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Jimin's POV:

The two are playing around with the bike when a little girl came out of the house in front of ours. "Yeonjoo?", she called out and my son took a sharp brake.

"Kiya!", Yeonjoo called out. He jumped out of his bike and ran towards the little girl. They high fived each other and the little girl bowed towards us.

"That's my Dad and that's my mom.", Yeonjoo introduced us as I waved at the girl on pigtails. She must've been the kid that our neighbors were talking about.

The girl also got her own bike and joined Yeonjoo with learning his. Jungkook sat beside me and we just watched as other kids aslo joined them.

This day gives me contentment. "Should we talk about which family car to get?", Jungkook suddenly asked. "We should budget expenses first. I'm going to teach dancing again when Yeonjoo starts school.", I said to him.

"Yes, and I'm going to have regular photoshoot scheduled from next week as well.", Jungkook said. "We're going to get busy.", I added.

"My salary goes to water and electric bill until I the month that I will start my maternal leave.", I told him and he was nodding. "When is that?", he asked.

"In my fifth month of pregnancy, so around the end of August.", I told him. "Your scheduled check up is on Saturday.", he reminded and I was also nodding.

"I think that my salary can suffice all our needs and have extra for savings.", Jungkook murmured. He was right, his job pays very well.

"I know that, but we're now saving for infant needs and expenses.", I reminded him. We vowed to not get help from Jungkook's millions. We are trying to live off of how we can without those.

I held Jungkook's hand and looked at him. "Stop worrying to much, I can feel your slight anxiety.", I told him and he sighed. He pecked my lips and nodded.

"I just want what's best for this family.", he reasoned. "I relate to that. You don't have to carry everything on your shoulders. We should be carrying that together.", I told him.

"Thank you, hyung. I love you so much.", he said. "I love you too.. oh, the baby is happy.", I said as the little thing was swimming inside me tummy.

I will need to figure out what to do during maternal leave. I could still dance inside home, but not too much. Aside from the online promotion, I still have to look out for Yeonjoo.

He's a growing boy and a very smart and curious one. It is up to me to prevent him from learning bad vices and keep him away from bad environment.


We had to prepare for dinner soon so I got up. "I'm craving for spaghetti again.", I told Jungkook with a pout. "I am too.", he told me with a grin.

Before going in, we reminded Yeonjoo to check on the time and park his bike at the garage. He still have an hour and a half to enjoy with his new friends.

Jungkook was going to do the cooking while I help. "Mommy? Jina is here.", Yeonjoo called out. I looked at the hallway and saw the two with Kiya as well.

"Does your parents know that you're here?", I asked them. "Yes-","No-", the two girls said simultaneously. Sadly, it was Jina who said no.

"I'm going to call Jin hyung, stay for dinner. We're cooking spaghetti.", I told them. I got my phone and called Jin hyung that Jungkook will bring Jina home after dinner.

Tonight is the very first time we're using the dining table after the first day we moved in here. We had three alphas, one beta and me as an omega with an addition inside.

Always been you, and you only || Jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now