust a survior until you know what they did to stay alive." Pt. 1???
"Never trust a survivor until you know what they did to stay alive." Pt. 2
"Never trust a survior until you know what they did to stay alive." Pt. 3!!!
"Never trust a surivor until you know what they did to stay alive" Pt. 4
"Whoa! Pal, you have the wrong guy!"
"Don't mind me."
"Not now!"
"The Lab Partner."
"The Lab Partner". Pt. 2
"The Lab Partner." Pt. 3
"Sister Margeret's"
"Mission Afterlife."
"Mission Afterlife." Pt. 2
"Mission Afterlife." Pt. 3!!!!
"Lust." PT. 2
"Obsessive." PT.2
The beat up boy on the subway
the beat up boy on the subway PT. 2
should the subway oneshot have another part to it? Or just leave it at that?
the beat up boy on the subway PT. 3
the beat up boy on the subway PT. 4
the beat up boy on the subway PT. 5
"Teasing" PT. 2
"You are my new pillow."
"Homework buddy."
"Homework buddy." PT. 2
"Homework Buddy." Pt. 3
"Homework Buddy." Pt. 4
"Through the Window."
"That's a new one."
"Are you Real?"
"Touch Starved."
"Are you drunk?"
"Out past 12."
Personal Bodyguard. Pt. 1
Personal Bodyguard. Pt. 2
Personal Bodyguard. Pt. 3
Personal Bodyguard. Pt. 4
Making "Personal Bodyguard" a separate story
The Day Wade Wilson Showed Up
Im back😈
The Alpha With the Weird Scent
King's Request
Two years????? :o

"Obsessive." PT. 3

501 13 1
By dittypedals

A.N. I watched End Game with my parents... they weren't too happy about the ending of course🥺 SORRY ABOUT THE DELAY!!! My internet went out and I was meeting up with family, but enjoyyy!! Might just go back to a more free schedule because I thought this would be more neat🥲


Before Peter knew it, Wade had knocked on his door.

He got up and unlocked it. "Hey!"

Peter was immediately brought into Wade's warm body. He sighed and hugged back, digging his head into his shoulder.

"I missed you." Wade whispered.

Peter frowned, but kept his face hidden. "I know."

Wade pulled away, mumbling to himself. He sat down on the couch. He looked around. Most of his belongings were in boxes. Mostly pictures and dishes were only left.

Peter walked over and sat down. "Soooo, do we just pack up some stuff now. Or do you want to wait?"

Wade wrapped his arms around Peter and brought him onto his lap. "Mmwait for now."

Peter smiled, but it turned into a yawn.

"It looks like you have everything mostly boxed up." Wade announced, quite loudly.

Peter jumped a little. "Oh. Yeah, there's just some pictures left and some of my clothes." He slouched back down in Wade's lap.

"We should get it over with then."

"Fine." Peter whined, getting up. He got some boxes from the kitchen and sat them down. "You can box up the pictures. Very gently! I'll go box up my clothes."

Wade nodded. "What're we going to do after this? There's not much left."

Peter yelled from the other room. "I don't know!"

Wade smiled and carefully picked up a photo from the table.

Four people. Two women, two men. Probably family, Wade thought.


"Hey Pete!?" Wade yelled.


"Do you have bubble wrap?"

"Maybe!" Silence. "Probably not enough! Don't pop the bubbles either!"

Wade chuckled to himself. He searched the house and finally found some squares of bubble wrap.

He fought away his thoughts, trying to get him to pop the bubbles. Wade sighed. "I'm sorry little ones, no popping today."

He grabbed the squares and brought them to the picture, wrapping it carefully around.


"Baby boy?" Wade asked.

"Yes Wade?!" Peter sighed.

"What about tape?"

"What kind? Like-"

"Just clear tape!"

Silence. "In the kitchen drawer somewhere!"

And that's how it went for the rest of the hour. Silence and Wade asking questions by screaming for the whole building to hear.

Peter was nervous someone was going to yell at him, so he came to help Wade in the living room.

They chatted, mostly Wade.

Then came a photo that made Wade's blood boil. Peter and some dude hugging. The man was holding him very close and kissing his cheek.

But Wade could tell Peter was really happy in that photo.

Peter sensed Wade was angry and curious, but he stood out of the way. Not wanting him to get all obsessive and mad.

"Who is this, Petey?"

There was the question.

Peter smiled sadly. "Harry."

Wade knitted his eyebrows. "When was this?"

Peter thought. "Maybe high school? Be careful with it please. It's a good memory." He whispered the last parts.

Wade rolled his eyes, but kissed Peter's head in response. "Of course."

Harry was a complicated story. He and Peter had dated for while. Maybe up until senior year.

And then Harry just decided to throw himself off of a building.

Peter revealed his identity on the same night, just before Harry jumped.

The scene was so vivid. It made Peter's heart face and his stomach ache.

"Harry!" Peter screamed, webbing his way to the building.

Harry turned around, a look of confusion on his face. "Spider-Man? How do you know my name?"

Peter's breath picked up. "Because..." he thought.

"I guess it doesn't matter-"

"Wait!" Peter yelled. "It's Peter."

Harry's eyes widened. "Pete? But-but how?"

The spider removed his mask and smiled sadly. "I was going to tell you on your birthday."

Today was Harry's birthday.

Peter breathed in shakily. "I-I couldn't find you and-and i went looking."

Harry frowned. "I guess it's too late for that then."

"Don't say that!" Peter yelled. "Don't. Just don't. Please?"

Peter thought of a way to distract him.

"Did something happen? Why didn't you tell me?"

Harry paused. "You would understand if I told you. I'm facing my fear before it faces me. And I don't want to know what will happen." Silent tears slid down his face.

Harry took a step back.

Peter's world stopped there. The cars stopped honking. The sound of construction went silent. Everything was still.

It was Gwen all over again.

Peter bolted, as Harry fell backwards and disappeared over the edge.

Save him! Peter's mind screamed. SAVE HIM!

Peter jumped down after him without thinking, his mask was still on the rooftop somewhere.

Harry was staring right at him, smiling.

And Peter shot a web at Harry, but then suddenly something wrapped around Harry's whole body, blocking the web.

It was a suit....It was the green goblin? Harry was the green goblin?!

Although it was hard to tell it was him without the mask and the flying board. It was definitely the green goblin.


But before Peter could finish his sentence, Harry smacked against the concrete.

The sound almost made him throw up.

Peter wrapped a web on a street light and he landed hard. His legs screamed in pain.

Peter fell beside Harry. The blood was already spilling.

"Wait-wait-oh my god. Harry." Peter sobbed.

Peter hoped it wasn't someone tricking him, because Harry was still moving.

"Harry? Harry. HARRY!" Peter shook him. It made him cry even harder when he realized he just made it worse.

Harry's eyes were moving frantically.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't meant to-"

Harry's eyes caught Peter's. He opened his mouth, but the only thing that came out was a gargle of blood.

Peter held Harry close. Where was everyone?!

"Help. " Peter whispered. "SOMEONE HELP-"

"-Eter!" Wade yelled, shaking Peter lightly.

Peter hadn't recognized his own voice. The scream echoed through his head.

Wade crouched down to stare Peter in the eyes. "What's wrong?"

Peter shook his head. "Just thinking." He whispered.

Wade held Peter face as sat him down in the couch. "About what? You're all pale."

"I guess it wasn't really a good memory." Peter laughed. It didn't sound like one.

Wade scrunched his eye brows. He puzzled the pieces.

"Harry didn't hurt you, did he?"

Peter shook his head. "No he'd never do that."

Wade sighed, realizing. "Hey, hey, hey." He laid them down. "It's ok now isn't it? Aren't you happy?"

Peter nodded, snapping out of his trance. "Of course! I just-thought."

"It's ok. It happens to me too." Wade laid Peter on top of him and kissed his head.

"Let's take a break from the boxing."

Peter nodded silently. He didn't feel sad anymore, but he didn't feel happy. He shouldn't be happy.

He could've saved Harry. And Gwen. And Ben.

"Let's take a bath, huh?" Wade suggested, sitting up.

He wasn't very good at comforting. His brain was all damaged from the boxes constantly screaming and insulting him.

Peter nodded again. He didn't want to, but he didn't know what else to do.

"Ok, bath time it is." Wade cooed, picking Peter up.

Peter stared out his window. He thought of the windows Harry flew by. Maybe a family with a little daughter. She'd point and ask 'mommy what's that?'

But the mom didn't see anything. 'I don't see anything honey. Eat your peas!'

The roaring water brought Peter back to Earth.

Wade reached for Peter's shirt.

"Don't worry. You can always change your mind. I won't be mad."

"You won't?" Peter asked.

"Of course I won't?"

Peter smiled. Another worthless smile. "I'm sorry. You've just been acting weird lately."

Wade let go of Peter's shirt. "I have? Like a normal weird, or like concerning weird?"

"Concerning." Peter whispered, reaching for his shirt. He felt the water. It was a little hot.

"Wait, tell me Peter!" Wade grabbed his arm.

Peter scrunched his eyebrows. "I don't want you to misunderstand." He whispered.

Remember what Steve said.

No! The other voice thought. We can't yell at Wade!

"You've been a little clingy I guess."

Wade sighed.

Peter reached for his pants, slipping them off alongside his boxers.

He climbed in and brought his knees to his chest. "I don't really remember anymore. I'm just tired I guess."

Wade froze. "Oh my god I have. Petey I'm so sorry!" He kneeled to Peter's level. "I usually have box outbreaks. Where they take over my mind sometimes. I didn't notice. I'm so sorry!"

"That makes sense." Peter yawned. "It's all over now anyway. I'm not mad."

"You should be. I-I threatened you for fucks sake!"

"Wade!" Peter yelled. "Just get in the tub! Where's the bubble bath?" He pouted.

Wade thought and thought. Maybe he'd talk about it later. No. Peter is stubborn. If it's over it's over.

He was kind of happy he wasn't mad. He didn't want to fight.

So he just stripped and climbed behind Peter, rubbing his hips.

He thought about apologizing, but Peter would just get more crankier. Wade rested his head on Peter's shoulder.

"I could make it up to you?"

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